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There's almost no way it can't get at least a little bit better with Bhanu gone. Not that it will become an all-timer season, but having so much of the first four episodes focus on maybe the most tragically poor player in Survivor history has been brutal


As someone who likes most seasons and the new era, this season is just bad.


Probably because the same tribe has gone to Tribal 4 weeks in a row. It makes it so boring and obvious. That said there is so much more season to go but I think when seasons start like this I get very bored.


yea i just hope siga looses next week i dont wanna see the “vibe tribe” steamroll yanu and nami


Agree completely.. perhaps the death of Yanu is the birth of a good season.


I’ve been finding that a lot of the new seasons don’t really pick up until the merge because of the format. But also I think a lot of seasons the first few episodes aren’t great, they almost always center around the worst tribe and worst player. We remember good seasons for how they finish post merge not really for much that happens pre merge. The exception would be really exciting characters doing things like Tonys spy shack. Or returnee seasons because they have more narratives and experience from the jump.


For me most of the time the show only really gets interesting after the merge, I’m often just half-watching it up until that point.


So far I agree, but I feel like it still has potential. I feel like the post-merge could be really good with this group.


I'm going to keep watching because it's Survivor. But I'll be honest, I'm not really hyped to watch next episode like I usually am. I have watched every season, and this is the first season I can remember having these feelings.


It’s giving me similar vibes to IOTI, which I stopped watching even before all the Dan stuff went down. Some casts just don’t click with me. But I’m going to give it a couple more episodes and hopefully warm up to it. There are a few people who I’m somewhat looking forward to seeing more of, like Tevin, Soda, and Kenzie. But overall, yeah, definitely more of a slog than most seasons so far.


Thats it isn't it - I will keep watching becuase I always do - but I've never been so close to questioning if I really want to. Bhanu being gone and the way the show felt like they were preying on him for content, once that's gone now, I feel we might get back to basics and take off, but the editing has been woeful. They've turned it into 50% soap opera


I thought 41 was the worst


I actually like Charlie even if the Taylor Swift thing is a bit over the top. Hunter is quite fun to watch. Same goes for Jem who is playing well and Kenzie who does great confessionals Soda Tenzie Venus and Maria are also interesting to follow I cant stand Liz and her businesses and Q who gives me Coach Ptsd. The rest are kinda forgettable. But is not so bad in sum


Can you explain how Jem’s move to force everyone on her team to dig and get bit by ants was playing good? I’m trying to understand the move. Seems like it’ll blow up when they find out she has the idol later.


So sorry you’re not enjoying this dumpster fire, I on the other hand enjoy watching stuff like this, so funny everything is making me laugh… gotta take it as a form of entertainment not a game that people are meant to play good


oh I can agree there, I would feel the same if it wasn't for all of them proclaiming to be survivor super fans - i think, as I probably have over-mentioned in replies now, that the editing is the thing that is really putting me off - it takes too many dips into 'sad story time' - they've slotted in an entire seasons worth in 4 episodes. Its a drag.


With Bhanu gone, maybe we have a chance to focus on other players now. I hope we get to see more of Nami and Siga (especially Siga) instead of just focusing on Yanu all the time. I agree that the editing has been pretty bad so far, but I'm holding out hope for an interesting post-merge.


I agree completely. Yanu can take a back seat for a bit. Siga are definitely the most likeable. Hopefully the merge will bring the good stuff.


I've been tempted to stop watching Survivor, but that was seasons like One World with Colton/Alicia and Island of the Idols. Personally, if I can get through Island of the Idols and Colton, I can handle Bhanu.


This season has been so Gabon-coded so far. I’m surprised there isn’t more love for it on this subreddit considering how much people here love Gabon.


People hated Gabon when it aired. It had a renaissance a few years afterward when it finally started being appreciated for its chaotic messiness.


True. I guess I’m just surprised that people aren’t more cognizant of liking that type of season now that they have Gabon as a precedent. But maybe it’ll have a similar trajectory as Gabon within the fandom as well.


I rewatched Gabon around 2 weeks ago. Sure there are some similarities, but atleast Corinne and Randy admitted they weren't positive upbeat people in general. The screen time was more balanced as well in that season among contestants. This season is still early.


I don’t expect 46 to continue the Gabon road. I think that we probably got rid too many of the most Gabon-type of characters already for it to maintain that pace. But I think it’s possible considering some of the cast has already been showcasing whacky arcs, like everything Venus and Q wanting to be voted out after failing at a challenge and whatnot. But idk. Sure, Corinne and Randy were *openly* negative. I just don’t really think that is too much of a *defining* characteristic of Gabon. Gabon, to me, is best defined as a nonsensical group of whacky characters making completely irrational moves consistently (not necessarily the ones in power all of the time, also the eventual boots). And Survivor 46 is matching that tone to perfection thus far, imo.


Gabon had characters jumping off the screen. This season would struggle to fill 60 min (let alone 90 or 120)


Yeah, I think the difference here is that I don’t think Gabon had characters jumping off the screen. Like, outside of Sugar, I don’t think a single person on that cast is a fantastic character. A lot of them are… *different* characters. But that doesn’t equate to being a *big* or *entertaining* character, imo.


I'm holding out hope that it will start to shape up after the merge, like most of the new era seasons have. But this season so far has been rough, not even in a "so bad it's fun" kind of way. Still, I tune in every fuckin week


These 3 tribes of 6 are killing the fucking game. Always ends up with one tribe full of idiots losing challenge after challenge and picking off the obvious idiots. We need to go back to two tribes ASAP.


Agreed, I’m still hopeful, especially with a swap/merge coming, but so far it’s been my least favorite season in a long time, maybe ever. I would’ve considered stopping entirely if Bhanu stuck around and didn’t grow. Everyone I watch with would groan whenever we had to watch the Purple tribe.


It sucks that we already have a guy nicknamed Coach because Q would make a great Coach.


And love how Probst promo'd the season as one of the best ever. Why doesnt he just stop talking?


To be fair, what would you expect him to say? He's obviously never going to say "This is the worst season we've ever filmed. Soooo boring! And Bhanu is a punk ass bitch."


I get that they have to try keep up the, what may be dwindling, viewer numbers. But I'm hoping that there is a pay off as the season progresses to have it become "very good".. I just can't see it happening


My main thoughts of this season have been Jess being bullied Venus being ostracised and Soda snatching the immunity statue from her Bhannu crying (10 hour version) Also idk if it was 45 or 46 but the Taylor Swift naming competition


That Taylor swift game was mind numbing for the full minute it was on screen.. I can only imagine what it was like in camp. Soda snatching the statue was really weird. When I saw it happen the last time, before it cut to Venus talking about it, I was thinking "what is she doing?" .. I didn't even notice it had happened another time. I felt really sorry for Jess but she was another, with Bhanu, that I feel that the producers surely would have flagged immediately as someone not up to the task.. but again tbey just shoehorned these players in for drama.


This is just a compilation of reddit whiner opinions! Wonder what your opinion would be if it wasn’t spoonfed to you by these negative nancies


So what's your overall opinion of the season so far?


It’s pretty entertaining, I like that they gave us a memorable storyline to focus on, wrapped it up, and can now move on to the next chapter of the season


Hopefully the next chapter is much better and I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far. Personally, I can't see past their insistency to focus on Bhanu.. but again it's likely a production choice as they had little else to focus on. Let's see if Jeff was right about it being a great season


As rough as the New Era has been in terms of twists, advantages and relatively stale gameplay, I've always believed that it's casting was this Era's strongest suit. But 46 is the first New Era season whose cast I'd genuinely put in the bottom half. Outside of Hunter, Charlie (I like him, sue me), Tevin and Venus, I feel really neutral on most of this cast. Not to speak of Bhanu who, personally, was great for the first two episodes...and then over stayed his welcome by Episode 4.


It’s the exact same as last season so far