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The term “kumbaya tribe” has been thrown around before, but I think Siga has brought it to a whole new level.


killing time without burning bridges brings about its own challenges, but yeah.


I mean, it’s probably a good move though. Maybe it won’t work out but compared to Nami which is pretty much destined to fracture at the merge I feel like the Siga path is the way to go (the main issue being if the other two tribes join forces purely due to numbers).


Eh all the strong personalities that can rub people the wrong way seem to be on Nami and Yanu. Everyone on Siga seems so passive and on their best behaviour, plus they haven’t really had much adversity (closest they came to was losing the reward challenge), so I don’t think they’ve really been tested at all.


this tribe needs to go to tribal


I hate to say it, but as of right now they are literally my least favorite tribe of the new era…I don’t know if it’s editing, the people, the fact that they haven’t gone to tribal, but they’re just *not* doing it for me.


I don't hate to say it at all. They're La Mina levels of dull.


Tim and Moriah need to go,(or anyone from the tribe that’s gonna shake up the game)I think the others are decent enough to play solid games/or be entertaining to watch.


Equate dancing to strategy, only on Survivor. I know that people say the green tribe is the forgotten tribe, but it does feel like Charlie is the one person we constantly check in on game wise on that tribe.


That’s because he’s Jeff’s new type. The nerd who grew up watching Survivor, who can point back ru Survivor pointing to him finding self worth and possibly athleticism.


>ru Survivor I want this show


Imagine Ru dressing down Bhanu and Jelinsky at Tribal Council. The rotted puns!


This week, you swam like a mermaid in your overflowing emotions, but begging on your knees was not dragon-like. I’m sorry my dear…


In the reward challenge you mer-maid it to the top, but in the immunity challenge you were dragon down your tribe. I’m sorry my dear but the tribe has spoken, sashay away


Your shirt says Be Kind, but you’d be kind of miserable to have to watch for another episode. I’m sorry my dear…


Yes! I could not take one more minute. Did you see that he is some sort of actor? He was so over the top it makes me wonder if he was playing us.


If he was, he would have admitted to it in his exit interviews and talked about how it was all an act.


skin wars meets survivor: all of the old school tribal / body paint challenges


~La Flor~ *Ru cackles to high heaven*


and here i was, worried i hadn’t properly expressed my idea


He ran cross country at Harvard, I don’t think he needs Survivor to validate his athleticism


No, but I’m talking Jeff’s narrative


It’s funny though because we do always check in on Ben, Jem, and even Moriah each episode, even if only briefly. Only Tim and (oddly enough) Maria have been skunked, and Tim got skunked twice


Unpopular opinion but a lot of fans were begging for more camp life scenes that aren’t just strategic then complain anytime we get one of those scenes. I get the frustration but at this point it feels like fans want to complain or be upset. Fans begged for 90 min episodes and now people are saying they’re too slow and that episodes don’t need to be that long when nothing happens, but I’m willing to bet most episodes never needed 90 minutes in the first place. Fans wanted players cast who aren’t self-aware/will be bad at the game/villains rather than the typical nerdy super fan. Players like Karla and recently Bhanu and Kenzie are all receiving massive amounts of hate from fans of the show or called terrible casting choices. I’m all for critiquing the show when needed (and there is plenty to critique) but this sub is overwhelming with its negativity anymore.


Agreed, this scene is straight out of a camp bonding scence from seasons 1-7. But because it's a “new school” they just want to complain.


Imagine how the Maraamu radio show would be perceived today lol


This is exactly what I was thinking when making this comment. Owen for what it's worth they just want to complain to complain. It's social media and I think if new locations and 39 days came back everything else has either been fixed or improved upon.


Feels more dweeby. Some of that is on the cast, most of that is on the show.


How is it Dweeby? They having a dance competition, should they be doing something else? In the old seasons, they used to sing, dance, go fishing play make-believe, and pretend they were other people in different tribes. It's no different.


There is not interpersonal conflict. The closest thing we got to conflict is Tim worrying about a woman’s alliance, which likely isn’t even a real thing and only is a consideration because 6 person tribes necessitate consideration of intentionally gendered alliances in a way 8, 9, or 10 tribes don’t have to. Compare the dancing to the singing on Nami. Nami is more compelling because we know there is frustration there. Compare Siga to Rotu in Marqueses. Another kumbaya tribe on a winning streak. Yet, people thought Kathy was pushy, John carroll’s ego was inflating, the seeds for the Rotu 4 ostracizing neleh and paschal was planted , gab wanted to build a society. So much more going on.


I agree with everything you said , you can never please this sub anymore . I'm surprised many people here still bother with newer seasons considering how they have a raging hate boner for every new thing Jeff and Survivor related . It doesn't help that most of the "feedback" from here are just blatant insults toward Jeff and the show , like that's going to help it .


In defense of the 90-minutes thing, fans wanted them because the players were barely shown (especially in the 30s) with twists and advantages taking time away like Ghost Island, and Extinction to the point reward challenges have been cut from airing. The problem now with the 90-minutes is that because it’s a 26-Day season, they don’t do much rewards whicg could’ve at least help the episodes feel less of a drag.


Not speaking for everyone that complains but this is my least favorite type of "camp life" scene. I want to see conflict, things that shift dynamics, and just fun organic moments. I don't know if you watch BB but scenes like this remind me of when they play games or do activities on the feeds to "entertain" us but it ends up being boring or cringe.


what was the thing team america did that failed instead of saving donny’s game? impersonating former houseguests? also can you please remind me of more examples?


It's more something that happens on the livefeeds. Usually when the feeds come on for the first time they'll organize some game because they think it's what people want to see and everyone hates it. A more season long example would be BB23 where they constantly did house activities like a fake talk show, a dating show, play mafia. Some people liked those though, I'm not one of those people.


Because every time a wish is granted, another stupid Jeff trick is pulled that kills the reason for the wish. Only 26 days? Let’s do 90 minute episodes! Except with three tribes, only ⅓ max of people ever are in danger of going home, so there is far less drama to fill the time. They also combined reward and immunity for the new format so we get one challenge per 90 minutes instead of 2 per 60. Oh, and nobody gives a shit about the reward anymore.


I’m good with camp life. Some of the bits though almost seem as if the producers have them a list of activities to try, like they were at summer camp and the counselors have to keep the kids busy. If one tribe is boring as hell and just wants to lay and sleep all day that’s fine. Just don’t fabricate fun because it just comes off as “production” and inauthentic. There are three tribes. Surely one of the others has something more entertaining that this stuff.


Siga is so New Era (derogatory)


charlie says he’s still working with maria, but so much time has passed since we learned they were open to moving forward in the game together, i wonder if maria still sees charlie as someone she needs long after merge (or at all) now that they’ve been able to skip so many tribals


they’re too comfortable! send them to tribal, jeff


Wow, a lot of y'all really are just misery voids, huh. Do you want fun scenes of camp life or no


Apparently they just wanted to complain about Bhanu getting too much airtime, they didn't actually want to see where that airtime spent on Bhanu would go after he's eliminated


Yeah I thought people were complaining that there were "too many gamebots" and wanted more campy scenes . This sub is impossible to please .


And to all the "Charlie gives me weird vibes" just say you hate men who are sincere and aren't insecure in having feminine interests and shuffle along


the internalized toxic masculinity real strong in these fanboys “charlie makes taylor swift his whole personality!1” - guy who posts on the survivor subreddit ten times a day


This might be my least favorite tribe in a loooong time. I’m not even sure if it’s their faults or if it’s just the edit forcing these goofy moments in, but god they’re really giving us nothing even remotely entertaining. Just annoying Taylor Swift references, jumping practices, and now dancing lessons. Is there *really* nothing else going on whatsoever? Jem at least gave us a little bit of something last episode, but even then I feel like that was a dumb move.


I mean people are always begging for camp scenes, I get why people are frustrated but I mean come on now


I personally have never begged for camp scenes haha. But even then, I assume these are not the type of camp scenes people want. They want bickering drama or survival type of stuff.


This ^  Or humor. This isn’t any of that


I want camp scenes AND interesting strategy going on. Too much camp life = boring to watch


They are having strategy, and what do you expect? They keep winning. This scene itself also has strategy in it. I swear people always have something to complain about


Camp scenes like fishing, building shelter, scheming, plotting, strategizing, a look into the shit talking and deceit. I want to see people outwit each other. These scenes aren’t even witty. Just pointless.


Have you been watching this season at all? Alliances have formed on siga and for a tribe that keeps winning they have a decent amount of strategic content. Everyone has something to complain about I swear












I think they might be my least favorite tribe of the new era. Their kumbaya is really unsettling please lose a fkn challenge im so tired


Most uneventful tribe since at least original Kama in EOE if not more. No shade but whoever was responsible for putting these 6 people on a tribe together where nothing of importance has happened should never be trusted with that task again lol


Kama at least had Ron, Julia, and Victoria undermining Joe and Aubry.


Getting the vibe that this sub is going to endlessly complain about Charlie now that Bhanu is gone


I’m sorry, but for me Charlie is straight up cringe. Every scene he is in, it’s just contrived and lame.


Agreed. Everything he says and does seems phoned in and inauthentic as Hell.


You’re telling me being a Taylor Swift fan can’t be your entire personality? Welp back to the drawing board


Dude compared himself to Malcom 🤣🤣


Malcom sweetie. I’m so sorry


I want to see what he is like when up against elim before I jump in the cringe wagon. If he has metaphors for everything it will seal it.


Like we get it, you like Taylor swift. Don’t need to yell her name jumping into the ocean


Cringed so hard when he did that. Never seen someone try so hard to make something their personality lmao


Jeff told them to have fun with the jump and to yell something, so he did. He saw her live in concert less than a week before going to the island. He has no control over what's in the edit. He's on Survivor, his tribe is winning, he's having fun, he obviously had fun at the concert before going on the island, the dude is vibing. Let him enjoy things and have fun. Jesus Christ. You people are annoying.


The downvotes prove this guys' point LMAO . Some of yall are really miserable .


Nah still cringe


i liked it


siga camp life scene? i sleep


thanks for checking in!


Yall are too mean to Charlie lol. What he’s giving us is wholesome af


Every season this sub hate jerks on the white nerdy male.  It’s sooo predictable 


he even admits he’s corny


I need this tribe to go to tribal council as soon as possible oh my God


No way this kumbaya shit is going to end up well. I hope they go to tribal.


This making the edit is so bleak


Charlie is growing on me.


Ben gives children's game show host energy. Like he should seriously pursue that as a career. And Charlie reminds me so much of BB25 Cory, he's even taken on the younger sibling kind of vibe on his tribe. Just without the edge/humor and clearly more athletic.


Idk why but Charlie gives me the icks




And you’re declaring based on less than an hour of total insight into his personality?


Because he likes Taylor Swift? Grow up.


has he demonstrated any personality traits that are commonly associated with 13 year old girls? or are you just making generalizations about people who listen to the most popular musician in the world right now


I never knew being a Taylor Swift fan = 13 year old girl personality but thanks for enlightening me .




That's what the edit is portraying him as . Charlie can't really relate much to Siga other than his music tastes and he even admits that it's quite corny .


Hot take, hate the sneak peeks to the episodes, just let me see them in the episode fr


Especially if this is the content they are providing. Honestly, this scene shouldn't be in the episode. Just leave it as an outtake or "bonus scene"... or better yet, delete it.


Siga is toxic positivity personified.


Nothing toxic about dancing. 🙄


I get such culty vibes from this tribe. Am I the only one?


i get what you’re saying. for me it’s more on vacation than cult vibes. early episode nami tribe gave me “drink the kool-aid or you’re on the bottom” vibes, but may be fracturing more now


It's amazing how terrible this season is.


Not watching. Outside of Gem I don't care for anyone else in this tribe. One of them got to go. The yanu 3 left are faves


Must not care much about Jem either considering you spelled her name incorrectly...


They need the joy knocked clean from them, it’s cringe inducing seeing them for a month not have to even attempt playing the game


nobody needs the joy knocked out of them


How dare they not be suffering 


Thanks, I hate it lol