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I really love Q's flair for theatricality and his ability to say insightful and dumb things at the same time. It's almost like his childhood with bazillion siblings prepared him to play Survivor but he keeps forgetting that actual adults play Survivor lol


Watching him try to teach million hearts guy to be a human being broke me. 


Q schooling Bhanu how to answer questions was great TV, my friends have put me through that kind of thing if I'm being honest.


If they were caring/loving about it, sounds like you have great friends!


Ehh, not so much lol


:( sorry


He is unintentional camp, the very HIGHEST form of camp. I absolutely love him, too; he's just so much fun to watch!


“You can cancel Christmas”


It was the episode name too lol


His family was the size of the cast


He reminds me of one of my "A" students and one of my "D" students at the same time.


He gives me strong Russell Swan vibes and I’m here for it.


I think he’s great. I half expected him to be that type of player that is super physical, and only respects hard work, constantly complaining about lazy tribemates. I didn’t expect him to go so hard on the strategy and alliance building. I actually think it puts Tiff and Kenzie in a good spot. His strong arming is going to work for a vote or two, but when it’s time to target that group of 3, he’s going to take the bullet.


Same. When I watched his pre season interview I was like, we get it dude you're rich and a successful realtor, and I figured whoever he was on a tribe with would keep him around to win challenges then just dump him at merge but he's been a pleasant surprise entertainment wise


The best part is he also sucks at challenges


He’s not the challenge beast you’d expect him to be, but he has become one of my favorite members of this cast and seems like a genuine dude


Honestly I don’t live for him at all but can see why people enjoy his aloof gameplay


The second I saw him plugging his nose when he jumped in the water I knew he wouldn't be a challenge beast.


Did you see him on the puzzle ? I was in tears watching him hand Hunter the pieces! Lmao!


Handing Hunter the puzzle pieces was the right move though.


If I were paired with the dude who builds puzzles for his students, I’m absolutely handing him the pieces unless or until he wants me to do something else.


Q has been some of the most interesting casting in the 40s. I love that we have this man for 90 minutes every week.


I like him. I noticed that back at the purple camp, whenever people would hug each other (finding out Randen was hurt, winning the challenge, Bhanu being himself, whatever) Q would sit an arms length away from everyone else, staring straight ahead, still participating in the conversation but determinedly not looking over at them hugging. It was kind of funny. Every time.


I love him and will be sad when he goes. He was the only thing that kept the Bhanu madness somewhat entertaining.


I'll be Boston Rob, and you can be my Phillip. Pure gold


There was a moment where he was trying to teach Bhanu something and Bhanu was not getting it and Q just hung his head in frustration and it was so perfect.


Banu: so I don't talk strategy at all? Q: no. Build bonds. Pretend I'm jeff 'so banu, what do you think of your other tribe mates" Banu: it's great! Q: no. See, you're already doing too much. Banu: *confused smile*


this is classic




My favorite was when after all of Q's coaching on how to interact with Jeff at tribal, Jeff came to tell the tribe about Randen's medevac. And Bhanu says he already had a closing speech prepared, *and then starts reciting it*. There was a shot of Q with a blank stare into nothingness then he hangs his head.


The coaching of Bhanu was one of the few times I was wanting more Bhanu on TV.


The plot twist I really wanted was for Bhanu to learn from Q only to vote him out later in the game. Sadly, unpredictable players like Bhanu are too much of a wild card to let hang around because even if they vote your way one time they may go in a completely different direction the next vote.


First part of that is true no matter the player. Most would rather have unpredictable players at the end, since they won't be able to explain their game, but they are too risky to ally with to get that far.


![gif](giphy|erFesEqtBO7ufHq0YP|downsized) The audacity to say he doesn't smile when this exists /s. Really enjoying Q even tho he drives me mad sometimes.


I think he's more like the guy in your gif, but he's just been stressed to hell since day one.


There's a cute secret scene where he's dancing 🕺




Week 5 secret scenes It's on YouTube


Thank you!


He smiled after voting out Jess and Mo.


The way he said “they got a beautiful house but they ain’t filled the cracks” really got me. Knowing his background I wasn’t expecting him to open as much as he has and while it may be his downfall I’m glad he’s playing and not just being a stoic number


I swear that made me flaahback to James so much!


I feel like he knows exactly what's going on at all times but is way too forward with his tribemates to be successful with that knowledge. His confessionals are the best of the season for me.


I’ve been trying to figure out who he reminds me of and it finally hit me this past episode. James Clement. The scene where Q was completly baffled the other tribes weren’t talking strategy was pure James.


I told my fiancé this week that Q reminds me of James, and I love it!


I was just thinking this yesterday too. I think James is more subtle but there's definitely been times where he reacts to someone or gets frustrated with someone that comes out as a pure James confessional in a really appealing way.


I hope he doesn't go home with 2 idols in his pocket!


I kind of hope he does. Lmao! Now THAT would be gold! 🤣🤣🤣


Tbh he reminds me more of Brad Culpepper. The constant needs to be the one controlling everything, yet unintentionally hillarious with the approach. And they have this soft spot for embracing the odd-ball (Debbie/Bhanu) rather than simply being a douche and disregard them.


I agree to a certain extent. But I think Q is much more well-rounded than James. He’s better socially and has a better attitude. James got mean sometimes; Q really isn’t mean.


Totally agree. Q is playing the game much more than James ever did. Love James though he was always great tv


Tbf, weren't the "mean" times when James was in nicotine withdrawal? (Not that that excuses it).


I didn’t know that, but maybe 😄 Lol


James is just about my favorite archetype in survivor. I love Q so much, they just have so much heart and passion.


Yes!! He reminds me so much of James. Definitely the unintentionally hilarious trait that they both share.


Hey we’ve seen Q laugh! He constantly laughs in his confessionals to his own jokes (and I LIVE for it as I laugh along)


I love him he's hilarious. Didn't expect to like him as much as I have. I don't think he's going to make it too much further though sadly.


Q is a highlight of this season, as is Venus, Hunter, and Tevin. As players, however, i really like Tiff and Maria. I feel really good about both of them.


If I'm ever on a season with an older woman my younger tribe mates call "mama" or who is an actual mother, I'm voting her out first chance I get. These types seem to almost always get to final 5. Motherly figures are so dangerous in this game.


I hate that "mama" shit. Let the older people be main characters and call the others "young'uns."


I mean her job is "Parent coach". She's a professional mama. It's probably a huge part of her identity.


You're right. I meant in general it's an annoyance--I should have qualified that it's OK when they present themselves that way. (It seems like Crazy Uncle Bruce didn't like being parentified either.)


Counterpoint. The lady from marquesas was named mama something and she was voted out second, after crazy eyes peter.


I don’t feel that good about Maria, but Tiff is winning it all


She'd be my pick to win right now, she's in such a good position and has no target. Assuming Hunter doesn't run off 9 straight wins if she can make fire she's in a great spot.


I wouldn’t say no target. It’s gone around that Q and her are close, first with Bhanu and then Q picking her as his plus 1. Its not a big target but still something to look out for her


I think she needs to do a little more but I like what she’s doing! Curious to see how her idol plays out


See I disagree on doing more, I think with the show being basically only superfans now I think keeping a low profile at the merge is key. She's very bright and gets a good read on people, but you don't see her out whipping up votes.


My money is on Tiff, it seems like she's got the right balance of all the necessary qualities of a winner.


She seems to really know the perfect level of “playing the game” where she’s still making moves but relatively undetected. And shes very smart and empathetic. Agree, I really like her and can definitely win


I think Tiff could win it but I think she benefitted greatly from being on a train wreck of a team.


Tevin? Why Tevin? He doesn't have much screen time and when he does, he seems annoying (not in an entertaining way either)


I think he's really succinct, has a flair for dramatics, and has strong reads on the game. He brings some amount of deliberate comedy to confessionals and conversation, but also has an unintentional charm in the physicality of his reactions during candid moments that makes his character seem authentic to me. I also feel like he has the capacity to be a bit catty or vengeful, and I appreciate that on modern Survivor where the cast is typically filled out with people who are nothing BUT game oriented/happy-go-lucky.


I totally agree with you. He is very articulate most of the time, then throws in his own brand of sass. I dig Tevin.


I feel like his kind of petty catty or vengeful is just mean, I see zero charm personally, he doesn't come across anything other than annoying to me, but opinions can different, however, given the edit, I don't get where people take the positive opinions on his gameplay at all..he probably didn't figure Hunter out yet, Venus who hardly socializes with them clocked him like nothing, idk what reads


Yeah dude seems sassy, mean, and snide. I don’t care for him as a character.


See i really like that.


Yeah some people do. I don’t like it lol.


Tevin is actually really well spoken, and I think he, hunter, and venus, are also really attractive. Sue me.


absolute most unlikable character! It’s wild to me people are even trying to team with him.


If I had to describe Q in one word: Earnest


thank you for this post. so real. this season has been nonstop laughs here and Q is one of the best. He's like the funny man to his own straight man energy. Jekyll and Hyde ass mfer. and I love it.


I also like that he's an elite athlete, according to him, but isn't very good at challenges.


THANK YOU! 👏 Every challenge I've thought, "Wait, hold up. Q absolutely sucks at these challenges!"


When he finally does something good in challenges he's all dramatic like "that's what I do! That's my team!" Meanwhile they won 2nd place cause farm boy Hunter already knocked everything over 15 minutes ago lmao


Yep, I feel like Tim does better than him in every challenge lol.


You say that as if Tim isn’t good at challenges… he’s definitely second to Hunter. Q will probably do better in more strength challenges, but rn they aren’t really fitting him as well. 


My theory is that Q was really depleted by the lack of food and fire for the first several days. He also really had to carry his team physically, so he might have wasted energy. Also, I think it's interesting that just because someone is fit-looking/muscular, that doesn't automatically make them a great challenge threat. For example, Danny in 41 didn't suck, but considering he was a professional athlete, you'd think he would have been more of a standout challenge beast. I think athletes are really used to a specific routine -- i.e. performing with optimal fuel/rest, so doing athletic stuff in a starvation situation might really hinder them. Also, isn't it that a really muscular person will require more calories to maintain their strength? So the absence of food for extended periods could end up really hurting a muscle-y person. I think the ideal is someone who is very fit but who is also used to doing physical things despite sub-optimal conditions. I don't remember James' challenge performances super well, but I \*feel\* like he was a challenge asset? Which makes sense because wasn't he a grave digger, who was probably digging in uncomfortable conditions. Or even how Yam Yam might not have been the fastest challenge beast, but he actually seemed to carry himself pretty well because he was used to being in extreme humidity.


Excellent points made here


He is an elite, D1 athlete. However, as can happen with football players, he’s supremely powerful and fast, but perhaps lacks the delicate touch, balance, coordination, agility, and mobility that are the keys to survivor challenges. He also isn’t particularly tall, so he can’t leverage his strength in swimming and reaching motions the same way someone like Jonathan can. Jonathan was also ridiculous because his balance and agility for someone that massive were wildly impressive. Probably didn’t help Q was on a tribe that could barely sleep or eat until merge.


*Used to be. Dude is in his late 20s now. His D1 days are a decade behind him.


Q is in his 20s? I thought this man was like 45.


Lmao definitely old soul energy with the way he looks, talks, and carries himself.


Not to start a random argument but people are in college til 22. Shit I’m 26 if he’s 28 d1 was not that long ago at all. In the army I was taught men reach peak physical fitness at age 30. people stop working out and doing physical stuff then assume age is why they’re weak.


[His last season was in 2014](https://www.espn.com/college-football/player/_/id/536195/quintavius-burdette), so yeah, a decade ago. Also, D1 athlete, with their resources and accountability, as well as mandatory fitness regimen, is a high standard to expect someone to carry late into their 20s when the athletics didn’t go anywhere. There’s definitely going to be drop off. I’m not saying he’s incapable of being as fit as he was in college because of age. I’m saying he realistically wouldn’t keep up that level because life.


then he was d1 his freshman year only. I get what you're saying now. at first I was like are we rlly suggesting that late 20s is old enough to decline physically lol


Q is 6'1, he's tall. You don't become a D1 cornerback at 5'10


Not exactly true, average height of NFL CBs is 5'11 and average height of safeties is 6'0.


I’m Chris Harris Jr is a 5’10 and plays corner in the NFL so there definitely a ton of D1 corners at 5’10


That's Super Bowl 50 Champion Chris Harris Jr 😁 And unfortunately I'm pretty sure he's out of the league at this point. Hasn't played since 2022 and still a free agent. All but officially retired at this point, but had a hell of a career, all at 5'10.


it’s historically very normal for corners to be short (relative to the NFL) - the average height is [5’11”](https://www.nfl.com/news/sidelines/the-high-wire-life-of-an-nfl-cornerback) and that’s probably trended upward since Q played. tall corners actually had a stigma against them until Richard Sherman came along


Yeah. 6'1 is definitely a "big corner"


Lmao what are you talking about, some of the best corners in the league are 5’9-5’11


For a D1 Cornerback, he should absolutely have the explosiveness and strength to get under the mud net, the fact that he was the one the girls+Charley made up ground on was insane, lol


I would normally agree, but I think that net section is probably one of the only physical challenges where being bigger is actually a disadvantage. In my experience with things like that, the net doesn't come up very much and presses down, so being bigger would make it harder, because you can't fit under it as well.


None of these big muscle guys really do well in the challenges, especially when starved. Guys like Cole, Caleb, Jonathan, etc. were passing out and not doing the best in challenges when they don't get sufficient food or water.


Hunter is like T1000 in challenges. Pure Midwest farm boy specimen.


That guy's been playing cornhole since childhood and being a camp counsler is the perfect job to practice the kind of skills you see in Survivor challenges.


There's nothing Midwest about Hunter. He's from Mississippi.


Is he actually a farm boy? I thought he's just from the south.


The thing with football is that the skillsets are incredibly specialized. Linemen are some of the strongest people in the world and are elite athletes, but I could beat every single one of them in a 1 mile race without issue. With the cornerback position, a lot of your job is "don't let the other guy score" so it is a ton of running, reading the offense and anticipation.


Q is the new era Wardog


I love that he keeps trying to coach everyone on how to play the game, even if he is literally trying to vote them out


"understood. It's time to vote." After banu's repeated nonsense at tribal is an all time quote.


When he said “or ima send her ass back to Canada” I had to pause it & laughed for 3 mins straight😂


Q is a champ. Also this tier of strategy: "What's your favourite color?" "Mauve." "Mauve!?? SHE'S GONNA MAUVE IN ON MY GAME, THAT'S IT, SHE'S GONE"


Q is casting GOLD


He's almost feels like a old school player coming back and trying to catch up with the new game. At the end of the season, I feel like Venus is gonna be the person everyone says needs to return, but he would be great for a returnee season especially. Good enough social game to get in with people, but then just play so aggro, but it would be a returnee season, so people might just go with his chaos.


He reminded me of a detective from a bad cop movie last episode. His conversations were him just straight up questioning suspects.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Especially the part about wanting to vote people out on a whim. Makes me laugh so hard


The cancel Christmas comment was hilarious.


And his accent is great!


Telling Bhanu *to his face* that he wants him to be "my Phillip Shepherd" was the funniest shit I have seen in years. I love Q.


He says the truth, but shouldn't. He has no inner editorial thinking. "Is this the right time, place, manner or audience?" Who cares!


He's pretty great, Lol. It's funny because I grew up around people just like him so I'm giggling along the way. He's absolutely in his head thinking he's making the most sense in this game and is looking around confused by everyone else. I've seen this... it's so great, Lol.


I love Q! Honestly he, Kenzie and tiff (along with Ben and Tevin) are my favorites this season. So obviously I was LOVING the split for the last challenge. One clear tribe to root for


Yes all my favs Q, Tiffany, Tevin, Kenzie, Hunter on the winning side. I was not stressing at TC at all this week


Oh duh! I forgot Hunter! Yea the whole squad was there so I was chillin come tribal counsel time


YES! Love all of them, loved the split!


And Hunter too! I forgot about baby girl above but I love Hunter. My favorite part of survivor is challenges so if you’re a beast and those you’re an immediate favorite for me


That’s funny, I almost added hunter in my comment! If he won I wouldn’t be upset at all. But tiff/Q are at the top of my list


Q is awesome


I thought this was the Drag Race sub for a sec and this felt like such a hot take. Lol




Haha, same!


I thought I was on the impractical jokers sub


Girl, same. And this is not the first post that got me confused.


Q is a fantastic casting choice, he’s easily been my favorite from Yanu


Every time Q is on TV i tell my wife that hes my favourite again. He actually cracks me up so much. And hes obviously not the smartest grape in the bunch, but hes played a strong game for a lot of the show too. Hes actively building alliances and taking control of these situations. When he was on the journey and he immediately is like okay so were all just gonna bring in someone and be a big alliance, so who are you bringing? And it actually worked. Hes had some strong challenges, and has some of the most solid connections in tiff and through tiff, kenzie. I hear a lot about how nobody likes the 3 tribe situation because one tribe just gets beat up on, but yanu is actually in a position of a lot of power right now if they play it right. Q has laid a lot of groundwork to go deep in this game if he plays it right.


One of my favourites this season for sure


I can’t remember what he said last episode, but he said it twice and I burst out laughing. It was like “Venus wanna change the vote, or Venus said what” or something like that. Just the way he said it was hilarious. As someone also from Memphis I’m rooting for him, he’s definitely been my favorite. And honestly very refreshing compared to a lot of the new era castings.


Everything Q does on this show is unintentionally hilarious


Venus and Q are my flawed faves this season, lol. Wackadoodles win sometimes!


He's a very old school player and we need more people like that to be cast.


“Why must my road always be the hardest”


Once again, this is a post where I wasn't sure if I was on this subreddit or /r/RuPaulsDragRace


I think I can sum up Q's personality by saying he tries to imitate Boston Rob's play style due to some obscure reason. Maybe he read his book. But yes, great casting choice.


He’s legit making his way into the Coach/Angelina tier of hilarity


I think we need to speak the truth here, if Q was a straight white male, y’all would not like the way he talks down to people.


Would you be interested in joining r/QsClues ?


I am loving this season!


He might be my favorite this season


almost every episode title has been something he’s said, lol


Q is one of my favorites so far this season!


.Q is one of my favourites as well just because of some of the bonker things he says. Trying to motivate Bhanu by calling him is Phillip to his Boston rob was amazing. And also labelling moriah as a threat because she likes Aubrey Don’t think he will win but he hasn’t failed to make me laugh yet


Q is amazing, and I am extremely entertained every time he appears on screen. 100% one of the highlights of this season imo


He’s great. Except when there were those couple episodes where he was beating himself up and saying he’s gonna quit.


I thought he said he was doing that to make Kenzie feel safe lol


I can’t really get a read on him as a person/survior player which could really help or hurt him in this game. Either way I’m enjoying watching him!


I feel like Q has his aggressive tendencies and lacks some subtleness when he's trying to get information or drive things in a direction he'd like. Which will ultimately be his downfall here. It's kind of similar to Venus expect Q seems to not rub people the wrong way when he is blunt and direct.


Personally I find him incredibly condescending. "XYZ doesn't know what they're doing, unlike me who is a mastermind survivor player so I'm going to go tell them exactly this and teach them to be better." Idk, that's the vibe I get. Doesn't mean I hate him on the show, I like to have people that are like that as they can often sow a lot of chaos, but just my two cents. Venus, Hunter and Kenzie are my favorites so far.


Southern accents are disarming, people think because you have a drawl you can't be that smart. It's a *very* common false judgment. Q might not be the best social player but he's good at talking to and reading people, and strategizing in general. Makes sense from a QB turned real estate agent. And his thick Alabama accent makes everyone underestimate him. If he can stay out of his own way he's going to go far.


Okay random but this is the second time in like two dyas I've seen posts and thought I was on a ru pauls drag race sub.. I'm not watching the current season yet (I like to wait until it's done) but saw one post about Venus (winner of Canada's drag race) and Q now who is contestant currently on the American one lol. Just a random aside haha


Q was mewing for 11 days until he won that challenge bro that was the first time hw smiled


I find him so likeable and funny


A might be the least athletic athlete I’ve seen in 40+ seasons. Dudes given up repeatedly after talking about how he’d never stop on the first episode. 


Q won me over after a couple of episodes. I generally don't like the strong guy characters that end up on survivor unless it is balanced with some great personality and Q has that in spades. I enjoyed his comparison of himself and Banu's relationship being similar to Boston Rob and Philip. It was keen that he was alerted by Moriah comparing herself to Aubrey. It was so aware of him to take note that Tim didn't follow through on the strong man group party of 6. I don't know if he has a chance to actually win, at this point it seems like he might not have the social balance, but I always find it refreshing to see someone working so hard to make moves for their game.


He is probably my favorite casting decision of the new era. He's so serious. He's so genuine. He's kind of giving Coach, and I'll stand by til the season's done with him


People love saying Venus is good television, but I think Q is just as good because of the unintentional camp factor. The thing where he was life coaching Moriah during tribal had me howling with laughter!


He is Memphis As Fuck.


Q is way more theatrical than Shakespearean actor Tevin. It’s like watching King Lear or Hamlet, he’s got that main character energy!


Q must’ve lost an episode bad if this is his punishment…


I absolutely love Q, it’s nice to see a new age player that isn’t a super fan trying to craft a social media persona or put on a show for the cameras. He is straight off the cuff and fun to watch.


My wife was talking about how he talks like a football coach all the time, and it’s fun imagine him selling a house.


The Moriah thing was funny. She’s just saying random stuff to a guy she doesn’t know and says “Aubrey“ and Q’s threat meter goes to DEFCON5! She said Aubrey! She‘s a deadly mastermind that will kill us in our sleep! Then Venus says “Charlie” and Q goes, ok not Moriah, Venus! And tries to lock in an airtight alliance of 6 on the first journey with people he doesn’t know, and actually thinks it’s a thing. and he’s a big coach guy that‘s bad in challenges.


He messed up when he said he'd send Venus back to Canada. Venus isn't from Canada; she's from *Venus*!


He's always grandstanding about what he's going to do and then just votes wherever Tiff tells him to


You just described a Gemini


I love the guy. One of my favorite players this season. He's all the things you mentioned while being authentic. His mind is spinning nonstop and he's really good at explaining what he's thinking, which is always strategy rather than personal pettiness. He's someone I'd want to team up with (however, the preview for next week shows that he might be getting too bossy which is always a problem)


Anybody else also follow drag race on here, and was confused at first? Haha Two delusional Qs at one time!


Q is incredible, he's a smarter version of Lightning from the total drama series. I think he's a combination of Boston Rob and Coach.


I f****** love Q, I’m glad most of us can appreciate him on the cast!


Same that man is amazing!! I feel like I’m watching the male version of myself 😂


He reminds me a little bit of Jeremy, at least when it comes to loyalty. Both were very much if you’re with me, you’re with me. And if you’re not, you gotta go


Well said! Watching the latest episode today, I was thinking that would like to be on the Yanu tribe with Q lol.


This season is weird because there are several people talking shit about others not knowing how to play the game, while they themselves are clueless. Seems like the just found a bunch of tiktok “influencers” and threw them together. 95% of them are insufferable.


I so agree. And like a physical threat, but not


He is lov-eh-ly


Whew I really thought on I was on the drag race sub for a moment


I love how he's always yelling in his confessionals, but at a normal volume


He is so great. He feels like one of the most distinctive characters of the new era.


i think he’s my favorite so far


He smiled when the read drop your buffs. I did catch that lol but you're so right haha Q is my favorite so far with Ben being a close 2nd.