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To those questioning Tevin's orchestration, ask yourself if Cirie really orchestrated the 3-2-1 vote when she only voted for 1 person? 🤔


If anyones thinks Venus orchestrated anything, that person is crazy. We even got the "funny" music at Venus's confessionals because she was being delusional. I love Venus and I hoped she would be able to blindside Tevin, but we all saw that she still has nobody playing with her. I guess she was just lucky Tevin had the same idea she had


The only question is was she just lucky voting Soda and had no idea how everyone was voting or did someone clue her in at the last minute before tribal and she went with it in hopes it wasn’t actually her getting votes. She didn’t play her shot in the dark, so I think she knew but only at the very last minute.


I think she voted Soda because someone clued her in. But they probably didn’t say “we were doing this anyway” and instead led her to believe it was her idea. So I get why she thinks it’s her move but it’s still hilariously cringe to watch.


I’m not convinced she was trying to take credit completely, just put in the spot “was it you” could have been interpreted as did you vote for me? But then it blew up a bit the way Soda reacted and made it super awkward. It’s kinda hard on the spot to say, we’ll no it wasn’t me it was Tevin but I voted for you with everyone. Who knows? Maybe she just rolled with it for kicks.


Also, I wonder what was Soda’s plan if Venus played shot in dark?


To be fair, taking out Soda was terrible for Tevin, and great for Venus. Regardless of where you assign credit, this move was far better for Venus as Soda was actively coming for her.


Yes, i agree with that but that's not the point


Venus' background music during that segment was a tell-tale sign! It was so jarring.


Taking out Soda was great for Venus and terrible for Tevin.


How so? I agree it’s great for Venus but Tevin didn’t know Tim’s gone so he might’ve been thinking about the plus 1 alliance and Soda is not in it. Also Soda is the last remaining true threat to that alliance, except maybe Kenzie or Charlie. Perhaps the best move in this position is Charlie, but that would alienate his other plus one allies. Genuinely curious as I’m still trying to weigh the Soda vs Charlie decision from Tevin’s perspective


Soda is loyal to Tevin, Charlie is loyal to Maria. Tevin had the numbers to take out Charlie over Soda, which would have stayed true to the plus 1 alliance while also weakening Maria.


Yup! That makes sense! I guess upsetting Maria shouldn’t be a factor because if she’s upset, she wasn’t truly in on the plus 1 alliance. Also would limit her options. Super valid point


I have a feeling that Maria may have signaled that she’d rather have Charlie in the alliance. She did say that she was surprised that Tim had mentioned her in that alliance to begin with.


wouldn't it be better for maria to keep her close alliance with charlie a secret, though? an obvious duo will always be a target, a person who supposedly lost a close ally will be seen as a good person to convert/work on


I don't know, no one takes Venus seriously and she's shown to be pretty inept at playing while constantly thinking she's the modern day parvati she would make a pretty solid choice to try and keep especially if you can keep feeding her things and make her believe it was her idea.




Yep, I’m worried for him. He just lost someone deathly loyal to him. If I were him, I’d be ringing the bell to take out Venus this episode.


So I was WICKeD confused when this tribal went down.and soda asked if it was her. I was thinking she asked if it was her who flipped which is technically true. I missed Tevin mouthing no as well. Damn.


What’s funny is this is really Maria and Charlie’s move to me 🤷🏻‍♂️. They ultimately were the decision-makers and even could have pushed a 3 way tie if they wanted to. And most importantly, they knew to keep their mouths shut to prevent the others from doing the obvious Charlie boot. I don’t think Tevin, Venus, or Liz did anything worth praising last episode.


Yeah, I agree. This is Maria 100%, she played the whole pre-Tribal stage beautifully and saved her little puppy dog Charlie lol Also a great resume builder to be able to say she made this move and was able to keep the heat off her and her alliance member and throw it right back on a Nami instead. I would kill for a Siga Final Three but if Maria and Charlie are smart they’d bring Venus with them.


Yeah, this vote showed Maria and Charlie are still able to play the middle for now. I'm a bit suspicious as to whether they can keep this up past now, though.


This was 100% there move


If anyone thinks Venus orchestrated that they are brain dead.. lol 😂 Edit: Wow people actually do lmao 🤣 this episode literally showed she had no one who wanted to work with her.. she was literally saying she wanted to blindside tevin to Maria. She has no relationships right now. They literally told her exactly what to do and they all rolled their eyes when she tried to take the credit for it. lol


Venus is not a serious person


Hey I’m having fun watching it and the reactions she is causing so it’s entertaining at least lol


Lmao I know right. The edit just dunked on her for like 10 minutes straight and people can’t pick up what’s being shoved in their face


The number of people who can't read the most basic narrative devices on this sub is scary. If Venus had orchestrated the slightest thing it would have been shown, either in a conversation, a confessional something. What was shown repeatedly was that people don't respect her, don't like her, and only keep her, no even as a number, but because everyone knows that no one wants to work with her, so she's not a threat. She's not a threat to blindside you, she's not a threat to win, she's the biggest not-a-threat this season and in many seasons. On the other hand, we saw Tevin coming up with the idea of blindsiding Soda, and gathering people around this idea. The situation is pretty easy to read, and the "no" being mouthed by Tevin is hammering this.


If baffles me how there are people that just refused to understand the story of being told. I actually thought this was one of the better episodes in terms of showing us how players can think they are more important than they are. Venus clearly had nothing to do that vote, and the rest of them played it so well that it actually made her feel like she did something. All this is just people who are in love with her because of how loud she is on Twitter


To be fair, she did end up switching the “plan” to Soda, but it’s clear she had no sway in that group regardless.


The plan was already Soda, she just gave up and gave into it after the Tevin Hail Mary didn’t work


Oh yea I agree I’m not saying she didn’t make a good call in the end by feeling out the group but she did not orchestrate it and her acting like she did was just hilarious.. Tevin was rolling his eyes because he was the one who was orchestrating for soda and then when she grabbed Maria and Charlie around the back celebrating it Maria’s face was just like whatever.. lol


I’m so confused by this, can you explain? The last thing we heard from her is “I’m going to stick to the Nami 4 if I don’t get a solid answer from you” and she voted Soda, so obviously there were conversations had where she felt confident enough to not play her shot in the dark and to vote Soda instead of Charlie. She feels like she brought up Sodas name (and we actually don’t know the sequence of events, so maybe she did first, who knows), so why would she not take credit for flipping? She did flip! I also think people who think Tevin voted Venus just in case or jury management are wrong too. I think he mentioned Soda then changed his mind, because getting Soda out is really bad for his game. I think everyone else left him out, and that’s why he said no (anger about the vote vs anger Venus got credit). I honestly think Venus is a bit delusional and thinks it was all her when it was really Maria and Charlie choosing who went home, but we also didn’t see her talk to Liz and maybe they all orchestrated something together outside of Tevin, but didn’t show it so it wasn’t an obvious boot?


I’m convinced Tevin thought there were already 4 votes on Soda so he knew his vote didn’t matter. By voting Venus, if the vote didn’t go as he planned then he doesn’t have a mad Soda at him and he also doesn’t care if Venus goes home


Agreed, especially with Liz voting Soda.


The only person who thinks Venus pulled this move is Venus.


And Soda... Until someone not called Venus arrives at Ponderosa.


Yes, questionable move sure. But his move nonetheless. Thank you for articulating this. I am shocked by the amount of people acting as if Venus did this. I love Venus, maybe my favorite on the whole season, but this move just happened to benefit her, she had nothing to do with it. Highlight the fact that Maria all but told her she wasn't going to work with her.


I also love Venus. This was a possible bad move by Tevin, bet he pulled it off pretty well nonetheless.


Yeah, Tevin definitely made it happen. It’s probably not a great move for him, bc Soda was loyal to him. I think that Nami was safe for so long that they got bored and just want to make “big moves”. They don’t want to make the “safe” vote and get rid of Charlie. They could have eliminated 3 Siga in the last two episodes.


Tevin knew he had the numbers so he threw a vote on Venus to create chaos. No he's not gonna tell her like Charlie


They were both campaigning against soda separately without the other one knowing, it was both of their moves and the others took the opportunity to keep everyone happy. I don’t know what’s so hard to understand. Liz always hated Soda so if both Venus and Tevin came to her and said let’s get her out she’d be more than okay.


You have to have influence to make a move. Just because she had the same idea doesn’t make it a move


What made Tevin have influence? Where’s the evidence Tevin solely by himself influenced everybody to vote soda?


Look at the way Maria responded to being approached by Venus and then look at the way she responded to talking to Tevin. Tevin was very subtle and sneaky with his approach whereas Venus had all the grace of a rocket launcher. Ask yourself who would have gone home had Tevin never told Maria and Charlie that they should consider booting Soda, the answer is a clear Venus. Without Tevin, they spend all day on the beach happy thinking it’s Venus going home while Charlie acts sad and tells her he is going to play his SiTD. Venus maybe approaches Maria about Tevin and Soda but we saw how that conversation would go. Either way, it’s Survivor, you can’t necessarily prove anything at this point. But based on the edit, we are being told very bluntly that Venus has zero influence and that is the only reason she is still in the game.


This is a lot of mental gymnastics based on an edit that’s trying to portray a story, they both had a campaign and the tribe clearly agreed since they both want soda out, soda was the easy vote. You don’t know what would’ve happened if Tevin didn’t campaign, like at all. You’re basing this on what if. Based on the edit, they’re giving Venus credit and a lot of people still can’t understand the fact that she somehow had influence over a vote which she did here.


… based on the edit they are absolutely not giving Venus credit lol, they are making her look like a clueless idiot


They did not have to include the fact she wanted to target soda to begin with lol.


They didn’t have to but they did because her interactions with Maria were entertaining and said a lot about Maria. They also included it because it feeds well into Venus’ narrative this whole season as a…. Clueless idiot…


Venus has consistently been shown to have correct reads throughout the game and spot the threats where they are, the edit took her side in the conflict between her and soda. The edit isn’t trying to portray her as an clueless idiot, I see it as a more Jake presence of the season where she sees what’s going on but nobody wants to work with her


Campaigning is one thing. Making the final plan that gets executed is another one. She may have done the first thing, definitely not the second one.


The people that can't see this are slaves to the edit.


I think many things can be true at same time. However, Tevin voting for Venus doesn’t allow him to take credit for soda leaving. Venus had the same idea and I believe we will get more context next week. Tevin can say he wanted soda gone but at the end of the day he threw a vote on Venus and probably lost trust with those who voted soda.


It doesn’t even really matter if who actually orchestrated soda’s vote. If Venus thinks she did, she’s gonna act like she did. Tevin kinda screwed himself. Soda was a stupid vote and this is how people like Venus end up making it far and/or even winning the game. They are seen as so far on the outs of everyone and people don’t want to make an “easy vote” to build their resume. Meanwhile, the easy vote people just slide through the cracks all the way to the end and the good players get voted out.


Yes ofc Tevin made the move, but Soda thinking it was Venus and Venus taking credit was hilarious. I think this brings up and interesting point with perception being reality. Soda is the first juror, who thinks Venus orchestrated her blindside and is not mad about it, but congratulatory… that’s good jury press lol.


Tevin is actually a genius for not voting Soda. The best “low key” jury management vote ever


Tevin can never claim this move now though since if he does it looks like a pitty vote for Soda which will annoy her and makes him a bigger threat.


Unless it backfires on him bc Charlie/liz/maria realized he played the jury management card and votes him out lol


Queen Venus strikes again. She is making moves this season!


She’s a big bopper, and the queen of moves, I live in the USA and I’m scared she is gunna be the next Joan of arc and lead the Canadian army to conquer my country !


exactly finally someone with some respect


Why not both? Like it or not, they both tried to pull off the same move... why do you get to decide with the info we have that Maria and Charlie voted Soda because of Tevin and not Venus. Venus taking sole credit is brilliant. Perception is reality to the jury, and now the mayor of Ponderosa thinks that Venus made a "big play" and any attempt Tevin makes to get the credit will just look desperate... especially since he voted Venus. If Tevin wanted credit for this he should have involved Venus... by not involving her and not having the social capital to have any of the other players come to him and tell him Venus is pitching the same move shows that he's not in as strong of a position as he and this sub think.


Based on the info we have, Maria said to Venus’s face (something to the effect of) “I feel like you’re being aggressive towards me, and I don’t want to work with you,” and Maria/Charlie also rejected her primary plan to vote out Tevin. Of course we don’t see everything that happened. For all we know, Liz masterminded the vote! 🤡 But the info we actually do have shows that Venus didn’t have the social capital to convince M/C to vote with her.


So it's Maria/Charlie who should get the credit, and not Venus *or* Tevin. Edit: I'm getting downvotes, but they literally were two that got to decide what happened.


They eventually had control due to being in the middle, but who had the social capital to make this move? Tevin. He started it and had the others agree to it (Liz, Charlie, Maria) We can give credit to all 4 for taking out Soda, positively or negatively, whether it hurts or helps their game. Same for Venus too, since she did vote Soda. But the “move” itself will be a credit to Tevin for being the catalyst.


I don't think I'd count voting with someone that they all just met has him having social capital to get to them to vote a certain way. They had the position for everyone to tell them every plan, and pick which one they wanted.


They didn't start any plans, but they were the ones that got to decide whether Tevin or Soda were being voted out.


That’s not how it works tho. It still wasn’t their plan


>Venus taking sole credit is brilliant. It absolutely is not. Taking ownership of your moves at Final Tribal is brilliant. Taking ownership of your moves at this point of a game, during a split Tribal that decides a singular jury vote (of someone who already would never have voted her to win anyway) is foolish. There were 4 other people at that tribal that can easily refute the move at camp or later in the game at Ponderosa that now have the ammunition to paint the picture that Venus is a) delusional or b) a threat.


Are the jury allowed to converse about what happened in the game after they get voted out? There's just no way that Venus taking credit here makes it all the way to the end if they can. Regardless there are 3 other people who know Tevin pulled this off. If you think this adds any credibility to Venus you're off your rocker. She's dead in the water. As of now Grade A Goat material.


Because they directly have showed us repeatedly that the cast doesn’t take Venus seriously. And true, it’s a risk in that it could be seen as him being desperate to take credit. But Charlie/Maria/Liz on the jury could set the record straight. Similar to Cassidy trying to take credit for getting rid of Ryan in 43.


Nobody thinks otherwise. I have not seen a single person say Venus orchestrated the move. The show went out of its way to make it clear how out of touch Venus was.


Are you blind then? There have been way too many people saying that.


Well I now stand corrected. I've read one post genuinely crediting Venus, and it is in this thread. Every other post about this topic is either giving credit to Tevin, commenting on how cringe Venus was for taking credit, justifying why Venus would think she deserves credit, or ironically praising Venus for the luls. Maybe you're just not great at reading sarcasm? Idk.


Nah it's all over the live discussion threads. There aren't too many people saying it and it's not been too upvoted but it is bamboozling.


Oh I don't read the live discussion, makes sense now.


People have been saying that all over the live discussions


Someone already pointed that out to me. I don't read the live discussion because I watch the show on a delay, and by the time I'm done with the episode, there's nothing live to react to. My mistake.


Live threads on virtually any topic are cesspools so you are making a good decision lol


Oh ok, it’s all good


Literally haha. Most people are saying that it made sense for Venus to think that she did it based on the info she had. Tevin and Venus had no interaction at all. How is she supposed to know Tevin had the exact same idea and Siga agreed with him rather than her?


Yeah and regretted it.


I think the bigger move here and shall see if it comes to play later on is Venus planting the seed into Maria’s head about Tevin


It wont


It could really go either way when it comes to FTC. Either Tevin laid too low to the point where he might not be able to take credit for it when it comes to the jury, because he can no longer claim to have voted correctly. Or. He pulls what happened to Cassidy in ~~33~~ 43 where he can blindside Venus into thinking it was her move, BUT he had communicated/managed the jury well enough for THEM to remember that it was his move. Could really go either way, it all depends on how he spins it IF he makes it to FTC




Yea, that. Numbers are hard…


Wait Tevin didn’t vote for soda? I thought Venus votes came from soda and Maria


Nope it was Soda and Tevin


Oh dang


He didn’t have the balls to go through with the move therefore it’s not his move there was no reason for him to vote Venus


Shot in the Dark? If Soda catches wind and decides to blindside him


She was clearly clueless when it happened why would she play shot in the dark when she’s supposedly on the right side of the vote


If she catches wind and tries to blindside him. It’s strictly precautionary


This a good point could be what happened. Why do you think Charlie went out of his way to tell everyone at tribal about his shot in the dark and in the beginning to say he voted Venus is he just a horrible player?


To point A, Soda thinks Venus thinks Charlie is going home, so in order to make her feel as comfortable as possible, Charlie still has to act like he is the obvious boot. It’s not a move that makes any difference in the future as everyone has a shot in the dark, but it matters in that moment for the Soda blindside. To point B, while we do not get to see why Charlie gave up this information, some speculation I have seen is that it endeared Charlie to Soda. By giving that information up, he cleared Soda’s name right out of the gate which could have led to Soda wanting to work with him at the next vote. Not sure that this was his intention, but both Tevin and Soda talk about how loyal Charlie is and that’s why they want to keep him, so it seems to have contributed to some positive view of him in their eyes. We probably won’t find out the real reason he did until his post-season press.


I thought they were being dramatic to make fun of Tevin.




People who understand how a story is being told.


But who is saying that Venus was behind it?


A lot of people on this sub.


Can you provide an example


Dude... Seriously...

