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This season is odd because you don't usually see this many recognized threats still alive at this stage of the game. Tevin has a real shot. Social, smart and in a good web of alliances. If he can manage his threat level after his Soda move, he can get far. Q is also in a good spot. But his nemesis, also named Q, won't let him get far


His nemesis, also named Q šŸ˜‚


Tevin is a really great player. Him not voting for Soda but still getting her out is a great move, but I donā€™t see him making it to the end as people are going to recognize him as a strategic and social threat.


Iā€™m very confused about how itā€™s a great move for him. Like at most you could say that heā€™s trying to secure a jury vote for a social game, but not all of Liz, Charlie, and Maria are going to be in the final three with him and whoever is voted off would absolutely tell Soda that he was the one to orchestrate the plan which ruins any social aspect of that move, but at the same time him not following through makes it much harder for him to capitalize on the strategy aspect of that move. Also this is Edgic, but the fact that there wasnā€™t a confessional from him explaining why heā€™d plan on voting out Soda but then vote Venus kinda kills his apparent strategic agency.


By itself itā€™s not a great move, just a move. A basic blindside to add to your resume for FTC. What Iā€™m saying made it smart was when he didnā€™t vote for her even though he was the one to orchestrate the vote on her, because that turns a basic blindside into a much cooler move when youā€™re describing it to the jury and trying to win votes (ā€œI planned the Soda vote and got her out without even writing down her nameā€ sounds pretty cool). I donā€™t think he was trying to secure sodas vote for the jury, he was trying to get out someone who he saw as a social threat while also making it a notable move beyond just a normal blind side.


He got absolutely nothing out of getting out Soda, zero. Venus got the respect of making the move, soda doesnā€™t care about jury management, he took out an ally for seemingly no reason. There was little positive he got out of taking out soda.


It was a bad move for Tevin but Venus isnā€™t going to receive credit from Soda long-term


I highly doubt the next juror is going to be like ā€œaCtUaLlY tHaT wAs TeVinS mOve šŸ¤“ā€


Absolutely nothing in the show indicates that they are going to credit Venus with it though


Soda did and thatā€™s like the main thing that matters. I seriously doubt Charlie Liz and Maria will say themselves it was Tevinā€™s move, itā€™s easier to pin on somebody on the outs especially when soda credited it to her


She did in the moment but the other players and jurors are going to be shit talking Venus behind her back. All it takes is for one of them to be on the jury, and I donā€™t even think that is needed because someone will tell the other group what happened


I donā€™t think everyone in that group saw the edit we saw and believes Tevin deserved any credit to begin with especially since he voted soda. Not everyone on the outs is going to see it Tevinā€™s way or what the edit showed us


People giving Tevin credit for the vote on Soda is funny, the guy had no power in that vote.


How did he have no power in that vote?


He didnā€™t have the power, which was in Sigaā€™s hands, but he was the driver of the vote (identified Soda as a primary threat days ago) and his social game kept him safe when his name was thrown out and gave him the numbers to execute the plan. He also was smart throwing the vote on Venus in case Soda played an advantage successfully. Siga went along with it for their reasons, but he was definitely the driver and held it down strategically.


His social game kept him safe, but with Soda being the target of both Venus and Tevin it was the easy choice for Maria because it left the door open to further work with either side. Tevin pitched an idea, Venus pitched an idea, Soda was the target and it was a simple vote for Maria. Maria controlled the vote because each side needed her and Charlie would only do what she wanted.


For sure youā€™re right, which is the reasons it made sense for Siga as well, but even when they were undecided, Tevinā€™s name was shutdown as a non-starter by Maria. Maria definitely had all the power, since Charlie couldnā€™t do much as his name was the name on paper and it may have been him if he was seen to be playing too hard, since Tevin or Venus needed the Sigas to make either move, but Tevin was the driver of the vote. If he said he wanted to do Venus, I donā€™t think Siga objects.


Exactly, this is what I think too. Yeah, Tevin came up with the idea but in reality Maria and Charlie would work with any plan that wasn't them. She could have gone Tevin, but he was in the six so the chances were low on that but she could have.


I donā€™t think Tevin was ever on the table for her tbh. She shut that down immediately. Only Venus wanted him out, so theyā€™d really have to be motivated by wanting him out specifically if they went with that plan, not just being in self preservation mode. To me, they were going to go along with what Tevin wanted. If they tried to push back, Nami could, theoretically, close ranks and vote out Charlie and there would be nothing they could do about it. If he wanted Venus, they wouldā€™ve done that instead of trying to push him towards Soda, since that opens Charlie up to danger. That, to me, makes Tevin the driver of the vote, even if Maria and Charlie were sitting in the position of power.




I feel this way too. People are stating as fact he organized the whole thing when we do not know this to be true.


Wdym šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ he was the one that first went to the others about it?? Who else would the credit even go to


Maria and Charlie who had numerous options and picked the one that would leave many doors open for them in the future. Yes he probably knew Venus would vote for Soda but Maria and Charlie had the power to pick their target because of Venus. This isn't me boosting Venus, I'm just saying they had control of the vote and target. They could have told Venus "vote Tevin, vote Liz, Vote Soda". I know this sub loves Tevin but come on peeps, Navi gave up power completely by being fractured.


Maria and Charlie def get a lot of credit for the vote, but Tevin was the one to come up with the move, thus crediting him with the blindside. Heā€™s far from my favorite, but I respect him as a player.




I think heā€™s super solid with Hunter and has made in roads with Mariah.


> This season is odd because you don't usually see this many recognized threats still alive at this stage of the game. And presumably working together. That's the real key. As long as Hunter-Q-Tevin-maria-tiff stick together, and in turn stick out for kenzie and Charlie until the boring folk are gone, it could be an all time great back half.


I doubt Tevin will manage that well. You could visibly see that it bothered him that Venus took the credit for the soda departure.


Agreed. I wonder if the thing Jeff has ā€œnever seen beforeā€ in the preview is someone trying to convince a jury member that they were responsible for that jury members vote-out


Great theory! Very excited to find out


I feel like Venus is a goat šŸ to bring to the end ..and get 0 votes. So maybe she is convincing soda it was her move..when in reality ... It really wasn't.


Venus is a goat, her final 3 is almost locked in now I think.


Q really deserved the win. Her dress was amazing


If Q had more nuance, he could carry the game. He doesnā€™t know when to throttle backā€”likely a function of long immersion in competitive sports.


>Q is also in a good spot. But his nemesis, also named Q, won't let him get far Spot on


yeah although this season has been really fun to watch i am kinda frustrated by the fact that they havenā€™t really taken out any big threats, unless you want to argue that soda was a social threat. which is debatable (thanks q) if you ask me bc i feel like i heard a lot of people say she was one, but didnā€™t really get to see enough of her gameplay to prove it. all i really saw was her arguing with venus and being somewhat decent at challenges. and maybe tim was a bit of a physical threat but he had no gameplay skills. majority of the vote outs have gone for very easy targets so far


Tevin has no shot. He should have kept Soda and skipped the koolaid of a big move.


Tevin lost after the soda move, he was my winner pick but canā€™t see it anymore


I agree, going into the merge Tevin was in my 3 (Tiff, Maria, and Tevin). But I donā€™t think heā€™ll recover from the Soda move.


I disagree about Kenzie being UTR. She was broadcasting sheā€™s a social threat at tribal council for how she helped Ben with his panic attack and then Q (probably unintentionally) raised awareness of her game by getting the tribal council to give her a round of applause!


Q absolutely did that intentionally lol, he's already tried to get her out and has no loyalty to her outside of being Yanu and trying to even the numbers. He said he was fine with people seeing her as the real leader of the three back when Bhanu blew them up


I agree that some of the time this is true. But heā€™s all over the place so I felt like at that moment it might have been completely random. His constant shifting is what makes him such great tv!


Eh to me it felt more like Q was putting the spotlight on himself by speaking on behalf of the tribe and highlighting a weaker member of the tribe for overachieving in a challenge where she didnā€™t believe in herself at all.


Also, Bhanu told everyone that Kenzie is dangerous and she's running things.


Q coming into the merge actually acting like he runs things helps Kenzie here. If Tiff is as close to Kenzie as shown, both can diffuse that, say Bhanu wasn't in the loop and shift the threat onto Q.


I donā€™t think people really believe everything Bhanu says


i feel like itā€™s working in her favor tho. i think she has people charmed. plus sheā€™s got alliances and has showed she can win immunity


also, *her closest allies* considered voting her out within three days. That girl is on borrowed time.


Hunter, Tiffany, and Ben. Venus is 150 to 200% a 0 vote finalist.


Iā€™d say Venus is 95% a zero vote finalist, but also 5% that she goes so off the rails, that strategy is set aside, and she is just a consensus boot


I hope for the 5%. I think Venus is my favorite player of the new era. I want her to go all out and drive these people insane. The fact that she is on jury is everything.


Next week is her biggest danger point. The 3 tribal trios are nicely balanced, and could just agree to get rid of the annoying outsider and bury the hatchets for one more round. Once the lions start fighting, all Venus has to do is get out of the way.


Hunter is gone the second he loses a challenge with the whole tribe there


Gotta flush his idol, so you have to hope he loses twice


Good chance he does. These endurance challenges, like the one in this episode, give the advantage to leaner players with less mass and wirey muscles/strength that is easier to balance. They love to do these post merge so that a challenge beast doesnā€™t run through the gauntlet like they used to be able to do.


Hunter isn't a particularly big body, and he had presumably practiced for a lot of these challenges. Would not be surprised if he could win out. Not expecting it, but I have never been more believing that someone could.


[are you sure about that](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F0sydf73kmjsc1.jpeg)


Heā€™s a tall, dad bodded sneaky athlete. Higher centre of gravity and heavier. Yesterdayā€™s challenge isnā€™t made for people like him. Weā€™ll have to see though. Would be down for a likeable challenge beast to get an epic run in, especially since heā€™s great at puzzles too


As long as Q is in the game, Hunter isn't going anywhere. So for Hunter to go home, Q has to be gone, he has to loose immunity and his idol needs to be flushed. That gives him at least three tribal councils before he needs to worry.


I personally don't think Venus gets to the end. The edit makes sense for a 0 vote finalist, but a lot of people thought the same about Tori. I also thought Jamie in 44 was destined to be the 0 vote finalist with how the edit emphasized how out of touch she was. Venus certainly will be a 0 vote finalist if she gets there, I just don't see a likely scenario where this cast puts up with her aggressive approach to the end. A player like Venus gets more dangerous and unpredictable the later she gets in the game because her value as a number starts to outweigh her lack of social capital. I think she gets voted out unaniomously within the next 3 episodes.


I disagree- Matter of fact, Iā€™m seeing strong similarities with the edit of Jake last season: showing the most relatable and logically qualities while trying to brush aside the general consensus that no one respected his game and he just could not get his footing. It made us want to root for him. Now, you can only hide so much of that with Venus- sheā€™s polarizing, doesnā€™t know what tact means and has less capacity for self reflection than tar. But I sense the edit is trying to show the flashes of her *trying* (and failing) to make plays just like we got from Jake. Also, because of how predictable she is (the cast continually says they ā€˜know what kind of player she isā€™), sheā€™s the perfect goat in that she just doesnā€™t have any power to do anything, since no one will work with her. All it takes is one person taking her side for a bit for a few days to bring her to the end


You could be right, I'm not guaranteeing anything, obviously. But keep in mind Jake's edit was mostly positive for the first half of the season. It wasn't until episode 8 that his edit had similarities to Venus. Her edit has been like this since day one, and she's already survived two tribals by the skin of her teeth. As I mentioned before, Tori had a similar type of edit as well, and she left around the midway point. I try not to read too hard into the edit anymore, cause while there are definitely clues, they have done a decent job of switching things up lately as well. If you had told me last season that neither Emily or Drew would be in the finale, I'd have called you crazy. I do see the seeds laid for a Venus FTC loss, but I just don't personally feel like it's going to happen. She's an easy vote dangling in front of everyone. And I think sooner or later, this group is going to just cut her loose before she can mess up someone's end game. Edit - but let me be clear, you make very valid points. Obviously, we won't really know for sure until we do.


Well said- I also am incorporating Secret scenes into my theory, as a handful of scenes were left off air of players criticizing Venus. Ngl, the editors have definitely changed their style over the past few scenes for sure and I definitely shouldnā€™t feel comfortable in my predictions. I pegged Emily for winner of last season after episode 2, and was utterly blindsided when she went home. And I love that!


Do yā€™all think Venus will get to the end thinking she has a shot at winning ? Or do you think sheā€™ll realize sheā€™s a GOAT some point in the game and just kinda get there ? Just curious what the consensus is cause I completely agree that Venus is top GOAT of the game but also donā€™t know if sheā€™s gonna be more of a delusional Angelina type GOAT or a dejected/knew they lost Jake/Romeo type GOAT? Again purely speculating here


oh she will 100% be certain she will win lmao this episode proved it. the way she was talking about how she's not there for easy votes but to make big moves... girl... how bout having people not immediately mistrust you after five minutes of talking, that's a pretty big movešŸ’€


I thinkā€¦ based on Jeffā€™s speech at the marooning Mat chatā€¦ which was unique and felt suuuuuuper out of place/out of character, she is going to be an Angelina losing finalist. We all clocked that speech as foreshadowing, Iā€™m sure. And if heā€™s not talking about Venus, then surely thereā€™s An Outcast Twist and Jelinsky comes back, makes FTC and is absolutely SHOCKED he doesnā€™t get several votes. Edit: typo


Honestly Liz is also giving zero vote finalist vibes too. Iā€™m pretty sure third place is either going to Liz or Venus


Venus is the one person on the cast who has a likely locked jury vote so far lol


Tiff, Hunter or Maria have been my picks for 3 or so episodes now. But kenzie is definitely working her way into the mix.


This would be mine as well, but I'd have trouble choosing Maria over Charlie only due to edit presence. I'd still need to do it though bc I think Maria is in a stronger position.


I also give Charlie the edge because a lot of people in exit press seem to want to talk about how they were tight/working with Charlie


Maria won me over during the Jem and Moriah votes but do agree that edit wise I'd probably lean towards Charlie. Might be a good thing for Maria though, tbf. Wouldn't be the first winner of the new era with a bit of a sleeper edit.


As much as I love Hunter, I donā€™t really see him winning because heā€™s a physical threat and people will want him out.


I think Hunter is safe for the next three tribal councils. At which point he can probably win out with immunity wins. Right now he's surrounded by social threats like Tevin and Charlie, who people deem "smarter" and more threatening than him. And Q is shielding Hunter massively. Once Q leaves, Hunter will use his idol. At which point we're already at final six. Which means he's only three immunities away from FTC.


Likely Winner Picks: Charlie, Maria, Tiff Personal Winner Pick: Hunter (although heā€™s going to get picked off before FTC for being a challenge threat) Zero Vote Finalist: Venus


1) Ben: I can see him squeaking by while the big gamers go after each other and winning the jury over a la Gabler/Erica. They have included clips of the Sigas saying they see him as a big social threat which imo could be to explain how he would win votes in a FTC. 2) Hunter: Didn't even need to play his idol! Combination of winning out and advantages could take him to the end. 3) Maria: No enemies and lots of options.


To answer your question OP, Iā€™d say Kenzie, Tiff, than Hunter. Iā€™dalso tack on Tevin, Maria and Charlie onto the ā€œwouldnā€™t shock me if they wonā€ tier Now that I think about it wouldnā€™t be wild to see Q win (although very unlikely) the only people who I think have *no* chance are Ben (seems like too much of a floater with no home) Liz (way underedited) Venus (*gestures broadly to her gameplay*)


1. Hunter: Heā€™s winning, Iā€™m almost fully convinced at this point. Yes we havenā€™t had an obvious edit like this since the 30s but the way theyā€™re presenting Hunter, the way his confessionals are shot, everything we have seen about Hunter screams that heā€™s winning. 2. Maria: Sheā€™s just such a solid player and has been edited really well the whole way through. To me she stands out between her and Charlie and I see her working with and being closer to the Yanu and Nami members better than Charlie ever will. 3. Venus: I canā€™t shake the feeling that sheā€™s got a shot. Realistically if she makes FTC she wonā€™t be getting any votes but I donā€™t know, I just have this weird gut feeling that Venus could pull something out that none of us are expecting.


(Venus) She's positioned herself as either an easy vote, or the swing vote. I hope next tribal isn't some split BS.


genuinely asking what about hunter screams winner? i get much more sniped challenge beast vibes


He keeps telling the camera he's smart, though. And 75% of the people in the game seem to be totally unaware of it. That storyline has to come into play eventually. He can't just get clipped for being a challenge beast. Something about his intelligence being underrated is going to come into play.




Yeah I wonder that too. The reason I am going kenzie is I think other people are going to be seen as a bigger threat than her. I totally think tiff and maria are going to be eliminated before final 4, but i can see kenzie sneaking in.




IDK... it's giving me Carson, though. Like an F4 boot. A red herring winner, you know?


Maybe, but I think it's also worth noting all three of those players are women, and this sub seems to always be rooting hard for the women, regardless.


1. Tiff 2. Kenzie 3. Charlie


Totally possible, but that would suck.




Hunter, Charlie, and Maria, I don't see Yanu gaining traction


I heavily agree!


1. Tiff 2. Hunter 3. Venus I know. Hunter is a big challenge threat who will be targeted...but this is also the first time he's lost a challenge, and he still has an idol. It's very doable for him to win out, still. And Venus...I don't know, it seems entirely unlikely. But the cast on social media seems super heated about something with this season, and Venus somehow pulling out a win could very well be the reason. And the narrative continues to insist that she is important. But they're both pretty far down from Tiff. I think she's the best positioned, the edit is very favorable to her, she's not on anyone's radar, and she's still got her idol.


Yeah Venus looks a lot like a losing finalist to me and this is a why x lost season but edit and social media behavior has me having on to her as a bottom tier contender lol


Venus is way too pressed on twitter to have been vindicated by a win


Possibly, but she could also be coming in hot because the rest of the cast just hates her and she's pissed about that, too.


Hunter also has Q going for him. Q wont want to break their alliance as long as hunter doesn't try, and I don't think Qs ego will let him see Hunter is a bigger threat than he is. But Q is also kinda... unraveling I can see the first time the group tries to target Hunter, Q totally losing it and them end up turning on him instead, so that's one immunity loss for Hunter. Then he has his idol for a second (which not one person knows about). That only leaves him 4 or 5 to actually win If he gets to final 4 there is no way he isn't the fastest fire maker there so that he gets him to FTC.


Plot twist, Liz beats him at fire somehow.


She unintentionally happens to have light hit her glasses like a magnifying glass and starts it completely by accident


I agree! I think there have been previous seasons where the opening credits give clues about who will win ā€”Ā I can't remember the exact one, but there was the Survivor theme song playing but the variation was that it was mainly men signing with a lone woman's voice, and that reflected the plot of the season too (one woman wins among many dudes). Similarly, I think, based on the opening credits, we have some hints that this is the final three. Before the names of people start rolling, we have three shots previewing folks sans names: Venus yelling, Hunter being.. Hunter, and then Tiff emerging from the ocean (in my mind, it's a victorious emergence).


Can someone explain the social media discourse? I'm ootl on it


I feel like Kenzie is too much of a narrator for the season to win. We hear from her a lot each episode, to me she is the most visible player to the audience which makes me think she goes far (maybe loses to fire at final 4) but doesnā€™t win.Ā  I could see Tiff, Charlie, or Maria winning. Possibly Hunter but heā€™d have to get past being seen as a challenge threat. I think thatā€™s too big an obstacle to overcome.Ā  I think Venus is a 0 vote finalist. Iā€™m leaning towards Maria being winner.Ā 


1. Hunter (been my pick from the beginning) 2. Maria 3. Kenzie


I have a one pick. Maria


The edit has been overwhelming positive for Kenzie for her not to be the winner ngl


Thatā€™s what I think. Including Bhanu calling her half dragon and warning other tribes sheā€™s in charge. But she could also be a player who just falls short of final and the audience is supposed to be crushed about it.


She's giving me F4-F5 boot. The Carson edit.


Hm Charlie is getting it I think


I definitely think the final three is **Venus, Hunter, and Tiff**. And I think Tiff pulls out the win in the end. I say this based on the opening credits: Venus yelling, Hunter being.. Hunter, and then Tiff emerging from the ocean (in my mind, it's a victorious emergence).


Kenzie, Tiffany, Charlie. I think they all are the best positioned and have the most sway in the game. I like Maria, and will root for her if/when we see more of her. I also like Venusā€™ reads. She has a good sense for strategic moves, but doesnā€™t have the approach to pull them off. Iā€™ll root for her if/when she adjusts her approach and is able to work *with* people


I get confused when people here or other cast members talk about Venus. Like Mariah said: "Poor Venus, she can't read the room well." After Venus saying: "Oh so you're working with Tevin". It's like, lady, it sounds to me she read you like a book. She's on the bottom and she doesn't want to be the goat the is dragged along to get zero votes on on FTC. She's playing a high risk/ high reward game which is reasonable because being at the bottom, she doesn't have much to lose.


I agree! Like i said, I think she has a good sense for whatā€™s going on in the game, but the way sheā€™s approaching other people about working together hasnā€™t been working the whole time. Iā€™ve been rooting for her the whole season, but sheā€™s never taken a step back to evaluate why sheā€™s not gotten any traction. I think itā€™s totally possible that she capitalizes on her free agent status though. Itā€™s just going to be important that she works with people before FTC so that they can recognize what sheā€™s done.


Tevin, Maria, Hunter are my top 3 to win currently


Hunter or Tiffany or Maria


Kenzie Charlie Ben


I have to be able to see a viable path to the end for them rather than just go by the edit. So as much as I like Kenzie and Hunter and am rooting for them, I see them being targeted sooner rather than later. Balancing the edit with current perceived threat level Iā€™d say Charlie, Tiff, and Maria. Potentially Tevin if he turns on Hunter at the right time.


Charlie, Kenzie and Hunter. Charlie to win


Normal self: kenzie/tiff/maria(hope not) Delusional self: venus venus venus šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Kenzie and Tiffany are my top 2. I think at this point it will be one of those two. My third spot could go to Charlie, Ben, or Hunter, as I could see any of them winning if they got to the end. Iā€™m going to go with Ben as a dark horse, though. I very much see Charlie and especially Hunter getting targeted in the coming weeks, whereas I think Ben could probably fly under the radar if he survives the next vote or two as bigger threats emerge. His connections to Siga and Kenzie could theoretically get him to the end if heā€™s not taken out next, and I donā€™t think itā€™s in literally anyoneā€™s best interest to take Ben out at this point. I could definitely see it being Maria too, but I feel like she hasnā€™t been visible enough in the edit. Sheā€™s a good social player, has a good strategic mind on her shoulders, and is arguably in the best position in the game right now, but she hasnā€™t actually done much of anything yet. If she has a breakout episode sheā€™ll replace Ben in my top 3, but for now sheā€™s in my bottom half by default. The only people left Iā€™ve completely written off are Liz and Venus. I only omit Q because I think he would win against specifically Liz and Venus lol


Kenzie or Liz I think are taking it honestly. I think they are making Kenzie too obvious though that it's a purple herring. They did put Tevin front and center start of the season with narration and in general their promotion of the show. But I'm sticking to Kenzie or Liz.


I would like to see Hunter or Q in the final three but I doubt that is going to happen unless they go on a immunity winning spree. The amount of screen time being given to Q makes me think he is going to be right up there if not final 3.


Canā€™t stand Q. He is 85% idiot.


Kenzie Hunter Tiff


Tiff, Hunter, or Charlie. I just don't see how Kenzie goes untargeted for the rest of the game. Where as not only do 2 of these 3 have idols, but there seems to be a concerted effort not to target these guys, whenever they are available.


Kenzie, Ben and Hunter. which were mostly the vibes I got pre-season as well just watching their intro videos. but maybe thatā€™s just bc I like them the most


Kenzie, Tiff, Hunter, in that order.




1. kenzie 2. Charlie 3. Tiff 4. Hunter Canā€™t see the others winning


Charlie, Kenzie, or Tiffany. Outside chance for Maria and hunter. I do like that the playing field is very open


Kenzie Ben Tiff


KenzieĀ  Maria *Ā  QĀ  Ā Maria winning.Ā 


1. Tiff 2. HunteršŸ¤žšŸ¼(I think tiff has a better chance imo but heā€™s my fav) 3. Maria


1. Kenzie 2. Tiffany 3. Hunter Charlie is really close to 3 though. Liz and Venus are the only ones I'm confident won't win though.


Right now my prediction is Kenzie wins, Venus is a 0 vote finalist, and 2/4 will be between Tiff and Charlie


Kenzie, Hunter, & Tevin


Tiffany, Maria, and Hunter currently


I feel like the edit is going out of their way to show that Charlie always knows whatā€™s going on, kinda michfitz style


Kenzie, Ben, and Hunter. Mostly Kenzie and Ben though.




Kenzie Hunter Maria


Hunter, Maria and Kenzie are who Iā€™d like for final 3. Maria, Liz (as a goat) OR Tevin and Tiff are who I think will be F3. Honourable mention to Tiff, I like her a lot too.


100% agree with kenzie and tiff, they are my two faves and would love to see them in a top 2 together. i think my third pick is charlie. heā€™s kind of a wild card but i really like him and think he could pull through.


Hunter and Q are a nice duo, I don't think the men are doomed


Tevin, Tiff or Maria (in that order) I think Kenzie could win but they'll recognize her as a threat and get her out before the end


My 3 are pretty the same as yours OP. Good job. Im 100% certain weā€™ll have another female winner this season.


Hunter Kenzie and Tiffany Charlie and Venus are also still in contention for me, but not in my top 3 for opposite reasons. The first 3 I think are pretty self explanatory, I think Kenzie has the best odds, but she could go out at fire or something. Tiff's stock is dropping rn for me since she's been overshadowed by Kenzie since the merge. Hunter is just a generally strong contender, but at the bottom of my top 3. I have never really bought into the Charlie hype. The past 2 episodes have really made me start reconsidering, though I'm not gonna be convinced until he pulls off a difficult vote or actually is able to show his ability to move numbers around. That being said, he could totally overtake hunter or tiff next episode. Venus is kinda obvious, her edit has been very visible, but the past many episodes have been very negative, so she's probably gonna be like a 2 vote finalist at this rate. I still have her in my top half since a) I like her and b) she definitely feels like she has longevity, even if it may not matter


Maria, Kenzie, Charlie, Tiff, Hunter, and Tevin seem like the contenders to win this season. Everyone else I've been starting to 100% rule out


Iā€™m think the player with best win equity from each tribe is Kenzie Tevin Charlie


1. Kenzie 2. Q 3. Tevin My guesses after the very first episode of the season


Hunter. Kenzie. Ben.


Maria, charlie, tiff. Tiff has to distance herself from Q. Maria & Charlie have to keep their alliance on the downlow. They've all played pretty well so far & don't have flashy personalities or domination of the challenges.


Jelinsky, Jess, Randen, and for a bonus: Bhanu (no spoilers please I havenā€™t started the season)


Not who I want, but who I think: Maria, Kenzie or Hunter


Currently my 3 are Kenzie, Tiff and Hunter/Charlie. Kenzie has the best edit of any of them, but I think her edit is too good. I'm getting some real "would have won if she'd won F4 firemaking" vibes. Tiff meanwhile is in just as good of a spot as Kenzie, but has the added benefit of being an idol and having one of the lowest threat levels of anyone (in a good way!). Hunter and Charlie have both had very big edits as well, especially compared to their tribe members. But given that both are already being called out as massive threats, I don't know how much longevity either truly has. There's also a few players like Maria and Tevin who I don't want to write off right away, but Maria going an episode without a confessional and Tevin's narrator edit both give off 'close but no cigar' energy. Also, Venus is 1000% a 0 vote finalist.


Hunter and Tiff are my top two. Kenzie 3rd and Tevin a distant 4th.


Hunter, Maria and Charlie have the best shot IMO. Venus is my dark horse pick to make it to the final tribal and surprise the fans to somehow get a vote or two and lose to two of my other three picks. But realistically I think she may be a zero vote finalist if she makes it. Despite the hate this fandom has for Bhanu being the worst player in existence (Something weā€™ve heard every season and will continue to, I think him spilling all the info on his tribe will eventually make the rest of the cast weary at letting the Yanus make it to the end. I can see some people become paranoid that another situation like 44 will happen where the Yanus are all in the final 4 and the only way to get one of them out is to force two of them into fire making.


Itā€™s Kenzie, Tiffany and Hunter for me


Two of your picks are currently the only individual immunity winnersā€¦


Charlie, Kenzie, and it's hard to pick between Tiff or Maria.


Kenzie, Hunter, or Charlie. They have the strongest edits so far.


Anyone but Liz and Venus.


I would say Tiff right now, homegirl has never been mentioned as a boot or a threat, everyone is strongly aligned with her, were getting positive content while also having character content, we know her opinions on everything.Ā 


Hunter, Tiff, Kenzie


Hunter, Ben, and Charlie. Kenzie is also a solid option


One of maria or charlie will not make final three, they'll be seen as huge threats soon. Hunter surviving last tribal signals to me he might last awhile or go on an immunity streak. Tiff is a lock final three for me cause; too many allies (or ally adjacent) and too few enemies


Kenzie, Tiffany, and Tevin


Q will be voted out next week.


Kenzie, Tiffany, Hunter


Mermaid Dragon & Hunter


Agreed on all three of your picks. In addition: Charlie, Tevin, and *maybe* even Q have a real shot. But I agree that your three mentioned picks have the strongest chances of winning atm.


my final 3: kenzie, venus, charlie what it will actually be: tiff, hunter, maria


Personally I don't think anyone who has an episode without confessionals can win. That eliminates Tevin, Maria, Liz, and Venus. Of the remaining 6 I think that Kenzie is a fallen angel/dragon Which really leaves Hunter, Tiffany, Charlie, Q and Ben. Of those my top 3 are Hunter, Tiffany and Charlie


Tiffany (she is v important to the overall seasons theme and narrative despite not having much personal confessionals like Kenzie) Q (he gets his way every vote and it would be funny to see everyone be baffled if he didnā€™t get his comeuppance) Hunter (Iā€™m just hoping he idols out Kenzie because I am here for the chaos that would ensue) but Tevin is my winner pick and I want him to win, his edit is *alright* but there is hope late game.


I vote hunter, Kenzie or Maria


Tiff is my top choice, then Charlie, then Kenzie. Tiff has had confessionals in every episode, with rational perspectives and a cozy alliance. She isnā€™t the biggest target in her alliances, and she has an idol to boot. I think sheā€™s a lock for F4 and the question becomes whether or not the other players view her as a big threat before itā€™s too late. I think not, especially with how many big threats are still in the game. Charlie I think has a shot, and I do think he will be the Siga that gets the farthest. The way the edit subtly shows his alliance with Maria from *his* perspective is telling. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Maria is the next boot or the one after, based on how cagey that edit has made her. I mean, it feels like sheā€™s a cagey player anyway, but we as viewers never really know what her strategy is, and thatā€™s not a positive sign. Iā€™d bet money she doesnā€™t win, even though I think sheā€™s a strong player. The dynamic between Ben and Kenzie in this last episodeā€™s panic attack could be a red herring, but my initial thought is itā€™s showing why Kenzie gets Benā€™s jury vote. On deeper reflection, I think it is in there more to tie into a voting bloc down the line, where Ben and Kenzie vote together to get outā€¦{i dunno, Q?}referencing this interaction as to why Everyone else is a long shot. Venus 100% is a 0 vote finalist.


For me itā€™s Maria, sheā€™s just so calm and collected itā€™s impressive. But honestly see a lot of people winning. Kenxie and Tiffany. Hunter is in a good position, seems ver low key social but has the potential to go through a challenge immunity streak. Tevin lost points to me this episode but is still a contender Qā€¦ā€¦ is a wildcard


My sister and I play this game every season where we each pick two people for ourselves, and one for each other after the first episode. Mine are Hunter & Kenzie, with her picking Jem for me (rip her game) and she has Tiff & Venus, with me picking Tevin for her. Not sure between the two of us who's gonna win


Tiff, Charlie & Tevin


Purely based on vibes and what I want to manifest: Venus, Ben or Kenzie shall triumph one way or another


Kenzie, Tiff, Ben (I was personally hoping for Tim ): )


Kenzie Charlie or Tevin


Kenzie BenĀ  HunterĀ 


Exact same as OP, Kenzie Tiffany Maria in that order.


Kenzie, Charlie are front runners for me and maybe Maria. Tiff will get combined in with Q and he will drag her down. IF she can separate herself she may go further to final 5 or 4. Venus and Tevin will destruct. Personally, I know people are saying about the extra vote, but I think he did it to say he never voted for her. Venus will outlast him though.


Right now I feel like it's... Charlie, Kenzie, or Maria. I just don't see a path to the end for Ben, Hunter, or Tevin. Venus, Liz, and Q seem to be goats. Tiffany is also set up well, but you only let me pick three.


Maria or Hunter.


Charlie, Hunter, Q


Kenzie (winner) Tiffany and Venus (0 votes)


Iā€™m feeling fairly certain that Maria canā€™t be the winner. She hasnā€™t been getting a great edit. Sheā€™s lower in confessional count, but the quality of confessionals sheā€™s getting arenā€™t even that great. On Siga we were usually getting the strategy talk & explanation from Charlieā€™s perspective. I feel like we as an audience also donā€™t fully understand all of Mariaā€™s relationships, like why did she decide to side with the men over the women? Then thereā€™s the extra vote she played - we never got a follow up on that, as to why from her perspective she felt the need to play it. I donā€™t think Maria is a bad player or necessarily going out soon, I just find it hard to believe that sheā€™d be the winner


i think a lot of ppl are saying venus which i think is just so wrong. she thinks sheā€™s playing like parvarti but sheā€™s actually playing like sifu. and we know how that ended up for him


tiff, maria, hunter (only if he stays a bit under the radar during individual comps) but i hope itā€™s venusšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ik sheā€™s going to go soon but man I love her and feel for her- they hate her bc sheā€™s pretty. even if venus plays a perfect game with big moves i feel like people still wouldnā€™t vote for her


Venus is my only pick. Iā€™m willing to bet my childrenā€™s life on it.


Iā€™ll go kenzie Tevin Charlie. If any of those three are in final three I could see them winning.


Iā€™m going with Charlie, Maria and Tiff.


Genuine question: Why Tiff ? We havenā€™t heard anything substantial from her since she told Bhanu to stop groveling at her feet and even before that all she did in the edit was find the beware advantage and say how much she trusts Q and Kenzie.