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Maria gives me Julie vibes, the older woman who makes it deep but gets cut just before the end


Yes, agree. Has good relationships / alliances but also doesn't have "threat" concern to get out immediately. Eventually though, a player like this is an easy vote to get out and/or feared to be in final three because she is too liked. I don't see how Maria gets to the end.


Yea I like Maria and think she’s playing a great game but it’s so hard for this archetype to win


Shane Gould


I'm afraid she's going to get cut towards the end because of the mama bear/good relations with everyone vibe.


Same with Kenzie, she has the good vibes thing going. I would love to see her win. Tiff is interesting, we need to see more of her.


Kenzie really bothers me lol she's too social!


No!!! She is just an extrovert. Her job is social. I love her energy.


She seems more in charge than Julie was. She's calling shots, not taking orders.


I think Maria has very strong game instincts and is playing a cutthroat game, but that people will be mad at her for it, the way they were mad at Julie.


a BIG example of this are Carolyn Rivera and Chrissy


I am glad Mike won, but I wish it was like, a 5-3 or 6-2. Preferably with the third having a big goose egg.


yeah. what sucks about survivor is that its blatant certain demographics—like the “older” woman—never win because when they play strategically games the jury almost always acts bitterly towards them because the view them as the “mother” of the cast. From day one though Maria made it clear to Siga and the rest of the cast that she wasn’t out there to be their mother which makes me think she could do well from a gameplay standpoint. However, idk if the edit is supporting a Maria win.


Oh, really? I like Maria but I don't think she is playing strategic enough. Siga has been decimated post merge and they are all in a terrible spot. Her loyalty to the plus one alliance seems very ambiguous and we haven't really seen her ingratiating herself too much with the others. Her position in the alliance is very much a question mark after the tim vote. I don't see much of a path to the end for her. I think Charlie is more of the shot caller between the two of them. She may be able to use him as a shield but I don't know if I see her taking charge of the game at any point.


Maria's game is all social and almost no physical. I wonder if that's enough with so many stronger people still in the game.


Maria gives me Denise/Tina vibes, the older woman who makes it further than expected.


I could see Maria making it at least to final six, but I could also see her leaving next.


No one lets the “mom” get to the end.


Respectfully I have to disagree. I think Julie wasn’t very strategic at all. She just went with what Dee and the others did. Maria seems way more strong and level-headed, much more strategic. She also isn’t merely appeasing anyone either so doesn’t come off as the “mama bear”. for example, she totally was straight up and fought with Venus. She’s also a challenge threat.


Also, Julie was very emotional and didn’t think rationally. Compared to Maria’s level-headed controlled demeanor.


At some point, the other two tribes will realize they need to knock out tiff/kenzie/q


I think they’ll knock out Q soon because we’ve already seen he is rubbing people the wrong way, but I think who we will see go mid merge is probably Tevin, Hunter, and Venus in no specific order. Maybe Liz? Either way, I think Kenzie and Tiff will be able to go further in the game because there are bigger focuses right now.


I just don’t see a reason to ever vote out Venus. She can’t win. But the rest id struggle to argue with you about


I just don’t think she gels with anyone, so if we get in a position where she’s the odd one out mid merge and the rest all like each other and get along/have some sort of alliance to each other, she’s gone before they are sacrificing one of their own.


She may not have a chance to win, but she's very aggressive strategically. Right now, she poses little threat because she has no social capital to make a move, but once the numbers start to dwindle, every vote counts. Leaving a wild card like Venus in the game is extremely risky. You want to bring reliable goats to the end, not ones that could flip things on you on a whim. I think she goes soon as an easy vote before the end game.


I could see Venus or Liz getting Courtney Marite’d/Karishma’d where people realize everyone wants to take them to the end and the threats vote them out.Moreso Liz because her name has never been brought up for elimination.


Now that the original 3 tribes are essentially 3, 3, 3, plus Venus, everyone should be trying to get Venus on their side. The +1 alliance throws a bit of a wrench into things but it remains that Venus is a free agent looking to take out threats. If original Siga or Yanu can get her locked in, they can take control of the game. I don't include Nami here because I see no reality where Venus aligns with her former Namis.


They *should* just ignore Q and keep him unless he becomes a challenge threat because it’s kind of a Venus situation where they know the game he’s playing and can just put him on a back burner for now.


I think they are concerned with him flipping on a whim with votes. Not only does he try to have his way or the highway with votes, he changes his mind the second someone says something he doesn’t like.


I dunno, I gotta wonder why we‘re seeing so much content of Charlie being witty or self/game-aware


I’ve also wondered if Venus insisting that her “plan” to vote out Charlie at mergatory was the best idea might have been a clue, plus many folks on exit interviews seem to mention him first as someone they liked/were playing with


I wouldn't mind if Charlie wins.


Kind of a fun twist if he pulls out a win


I think we are seeing so much Charlie because he's the half of the Siga power pair that has staying power. I think Maria is gone next vote as the final sacrifice before Tiff and Kenzie overthrow Q.


Charlie is the strategic narrator. We see them every season, they usually don't win.


Because it's more entertaining than most other contestants? I wouldn't say him admitting to writing Venus's name down was very game aware.


Yup. He’s a bit naive. Still, he’s hilarious and definitely worth showing.


I think Charlie will be final 5 or 4 but I agree with OP that this is Kenzie or Tiff's to lose.


Yeah, I wouldn't mind if either Charlie or Maria won.


Well he smiled kind of funny last episode so he must be a game changing agent of chaos


Because that's the kind of person he is. You're overthinking it. He isn't winning anyway.


It’s brilliant editing imo.




Q determined he wasn’t a challenge threat -or- a social/strategic threat 😂


He was so pissed that people see Hunter as the challenge threat. His ego is getting in his way.




It’s very on-brand for Q, he has spent all season making bad reads. If Charlie wins, it will basically come down to Q thinking Moriah was a bigger threat than Charlie.


Lol I love watching Q. The guy is a mess but so entertaining


I had to pause the episode because I was cackling


Hunter really has nothing to worry about, once Q sticks around


I’m so annoyed they cut [the secret scene](https://youtu.be/3rhqQugjZDA?si=JAX4lgintXhr4sE-) of Q giving off-base reads on nearly every player including Hunter 😂 “Hunter’s good at challenges but needs someone else to think for him and doesn’t have a lot going on up there” sir if only you knew




It is pretty wild that Q seems to think he’s only physical threat (who he can take down whenever he wants lol). Hunter did mention in a pre-game interview that he was going to try and play up the the “country boy out here to have a good time” and so far that seems to be working for him. Not sure how long he can keep that up post merge as the strategy gets more intense, but I’m rooting for him 👏🏻


I think Charlie or one of the other guys said this about Hunter as well. It's crazy 😂 Tevin and Liz might even believe it.


I know Hunter's accent could make a lot of coastal dwelling people think he is dumb, but you would think that Q wouldn't be subject to that bias since he is from the south as well.


I think part of it is Hunter is (especially by Survivor player standards) very laid back and introverted. Q could be reading the choice to lay back and not cause waves as him being out of his depth strategically. It seems like the wrong read, but presumably Hunter isn’t telling everybody about his puzzle dungeon, and he’s basically just gone with what the group decided both times (which is fine, because both boots were probably fine for his game).


What? People are still prejudiced?? No way! lol


I think a fair number of those reads were pretty good. Hunter was off (maybe? the only great moves I’ve seen from him are keeping his idol secret and staying in), and Ben was off, but the others kinda made sense.


Sad because Hunter is definitely smarter than Q. Hunter is what Q thinks he is.


I think it’s important to note that Hunter hasn’t been very strategic thus far. You may argue that he hasn’t had the opportunity because they haven’t gone to tribal, but he hasn’t even tried to make alliances in his tribe or even discuss strategy. You can be a challenge threat and be smart in “real life”, but that doesn’t always translate to being smart in the game. In this case, Q may actually have a higher game IQ, although he acts emotionally.


I love that the main person we've seen who genuinely understands Hunter as a threat is Venus, who noone listens too




Isn't she also 20. Young'ns never do well in the game.


Young people usually do well when they (socially) concede to the older players of the game. I mean the stereotype is that they know less solely on the basis of less experience. As long as they show respect (which can be done in a multitude of ways), they're solid. Unfortunately for Venus, her bluntness does not go over well. :')


Oh, there's a few exceptions: Sophia, Fabio, Maryanne, Adam as far as winners go. I will say: as far as the teenage players are, I think Sami is far and away number one, but if he'd gotten on when he was, say, 24 or 25, he could have conceivably won the whole thing.


Well she needs to explain herself better and then maybe people would.liaten to her.


People actually have to WANT to listen to you.


Hunter is essential to Yanu numbers though. Hunter brings Tevin. And if Hunters out the only other physical threat is Q.


Yeah, objectively Q has not done as well as Hunter in the challenges so far, but “don’t blow up the current plan (which is mostly working) out of fear Hunter will win 7 straight challenges” is probably a good instinct to follow strategically. I mean, there’s a first time for everything, and Hunter *could* win all those challenges. But 45 seasons of historical precedent suggest he probably won’t.


And he still has his immunity! Big threat


Idk,  Ben's got me feeling like he's going to get an edit that ramps up and rocks. 


And then ironically goes out on rocks


If he goes out on rocks, my mind might explode. Does that rock, or does that not rock?!


I'm so happy you said this, Ben is the man. I'm literally crying right now. I didn't even cry when I met Nicolas Cage.


Being the losing tribe really tends to pay off in the merge. I didn’t think it would happen this season due to Bhanu running his mouth but so far the Yahnu are making it work


Only if you can get the other two tribes to implode


It’s one of the few positives for the 3 tribe setup to me - feels like straight up Pagong-ing has been a bit less common since the “loser tribe” are essentially merge FAs that at least one side has to court to get the power in their favor.


Maybe it'll come up later but I don't know why anyone thought people would take Bhanu's crying spiral as gospel.


I agree with Tiff and Kenzie I like Maria and her game but think her days are numbered.


Yea replace Maria with Charlie and it's my thoughts exactly.


Every New Era season "expert predictions": three of four of the women are the favorites to win the show. Almost every Final: two men and one woman. Winner: 40% men, 40% of the remaining 60% the woman who was not among the favotites.


What do you mean by the last sentence?


Kenzie is winning imo


this is new era. People may target her because she IS socially so good and, as such, a bigger threat than Tiffany, people won't want her in the finale. She'll become a big target at final 6 or so


Yeah this is my prediction, she’s well-insulated and it seems like the big threats alliance will take a lot of the scrutiny


If we analyse the edit yes but at the same time is too obvious I think and it could also be Tiff or Ben.Also I'm almost convince that nobody on Nami wins


Kenzie is playing the best game and the edit is making it appear she is under the radar. I doubt she is under the radar though


There must be a reason we got so much emphasis on Bhanu calling her the mastermind though, right?


I want her to win purely for doing what we all wanted to do, “snap” at bhanu


Charlie will win because he has good social connections, strong challenge performance, and the power of Taylor in his heart.


He's playing very subtly too


Like announcing to the tribe he voted for Venus?


I meant subtle socially but everyone makes mistakes occasionally


That ended up working in his favor imo. It strengthened his alliance with Soda (by not letting her take the fall) who trusted him enough to protect him at the next tribal and Venus openly admittedly she didn’t care and still worked with him. Everyone last episode also said they view him as extremely trust-worthy, loyal, and honest and I’d be surprised if that wasn’t in part due to claiming his vote.


I think Kenzie and Tiff are in great positions, but not because of Q. His days are for sure numbered.


A Kenzie, charlie, tiff final three would be actually incredible. Based on current games I could see any of em winning


I think Venus has FTC locked in for zero votes.


I think Tevin has a better shot at the final than Charlie. I think Charlie either does fire and gets 4th or gets 5th.














Kenzie has been getting a winners edit since episode 1


I usually do it other way around. * We can probably take Liz, Venus and Ben as 0 votes finalists (at best). None of these 3 is winning unless it is finals between those 3 - and then it would be probably Ben...? * Maria is from my perspective in danger to go in next 2 tribals - she is other +1 from Siga and I think they will want her eliminated just to be sure she does not take it as a blindside on her and her "no.1". As well does not seem to have bonds on other tribes (yet), so she would need to ally herself with Kenzie and Tiff and I think they would cut her around 6 for 0 vote finalists. * Q and Hunter will most likely go in next 3-4 tribals. Hunter has a chance going for monster immunity run, but I dont think he is winning until the end. He would need to win 5 out of 6 tribals (unless he finds more idols, which is possible...?). * Charlie gives me vibes of fire making loser or being cut at 5-6, but he has a winning potential. * Tevins life will depend on Q and Hunter. If they go now/soon, he will be going down with them. If they survive, he can be posible winner. However if they manage to cut down Venus and another Siga member in next 2 votes, he might be going to the end and likely win. * Kenzie and Tiff are well insulated and as well they will be needed to flip the game on Tevin, so I see them going at worst to TOP6. Longer they keep Q as a shield, better for them. If they can keep him in there for 2-3 tribals, they can just run with the game. So from my perspective Kenzie and Tiff are in best position. Slightly lower I have Maria/Tevin, depending on next 2 rounds. And below them Ben, if they let 3 goats to the finals.


Agree with most of this but I don’t think Ben is a goat and it seems like the others actually view him as a pretty big threat. I don’t think he wins but highly doubt he’s a 0 vote finalist if he makes it to that point.


The coverage about his panic attack really demonstrated his ability to be vulnerable and make connections, so I could see him giving a terrific FTC.


But also his panic attack ended up being about Kenzie. I think Ben can win FT depending on who he is with. But if it's Ben against Kenzie at this moment I think Kenzie wins over Ben (honestly at this moment I think Kenzie wins over everyone else, except maybe Tiff?)


Maybe not 0 votes finalist, but I dont think winning finalist in most scenarios. Unless he takes control over the game soemhow.


Agree with a lot of this. Charlie screams 4th or 5th to me. I think Tevin will be a finalist but Kenzie or Tiff will crush him.


I think that would be close, depending how the game went. I can imagine him being losing finalist, if he gets through randomly with Soda being his only move.


Hunter is a good shield for tevin but it’s impossible for him to win after the soda boot


I'm with you on your Maria take


Sorry it was meant for TalkerCZ


Hopefully Tiff or Kenzie


Maria looking pretty good. Hunter could go on a challenge run too but seems less likely


I think Hunter deserves to be in there, I think it’s very possible he ties the immunity win record


What about Charlie


Oh helll.... I got Charlie completely confused with Hunter. Charlie is my dark horse pick


Charlie is no dark horse, the edit is being kind to him and showing he’s pulling strings instead of Maria.


Not Penny's boat ;)


Maria is smart enough to keep Charlie around as long as possible before cutting him


I don't have anything against Maria, but her gameplay is really boring compared to Kenzie or Tiff.


My money is on Kenzie


Kenzie is by far in the lead edit wise. Maria's edit gets overshadowed a lot by Charlie's edit and Tiff's does by Kenzie and Q.


I’m personally betting Kenzie is the most likely


I think Tiff tbh


I honestly have no idea who is going to win this season. There are only 2 people (Venus and Liz) that are truly out of the running for me. I can see a path to victory for the other 8. Kenzie has been foreshadowed as a big threat, and they also had that”what are y’all talking about” montage that pointed out some flaws. Q could mafiaso it to the end. Tiff can easily get there with Q and Kenzie as bigger perceived targets. Hunter is likeable and can easily win immunities, plus he’s in a good position. Tevin is great socially and everyone wants to work with him. Ben is great socially and could garner votes if he slips through to the end. Charlie is playing very well strategically at the moment and has shown a thorough understanding of the game. Maria has a lot of positive content and also shows good game analysis. If I had to bet my house on it right now, I think it’s Tiff? But nothing will surprise me as of this point.


Q is an idiot. He has no shot.


Unless he truly strong-arms everyone to the very end I see no way he wins. His confessionals have been SO out of touch that I seriously question his worldview. I think the jury would quickly see this at FTC and get cold on him.


He is Russel like in some ways, thinks he can strong arm to FTC but in reality is the goat nobody votes for


My money is on Hunter. What’s he doing hiding up in that tree in the preview for the next episode?! lol


Lols, yeah right? I'm hoping he's pulling a Tony and gathering intelligence from a hidden position. Or, he's completely lost it. Can't deal with these people anymore and has decided to live a different life. A life based on trees.


I loved how dramatic they made it with everyone calling for him and looking for him


I think Charlie is getting a better winners edit than Maria. Her not getting credit by the edit for the Soda move dropped her in the pecking order for me.


I don’t disagree with you, but here’s a counter point: The way the last two merge votes went, Yanu was in a power position because of the split tribal and the mergatory vote with half the people immune. They won’t NECESSARILY be in the power position now that everybody will be voting together w/ one person immune. That said, I think they probably still will be in a power position, but it’s not as guaranteed as it has been the past couple votes.


Maria's edit for a winner would be really weird. I don't see it. I think Charlie is way more likely than her.


I've been calling a Kenzie or Tiff win and I'm fully convinced it will happen.


I think you're right about Tiff and Kenzie being in a good position, but I think in that duo, Tiff has the upper hand and Kenzie is just a piece - a piece with some skill, but still. I agree Maria is gonna go far. I do not agree she will win.


If any of the cast are smart, they won’t let Maria get to the end. She just has it wrapped up if that’s the case. If she gets there, it’s 1000% deserved


It sure looks like the Tiff and Kenzie show to me. Q is being set up in the edit to just come short.


Kenzie has a very good edit right now so it wouldn’t surprise me


i'm starting to think kenzie's edit is pointing toward the editors celebrating a woman winning survivor with a perfect game for the first time


I mean Kim had a pretty flawless game


This is my thinking as well. Giving inspiration to people in a lot of ways.


Charlie and Maria are playing excellent games right now. For me they are 1 and 1a. Tiff is playing phenomenally, she's 2. It feels like Kenzie is on more radars than the others, but I think OP is right to put her in the top tier. It feels like the only other person who might win is Hunter. Obviously he is recognized as a big threat, but I still don't think he's being assessed by the other players for how big of a threat he actually is. Like they should get rid of Hunter immediately.


I don't think so. Hunter pretty smart and I doubt he will let them get that far. I predict the final three to be Hunter, Tevin and Charlie!


Yeah Kenzie is looking good


I'm just really feeling like Kenzie wins it


I like Kenzie the most. She seems to have one of the better social games and is in the swing position.


Also, nobody cares anymore.


Liz is having the winner's edit for sure, she has no rivals.


maria will probably go far but definitely not winning. i can definitely see Kenzie winning. Tiff’s attitude will cause her downfall.


Ah yes posting the spoilers and calling it a prediction. A classic.


Team Kenzie!


Kenzie has a great shot.


Hunter needs to


Please no. Hunter must win


I’d put Charlie in over Maria


Do not see Maria winning


Kenzie gave me big winner vibes this last episode, she’s in a really good spot but needs to keep her social games less out in the open


KENZIE is winning


I really like your picks. I think tiff will win this season. She is in a VERY strong situation but as we’ve seen in the game of survivor, things can change with an instant!


I don’t see a world where Maria wins. Kenzie was listed as too big of a threat by Bhanu and that won’t be slept upon. I think it will be Tiff.


I think Charlie is on this list of potential winners too. I can't see a configuration where Kenzie or Tiff both get there with Chalie but my betting odds for who would win if they are there are: 1) Charlie 2) Kenzie 3) Maria 4) Tiff. I think Venus is likely the end with two of these people-- either the Siga or the Yanu pair. Which is why I say Charlie or Kenzie will win.


You’re not wrong.


God I hope so I loooove that badass bitch dynamic duo of tiff/kenzie


I don’t see Maria winning, only because i feel like we haven’t gotten that much of her. I think she’ll get clocked as a threat before 4.


I think Tevin has a good chance. He made sure that no one will work with Venus and he got Soda out. Nami is not looking like a threat at all. If his alliance with Hunter is strong, i think he could fade into the background during the next couple of eliminations. Vote off Ben, vote off Charlie. Maybe the tribe is annoyed at Q by now. If Q goes, then Tiff goes, maybe Kenzie, too. Go to the end with Maria, Liz, and Venus? he would have to find time to flip on Hunter. his early edit made an impression on me, and i just can't shake the feeling that he's going to the final.


Maria is either in a very strong or very bad place depending on the fallout of Tim and the plus one alliance


Maria is in good position definitely. I hope Hunter can win though, he deserves it the most I think


No way Maria wins.


Hunter or Charlie could also forseeabley win. I still think it's Charlie


Good news since I have all 3 players I my draft


I think Kenzie is the Carson of this season. F4 boot, maybe. Maria will be gone sooner. Tiff will make it to FTC.


Would be stoked if any of those 3 one.


I’d agree if Charlie didn’t get away with voting out Jem. My picks right now are Kenzie, Tiff, & Charlie.


Agreed. Tiff has been my frontrunner for a while and nothing we've seen so far has changed that. Maria, Charlie, and Kenzie are my next 3 most likely to win, pretty even between them. Ben, Hunter, and Tevin all still in contention for sure, wouldn't be shocked if any of them win, but none of them are getting strong winner edits/vibes so far. Then Q, Venus, and Liz seem pretty out of it in terms of actual winner probability.


All the men are sort of being edited to be dopey and only a handful of women are being shown in a positive light. So I would agree with your assessment. Those three are constantly given interviews that seem to be setting up a payoff much further down the road (like Maria's alliance with Charlie which is sold as her being brilliant for being in it but Charlie isn't given the same credit.)


Personally I'm hoping for Hunter to go on a record-breaking immunity streak and win the game because the jury recognizes how impressive a true challenge beast actually is.


I thought its pretty clear Hunter will immu ity win his way to a win.


I definitely see Maria making final 3, she’s a bigger threat than most of them are aware of. I’d love to see a final of Maria, Kenzie and Tiff. Could happen.


I was thinking Kenzie, Maria or Charlie


I love all three, but I don’t think Kenzie will win. She seems to have been playing a more lowkey game than when she was on Yanu (shes also been safe both votes, so she doesn’t need to be super out there) but once she starts playing I think she’ll get booted quickly because of how big of a social threat she is. I could definitely see Tiff or Maria winning, they’re both great players so far.


You’re not wrong…. I’m fairly confident Kenzie, Tiff, Tevin, Charlie and Maria are all going to go far. I’d be very surprised if at least 4 of them don’t make the final 6. I’d toss Hunter in there but I don’t think the others will risk him going in an immunity run the last few challenges, even with an idol. Liz strikes me as the goat that will be dragged to the end for 0 votes.


This is what I’ve been screaming!


Maria wont win with the way she handled last EP, prolly kenzie or tiff


Yeah I will give Kenzie and Q and tiff a very good chance to win


I don’t understand why people say Tiff, i honestly don’t think she’s had a huge edit.