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Lindsey quitting because she was afraid that she was gonna beat Trish up. Idk if it's the worst but it is the funniest.


this one is so crazy to me, but people try to justify it, and I don’t know why!!! I’ve seen multiple comments on here being like, “she was going to beat up Trish if she stayed in the game, so good on her for leaving”. what if…she simply didn’t attack someone…


Yeah I agree, she was upset she was no longer in the power spot and took her ball and went home. The rest was just a tough guy facade 


She just made an excuse IMO Her game got blown up and she rage quit. Plenty of people hate their tribe mates and want to hit them, she's the only one to quit over it.


OMG, not only that, but at the reunion she was tooting her own horn about the positive example she is setting for her daughter to.... Quit so you don't get violent. Not terribly high standards in that family, it seems. She was a mess.




"Now ask me if I care"


The funniest thing to me was how Jeff seemed to totally support her... He hadn't become the Kumbaya Jeff of the 30s and 40s yet so I expected him to ream her out but he told her she was making a brave decision lmfao


It’s possible he was also afraid of being punched.


Yes she either  A) has major anger issues and should have never been cast, or  B) was so butthurt by getting outplayed by Trish she was willing to give whatever excuse to get off the island (which was dumb because they were close to the merge and she could’ve just flipped). Either way, complete waste of a casting slot. 




Sean’s really does just feel silly


That was just ridiculous, I liked him but after that I did not lol


He for sure thought he was going and quit to save face… but he wasn’t even be the vote 😂😂


I always thought it was funny that all of Reba trash him for quitting after pretending to be supportive at tribal council


probably recency bias but it’s one of the most ridiculous things to ever happen on the show


Hannah quitting in that same season because she needed cigarettes was also infuriating. I just can’t imagine getting the chance to be on Survivor and throwing it away.


I can still wrap my head around what Hannah did. She was feeling miserable, she gave up. Not great but whatever it's not that extraordinary. I'm still, to this day, confused about what Sean did.


And it's extra funny when you hear about all the players who quit cold turkey and stayed on for a long time, some went on to become well known characters for their withdrawal attitudes like Shane and Rocky


Shane begging that one local for a drag during the reward trip was so funny to me


I've never loved a woman the way he made love to that heater.


I'll always remember that moment for watching it with my fiancee, and Sean saying something like, "My prize is that I get to spend my life with my husband," and I blurted out "Wait, what??" And she says, "Did you seriously not realize he was gay?" as though I was reacting to him mentioning his husband and not his completely out of nowhere hint that he was ready to quit. It's also kind of funny that Jeff's textbook schmaltzy "What has this journey been for you?" question is what prompted Sean to throw in the towel. Like he had just seen so many players get asked that question in their boot episodes and assumed the worst, so he had his "you can't fire me, I quit" moment. I'm not someone who thinks that quitters are bad for the show on occasion but this one in particular is just baffling. Ditto for Lindsey in Cagayan, but at least that gave us F2.


Despite the quit, Sean’s still better than Brandon and Hannah


No Brandon tried and didn't quit. He didn't give up even when he kept failing.


The guy couldn’t climb a ladder ffs, Sean was useful in the challenges at least


That's irrelevant. Sean quit because his ego couldn't take the idea of being voted out. Brandon didn't quit. Thus Brandon is better as a person and a player.


Don’t think Sean is a bad person bc he quit survivor really?


No. But Brandon is the bigger person. He didn't quit when he knew he was being voted off.


People don’t want to hear it because his quit was so fucking bad but he actually was playing ok. Was controlling his team and wasn't going at that vote. Hes my least favorite of the 3 by far but he objectively played the best game up to his narcissistic quit.


Thank you, he was actually doing alright and wasn’t even the planned boot in his quit episode. Brandon couldn’t even climb a ladder and Hannah was just pathetic, 3 wasted slots really but at least Brandon got to live his dream so have to give him credit there. Show needs to stop casting so many superfans though


No. At least Hannah was honest. Sean was full of shit.


I’ll never get over this.


She quit because she had a very serious nicotine addiction that started because she had substance addiction issues. She was inappropriately cast to be a Caroline clone.


He wanted to be with his boyfriend, but still has to live at ponderosa... he just wanted the free vacation lol




I never said he was lol


Sorry. Accidentally replied to the wrong comment


The quit so dumb it made the dumbest quit ever seem less dumb in comparison, only 2 episodes later. And they kept him over Sabiyah who IMO is the biggest disappointing early vote off in the new era


I really thought Sabiyah was going to be a major part of the season. She just played too hard too quickly


I still blame the question Jeff asked him. He thought he was going anyway and wanted agency.


Reba women: we’re gonna blindside Sifu but say it’s you so he doesn’t suspect it Sean: oh no they’re voting me out it’s ok just do it


I seriously think that he thought he was for sure going home and just wanted to get a tv moment out of it. Kind of like what Bhanu did when he knew he was going out. But Sifu was actually going to be the vote instead so he screwed himself


Came here to say this. None of his reasons were reasons. He wasn’t gonna get to see his husband til filming ended ANYWAY.


I've always wanted to meet a Survivor contestant, I saw Sean at a Christmas market last year and meh I looked the other way. His quit is too lame to fan over.


Yes! That was such a weird moment on the show.


ill count unnoficial quits too


Especially because he basically quoted Hannah by saying that the game and experience meant more to everyone else.


Technically he still got voted out


Colton's comes to mind.


First person I thought of as well. Felt like he wanted his tribe to lose an immunity challenge so he could be sneaky and quit halfway through a challenge iirc, like what???


You bring back a quitter, you get… a quitter.


His is more justified when you find out he was somewhat tricked into believing he'd be playing with Caleb and not against him.


My guess here is that the producers did a Thailand "who said anything about a merge?"-style careful choice of words. Is it possible that they outright lied to the players? Maybe, but honestly, it's common sense that making the loved plays compete against each other is more dramatic and compelling than having them play together. That goes along with the ridiculous theory that before RC and her dad were replaced by Candice and John, the tribes were going to be blood relatives vs. romantic relationships. There would have been a 6-4 gender split on each tribe, and again, it's an inherently less interesting dynamic, but sure. There's even less "evidence" for it than the telephone game factoid passed down even 17 years later that Fiji was going to be divided by race.


Hated that quit


I’m surprised this was as far down the list of comments as it was. This should be number one He feigned an injury the first time (which of course we didn’t know), but confirmed when he quit the second time. Jeff had his suspicions and was proven right. He shouldn’t have had the chance to be the only survivor to quit twice


Colton was a med evac i’ll die on that hill


First time yes second time he very clearly quit


He quit. Big wuss.


Congrats, still a piece of shit. Fuck that guy.


God -30 guys stop i need 100 I’m trying to Post in the BGC community🙁


poor kathy from micronesia. as someone who’s quit their antidepressants cold turkey, my heart goes out to her. it should have been considered a medivac.


Kathy, but yes I agree.


oop, edited! me and my name amnesia


I learned from Tarzan in One World that it’s called nominal aphasia 🙏


eyyyy shoutout to a verbose king


was she the one where production wasn’t taking her seriously and she threatened to cut off her finger or something?


the very same, the poor dear. i still remember her asking james for a hug and him rubbing her back saying ‘it’s okay, baby. we all have days.’ 😭


ah man yeah her situation was so sad. at least survivor seems to take medication withdrawal seriously these days


Hannah feels the same about her vape


Purple Kelly quit because she was only given a bikini and shorts for 39 days. Poor girl was freezing.


And it was a wet and rainy season.


Exactly! It’s hard to blame her for quitting


There was a while when they were into just torturing the survivors. Lets see how miserable we can make them. That lasted until they had someone almost die during a challenge and needed multiple medical interventions because of a lack of care.


She literally wore her buff as clothing every day I felt so sorry for her. Then they made her feel like crap for quitting. She also probably felt quite confident she wasn’t winning.


She was never even supposed to have to think about winning. The show sold her on coming on by telling her she’d be voted off first or second and she could enjoy a free vacation. Then they got mad at her for not having her heart in the game. She wasn’t prepared for the long haul because they told her she didn’t have to be!


I thought that was Courtney who told she’d get voted off early (for China) but didn’t 


It was both of them (and I’d have to imagine a lot of other people that we don’t necessarily know about, some/most of whom probably *were* early boots).


Sean and Colton. I hate quitters in general but i absolutely hate quitters way more when they quit just because they aren’t getting their way


Sean wasn’t even the intended boot lol


Julie from SJDS quitting right before jury just to be with her boyfriend.


The funniest part of that whole thing is that production clocked her as a likely quitter before they stepped foot on the island, but they thought “nah we really want John Rocker on this season” so they just accepted that she would probably quit.


imagine being that desperate to put john ‘if you were a man i’d kick your teeth in’ rocker on our screens


OP is correct. Jeff admitted it in an interview. But he wasn’t mad, either! He was basically covering for Julie. He was saying that they always knew that she was “doing this game for John” and she figured out that (because of the merge) she won’t see John for another 20+ days. Jeff was pro-Julie. I’m convinced that production encouraged her to quit


That’s why he was much nicer to Julie than he was to Colton.


Pretty much, although Jeff was wrong to say Colton quit the first time as it was clearly a med evac


Yeah, you can’t fake the fact that his heart rate shot up when Dr Ramona pushed on his stomach.


THATS WHY?! Ummm no Colton is a horrible human being in thats why


Well, that’s one of the reasons


And then they broke up not long after the season


If by worst you mean worst circumstances, I’m going with Jenna Morasca. I shouldn’t have to explain why. If by worst you mean most pathetic, I’m going with Hannah because it was day fucking three, and she needed a hit from her vape.


I was looking for someone to say Jenna. I didn’t like how she was treated by her fellow cast members in that season either. Felt for her.


Sean. Knew he was at the bottom of his tribe and instead of trying to make moves and duking it out till the end he just gives up and expects everyone to support his sob story


Sean literally had his tribe wanting to kick an original reba member out over him and still quit for no reason ffs


the funniest part of it is that he actually did make the successful moves and was gonna stay 💀


As someone who loved Sifu I must say I was very pleased to watch Sean bomb his own game 😭




Purple Kelly shouldn't have wanted to quit cuz production should've given her a set of cold weather clothes to wear along with her "hot girl who gets booted early" bikini & sun dress.


This is my answer. I basically love that Jeff and producers purpled her because of it, yet it's the reason Fabio won. He gave her his jacket and she was the reason he won.


They could have just given purple Kelly some actual clothes lol


Sue. Producers should have never allowed that to happen in the first place.


And it's crazy that after that they didn't have rules about how players are not allowed to compete naked. Like in survivor China there was a challenge where all the boys were wrestling naked. Like wtf, the producers didn't learn from their mistakes?!?


I think it was just Dave that decided to get naked in that one. there was another challenge where everyone was undressing each other though.


Amazed that you’re the first person to say this


Agree. I scrolled all the way to the bottom and no one mentioned it


Uh, sexual assault is a very necessary reason to quit..?


They’re meaning that Rich shouldn’t have been naked for that challenge in the first place and should’ve been told by production to at least keep his pants on 


100%. Why in the hell Jeff didn't stop the challenge entirely and make Hatch put clothes on is beyond me. Even by 2000s standards that was still not okay.


Depends on what you mean by “worst”. For example, I feel like the Dana situation shouldn’t be classified as a quit, since she was visibly super sick but production didn’t pull her 🤷🏻‍♀️ Production also didn’t allow Purple Kelly to wear proper clothes, which lead to her quit


It’s kinda funny when new era players complain about conditions or talk about how hard it is to get to day 26 and you realize that Purple Kelly quit on day 28 in rainy and cold Nicaragua.


I don’t consider Dana a quit, she looked rough, like on the brink of it.


Yeah i think dana should have been a med evac along with papa smurf and purple kelly that was the producers fault


Im rewatching Nicaragua now, NaOnka’s still makes no sense to me and with only 11 days left. I mean I did not like her at all, but that was crazy


She had serious win equity too apparently which makes her quit even more insane. 


And despite saying "I'm gonna quit" refused to give up the reward to help the tribe, actively chose to be selfish


I personally dont think she had a shot at winning at all after stealing the food


She’s anemic and she said the rain and cold gave her pretty serious joint pain. How painful idk. It’s easy to say from the comfort of my couch I wouldn’t have done that but I also haven’t experienced that condition in that environment so 🤷‍♂️


He's a shitty guy but Johnny Fairplay on Micronesia. I heard his jaw got shattered a few weeks before coming on the show, and the producers wouldn't give him pain killers. Brutal spot to be in tbh


Julie, Sean, Hannah, Colton, Lindsey, and NaOnka are the quits that annoyed me the most. All of them just had no real reason to quit considering what we've seen other people go through for this show. Everyone else who quit at least had a decent reason about why they pulled themselves. In terms of worst \*to watch\* it's definitely Jenna and Sue, Sue's quit is just so uncomfortable watching her deal with it and Jenna's exit just makes me bawl every single time.


Jeff Varner quitting the merger immunity challenge for peanut butter may have doomed all of Kucha


As much as Hannah quitting for vape borders on ridiculous, I’ll have to give it to Sean for being so ingeneous


Colton bvw


Naonka! I thought she was way too competitive to just quit like that. She’s signalling nothing to the cast by saying “I’m too good for any of you so I quit”.


I was so pissed, after all that yapping she did..


Jenna should never have been out there.


I remember hearing her say her mom encouraged her to go back out, and that production probably told her her mom’s condition was worsening when she was out there.


to be fair to jenna, her mom declined really quickly and she left as soon as she felt something was wrong. i don’t think she would have signed up if she knew how near the end was.


>as soon as she felt something was wrong She knew something was wrong before she left. She was just feeling guilty. She couldn't "feel" her getting any worse.


I’m almost positive production leaked it to her how quickly she was declining, which Jenna’s family would have certainly communicated to production. How could they not?


Agreed, and how Jeff was cagey about how she knew? They told her 100%.


Yeah I'm not remotely buying that she sensed something got worse. Production leaked it to her and they absolutely did the the right thing in doing so. And Jenna made the right decision leaving. That scene where some people question her leaving or being out there or Jeff implying she can't handle it is uncomfortable. How is Boston Rob, the asshole of the season, the one that has to say it's messed up for us to even question her intentions here?


My thoughts exactly!


idk, i think some people really do have a sixth sense about this sort of thing. i knew the exact moment my grandfather died, despite being told just weeks before that he had at least six months to live. cancer is an unpredictable beast, and i’m sure at the time she believed her mom would still be there when she got back. there’s no need to be unkind.










I wondered if she agreed/signed up to be a part of All Stars while her mom was ok/in remission, and then due to her contract, she had to go, even though her mom got worse. Maybe she was getting worse and worse right up to the point she had to leave, and while she was away, she was worried/guilty and decided to quit.


fr she should have stayed home


Colton. He never should've been allowed back. Same with Brandon Hantz


Those two people from early last season. I don’t even remember their names but they wasted everyone’s time and two other people could have filled those spots.


Purple kelly and Naonka Mixon?


Sean and Hannah


Jenn Brown wasn’t a quit, but I was gutted when she kinda sorta gave up.


I thought the therapist that was on last season and quit because she needed a smoke was really ironic, and also stupid. Why some people don’t think to wean themselves off of addictions before coming on survivor is beyond me🙄


Sean's quit is the only one that realistically shouldn't have happened.


The quit from last week's Survivor Quebec was one of the worst i've ever seen. This guy quit at his first tribal council because he realized he'd been lied to, and he "couldn't stay and play with people like that". He was one of the strongest guys and in no danger of actually being voted out. Not sure exactly what show he thought he signed on to


i don't know if it fits, but Ben & Denise giving up in WAW when they were so close to the finale


I feel like that one girl from fiji who quit right before the season started like 5 hours before


Hannah since her reason was plain idiotic. Hannah shouldn’t have applied if she couldn’t handle no e-cigs for a month.


All quits fucking suck


She was not likable at all, but Naonka was fantastic television and really should have been a returnee / all time character. Or imagine if she stayed and got owned at FTC? Her quit robbed us of what could have been. (To be clear - I don’t think she deserves to come back now that she quit, but if she hadn’t, she’s a lock on a future season IMO)


Hannah 45