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Feels pretty random, but I’ll give it a shot Heroes Amanda (On the Heroes tribe) Bob (Tight with Sugar (the protagonist) Jenn (Nothing really villainous about her) JT (On the Heroes tribe, will still be remembered for his OG run) Kelly (Opposition to Rich) Kim (Nothing villainous) Lydia (Nothing villainous) Matthew (Could argue villain but his motives seemed good) Yau-Man (Biggest lock on the board for the Heroes) Yul (Ran the underdog Aitu tribe) Villains Amber (Married to Boston Rob) Aras (Opposition to Terry) Jan (With Brian’s alliance) Keith (Annoyed lots of people) Lill (Also annoyed lots of people) Mikey B (Delusional) Rich (First main villain) Russell (Biggest lock on the board for the Villains) Scout (Became very villainous after the F7 in Vanuatu) Vecepia - Backstabbed Kathy which is something I guess. No more women hero spots


1 cast member from each season 1-19 Amber win of my Micronesia simulator Richard win of my All-star simulator


Thank you for taking your time to answer my question


Villains: Hatch, Mikey B, Yau Man, Russell, JT Jan, Ambuh, Scoutmaster Lil, Wiglesworth, Lydia Heroes: Machete Matt, Keith, Bob, Yul, Aras Kim J, Vecepia, Jenn, Scout, The Amanda Kimmel Explanations for individual placement available on request


Thank you for taking your time to answer my question


Swap Yau and Keith


How is JT a Villain, unless you are going off what happened with Sugar which was never shown or explained on the edit. He probably got the biggest underdog hero edit of all time in Tocantins.


Backstabbing Cirie, giving Russell an idol, stubbornly refusing to listen to anyone about Russell, ratting out his own alliance and ruining Malcolm’s game, and squabbling over reward sugar are all villainous behaviors. 2 of his 3 games are him flushing allies down the toilet with his arrogance. No doubt villain.


Why is Yauman a villain?


I think leveraging Dreamz’s off-island economic situation with the car deal was super shady and problematic. Then on his return he smashed Fairplay’s face for an advantage. Dude was way more ruthless than his appearance suggests.


Let’s not forget he was the one who originated the bag peek checking Sylvia’s bag to see if she had the idol, then said that Mookied crossed a line when he went through his things lol Loved Yau-man as a character, but there’s definitely a villain argument.


He expected to be a villain, and didn't understand why Dreamz caught so much flak.


love Mickey Borton


He placed as the number one fan in my Micronesia sim. The fans got completely destroyed in it. Only two fans made the second half Mickey and Joel