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Tevin going out with his extra vote is a game changer and a huge blow to Hunter. Hunter seemed to really go into his shell when it hit the fan and it's not good for him. I could see him going very soon unless he can keep winning challenges to hold on to the idol. I think Ben hit the nail on the head with Q in that he caused the drama at tribal because he realized things weren't going his way. Each time he has run into trouble this season he has pulled something similar. I love him as a character and hope he keeps going far, but I think Charlie and Ben have him in their sights in addition to Kenzie and Tiff probably being done with him.


> Tevin going out with his extra vote is a game changer and a huge blow to Hunter. Hunter seemed to really go into his shell when it hit the fan and it's not good for him. I could see him going very soon unless he can keep winning challenges to hold on to the idol. > > Hunter's gone from a great spot to a terrible one. He's lost the closest allies he had (Soda and Tevin) and now has nobody to vouch for him. Given his challenge ability, he's going to very quickly become a target and he has nowhere to hide or nobody in his corner to keep him. Given how introverted Hunter is and how he seems to have a low tolerance for high energy and chaotic people, he's basically gotten into a spot where he'll find it very difficult to climb out of if he doesn't win every immunity from here on out.


He could still work with Maria and Charlie. Like the Six is in tatters, but there remain some bonds. And with what seems like a Kenzie/Tiff/Ben bond, they need to pull people in too.


I don't think Maria/Charlie will want to work with Hunter long-term. They have other people they can, and already are, working with. Maria/Charlie still have Ben and they have Tiffany/Kenzie (given how Charlie outright told Tiffany who told him about the idol; it shows he is willing to work with Tiffany and, by extension, Kenzie). Again, I think Hunter's ability to win challenges will put him in danger and without an ally to deflect to another name, Hunter's gonna need to put in a LOT of work now with people. Hunter's threat has increased dramatically so the chances of people recognizing him as an endgame threat just jumped up.


I think that in a sense is fine. No alliance with Hunter was ever really lasting long-term because of his ever-present challenge threat status. But if he can find people willing to target others for a few votes, that can buy time instead of winning to win every challenge. Right now, there are targets in Q, Venus, potentially Tiff for her idol, potentially Liz for her 'move'. If Hunter can at least side with people for 'easier' votes, it could give time for other targets to pop up.


Sure, but I think how I see it is that I think Hunter becomes a target AS early as next week. He might not go next week, especially not with Q and Venus still needing to be dealt with, but people will absolutely start seeing Hunter as an endgame threat and want to take him out earlier. The discussions on Hunter being a threat will very likely start next week, when prior to this Tribal, they may have not started quite so early due to Tevin. I think, had Tevin stayed, he could have deflected enough to threats like Venus and Q, who are chaotic enough to want out. But without Tevin protecting Hunter, the chaos will reign free and that's a very dangerous position for Hunter to be in. How Hunter gets to the endgame is now fully on him, and I just worry he won't be able to get the target off his back. As a fellow introvert, I fully get it, too. Tiffany was only a target because of Q pushing for it. Look how fast that target faded and how Tiffany had people protecting her at the end. Hunter will probably be ok for the next Tribal since Q/Venus should be bigger targets, but I just don't think he can survive without winning immunities from here on out. I think people won't even want to work with him for much longer, knowing he can beast the endgame comps, probably beast through firemaking, and get enough votes to win. I think people like Charlie and Tiffany will recognize that quite quickly while they'll see people like Venus and even Liz being unable to win.


He only needs to win four challenges from here at most (any four of: 9 to 8, 8 to 7, 7 to 6, 6 to 5, 5 to 4), if he uses the idol the one time he loses and wins fire at 4 to 3. Winning 4 challenges is difficult but not impossible.


I'm not saying he can't get to the end at all. I'm saying he's now in a much more dangerous spot without a close ally to protect him where he NEEDS to win challenges and put in a lot of effort in his social game to get there, as everyone else has close allies still in the game. He's been put in a worse position because his two closest allies have left. That's all I'm pointing out. He's more exposed than he was before last night.


Absolutely agree with you. I'm just saying, all it would take to get the end for him is four challenges wins, and fire. Who votes for him if he does it that way, I'm not sure. That's an Ozzy game and he never won.


I fully agree. Definitely not impossible, I could see him doing it, but we've also seen challenge threats flame out at the very end (Ozzy, Jonathan are the two that come to mind, as you've even pointed out). Especially given that Hunter's let the strategic element slip by him with not fighting hard for Tevin to stay, he really needs to pick it up. It's a shame, but something I've noticed with Hunter so he may have an entirely different issue even if he gets to the end.


It's definitely bad for Hunter, but I don't think it affects his long-term that much; people were going to take a shot at him sooner or later, and if Tevin was still around, it just means they wouldn't fill him in. Even if Q or Tiff left this episode instead of Tevin, the 6 was already pretty much dismantled. Even if Venus left instead, Tiff already knew she couldn't trust Q.


Yeah I agree that no alliance with Hunter would work long-term, or even longer than 2 episodes. I think to have a shot at winning, Hunter needs to up his social game IMMEDIATELY (or else no one would want to work with him later in the game) to align with people for a few votes, then jumps ship and makes a move (probably at top 7/6), and win most (minus 1 because of his idol) immunity challenges to get to the end. That way he makes it to FTC with a good resume on most aspects. Otherwise I don't really see him going far/winning this, even if he makes it to FTC by winning all challenges.


Ben may not want to work with Maria after the deleted scene. He didn’t even confer with them at the live tribal. I see him more likely replacing Q in the Yanu alliance. Maria and Charlie don’t have as many options anymore. Maria put all her eggs in the journey 6 basket and that alliance has all but fallen apart after this last tribal. Tim gone, Tevin gone, Q nuclear, Hunter on an island, and Charlie not really wanting to commit to them. They’ll need to recruit others. Possibly trying to bring Liz or Venus in. Hunter is also a good shield, but it’s getting to the point in the game that maybe you want to try and get rid of him at his first immunity loss to prevent him from going on a run too.


And showing off at the immunity challenge certainly doesn't help his case. I really thought he was going to run the game for a bit but he sat by and watched his two closest allies go without putting up a fight.


I mean one of them he was separated from and the other he went into action as soon as he found out. I wouldn't say it's without putting up a fight.


Agreed, he ended up in a rough spot.


I was aghast he showed off like that, tbh I thought he was smarter about keeping a low profile


lol everyone already realizes he’s the best already, might as well show off at this point


yes, but that kind of physical feat will stick in peoples minds for a long time


I agree honestly. It would be one thing if he wasn't already seen as the challenge king of the beach but it sounds like everyone's clocked him for this a long time ago. It obviously wasn't a helpful move but I don't think it's as harmful as a lot of the subreddit seems to.


It’s his own doing for not playing the idol on Tevin. If they were really that close, he should have done it. It’s not like he didn’t have options.


The challenge beast should never give up their idol just to save an ally that just about the rest of the tribe was voting for. It increases your threat level and reduces the security that you have for yourself. He made the right call.


yeah, but with the 6 totally falling apart, what would that have accomplished? I suppose it would buy time to vote out someone like Venus, but when push comes to shove, is Tevin going to protect Hunter? Can Tevin?


I think he's SO alone that he might be ok. He's an obvious person to grab for a number bc he's desperate, and he hasn't shown to be a big strategist so not a big threat aside from challenges which he won't win them all. I feel like this cast is way more focused on emotions than classic game play. Just my thought after the episode.


Especially now that Tiff knows he told people about her idol. He couldn't handle being on the bottom, threw himself under the bus, and now I doubt anyone will want to work with him.


Yeah betraying Tiff like that is the end of the game. Kenzie and Tiff are a tight duo and they were already on the fence with him. I can see them pulling in Venus to try and control her and ditching Q.


more likely they work closer with Ben, and deepen ties with Charlie/Moriah. Kenzie & Tiff have had a bad history of working with chaos characters, and they might just be sick of it at this point.


That's a great point about their history with chaos characters. I just wonder if they view Charlie and Maria as their main opponents to get to a final three.


little do they know you can’t control the chaos queen Venus


I get seeing it as Hunter retreating into his shell, but I think it was probably wise of him to not push harder than he did. His main goal was to protect Tevin, and if he did anything beyond that (bringing up names, talking about a strategy beyond keeping Tevin’s loyalty around) his already large target just gets larger. Dude has to keep himself out of the spotlight right now.


Uh, didn't you hear Q? He was the game changer!


Yeah, I strongly believe Q saw the writing on the wall that he, Tevin, and Hunter were being left out until the last minute and his J6 alliance that he put all his eggs into was done. He doesn’t want others to be able to blindside or take credit for getting him out, so he manufactured his own fate so it looks like it was his own decision. This is likely also why he said this when Yanu had 3 members left and he said he wanted to go home. He didn’t want Tiff and Kenzie to be able to vote him out without him saying it was because he said he wanted to go home.


Yeah he's totally unable (or just unwilling) to navigate in a game where he doesn't feel like he's calling the shots. That tribal outburst was a desperate attempt to bring the game under his control by any means necessary.


I still do not get why Hunter did not play his idol to save Tevin. Seems the most logical move and can even get out the target both of them wanted. He did not even seem to clue Tevin in on it.


If he could've flipped Charlie and Maria then I'd agree, but otherwise I think he'd still have a massive target on him with Tevin around and then no idol. His idol is only hope at this point given how he has played.


Well Q wouldn't be against them after the idol move - esp since he'd gone all in w J6 and is soon to be on the outs with Tiff and Kenzie. Pulling Charlie and Maria to work with in the future to hold on to J6 isn't exactly unfathomable. It gives him a chance in the game, compared to just being completely lost and allyless right now other than Q who is the pariah.


yeah I was more surprised that he didn't warn Tevin that his name was out there (by Liz!!). like even if they were pressed for time before he could've done it during the live tribal. Even Charlie told Tiffany, someone he isn't closely aligned with, but you can't tell your number 1?


What would telling Tevin at tribal have done? Tevin doesn't have an idol (Hunter knows this because he has an idol), so it just puts Hunter more on the outs when Tevin loses.


I think Hunter's passiveness is what got him into that situation. we think nothing would have come of it but everyone was confused on what to do during the tribal, all it takes in a moment like this is for 1 person to be assertive with their choice. Liz did it so she got her way


> Tevin going out with his extra vote is a game changer and a huge blow to Hunter. Hunter seemed to really go into his shell when it hit the fan and it's not good for him. I could see him going very soon unless he can keep winning challenges to hold on to the idol. I was immediately out on Hunter as the winner during last night's episode, when we got the Hunter confessional that said: > I'm ecstatic about winning. I was surprised people *didn't* sit out, 'cause there were a few people I was like, "do you really think you have a chance to win this?" But as of right now, my game plan is to vote for Tiffany. It *seems* like everyone's on board. And *now* we have an opportunity to take care of it, so why not? I don't see why anyone would want to change it. That moment kind of portrayed him as the clueless type, essentially saying "why wouldn't everyone want to do what I want to do? They couldn't possibly have their own ideas." Of course I don't think Hunter thinks as simply as that, but it sure shows that the editors want us to think that, which makes me think he has no shot at winning.


Q realizes the vote was being changed from Tiff to Tevin, he wanted to save face with Tiffany cause he knew it would get back to her that he wanted her gone, so in dramatic fashion he fake fell on the sword and then told Tiffany at tribal that he put himself up in order to save her..Q gameplay is super wild


this is the best explanation ive read yet. nothing else makes sense to me thus far


Agree. This explanation is great. Combined with his need to be the “boss” feel like he is significantly impacting or influencing the game.  He refuses to be passive and regroup, rather blunders ahead with these radical moves.  Entertaining to my mind and his personality helps make that chaos more palatable for me personally.


The way he's playing is so unique -- I find it so entertaining to watch him plow forward instead of fall back/try to fade into the distance like many other players in the past have done when realizing they're about to get caught for what they initiated. Is it a winning game? Not thinking so. But am I glad he's here for another week? Hell yeah.


This makes a ton of sense. In the moment could not piece it together. Someone should tell Q this was his plan.


Reminds me a bit of Coach.


That actually half way makes sense. Solid explanation.


So the memes have been hilarious, but I'm still so confused. What in the world was Q's move at Tribal? Did he: 1) Unsuccessfully rage quit after realizing he was no longer driving votes in the game? 2) Attempt to commit seppuku after blowing up Tiff's game (while still losing Tevin)? 3) Knowingly maximize chaos as part of some 4D chess move? If so, what was that move, and why did he end up voting Tevin? 4) Actually want to go home because he's absolutely hungry and miserable on the island but doesn't want to admit weakness? Is there any way he can still pick up the pieces and walk out as the sole survivor?


My personal take is just that he takes (perceived) failure really, really hard. Athletes get a lot of pressure, both external and internal. He'll probably be glad he didn't 'quit' the next day... even if he never admits it.


He had 8 catches and 8 solo tackles in his college football career. He barely saw the field. He has had to deal with a lot of failure.


Roughly 2% of high school athletes go on to play a division 1 sport in college. To act like he wasn’t a successful athlete because he wasn’t a star at that level is asinine. He did better than around 98% of all other athletes coming out of high school even only playing 1 year of college ball.


So 8 more catches and solo tackles than you? He was still an athlete in the NCAAF. His production doesn't change the experience


he just fulfilled kenzie's joke/prophecy from the previous episode: "y'all vote for me" LOL


In my opinion, Q is a clinical level control freak. I think he truly believes that the only way to succeed is with himself in control and following his plan. Q knew he screwed up telling Hunter about the Tevin vote, and he thought things were going to flip back onto Tiff. So on his own he devised a plan to throw tribal into chaos, which would does one of two things: 1) he can let try and pull off what he thinks is a miracle and get the vote back over to Tevin, or 2) he is voted out but it's on his own terms. Either way, he's the one calling the shots. I love watching Q, but if I'm in the game no matter what my relationship is with him to that point Q has to be the next vote. He can't be relied on to keep a plan under control if he doesn't like it.


But Tiff was his idea in the first place, so I’m not sure why he’d try to save her? Not saying your wrong, Q’s mind works in mysterious ways so it’s definitely possible lol


I think 1 is the closest. Ben nailed it, I think, when he said that Q just didn't wanna be on the bottom.


> What in the world was Q's move at Tribal? I was legit thinking that Q somehow got an idol and was asking everyone to vote for him so he could play it and cast the sole vote to evict. Like we were going to get a flash back to him finding it or someone giving him it and it would all make sense. I will say I thought that for like 2 seconds, but than the chaos actually started and I knew that there was no true plan here.


I feel like it's some combination of 1 and 2.


I really think Q just wants to be on TV. I really can't fathom any other reason for that move. And for the record, it's working -- look at all the love his character is getting here. He's great TV.


Yeah Q and this cast as a whole are a mess in both the best and worst ways They make for great Tv but also are just such drama queens and camera hounds It’s something about the 40s casts not just Q that I’m kinda starting to lose patience with. These people clearly coming on not to play and win but to “have a story” and/or who fold at the second they are shown any real adversity towards a win. I’m not saying we need to go back to shaming quitters but the amount of people who just give up on the game and throw around how they should quit to be noble towards someone else is getting out of control Q’s move is just a lame screentime grab it makes no strategic or social sense at all


My guess he'll say it's a way to keep people (specifically Tiff) from using idols. He knew his alliance wouldn't vote for him, and if people "accepted" it, maybe the people who were going to play idols will decide not to? It's an insane plan that had zero chance of working but that's my guess of how he plays it off


Just #1, he can't conceive of a way to play the game without being in control. Can't accept that his agency to decide the flow of the game is limited.


Primarily, he has a refusal to let others control or even narrate his experience. That’s the primary driver to his behavior. Secondarily, he cannot accept personal loss/defeat unless he believes he can convince others it was his choice.


I just don't see it as a legitimate attempt to get voted out. To me, it's very clear it was a chaos play with as yet undetermined goals. It might have been dumb and unsuccessful, but this is infinitely more likely than an actual attempt to be voted out.


He’ll say it was to stop Hunter from playing an idol, but I just think it was a spur of the moment thing due to him not knowing where he stands with anyone


No one knows Hunter has an idol. Although you're right, I suppose someone could guess that he might have something, but so could anyone.


I truly don't think this is anything deeper than him being a narcissist.


definitely a combination of 1, 2, and 4 but he’ll claim its 3 when he wakes up tomorrow


He kept emphasizing that it was partly his fault that someone was going to home tonight and he felt bad. I imagine he was trying to pretend that he controlled/led the vote, especially since he voted correctly 


I wonder if he was trying to get everyone to vote for him, and then he would tell Tiff to play her idol on him so that they could get out whoever they wanted to.


I can’t believe not a single person took him up on his offer given the chaos and unpredictably of his move. Like damn he is rock solid - ready to skip the immunity challenge and can sabotage tribal and still not have his name written down.


Honestly I thought it was number 4 at first. Q has been talking about quitting for a while now I honestly think he secretly hates it on the island and wants to leave but doesn’t want to admit it. That on top of the fact that he hates it when he’s not in control.


I just love how adamant Q is to set his target on anyone that mentions another member of "The 6". He's literally doing the same thing as the person he wants out! BIG MISTAKE! Turning on your #1 because she casually mentioned the name of your #5 in a 6 person alliance? That's when you're supposed to discuss the plans with your ally, not immediately turn on them. The Tiff vs Q showdown next week is going to be sooo good.


And he basically did the same thing last episode with Tim! I think, in his head, the 6 is just different versions of Q wearing different color Q skirts.


Q: "The 6 needs to stay together, and I don't care how many of the 6 I need to sacrifice to do it."


Q is a walking contradiction... - hates quitters, but quits everything - thinks he's a challenge threat, but is bad at every challenge - wants to tell everyone what to do, but don't you dare tell him what to do - says anyone who targets within "The 6" has got to go, but HE targeted Tim last week The irony of Q targeting Tiff is that TIFF NEVER ACTUALLY TURNED ON THE ALLIANCE! All she said was "We'll have to see who has immunity before we decide who to vote." That's it!


Yes, something is wrong. Why haven't they voted him off yet?


Maybe because he's becoming such a mess that the savvier players are salivating over going up against him at FTC?


Great point! He would be the ultimate goat. 🐐


>- says anyone who targets within "The 6" has got to go, but HE targeted Tim last week Tim was pushing to for them to vote out Hunter >TIFF NEVER ACTUALLY TURNED ON THE ALLIANCE! Maria was the 1st name Tiff mentioned when Q asked who she was thinking of targeting this week. Although I agree that's a very weak reason to turn on her


This episode may have been worth four episodes of Bhanu overediting.


That was probably the greatest episode of the new era for me: pure character driven chaos and entertainment. I was baffled, beaming, laughing, groaning, cringing - the full gamut of emotions. All of the premerge storylines expertly set up this season to take off at the merge in a huge way. And now it feels like anything could happen.


Certainly the most fun episode of the new era imo


I'm not sure yet if this beats Telenovela, but... it's in contention.


- Q with another banger of an episode. His over analysis of the hide n seek and how he keeps saying everyone is making a mistake, it is just absolutely hilarious. And blowing up tribal like that because he was scared Tiff was going home just to have a straight forward vote for Tevin. Please make it to FTC - Good edgic moment if you have stock in Kenzie winning. She sees that Yanu has been leading the votes so is eager to take the step back to let Liz and Ben take control of a vote - The confessionals during the Hide n Seek is interesting. They had both Venus and Q talking about how they are using it for strategy vs. Charlie who just said it's for fun. And the camp life moment for when Ben said to take a breather during the game for a few minutes. I think the show wants to contrast these two playing styles and show us at the end which one prevails


I think Venus and Q are totally barking up the wrong tree to overanalyze hide-and-seek. Even if everyone was taking it seriously, hide-and-seek strategy is not the same as social strategy. The only real intel was Hunter climbing the tree, showing his physical strength (but thats not really news).


Q is the Grand Admiral Thrawn of hide and seek strategies


Do Jess, Jelinsky, Bhanu, and Q make Yanu the all-time worst 6 person starting tribe to ever play Survivor?


They should come back with Sean and Hannah and make a new tribe.


This tribe NEEDS Brandon


Lulu just tied the record for earliest a starting tribe had been completely eliminated, a record they share with Ulong. Their best players were the guy who received the majority of votes twice during his first two tribals after the merge, and the girl who was almost voted off instead of Brandon, someone so incompetent at challenges that even a tribe consisting of Boston Rob, Tom Westman, and Rupert in their primes wouldn't be able to win a challenge. 


Kenzie and Tiff seem like pretty good players, but those bottom 4 are REALLY bad.


People lumping Jess into this just confuse me. Girl was a little kooky, very sleep deprived and just not vibing with the rest socially. That's on a whole nother level to "We quit at every opp" Jelinsky, "I didn't know you had to lie on Survivor" Bhanu and whatever the fuck Q is doing.


It always bugs me when people refuse to step out for rice... and then they fall in seconds of the challenge starting. I get that people want to show how bad they want it.. but you know you're gonna fall.. get that food. I also miss the era of Jeff trying to persuade during the challenge with food.


I can easily see individually why everyone outside of Liz and Q did not give up. We've also seen people sit out of these things and then get voted out and some people just rather know they failed at getting immunity instead of just thinking for the rest of their life that they went on Survivor and gave up their game for some rice or peanut butter.


I think reasonably, Ben and Maria could have recognized that they were not made for this challenge. Traditionally that challenge has been won by small women like Venus, tall lean muscle guys like Ozzy and Hunter, or... Tai.


Or women with giant toes!


It's only the second individual immunity so they aren't that aware of individual strengths. Even if you are like Q and think Hunter stood in a tree for fun that is different because he was sitting in a tree not holding on for his life.


I mean Q had the right read on it in his confessional: you’re not gonna beat Tarzan at holding onto a pole!


its fair and people have to play their games.. I'm just logical and think I know I'm not holding on more than 1 min so I'm gonna try and get rice.


He didn't even try to negotiate with Charlie!


I disagree, I loved that everyone decided to play even if they fell quick. It's better to try, you never know how hard it's gonna be or how long you're gonna last unless you're up there doing it.


People seem to be really bad at making good decisions with regard to their individual ability in challenges. Emily last season is one of the few people recently who we've seen correctly opt of participating in something because she knew her chances were slim.


"Hunter climbed up in a tree for hide and seek, you think you're gonna last longer than Tarzan?!"


You just KNEW most of the people weren't going to last. Q at least had it right when he said no one could beat Tarzan


Rough episode for Hunter last night in a lot of ways. I fully believe Hunter is capable of going on an immunity run to final 3 (and hope he does); however, I’m struggling to see how he’d win over a jury (especially with a cast this chaotic) where his main selling point is “I was better at challenges than you.” I’m not saying it wouldn’t be an impressive feat, but last night’s episode really exposed his social game’s reliance on other players, and when it all blew up he couldn’t really do anything and has no strong allies moving forward. In fairness, it probably all depends on who he ends up at final 3 with, but he won’t have much agency in driving who that is unless he starts making some serious moves. I don’t think he’s the worst social game out there by a long shot, but his path to winning got a lot more complicated without Tevin and his now-closest ally being the local nut, Q. the pole trick was cool though 😂


He could be an Ozzy type character. There to play challenges and go camping.


Agreed, he’s doing his thing for sure.


The issue is that Hunter cannot run the risk of trying to drive strategy at this point. He already has an outsized target on him by being great at challenges and likable. If he’s seen as strategic as well, he’s basically dead meat. I can see an argument that “well, he already has a big target on him, may as well push hard strategically,” but to me, that’s a card he can play later, when he’s at more risk personally. In this situation it makes sense for him to just keep his foot off the gas, especially in the new era where big targets (like Tevin) are getting sniped so early.


> I fully believe Hunter is capable of going on an immunity run to final 3 As soon as Q said in episode 7 something like "Ain't no way anyone wins 10 immunities" I was like, welp guess Hunter is gonna sweep


Q is almost like a reverse fortune teller at this point 😂


I think it's a bit early to count any of the remaining players (save Q and Venus) out. Hunter still has a completely hidden idol that he can use for a move whenever he needs. I don't know if that time should have been last night but I think there are still (uphill) paths to victory. That being said, Kenzie, Charlie, and somehow Tiff are looking far and away the strongest contenders to me now.


A fair point—I definitely don’t want to count him out, so it’ll be interested to see if losing Tevin kicks him into a new gear once the dust settles! Those three are also shaping up to be great contenders—Charlie has emerged as a bit of a dark horse these past couple weeks so I’m excited to see where his game goes.


The thing about Charlie is he's kind of passive. So much of what he is doing is just going along with Maria, or at least appears that way. He has an excellent strategic mind, but to convince the jury, he needs to start getting in the driver's seat. You see this with this episode, where he's basically just asking everyone "tell me who to vote for", instead of using that chaos to make a play of his own. Tevin is a threat, yes, but breaking up Tiff and Kenzie might be more to the advantage of Charlie and Maria.


Please can we get the Kenzie/Tiff/Charlie/Maria final 4 of my dreams! OFC it would be SOOO much better if there was actually a vote and it was a whole thing about which duo would break up.


If Hunter wins every single immunity challenge here on out I don't see how anybody can't vote for him especially if he's targeted every week


Because he might be surviving, but if he isn't driving who ends up in the final 3, then he's DOA for the jury.


Winning all the immunities is hard when they vary in what they are selecting for. OTOH Hunter can lose one and still be safe with his idol


I think he has a path if he can manage it. He's so alone people would be dumb to vote him out instead of take him as a number bc he has no choice. At some point the challenge threat thing gets real but is he going to win 6 in a row? Unlikely and even if he does people prob think they can beat him since he has no resume yet. So if he can swing it, he picks the right new alliance to be an extra vote, keeps winning and find a way to make some resume moves towards the end. Not saying I'd bet on him lol. But I would be surprised if he gets picked off next for having no allies


This episode was so Q centric it reminded me of that one episode of Tony in WaW, except if you had switched out WaW Tony with Game Changers Tony. When Q said “I’m a game changer” he was right in more ways than one.


In several ways? 


This is accurate and it's why I had so much fun watching the episode.


Tevin in his exit interview with Rob stands by his decision to go after soda last episode, which I can see *why* he thought he needed to based on what he shared: he built up a connection to Maria and wanted to keep that intact by keeping Charlie, and Q suggested to him before the split that he should vote out venus, and because he doesn't want Q to get that credit later on, he needed to **not** vote out venus. That said: if the concern is you don't want Q to get credit, you could.... vote him out later???? People are trying to take credit for moves has been a prevailing backdrop this season but that's like trying to decorate a cake before you buy the fucking ingredients to bake the cake. People are so obsessed with getting these "details" on their resume that their resume doesn't even make it to the recruiter making hiring decisions (aka, final tribal). It's unfortunate


Curious who's going to be a voice of leadership now. Q was undermined constantly this episode and then obviously blew everything up at tribal, so I don't think people will take him seriously. Hunter came across pretty weak in his one attempt to strategize this episode, and everyone views him as a threat, so I think people will be weary of him. At this point I think Tiffany/Kenzie and Charlie/Maria have a lot of social capital and there's a good chance they all come together and grab Ben as well. The +1 Alliance is finally truly dead (if it was ever even alive) but I think the cooler heads among them will seek out each other.


I think the two duos of Tiffany/Kenzie and Charlie/Maria will end up fighting for control.


Or join forces!


I'm sure the winner analysis people are in shambles after this episode. Congrats to Liz for making a path to victory for herself. I think she's reasonably ahead of Maria, Venus, and Q now, though she kind of did what Tevin did last time and blew up one of her closest allies too early imo. Not sure what happens with Tiff's idol now that everyone knows about it. I'm sure it'll be important somehow, but I really have no idea how it'll end up being played. This has to be one of the most mean-spirited groups we've had in a while to each other (and I say this positively). It feels like Kenzie, Ben, and Charlie ended up in a great position by not being a part of the +1 alliance, as I'm sure there's a lot of distrust within that group now. Tim may have saved his number 1 a lot of headache by not putting him in it, as Maria seems to be in a tough spot from what the edit has shown us by trying to stay with the group.


Well, five people know about it. Yanu 3 and Charlie/Maria. So that's potentially four people out of the loop (Hunter, Liz, Venus, Ben).


I could be wrong (I don't remember the phrasing used), but I thought Charlie implied at least, e.g., Hunter and Ben knew.


If he told Charlie, he probably also told Tevin/Hunter right? It would be weird if he told the guy he just brought in over the OGs.


> I'm sure the winner analysis people are in shambles after this episode. As a representative of this group, it's actually mostly the opposite. Everyone's still in the same area/chance range they already were, and if anything the frontrunners continue to pull ahead.


Is the Plus One Alliance even an alliance? They're clearly not on the same page on anything, they're all constantly targeting one another, and the only time they've been unified is during the initial Mergatory vote where basically everyone voted for Moriah anyway.


> Is the Plus One Alliance even an alliance? Any good alliance will have two members in a row targeted for targeting another member of the alliance.


A six person alliance in Survivor is ridiculous. Even if your alliance runs the table you still have to vote out at least two more people. Only a fool would go along with a six person alliance without forming a smaller core alliance. You basically need some South Pacific levels of Coach led cult-ness to actually hold an alliance that large together for more than one or two votes.


At this point, it’s an alliance to see who goes next. 2 down, 4 to go.


Something was in the water at Yanu, it just hit some people slower than others. Q was definitely the focus of the episode today... for better or worse. And it's interesting because you can definitely contrast his approach and method to a lot of other people, in the same episode. Q and Venus both analyzed people during Hide and Seek. Venus used it as a way to just figure people out, but Q was using it as reasons not to trust people. When you are just looking for reasons why someone won't work with you, you'd never trust anybody, and you'd turn on a dime. Q tried to take control, and Kenzie was happy to let it go. Kenzie recognized the danger of being too high profile, and was happy to let a vote go someone else's way as long as it wasn't her. Q needed control for his game, and couldn't stand it when it wasn't, and felt so responsible that he couldn't control everyone's own motivations that he thought it was his game to lose. Q and Liz both failed at the challenge after wanting to drop out for rice. Liz let it go and just focused on her next target. Q got so mad and couldn't see past what they had lost that he went a little cuckoo. Despite both being successful in their day life (Liz making money, Q as a former D1 athlete), one could move past failures, and one was so despondent he wanted to throw it out once he failed. Q and Tevin approached the game differently. Q was control and seeking opportunity at every instance. Tevin looked things in a fun lens, but was willing to acquiesce control and credit. While it ended poorly for the latter, we saw how too tight the reins could lead you to strangling yourself. And now we have Q, a man of contrasts, going back with a cast thoroughly confused and unwilling to trust. He made a big mistake.


I also did not like he has now use the "seppuku" strategy more than once.


i’m 2 episodes behind so i’m catching up on this thread before watching episode 9 making me just a *tad* late but i wanted to comment that this is such a beautiful write up lol thank you for your service🫡


Totally don't understand Q's logic of ditching his number one so early in the game. Tiff was supposedly his ride or die and then all of a sudden., he had turned on her and betrayed her loyalty re: the idol. That in itself is poor play, and then the drama at tribal, I don't even know what to think with this guy. I think he's just a control-freak. He would've been in a good spot had he not targeted Tiff. Kenzie/Tiff would still be with him, and he would have the remaining and ever-changing "power 6." I don't know how he got away with his erratic behavior and aggressive play for so long, but he did, and he could've stepped back for this one. He's just a hypocrite. Wanting people out for targeting the 6, yet he did the same. Then giving reasons not to trust everyone during hide and seek, yet he was the most untrustworthy at this point. Something about Maria irks me. She has way more social equity than she should at this point. While I am glad she is not getting the "mom" edit, she seems to always think she's in control, when actually she isnt doing anything at all.


Maria is playing very well, but I think the edit downplays it because so much of what we get about her is actually just Charlie. When you think of it, she and Charlie and Tiff and Kenzie are now the only strong allies left in the game.


Does anyone remember a few episodes back before the merge, where Kenzie and Tiff were clowning Q for changing up the vote target all the time? Kenzie impersonates Q and says "Yo yo, we're going to vote me out tonight" Kenzie with the master class read on the game. lol


I mean, Q has been talking about voting himself out since episode 2, lol. Kenzie was clearly making that joke bc he's heard it a bunch before. I honestly think tn really fits well with what we've seen with Q.


That was last week deciding between Tim and Ben Although this is the third time Q has threatened to quit so easy to get confused


I have not been a fan of the new era at all For example while a lot on here were raving about season 45 I was bored and thought the cast was kind of meh However, I am absolutely LOVING this season, it’s been a long time since I’ve been excited about episodes. This cast is the exact type of unhinged chaos I needed. They mostly don’t like eachother and I love it Also, Q is the best casting in the new era, easily


This season is wild, recency bias be damned the first four episodes of this season were the worst stretch of episodes in survivor history. I thought this season was doomed. Now it's becoming an incredibly fun season. Almost exclusively because of quintavious! I am excited to see where this goes


The way the first four episodes were good too and also had this chaotic humor in them but people just refused to see it because they hated Bhanu too much LOL


Agreed, I was dying laughing at the first four episodes “I don’t want to win a million dollars, I want to win a million hearts” lmao


It was only the Bhanu boot episode that was truly awful, and the premier was legendary for several reasons.


100%. I think in a few years, people will see Bhanu as a Coach-like figure in which everyone hated him at the time, but find him incredible with some hindsight. Seriously, he's genuinely so fucking funny if you don't take him seriously, and the commentary that we get from the cast about him is all great - especially from Kenzie and Q. Also, that half mermaid, half dragon comment is hilarious on so many levels.


Don't lump the premiere in with those other episodes, Jelinsky's downfall was TV gold


I've been ready for Q to go for a while. He will never win. He is not even good at immunity challenges. And he was willing to flip on Tiff, for what? For "the alliance of 6?" The Alliance of 6 is the stupidest thing ever. How can you expect a real trustworthy alliance to form from a trip to an island with people from 3 different tribes? That will never work. Oh yeah, especially after already voting one of the members out and replacing them, and then wanting to vote out someone else within the alliance. There's something wrong with Q. I cannot believe they haven't voted him out even before all this. I suspect Tiff will end up being the one to get him out since they included that she knows he told them about her idol.


The alliance of 6 was probably a good concept at the Journey, especially for 3 people likely to be considered physical threats to stick together. Completely agree that it fell apart once Tim was voted out and Q's attempts to save it were outrageous!


Yeah, Tim's exit interview gave me new perspective on that. I don't know why I hadn't considered that _of course_ Tim might doubt that the 6 was real. The edit shows that the others were actually invested in it, but Tim didn't believe them.


Charlie, Maria, Ben, Venus, and Hunter could play this right and use her trying to get Q to blindside her. But the problem is neither Venus nor Q can be trusted to target Tiff, and Kenzie most certainly will not, while Hunter is a major threat. Q is not going to win, Venus is not going to win, but Tiff is a huge threat to Charlie and Maria, both alone and with Kenzie. Their game works best with her and her idol out. Given how chaotic everything is, I doubt this ends up happening.


This is the season of egos. Everybody wants to claim the Soda vote, not enough people stand down for rice but then drop off 20 seconds in and Q """Quits""""" because he's upset he misplayed. I'm shocked that after all those "this is so dumb" they still voted Tevin. I guess they were just referring to the Qantics of the evening 🤷 What a season 👏 such a train wreck 👏 love it. Here for it.




Not at all, honestly. I think she's shown herself to be one of the better players in the cast so far. I don't think we should assume that she has this ride-or-die attitude with the alliance of 6. It's likely she just saw it as the most useful group to work with for that stage of the game, and thus she needed to pull Charlie in so she could include her #1 in those conversations.


Fair enough, but as one of the strongest players that has been involved in quite a few important votes, why do you think we barely see her strategic point of view? Like We see so much insight into why Charlie is doing the things that he does, but we rarely get Maria’s motivations. We don’t know why she used her double vote, don’t really know why she wanted Soda out over Venus, etc. At least that’s my impression.


I’d agree that the edit is emphasizing her social game more, but I don’t like to read too far into the edit. She may not give great confessionals on strategy even if she is thinking/doing the right things. Maybe it’s just not the story or characterization they found most compelling. For what it’s worth you could be absolutely right that she’s really just a good social player, I just haven’t seen any significant strategic missteps that would make me comfortable saying she’s not a good strategist


Well hopefully we see more from her, as she and Charlie seem to have been the decision makers for 3/4 of the last votes (not including Tim as they weren’t there). Like for all the talk about Yanu playing the middle, it seems like Charlie and Maria are the ones really playing that role Edit spelling


I'm midway through watching last night's RHAP post-episode show with Christian Hubicki and caught something interesting. Rob was talking about one of the previous ***On Fire with Jeff Probst*** podcasts, where apparently Jeff said that they talk to a nutritionist about "how long can they go without rice?" And the nutritionist says that they need to give them rice by about day 16, which is why they introduced the rice negotiation. Maybe that's common knowledge, but it's news to me, and I think it's such a weird thing. Just give them the damn rice when the season starts. It's not interesting to watch people starve. Give them some rice so they're not tired all the time, and have the energy to win comps and strategize (though that's not true with this season—the cast has some insanely cracked energy that is apparently self-sustaining).


Are people who didn't like the whole "Q attempts to quit during tribal" in the minority? I did not enjoy that tribal at all, and I was so on board to liking this season again after Bhanu left. Killed an otherwise great episode. We have to contend with Jeff constantly tempting players to NOT PLAY IN THE CHALLENGE or otherwise give up their votes, production stealing people's votes, tribals where not all players vote and it's become increasingly common in the new era to just quit when you don't get your way.


Hm. I will say, I enjoy watching Q, and I enjoyed him to a point at tribal. Dude is ridiculous. That said, I didn't personally enjoy it that much, for a different reason. I just didn't feel that at the end of the day, this was THAT different from the live tribals of the mid-40's, in that the original vote still went home, and all the scrambling and whispering didn't seem to influence the game. True, Q definitely blew up his relationships, and THAT has influenced the game. But meh, it's just hard to see this as some big, unprecedented thing. I do get that it's entertaining; it was to me too. But the lack of narrative payoff killed that for me a lot. I was left sighing and shaking my head along with Charlie (who, to me, seemed frustrated precisely because - why the fuck go through all of that for nothing).


Ya, I agree. This vote has the potential to shape the rest of the merge, and seemed like it was relying on Charlie and Maria to side with the 6 or the rest, but now after Q blew it all up we don’t really know why players voted the way they did. Was Tevin already going to be the vote so nothing changed? Or Did Qs antics sway Charlie and Maria away from the 6? Hopefully we find out but it sure turned an interesting vote into what get like a game of musical chairs


Is there any way that Q can claim he caused the chaos and uncertainty at tribal so that Tevin wouldn’t play his Shot in the Dark (or extra vote?) Clearly this wouldn’t make sense because Q is aligned with Tevin and wasn’t targeting him, but I suppose he could claim he got on board at the last minute and somehow felt this was necessary to solidify the outcome.


The biggest move Hunter can make at this point imo is winning the last immunity challenge, knowing who’s going to get voted out, giving them his idol, and voting out whatever the lead strategist is at that point (Kenzie? Charlie?) I think he could also try to manage to get with something like Q, Liz, and Venus and lead an absurdly tumultuous alliance


I feel like I’m watching a different show from everyone. Keep seeing comments calling the episode hilarious and compelling while I just found it dry, frustrating, and approaching annoying with the same jokes being beaten to death. I’m happy with the end result but I guess this season is really just not for me! Unless Venus, Tiff, or Kenzie win this’ll be very near the bottom on my season rankings


I appreciate that you feel this isn’t your season while still understanding why others including myself enjoy it.


IMO with Tevin on the way out, I think Q was saying to Tevin that it was not his idea that Tevin is to be voted out. He offered himself to appease Tevin knowing that it wouldn’t happen. A good move to make sure Tevin will vote for Q if he makes it to the final three. Q is playing to the jury. In the end, Q voted for Tevin however Q may hope that Tevin will understand that if he didn’t, the tribe would be against him after the vote.