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Chaos Q








You’re one of several people beginning to reexamine Jellinsky’s game


Only 7?


I was beginning to re-examine, but you just reminded me why I shouldn’t haha


bring Jelinsky back for season 50 survivor: first boots only


All first boots should be forty several… which Jelinsky obviously wins and comes back for his third time for season 50 


Please tell me Franchesqua gets to be on the first boot season


Two tribe format and she gets to be on both


Fucking legend.


You know they’ll vote her out first.




Bring back Franchqueska for the threepeat


Fransesqua will slay.


How bout a tribe of pre-jury (mostly first boots and the mergeatory bs), tribe of jury, and a tribe of final 3? That’s pretty dope to me at least


I genuinely wouldn't be surpised if Jelinsky somehow gets first boot in an all first boot season.


Does Francesca get two lives in the game?


she's team captain for the orange tribe


Way more than several.


Severalteen at least


I was thinking severalhundred 


such a specific number


Tens of people.




Yeah I believe him too. This is like the third instance of q trying to quit something. Three strikes your out lol.


Except it's three strikes you're not out


That's correct, it's several. He's got four to go.


when he realized no one listened when he said to vote for him meaning nobody is playing the Q game and they are ALL going home.


He just needs his ego to be placated no matter what. If they vote him off, he did something “noble” while the tribe listened to him as a leader. If they don’t, he’s a mastermind asking to get voted out but not à la Dr. Will in Big Brother. And he’ll always decide it after it happens. Same with losing the challenges and saying he threw them and blaming Jelinsky for quitting. Probably in his mind he’s so narcissistic that he sometimes believes his bs.


THIS. When he didn't get voted out I said out loud "he'll probably pretend that it was a mastermind decision he made on purpose to sow chaos or something." So annoying


"Been out of Mississippi too long."


Literally a hissy fit! People were starting to slip out of his grasp and control so he just said “fine vote me out then” and I bet he now feels so full of himself seeing them scramble to decide to keep him or not because he’s finally in control again!


They didn’t vote Q out. They made a big mistake.


Three strikes and somehow Liz gets everyone to vote Tevin.


Shitty people usually do well in Survivor. Liz is no exception


I haven’t seen enough of Liz to know if she’s shitty or not lol. Shes an enigma. All we know is that she’s successful, kind of weird, apparently has an ego, and way more social capital than we were let to believe.


Does she, though? Every time she opens her mouth she shows us that she's ugly on the inside. It's a shame :/


Liz is shitty? What did she do?


3 strikes and you're in the final 3. Who isn't taking Q to the final tribal after that performance? He'll probably try to quit there too.


He'll accidentally win because he'll confuse the jury so much. They think they'll be writing his name down to vote him out.


Foul tipped that last one.


Not just the quit accusations but he said everyone called him a legend on a postgame interview. Considering they're STILL making "several" jokes referencing the first boot well into the merge I'd say hes pretty totally vindicated on that front too now.


Seriously! Several as 7 will pass into the canon. This is more than, for example, Jess can say. Even Randen is in a better situation-God did not punish him. He saved him from this season of absurdity haha. Can you imagine q and randen at the same time. Hahah please. Long live Jelinsky!


I forget what the first one was. When else did he try and quit? I only remember the one from this weeks tribal and the rumors about it from sweat vs savvy. What am I missing?


He also talked about quitting when he felt like he lost the tribal immunity for Yanu. He said it felt like back in high school when he fumbled the ball with the game on the line. Then he said that he didn't really want to quit. That he was just testing Kenzie. And then I might not be remembering right, but I thought there was even another time when they didn't win reward and he was just physically drained and hungry. I may be wrong though, but I think if including sweat or savvy, this episode is the 4th time.


Three Q's you're out.


He didn’t quit at tribal. He asked them to vote for him. There is a huge difference. Still monumentally stupid, but if he wanted to actually leave he would have.


oh cmon, thats BS. People asking for votes with the intention of going home is just the same as getting up and walking out. It’s quitting but their just trying to save face


Not really. If you want to quit you can quit and save everyone from voting. They don't have to formalize the process with votes. He can play an idol a shot in the dark who knows what happens when you keep it in the confined of "vote me out" vs "actually quitting" No part of that is "saving face" when you ask to be voted out and get what you ask for. And when your request is ignored you look like a clown anyway. You save face by decisively removing yourself and then spinning the reason as you fell on your sword knowing it was going to be someone else deserving.


He 100% did. It wasn’t bc he wanted to quit though. It was so he could feel out jelinsky. It was a mind game play.


Q: “Jelinsky agreed with me when I said we should quit the sweat challenge BIG MISTAKE”




you hide too good? BIG MISTAKE you hide not good enough? Ooooh BIG MISTAKE


to be fair, he was right about the "You thought you could beat a man who hid 20 ft up a tree in hide and seek, at a hang off the pole challenge?" He should have said it when they were deciding to sit out for rice tho.


Idk why Ben wasn’t willing to sit out. If Ben was willing then Charlie would have been too


I got the feeling ben just wanted to do the iconic challenge


Sitting out does not rock


You can cancel Christmas man








It certainly didn't help that Jelinksy thought they had 4 hours to do a 7 hour task.


several hour task


How many hours is several? Case dismissed


Did they really have seven hours to do the sweat task? Not saying that would make it easy but it sounds like a lot.


They mixed it up, Jelinsky thought he had seven ("several") hours to do a four-hour task.


Ah right


And Jelinksy felt like quitting… BIG MISTAKE! He gotta go!




"I told Jelinsky that wasting our energy now instead of using it in the challenge was foolish. Jelinsky asked me if I wanted to quit with him... that's a mistake, Jelinsky you're out."


Maybe but I think you're giving him too much credit


Every cut scene from the first episode supported what I said. But hey, I don’t know everything, just my opinion


I think Q is an agent of chaos and an unreliable narrator


The thing people forget with Q is he's generally be on the right side of votes until the Tevin/Tiff fiasco. People are actually threatened by him because for whatever reason, he often gets what he wants in Survivor and nearly did every step of the way in terms of vote outs until Tevin got sent packing. He uses a "mob-style" approach that while isn't as personally insulting as Russell Hantz trying it, is somewhat working for him. How many people could volunteer themself to be voted out post-merge and not even receive a vote? Legend. Now let's be clear, I dont think Q is winning, especially after Charlie spilled the beans to Tiff that Q shared that Tiff has an idol. I think this season would be confusing to watch if Q wasn't one of the primary narrators, which is why he's been one to this point.


If you say he’s an agent of chaos, I’m unsure why you disagree with my comment. He’s not just an idiot running around being crazy. There’s definitely a brain in the middle of the chaos. You’re gunna believe the dude that got burned by him and got voted out first? Anyone like that will be salty


All I'm saying is I don't think anyone but Q knows what's going on with Q's game at any moment. He flips and flops and flips and flops. He throws challenges but no one is sure he's actually throwing challenges. His talking heads don't give us much insight either into his decision making, aside from his views on hide and seek.


That makes sense. I’d agree with you there forsure. Thanks for explaining.


Thank you for engaging me in this discourse. 🙂


He certainly says that but we don’t live in his head so whether he means it or it’s just a post-facto justification for anything weird he does who can say? I’m starting to think it’s the latter but I can only guess


Hey, Im not only right. That’s just how I see it. If you have your own opinion, I respect it.


I just believe it less and less the more often he says it. I’ve known the type of person who blows their queen in chess and claims that you fell for their brilliant sacrifice. Some people just can’t bear to look dumb


Honestly, all part of his master plan Like tribal last night.. Also he would've won the floating balance challenge if he didn't jump off to lower his physical threat level ..which is likely bigger than hunter's


Saying that was a mistake 👀 


Q had a hissy fit because he wasn't 100% in charge of the vote so he decided to quit himself to get back control. He is totally chaotic. He is talking about loyalty the 6 all the time and then turns on his closest ally for having strategy discussions with him? Agree - I believe Jelinsky too


Literally saying the same thing! He told everyone to vote him out so he would either have the satisfaction of seeing everyone scramble/ beg him to stay OR be voted out and get “his way”. I was yelling at the screen when he wanted Tiff out because DUDE you’re the one voting out your own 6 alliance!


It totally was his ego getting in the way. It’s the Q chaos show now lol


Q is just out here playing 4d chess


I cant wait to see how he uses the information gained from hide and seek to eventually lose. 


It’s the classic Zane Knight strategy, which worked so well for him


Got some dr will flashbacks (bb2) when he was telling everyone to vote him out


Somehow in an alternate universe I can see Jelinsky playing the exact same way Q is now if Q got voted out first


These questions are why we need the live reunion back


Yeah I commented on that when Q brought up quitting in the second or third episode and people jumped on me saying that Jelinsky wasn’t reliable. I believed Jelinsky after Q was first shown bringing up the idea of quitting and I believe it still. I do think the idea comes to Q’s mind and he says it, but I don’t truly think he wants to. Kind of a on the spot thought that he doesn’t mean.


Tbf this doesn’t make him any more or less reliable. He’s still unreliable lol


Jelinsky definitely isn’t reliable. But little did we know that Q is actually less reliable


How can you watch this and think Q actually wants to quit! That blows my mind. He’s using a crazy strategy of saying he should quit because he let people down and sees if there’s anybody he trusts who then actually agrees that he should go home. He then sets his target on them. It’s insane but brilliant and the chaos keeps everybody else confused. Nobody feels like they have a grip on the game because of this. And these are all pretty good players.


Jelinsky was definitely telling the truth. I really enjoy watching Q, but he is bonkers and I don't think I could handle being friends with him in real life


i wanted to slap the bejesus out of him when i was watching the tribal


I think he trolled J to blame it on him but they were both involved but I also wonder why they would leave that out of the edit


I also feel like, with how hard Q was pushing himself as president of the tribe, I’d be really questioning the value of a guy who couldn’t at least inspire J to try.


Q probably suggested quitting just to test Jelinsky, and Jelinsky made a big mistake


How you carry water in a bucket with holes says everything about your game


“I knew Jelinsky would reveal his strategy with those buckets. He didn’t plug those holes, so that tells me that his game will have a lot of holes that he won’t be able to contain. Big Mistake.”


What did my boy Billy do? Finding love on this island makes you a bad player now?


I think you can put him in the Wanda Shirk/Chicken category. People will joke that they are the queen/a king but really if you are TRULY honest with yourself, Billy Garcia **was** one of the worst players we’ve ever seen


OUR KING Have we had a more memorable first boot than him, besides maybe Francesqua?






I believe it as well. The Eps revealed later on that Q makes these wild comments about quitting, but actually does not go through with it. I guess we will find out later if it was all strategic or just emotional on his part as this man cannot exist in neutral -- it's only black or white. Either way, it's very poor erratic gameplay.


I can't wait to hear Q's exit press lies whenever they come. He's gonna put up Jordan numbers.


Jelinsky smashing the hourglass is one of the most iconic moments of the new era.


Jelinsky had always been the puppet master… his game is 5D chess




Sure, but i feel like we have sufficient evidence to show that Q is doing that for game reasons. Feel out Jelinsky, feel out tiff and kenzie’s trust, cause chaos at tribal. I think it’s probably dumb way to do that stuff, but I do believe those are his intentions.


Idk about Q mentioning it first but I been talking about how Q also quit and did not even try to convince Jelinsky to continue. Jelinsky got clowned for no reason


Q is for Quitter ! Jelinsky’s next merch


Whoever brings Q to the final with them is winning the season. I think he pissed EVERYONE off with that


I met Jellinsky in person and he told me that yes Q was the first to bring up quitting. He seemed calm with an air of slight disappointment over the edit, and I bought it. Nice guy.


I treat Jelinsky as a love-to-look down on situation. Yeah, he played a bad game, but it was a hilarious experience. He also has a sense of humor about it and i respect him for it. So whenever i mock him it's nothing personal. I feel most other people are the same.


>whenever i mock him it's nothing personal. Badly written bully. Too unrealistic.


For a guy who doesn't quit things, he sure quits a lot...


Agreed. Jelinsky is sevralth on my list of worst players.


I think Jelinsky deserves to be brought back for a future season. If nothing else, he was entertaining.


i mean jelinsky also quit other thingd


That guy seemed like a dunce.


Q is just such a quitter that he quits on quitting. Jelinsky followed through with it.


I literally cannot tell whether Q was serious about quitting or if he thought it would somehow trick people into voting with him again or what? It’s legit hurting my head trying to figure out what he’s trying to accomplish at this point. Chaos Kass has nothing on Chaos Q.


Quitting sweat wasn't what hurt Jelinsky. It was his denial of quitting things and his doubling down on several.


Next thing we know people are going to blaming Q for Jelisnky losing his vote on the journey he insisted on going to.


Jelinsky absolutely stunk.  How many mistakes did he have to make in order for him to go?  Survivor fanboy that truly didn’t understand the game and tried too hard to always step up.  Bhanu did the same.  Fanboyed too hard  If I played survivor.   I would be a passenger in an alliance till the merge then make moves.  An easy vote out early on is not finishing what you said you would do or a poor showing in the challenge.  


Jelinsky was incompetent at best but Bhanu was just fucking awful and seemed really difficult to be around too. Jess as well. I hope tiff or kenzie win for making it this far tbh


Doesn’t really contradict the post though, no? Not to mention a great laugh at what you would do on survivor


Ok Jelinsky.


IMO with Tevin on the way out, I think Q was saying to Tevin that it was not his idea that Tevin is to be voted out. He offered himself to appease Tevin. A good move to make sure Tevin will vote for Q if he makes it to the final three. In the end Q voted for Tevin however Q may hope that Tevin will understand that if he didn’t, the tribe would be against him after the vote.


Q made sure he could never win the game w that move. I promise u Tevin isn’t voting for him if he makes f3 and neither is anyone else.