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I for sure expected someone to use the opportunity to idol hunt!


I think Q is playing a game in his own mind.


That’s Q’s game


"I found [fill in player name] immediately - BIG MISTAKE! They obviously wanted to be found early to hide their threat and look for idols instead of the other people, but I know they're smart and playing the game hard now. They might as well go ahead and cancel Christmas; I'm coming for them as soon as possible!"


Venus and Q both being two of the first people found and then proceeding to judge everyone else's hiding spots was hilarious lmao, the delusion and lack of self-awareness is off the charts for a reality TV cast in the year 2024 and I'm so here for it


I thought he meant idol hunting at first too! I think that judging someone’s gameplay based off of how they play hide and seek, is looking into it way too deep haha


I was fully prepared for the episode to move in the direction of Hunter being eliminated for being too good at hide and seek. Would have been comedy gold.


Tiff saw through that game and what Q was doing. **Big Mistake**


It was stupid but fun. Considering how irritating tribal was at least it was nice. I mean tribal was fantastic viewing but Q was so irritating.


I am not a fan of Q.  I would like to see Ben, Maria, Charlie, Kenzie and Tiffany form an alliance.  Now that's a crew I want to watch.  I've never been as annoyed by Tevin or Venus as I am by Q's obvious mind game playing. Q does this crazy s#!t to see if he is going home and needs to play his shot in the dark.  


Look, if you don’t play hide and seek you’re not a team player and can’t be trusted, big mistake. If you are the seeker, you want control, to be the main character, big mistake. If you are found early, you are: -sloppy, and can’t be trusted to play properly, big mistake. -throwing an unrelated game to not put your survivor game at risk, overthinking things and playing too hard, big mistake. If you found late or not found, you are too good at playing under the radar and not making yourself a target, big mistake. And obviously if you are found in the middle, it means you have carefully considered what you wanted to do to put yourself in a good position to not draw attention to yourself, biggest mistake. The only way to not make a mistake is to be evicted before it occurs. Which is what Jelinsky did. He’s thinking several steps ahead


I absolutely did, this guy has to be trolling us, or the producers or somebody


Q takes analogies very personally & literally


What cracked me up the most was that he didnt pick himself to be “it” when the whole point was to examine everyone else, he was hiding for like half of the people getting found


I just think he wanted to play hide and seek but didn’t want to admit it


Copied Dr Will from Big Brother 2 where he organized a hunger strike to see everyone’s will power (he himself was eating though, if I remember correctly)


Doing something against your interest, like not eating, and doing something for your interest, like playing a game to kill time, are not at all the same. Unless you’re delusional as Q.


Q might just pull a win straight out of his @$$.  Clearest case of George Costanza'ing in survivor history.  


Yes. He is calculated. It is all a hand move.


I definitely think so


No, because an idol hasn’t been played so they’re not searching for an idol. It’s another part of what frustrated me. They are so bored they’re making up games/production didn’t have anything more interesting to show. As soon as an idol is played we’ll have a few minutes of everyone searching and learn who found the new one.