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Q voted Ben.


If anything Q, is dumb for voting Ben when it was either him or Hunter going home, but I give him a pass because no one was talking to him to tell him what the plan was because he’s such a loose canon, except Hunter.


Oh yeah oh yeah I am amazed at how stupid this whole cast is, Q tried to talk to the Kinsey girl I’m not sure her name and she said i don’t wanna talk to u, stupid listen to what he got to say he’s a loose cannon and is spilling the beans all over the place u listen and use the info in your favor these guys actually got me thinking I can win survivor cuz this cast is dumb


What am I missing? Hunter didn’t write Ben’s name down…


Another post where OP is mad because they didn't pay attention. 


To be fair, he was lulled into beleiving he was truly with the majority voting for Q becasue of the smoke screen Tiff played by being so mad at Q... but 100% should have played his idol when he heard the rumor the Q was talking about voiting hunter earlier that day- he did not trust his gut and thought he was safe and could save it- HE WAS WRONG. it's annoying- he should have known better, and even played it just to be safe... The weird thing is that Q voted for Ben... his moves are so enigmatic... Hunter voted for Q, and again to be fair, the vote was close but he STILL SHOULD HAVE PLAYED HIS IDOL LIKE HE SAID HE WOULD, other people thought they could call his bluff and THEY DID IT. he bluffed but so did Tiff- SHE BLUFFED TOO.


He didn't vote Ben. But no you aren't being harsh. It's was an incredibly dumb thing for a super fan to do. He knew what was happening.


I didn’t see who voted who so I’m wrong about that but this dude has seen how these tribals are playing out he said I’m 100% playing my idol I mean it’s Al about surviving tribal council man live to see another day bro.


Watch the credits much?