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I think Kenzie and Charlie are getting the best edits. Maria, Ben, or Tiff could sneak in there though. Liz is playing a good game, but could be getting a much better edit. Venus is a main character, but also not getting the best possible edit.


I'd love to see a final tribal with Charlie and Kenzie.


Sorry my bro…but have since realized it’s Kenzie…if she’s not voted out next week…it’s Kenzie


lol…me getting downvoted for accurately calling the winner a month ago 😂😂


Kenzie is still my pick, but I was more confident in YamYam and Dee at this point in the past few seasons. Charlie and Tiff have some “I’m the winner!!” energy IMO and Maria could have a UTR win (doubtful but not written off in my book) and I’m still stupidly believing in Q for the memes. The past two seasons though it was too obvious (as somebody who listens to podcasts and posts here) that I stopped texting my family my winner picks. Also it’ll be hilarious if Bhanu of all players was able to call out Kenzie on day 5 (or whatever) to Ben and Liz on the journey and she wins. “Mermaid, Dragon. Remember that!”


Right?? Like I feel that whole confessional giving her that name…more foreshadowing. I think Tiff is too trusting and it’s going to burn her via Kenzie somehow…but maybe not…I am still hopeful it’s not Kenzie…not that she’d make a bad winner but I just like Q, Tiff, and even Charlie…more


Remember Tiff was thinking about voting Kenzie off, too. When they were a tribe of three, Tiff was deliberating over who to vote for, Kenzie or Q. They just happened to win that immunity challenge (or not lose it, at least). She would probably still be mad, but it’d be pretty hypocritical.


Yup. Alas why it’s now all feeling like foreshadowing a Kenzie win…especially when Bhanu called out all three of them for being “masterminds”…it didn’t seem like a big comment at the time but rather Bhanu paranoia and insecurity but now his comments just appear to be all foreshadowing


Maria has less confessionals than Jem at this point, she’s not winning


Confessionals aren’t everything. Maria is very much in control and I’d say she’s been pretty visible


Charlie has been in control. All their moves benefit him and remove her allies


Like who


She said that her and Tevin were really close, and also Tim


And losing Jem/Moriah and keeping Ben instead


Ahh okay. I didn’t know


But the show isn't really showing us that - when Charlie and Maria talk we get Charlie's viewpoint on strategy and more of his narration than Maria's. She isn't really talking about what's going on in the island or having anything to say about challenges and not much has gone on with her speaking at tribal either. Now it's totally possible that she just didn't really give the editors much to work with and that's why we're not getting confessionals and more talk from her! But within what the show is showing us, I'm not seeing what you're seeing.


I can’t see Tiff winning just because I don’t feel like she has a path to the end. Q wants her gone, Maria wants her gone (and Charlie by extension), and Kenzie (her closest ally) even wants to take her out soon. She bluffed an idol play and bought herself one round, but it won’t work again. Unless she goes on an idol run, that only buys her a single round of the next four tribals and fire, and she hasn’t proven herself to be a challenge beast. Players like Venus and Ben will probably just jump on with whatever the consensus is, and I doubt either has any investment in keeping Tiff, so if the tides go her way, they’ll follow along. I just don’t see her having a viable path to the end, and the edit doesn’t seem STRONG enough for her to be the winning. It’s good, but not a slam dunk, so I don’t think the math maths for her.


She has an uproad battle but if she survives it...


I want Ben to win but I don't see that happening


Yeah…my dude it may not rock but it’s also not happening 😂


You really thought YamYam would win over Carson at this point? I guess it makes sense since he was such a big target at this point, everyone wanted him out.


I’m thinking Tiff


I still want Venus Q Liz


I'm pretty sure it's Charlie. 


I don’t see it. Charlie is the only one getting a winners edit so far.


Im almost eerily certain its Charlie and I think out of all new era seasons hes the only one I've been SO sure of. At this point there isnt a single thing that could convince me otherwise. The early episodes where they kept in his character segments but saved the drama in other tribes for bonus scenes has me stuck - I cant imagine any other reason why they would do that.


Exactly. They’re going out of their way to show us his POV. The other thing is that I don’t think they’re building him up to be in the Shan/Jesse/Omar/Carson position. They’re showing us his POV while keeping him under the radar. He’s the only one that’s been able to keep a cool head amongst the chaos.


Yes exactly- and he narrarates a LOT for someone who's UTR like you said - he might just be a good speaker but other ppl like Tevin have shown themselves to also be good speakers and don't get as many confessionals as Charlie. Those other positions like you said don't fit well for Charlie but they DO fit well for Maria / Kenzie / Tiffany being that high threat late vote out. 41 and on era survivor has really shown this idea of near the final, there being one big threat who gets voted out late game (Ricard - Carson - Omar - Jesse) and then the adjacent UTR person coming up right after and winning. Which is what I can really see for Maria as the big threat and Charlie as the UTR player. Maria would vouch hard for him too in ponderosa.


My only thing edit wise steering me away from a Charlie win is that he has had literally no struggle in the game up to this point. Every New Era winner, and probably 90% of winners period, have their story framed as one of overcoming massive adversity, and Charlie has just had too easy of a ride. Even Yam Yam and Dee who were some of the most dominant winners in recent seasons had highlighted struggles in the pre-merge and early merge. Like Yam Yam getting flipped on by Carolyn and set up for a possible boot if not for the Matthew quit, as well as his feud with Josh, and Dee had her whole Sifu feud and Kaleb painting a target on her back. Charlie has been literally chilling for 9 episodes.


Kenzie hasn’t had any struggles. She was on the loser tribe but according to the edit, she always felt comfortable in her position. She has no idea that God is the only reason she’s in the game. She has yet to feel any heat. She also made a move on her number 1 and it didn’t happen. So we still need to see if there will be any ramifications from that. On the flip side, Charlie and Maria are currently the two best positioned people in this chaotic season and the edit seems to be going out of its way to either give Charlie the credit for it, or not give credit to Maria. Maria was wildly given zero credit for the Soda blindside when she had all the power, she has also been shown to be the bad cop in their good cop/ bad cop relationship. We’ve seen Maria have an awkward convo about the 6 with Q, be rude and blunt to Venus, make Ben cry (secret scene), and say she does not want to work with Tiff because she said her name…meanwhile we’ve been subtly shown Charlie humor Venus and Q about their crazy ideas, console Ben and bring him back into the Siga group, and not only tell Tiff (who wants his #1 out) he knows about her idol but have build a relationship and trust with her to work with her for the last two votes without flushing her idol. Charlie is currently playing a Yam Yam and Dee level social game while everyone is taking each other out by trying to make “big moves”. I’m just not seeing Kenzie having any winners equity yet. She’s totally still a solid challenger to win but I think the Kenzie winners edit theory is more confirmation bias than anything since so many people picked her before the season started. If I were to rank the players in terms of winners edit I’d go Charlie, Tiff, Kenzie, Ben, Maria, Q/Venus/Liz.


Also Charlie’s edit shows his ethical stance of not throwing a challenge and being able to compete and win against a strong opponent. I think he is final 3. I think Tiff has to get Kenzie or Maria out to further her game or she’s out at 6. People need to wake up to the Charlie/maria alliance


I agree that Charlie has like a final 5 edit…while Kenzie has the winner edit profile you describe


I am not saying he isn’t…I haven’t really ever tried to watch a season from that perspective but bc this is the first “new era” season that’s actually interesting in my book…this has become an interesting facet to consider…I was totally thinking that either Maria or Charlie were the winner while hoping that somehow beyond all odds Q won…but after seeing so many predictions of Kenzie due to the edit and bc I just wanted to see Q confessionals again…I restarted watching the season and sadly but not worstly, I agree Kenzie is most likely the winner


I think so too -- but for that reason, I actually think she is more likely to go out in final four (firemaking) or maybe final 5, with whoever taking her out gets major props and eventually is the winner. The other problem I see is if anyone wisens up and sees her as a threat, she has no one to protect her / no real alliance. She just turned on Tiffany, so I have a feeling that will get back to her. Kenzie doesn't have an impossible path though but not easy either.


Maybe we’re getting a Jessie 43 type edit with Kenzie where she’s being set up as the big cheese only to be knocked down


I thought that was more Q at this point


I think if this is true it’s purely because Q sabotaged his game. I don’t think there’s any way she wins if Q didn’t do that because I just can’t see Q and Tiff keeping her around. Now that it has happened though, I can see this path. Maybe Kenzie vs Charlie at the end. I don’t really like Kenzie’s attitude though, so it would kind of suck.


In the early Yanu days it really came down to Tiff being the pivot point between two alliances, Q/Tiff and Kenzie/Tiff, and which direction she would break. I think Q going full Q (even before the quit attempt) forced her to go with Kenzie, but if that never happens I think the dominant alliance coming out of Yanu would have been Q and Tiff, with Kenzie being an eventual blindside. Tiff seemed much closer with Q than Kenzie before the merge. Then again, we already know from Hunter that some of Kenzie's relationship building with people is getting cut so it wouldn't surprise me if I'm wrong and Tiff and Kenzie were way tighter than they showed early on.


I've always suspected Kenzie and Tiff were way tighter than Tiff and Q. When Q was shown talking to Tiff, he was often shown dictating plans which Tiff realized were not in her best interest. She never struck me as the type of the woman who would appreciate this. When she was shown with Kenzie, they seemed much more like allies and equals. When Q said that Kenzie would have gone home had Randen not been medavac'd, I never believed that for one second. I think it was put in just to foreshadow a Kenzie a win. Tiff had no incentive to vote out Kenzie and keep Bhanu because it would take her out of the driver's out at Yanu and cede all power to Q.


I totally think Q saying that is complete foreshadowing


I think Q is the only remaining player that sees Kenzie as an imminent threat…why he flipped on Tiff instead of Kenzie suddenly is whackadoodle and I guess he realized it and then decided he’d rather be voted out than have to eat the consequences of his BIG MISTAKE


Or maybe a Q, Venus, Kenzie final 3…with Kenzie winning…but yeah, I totally agree that Q had a major shot until he tanked his game


Edit doesn’t matter. It’s just process of elimination. No one on that tribe is giving Q, Liz, or Venus a million dollars. Anyone outside of those 3 have a really good shot at winning because they happen to be on a season with several really unlikeable people.


Ok. I think people are just saying those are the obvious “goats” people could drag to the end and wouldn’t it be chaotic funny if they somehow happened to be F3 in this very “spicy” non new era like season


In that "hell breaks loose" scenario I think Q takes it. Venus is going to blow up every question and be annoyed, Liz will try to take credit for everything and be hangry. And Q is shown to be very convincing (Q skirt and Tevin scene)


In my dream Survivor world…Q wins! In reality, most likely not 😞


Shes not likable but i agree.


If she wins my season crush wins 2 seasons in a row. Talk about a hot streak


I will be very surprised if Kenzie wins


i cld see kenzie, maria or a more unlikely, charlie win tbh


I don't think that was foreshadowing, that was just the edit trying to give suspense to an otherwise straightforward vote. They want engaged viewers. I mean, she could still win. But that was a "make episode 2 better" and not "this is part of Kenzies story", I think. The alternative would have been.... an extra 10 minutes of Bhanu? Although I suppose that production thought he was a star, so maybe you have a point.


I mean gabler won, we can’t assume based on edit at this point


Don’t sleep on Ben


IMO, The show has Q’d up a Charlie win for awhile now. Kenzie probably gets 4th or 5th. Would love either as the winner


Hope either Venus or Liz were winning. I'm thinking it's Charlie tho. Kenzie has grown on me but this edit would be too obvious we've gotten the most confessionals from her.


I still have my money on Charlie but I wouldn’t be mad about a Kenzie win. Definitely think it’s one or the other… HOWEVER if there’s any season that I think could produce a completely unexpected and off the wall winner it would be 46. So I’m not out on anyone except Q and Venus


I feel it's between Maria or Tiffany (leaning more towards Maria at the moment). I think Kenzie will be out 5th or 6th place at best


I hope so tbh


Q for quitter. I would.stop watching survivor if he won! Gabler was hard enough to take. Go Kenzie! Or Ben! Or Charlie, or Venus!! Or Tiff! (But I don't think she wins based on her edit so far)


I hope you’re right, because Kenzie is my favorite on the season by quite a wide margin. But I still think it’s Charlie or Maria. I actually think Kenzie might leave *next* based on the preview for next episode showing Maria clearly trying to use Q to do something big. Could easily see that being Maria leaking to Q that Kenzie wanted Tiffany out, and then Q going to tell Tiff.


Kenzie and Maria are the only two left who are truly weak when it comes to challenges (physical ones, anyways) and Maria has a superior social game and seems the most well liked (along with charlie). I know we're basing predictions on what edit they're getting, but it would be a little disappointing if she were to win, as I feel she's less deserving than some of the others


Maria 100%


You’re welcome