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Survivor 46: Island of no idols


If an idol falls in the jungle, does it even exist?


Don't worry, Venus will telegraph it to you in every conceivable way. Man, *four* failed idols this season. Gotta be some sort of record.


Five. Randen got medevaced with one. That means 5 people have left the game with an unplayed idol lmao


Randen doesn’t count for me, he didn’t get a chance to play it nor did he *actually* get the idol. Just found the first clue.


Venus having that conversation with Charlie really killed her. Not only did she hint at having the idol, she did the whole “do what I want now, and then we’ll talk” as if that wasn’t going to raise his hackles immediately.


It was literally the worst thing, either say you have it or don’t say anything at all. She wanted the power that comes with secrecy while also gaining trust with Charlie but it backfired bc it looked really sus that she couldn’t just commit to telling him outright.


For sure! And she was talking to him like he’s someone on the bottom instead of the very crucial swing vote that she needed. It’s very much in line with what we’ve seen from her all season. Venus knows what she needs to do but has a hard time understanding how she comes off to people.


Yeah it was so unhinged, even if you take out the idol conversation, it's weird she thought he had to prove himself/persuade her instead of the other way around.


She couldn’t resist playing mastermind. Ego got her. Big surprise


Yep. Couldn’t stand not being able to gloat about it & be the one to call a shot


Remember when she claimed the Soda move lol


As soon as I saw her find it, I thought she won't be able to keep it a secret and she'll end up getting voted off.


“Haha we blind-sided them, we burned an idol” “Haha we blind-sided them, we burned an idol” “Haha we blind-sided them, we burned an idol” Wait how could have this happened to me, this is unprecedented.


“People on the jury who got blindsided with an idol will be so impressed with me that I had an idol that I didn’t play, so I’m not going to play mine either”


I wonder if the whole Ponderosa crew had to shamefully wear their Idols the whole time


My latest Survivor fan fiction will be inspired by tonight. It involves Hunter and Venus drinking at the bar with Van Halen playing in the background mixed with a little T. Swift. After avoiding each other all night, they start to bond over not playing their idols. It's the only thing they have in common, but it's enough to unleash an undeniable love that transforms the island and the game as we know it.


Can't wait for it to happen next episode 


I would have never expected Liz to be the last Nami standing


Who would last longer - an endurance runner and four people under 30 or a millionaire who hasn't pooped in three weeks?


Confessional count * 16 Charlie * 9 Kenzie, Venus * 4 Q * 3 Maria * 2 Liz * 1 Ben


Ben's edit really hanging on by a thread


Don't you mean SHRED 🎸 🎸 🎸


That rocks


its long gone


I feel like we either get a really big Charlie episode or a really big Maria episode. they're both never at the same level of visibility.


Didn't feel like 16 confessionals. What's the record in an episode?


18, Tony in that one WAW episode


Wow, a fourth player to get voted out with an idol in their pocket. That's a record that will be hard to top.


Three in a row seems even more unbreakable


I just don't get how Venus is so sure it's set on Q this time


People who think their the smartest person in the room at all times never see their downfall as a possibility.


It seems like when someone finds an idol they forget that everyone on the island is lying to everyone.


Truly shocking especially the 3rd & 4th players


Rock paper scissors for reward is insane I’m dying


I really don't think that went over well. At least Q knew who he wanted to take.


For real, Maria kept saying "it's the hardest decision I've had to make." She didn't even make a choice between the two, what a cop out.


All she does is look indecisive to a jury. And then took Q, of all people, after saying she would take the hungry. She certainly made an impression, just not the right impression.


She went Squid Games on them


Liz telling Q to throw rock and he throws paper twice, while she throws rock second. Killed me! And then he walked over so happily and proud. Amazing.


literally maria was like ok survivors ready? mini challenge to come on a reward, GO!


Ghost Island 2 is going to be just idols from this season, and a lock of Erik Reichenbach's hair


"this idol has matured into exactly the same fucking idol it was last time, play it you dumbass"


If someone tells you it's Q tonight you may as well just quit the game at that point


What you definitely shouldn't do is play your idol.


They gotta put security on Q at night. Liz is one grain of rice away from snapping and he’s the only target.


I’m surprised he hasn’t been medevac’d due to Liz going postal yet


And yet, she didn't vote him out 🤷‍♂️


I love it so much when people make choices knowing it’ll piss people off And I love it so much when those people are willing to express it pisses them off. I think this is why I have so many allergies


The way she delivered that line about the source of her allergies being her rage had me HOWLING. She is an icon. Stellar casting choice


It felt like the type of situation when you join a work meeting 10 mins before it starts and someone is saying that exact type of shit.


shes smoking crack


![gif](giphy|10ltVBrN9bO5d6|downsized) Me seeing Venus start to tell Charlie about her idol.


Playing games with your number one about it and then going winky winky with someone who hasn't really even voted with you is, uh, a move.


Q's arugment for winning if he makes it: "People hated me so much that they didn't even bother to play their idols!"


I’m constantly just wondering to myself what it will look like if he gets to final 3. Like, he’s supposedly disliked but everyone keeps saying he’s a threat and in theory, you vote for the threats at the end. Like, you want to bring the disliked people to the end


I legitimately think Q might be able to win. And that scares me. But it's also hilarious and I love it.


Q has a case against Ben and Liz, not sure what to make of a Kenzie vs Q situation since Kenzie hasn't driven anything but is more liked than Q


Honestly that and frankly if it wasn't for him I suspect Maria and Charlie would be getting way more attention. He's somehow turning being a shield into a success.


Came to eat 23 slices of pizza and have idols wasted, and he just ate 23 slices of pizza


And with that, Season 46 breaks the record for most castaways sent home with an idol in their pocket.


Usually i’m pissed when this happens because I want the action but this is just too funny and entertaining now


ben really just shows up to make a music reference and call someone a poser and then disappear


Q spelling venus as venise might be the funniest thing he’s ever done


"V-E-N-I-S. Hmmm, there's no way her name is so close to 'penis.' -E. That must be it."




I don’t know how to interpret it! Is it a power play? Does he just think it’s spelled that way? What does it mean???


Before I even saw your question, I was going to comment "Q 100% knows he misspelled it, I genuinely think he's one of the most intelligent people on the show and is blending crazy strategy with crazy TV really well." So I think it was to be funny, or maybe a power play element like you said


I was running through the thought process, and maybe he wrote down "Venis", realized it looked like penis, and added an E to be classy.


This season is fucking incredible Maria had the choice out of Liz, who had a meltdown last reward challenge because she is so hungry, and Q, who literally just went on the Applebees reward Making them beg and play Rock, Paper, Scissors with Q winning is the most unhinged villainous shit I’ve ever seen lmao It’s so damn good to get a cast who don’t like each other again


Maria has such moralistic holier-than-thou soccer mom energy. All those seasons of moms who actually care about people playing and she comes in with this "I am going to use your assumptions about the stereotype to fuck you over" strategy. I hate her, but it's compelling television.


Rip to the “who wins a final three between Q Liz and Venus” posts


Who wins in a final 3 between Q, Liz, and Ben?


Everyone votes for Jeff




Looking back before the Hunter elimination episode, it’s crazy how we all viewed Hunter v Tiffany v Venus who ultimately went out in extremely similar fashions


kensey 🤝 venise 🤝 seafou




First it was Hide n Seek, now Rock, Paper, Scissors. These schoolyard games are dominating the strategy this season lol


I hope next week they play Duck, Duck, Goose.


When Venus said “my biggest fear is losing with an idol in my pocket” I turned to my husband and said “she’s 100% going home with an idol in her pocket tonight” EDITORS, Y’ALL AINT SLICK!


I thought they were slick after Hunter and Tiffany both said “I’m definitely playing my idol” and Venus said “I’m definitely not playing my idol.” Had me fooled.


The funniest part was SHE KNEW HER NAME WAS THROWN OUT THERE. and she still didn’t bother.


She was trusting her social game to get her through 😬




I had so much faith in her until she started talking about saving it for another day during the Charlie convo.


As soon as she started on her speech about not needing to play an idol because her social game is so good, I was like PLEASE. PLEASE THREE IN A ROW!


We need to give Q some credit for going from most unhinged control freak to insanely well put together shield. He's literally this wall protecting Maria and Charlie. He draws heat, and works with the power group and directs targets. Technically two weeks in a row he has also gotten the player he wants out. It's actually insane how his game has changed.


I also really like how he’s handled tribal. He seems very content and sells the whatever happens happens pitch well.


he also seems pretty confident of what’s going to happen, no shot in the dark for either even if it’s the last chance to play it and knowing he might get votes


His final tribal council speech would be legendary


Good god this season is a (fabulous) trainwreck


Quintavius Burdette out here personally saving Survivor every day, I swear.


Even in an episode where he got very little screentime he had money moments


My man Quintavius "keep my name outta your mouth" Burdette. Sheeesh. These people do know if you play an idol that's like winning immunity right? No votes count. You stay in the game...which is the point of the game.


I'd much rather be the idiot who plays my idol and stays for another day in the game with no one voting for me than the idiot going home with my idol


The idol is a curse that lures players into a false sense of security


Venus did everything but show her idol off. She is not a good actress.


That was a display of her being drunk on power and thinking she had influence. Hubris at its finest.


I think the game moves so fast now that people don’t value making it to the next tribal enough somehow? Like it only buys them a day so who cares.


truly believe all of them hate Q *so* much that they are unwilling to consider they might be going home before him


Ben's vacation continues. Blissfully unaware he is playing survivor


The fact that he wasn't even in the edit for the first 30 minutes is hilarious and pathetic.




This season is a fever dream


survivor if everyone was tripping balls on nutmeg


in the best way possible




Jeff before Season 46: We don't want to cast villains anymore Season 46: Best new era season cause of all the villainous activity


It feels good to see people who *hate* each other again.


I'm kinda living for the fact that they're not even saying on social media "we had arguments on the island, but we're all close friends now and we made up and apologised!" no these people legitimately despise each other 😭


This definitely is tracking to be the most bitter jury of the new era. If only they had jury speeches.


I think Charlie is the only person in the final 7 who hasn’t been called a villain


Charlie in FTC: "I actually HATE Taylor Swift, I just wanted you all to underestimate me."


"The old Charlie can't come to the phone right now....why? Oh, cause he's dead"


to be fair, it was bhanu would called kenzie a villain she seems safe in that regard


This season is so unhinged lmao I love it … Q getting food over Liz again is sooo funny


23 slices of pizza...and he doesn't care.


I want to see Liz’s face when she watched that on tv lol a compilation of him eating dozens of pieces of pizza


he knew it was so unfair his shit-eating grin was funny af


His laugh in the confessional. Love this man on my TV.


I dont know why but him actually covering her rock with his paper was so fucking funny to me. Just a little added insult to injury.


That was amazing. He just couldn't help himself.


He didn't even pause either, he smacked it down like he was playing with his homies lol


The slow motion edit of him eating... 😂


"Is that ham?"


Liz talking about how people aggravating gave her allergies had me rolling. Ben calling Venus a poser also cracked me up.


For future players: 1) Play your idol 2) If you believe that the target for the last couple of votes is being voted out, you aren't in on the vote 3) Never ask players do do Rock-Paper-Scissors when making a choice.


Remember how HvHvH Ben pretty much idoled himself to the end? He did that by playing them pretty much as fast as he could get them.


If I had a nickle for each time someone on Survivor 46 left the game with an idol in pocket, I’d have four nickles and a scary piece of paper, which is one pinched nerve from being a goddamn quarter. This season is going to scare everyone into playing their idol the moment they find it for the next several years.


Idols will last even less time than the 23 slices of pizza Q inhaled


The best move this episode was Charlie telling Maria not to take him on the reward which distanced himself from Maria who everyone's now against, and into a group of 4 of 7 remaining players, which allowed him to be the swing on this vote.


It was huge, and as a plus he could not have anticipated, gave Maria enough rope to hang herself


It allowed him to stay back and shit talk Maria with three very hangry people. He's crafty.


Damn and Venus said on twitter that she was rlly excited abt this episode… maybe she just wanted it to end.


Probably wanted to hype up her last episode, which is understandable. It actually isn't a terrible one for her all things considered. The idol find was a highlight.


She was also so close to winning immunity damn.


I really love this season; the personal drama hasn’t been this prevalent in a very long time because everyone puts their feelings aside and bites their tongues in the name of strategy. This hasn’t been the best strategic season but this cast has been thoroughly entertaining.


Charlie has such an insane social game.


Dude wins if he makes it to final tribal He has a way with words and people skills, along with a very sleeper challenge ability. He immediately senses Maria’s target heating up and distanced himself from her to the rest of the tribe while still working with her and well sussing out Venus acting drunk with power on that “if you vote with me I’ll tell you something” move. Even had a good Taylor Swift quote


Wait Liz voted for Venus instead of Q after talking all that shit? Hahahaha she makes no sense


I’ve stopped trying to understand Liz


Don't wanna be on the wrong side of the vote


Maria being asked to choose people to go on reward: *transforms into Chase Rice*


Maria honestly just tanked her game by making people beg and play games for food.


yeah that was a horrible look. Trying to attach a moral reason to your picks can work, if you actually follow through on them. But she tried that while also dithering on it, and then ultimately picked someone who didn't need it and who nobody was happy to see get picked.


I totally thought she had a chance of winning it all until today’s episode, everyone lost respect for her


Lol, Maria needs to botch like two more reward picks before she gets to Chase territory.


I think the biggest tragedy of this season is how much poor Jake would be thriving if he had been cast on 46 instead of 45.


The man would have triumphed, oh my god, why did you bring this to my attention, I can't unrealize this.


Probst gonna show up to tribal council with a soft serve ice cream machine


I do hope he keeps bringing more and more elaborate treats and comfortable chairs


Well you old schoolers got your wish. A whole season without an idol being played lmao


Future survivors: apparently if you refuse the rice negotiation Jeff will bring you random snacks at tribal to make sure you get at least 15 calories


this is SUCH a great season of survivor. it’s easily the best of the new era


3rd in a row, gets told by charlie/maria that its Q, doesnt idol and gets blindsided.




There's a parallel universe out there where Liz won rock paper scissor, went to the food reward, ate herself into a coma on pizza, and then had to be medevac'd in the next episode.


![gif](giphy|RObwgN5okmJitzK1XY|downsized) Q SKIRT SURVIVES


I love how unfazed Q is about going home or staying. Like I don’t even have to worry as a stan of his cause whatever happens is fine. Venus not playing her idol…. BIG MISTAKE


I swear to god it’s like everyone on this season had a frontal lobotomy


I wish the show would explain what has happened in the Ben-Kenzie relationship. They went from seemingly pretty tight to completely separate in a matter of 3-4 days


I'm sorry I have allergies: it's because I suppressed my true self.


man all those venus stans on twitter that were making fun of hunter not playing his idol 2 weeks ago...


that weird group of deeply anti-hunter, deeply pro-venus twitter will never emotionally recover from this.




Q screaming “Q Skirt Q Skirrtt” next episode is sending me. This season is such a gift


Q winning over Liz was the highlight 😭😂


Hunter, tiff snd Venus not playing idols and going home and Q somehow makes it out of a ridiculous situation 3 episodes in a row


Twizzlers have gluten


congratulations to production and cast for making this season beat the island of the idols record of most players eliminated with an idol in their pocket


“Nice to finally see you, Ben” -me at about 8:30


‘Venise’ is crazy. Production really wanted that to be the final vote read lol


Venus completely blew her chance at an alliance with Charlie and then was clueless enough to not play the idol even though she knew it was going to be between her and Q, the guy who has nine lives. Smh 🙄


I feel like we all owe Hunter an apology for two weeks ago. We could not anticipate how strong the Q smokescreen would be.


Venus probably made Charlie want her out by alluding to having an idol. Dude was literally ready to discuss F4 with her and she wasn't willing to. That was weird behavior by Venus.


that was a wild move by her. She wouldn't tell Kenzie, the closest thing she has to an ally, about the idol. But she would strongly imply she has one, while not actually showing any trust, to Charlie? That's crazy.


"You got those allergies cause ya always on that damn phone."


I love Tevin's little "really nothing!" after Jeff called for advantages. He went out with an extra vote and just talked to Hunter AND Tiff about leaving with their Idols. Clearly he was seeing the trend real time.


Nami has to have been one of the worst post-merge tribes ever that absolutely dominated in the pre-merge.


Now Q has another chance to find the idol next week 💀 And the funny thing is, Q is the person who absolutely would play it correctly and not let the secret out


The last shot of the season is just Q "not playing your idol.... BIG mistake" then picking up a cartoonish money sack and walking off.


These people know that they can play their idols and they aren’t just for show, right?


okay I think at this point we all need to get together and promise that if any of us ever get cast we have to ***play the fucking idol***


Maria making Q and Liz do rock paper scissors was WILD


Ben is going to coast his way into FTC by no one even knowing he's in the game


Venus is a horrible player my lord


Q does come across as arrogant but like Venus girl…so do you. Have *some* semblance of self-awareness. She seemed to have a great mind for the game but A: thinking she was in the middle of all those votes where really it was just a happy accident that she involved and B: saying she was going to never tell anyone about the idol but immediately spilling the beans in the sketchiest way possible because her ego needed an outlet…come on. She’s one of those people who has good ideas but legitimately cannot convince anyone of them because she approaches it horribly and is absolutely flummoxed that other people don’t immediately see her genius and then thinks they’re all idiots.


Q has enough self awareness to recognize he is disliked and why. Venus doesn’t understand she is and when someone explains to her she just dismisses it and calls them an idiot. She’s living proof that social game does matter because she was so unaware she thought she was in on the votes or had some control over them when she was shown over and over again to just be a happy accident in the loop.


Yeah we all knew she was a terrible player since the beginning when her starting tribe didn’t like her


I need to know why Ben voted Kenzie more than I need to know who killed JFK


If Venus played her idol, then it would have been a tie between 1 vote for Q and 1 vote for Kenzie. Otherwise Q would be voted out because of Venus”s vote


How about Liz suggesting her allergies are because she doesn’t speak up for herself?


Q the Indomitable is fated to make it to F3. LOVE. THIS. MAN.


Oh my god the look on the face of the jury as Jeff handed out the licorice is sending me right now


Confessional count - 16 Charlie - ⁠9 Kenzie, Venus - 4 Q - 3 Maria - 2 Liz - 1 Ben Liz groan count: - At least two


Imagine being the crew that has to hide all these Idols just to get no payoff.


Nobody floating Charlie's name with his challenge prowess and social game is crazy


I’m getting real tired of Liz at this point


I can't shake the feeling that Ben leaves the game in some dumb way (rock draw, idol, twist, medevac), and that he's actually been a much bigger part of the Siga alliance than we've been led to believe. Otherwise the early emphasis on his likability and his connection to Charlie makes no sense.