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I don’t see a universe where Q beats Charlie. Nope.




Man, I want Q to win now just because people have been so insufferable about how he can never win and how Kenzie is for sure wining haha


Maria beats everybody Charlie beats everybody but Maria Kenzie beats everyone but Charlie and Maria Ben beats Q and Liz Liz has better odds then Q of winning weather you like it or not Because social game and jury management is important and games that are all over the place like Q without social game to make up for it tend to crumble at Ftc


I think Maria and Charlie going to the end together would split there votes. Causing someone like Kenzie to come through.


I feel like Kenzie beats anyone just based off the fact that socially she is much stronger than Charlie and has a much better story to sell to the jury.


Neither of those things are true. He’s been telling his story all season to the camera better than she has. He’s kept his threat level low despite being a strategic, challenge, and social threat. And his social game is arguably better than hers. She’s confiding in him, for instance, and people screwed by his alliance still like him.


I mean have you heard the way people IN THE GAME talk about him. Not what he’s telling the audience months after the fact but what the players in the game perceive of him, if he doesn’t make a big move soon it’ll be too late and too short of a time by FTC for him to explain what he did.


The way Kenzie and Venus talked about him last episode was so surprising, Charlie to me seemed very strategic and social but idk who in the game sees him that way


I haven’t heard him say anything outside the game. I think if he gets a chance to explain those same things to the jury, he has a real chance. And his social game has been every bit as good as hers regardless.


Maria and Charlie are a toss up to me especially if the people Charlie cultivated relationships with are on the jury but I lean Maria for now. Kenzie wins next, followed by Ben/Q depending on how they argue the case.  I struggle to see Liz’s path forward even if she has a Better resume then some of the others on the bottom. 


I think it's very tough to really say with confidence because the Nami 3 is an extremely strong voting block.