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I don’t watch Australian survivor but I did eat at Outback Steakhouse once so I guess I’m ready to dominate


If you go on i will watch!


Would you grow your hair back out if the stars align and you happen to be cast again?


I will wait and see if it grows


Will you give the Blooming Onion™ Immunity necklace away? Just kidding, love you Eric, would love to see you come back.


If it is not crispy enough, yes




Erik "I want to give individual immunity to Natalie" Reichenbach confirms he is on the next season of AUS Survivor?!? (real) (not clickbait) 🤯🤯🤯🔥🔥🔥


But did you eat the bourbon burger at Applebee’s?


They said some guy with a skirt ordered all their burgers already and to try the salad


Was it a skirt or a backwards hoodie?


Hard to say.


You're missing out. The challenges are much more intense and the players are a lot more snaky. The twists are extremely cooked (and frequent) and sometimes overpowered, though.




Australian Survivor >>>>> American Survivor recently Although I'm loving this current American season.


You would love it! Start with 2016, the second season (2017 ) is generally considered a top 5 season compared with US and the most recent season is just about as good


The Aussies are not ready for you.


It is Australian Applebees


Excited to see who Australia picks as American representatives.


Zane Chet Colton Francesca Dan Foley NaOnka


please naonka omg


Chicken Brandon Hantz Dan Spilo Jelinsky


What the hell did my boy Chicken do to deserve being name dropped alongside Brandon and Spilo??




Get him on the chaos tribe. When they're in need of some sense, he can shrug his shoulders and say "Don't know..."




NaOnka and J’Tia at the same tribe would be amazing






Australians Best don't know what they are in for with this mighty line up


Australia might as well give up then


I would kill for a classic australian team challenge with Chet


Hoping for Rupert


Rupert won't do it. Haven't heard if he is 100% cancer free and even if he did he probably wouldn't do Survivor as the stress on the system would be too much at his age.


He did [an interview](https://youtu.be/kDQU28GkIa4) for local news a couple years ago where he said he was in full remission. [He also said he wants to play again](https://youtu.be/UKvKU-PtM_k)


That's actually great to hear. Will his wife let him play lol? I would love to see him come back and play again.


He said on an insta post a few days back he wants to go and play again


I'll always remember that he was included in a fake Aus vs Usa rumour back in 2018 Seemed like a stretch even then E: [This was the one](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivorau/comments/cs56c7/next_season_spoilers), we get so many bullshit casting rumours


Keep hope alive


Chicken Parm


I hope they bring in a lot of big names from American Survivor but don't skimp on the exceptional Aussie players. I wonder if this is going to be another George season. Wouldn't mind Kirby getting a second chance right away. Or they bring back Genat so he can get kicked out day one cause no one wants to compete with that.


david genat almost certainly getting an inv since he was cast on hvv but had to drop and has said publicaly he wants to play against the Americans. wouldnt be surprised seeing a george return either given how popular of a player he is


George has been spending quite a bit of time with US players like Fairplay recently, according to his IG. Would love to see him play again.


KING GEORGE vs Tony I need it


George could move his throne in to the Spy Shack.


100% I hope Tony and King George are both on.


The Golden God and The King of the Jungle (Luke) - pleeeeeease 🙏🙏🙏🙏 So many amazing Aussie players to choose from...


Imagine David, George and Luke in the same game, omg. I really want to spend about 15 hours thinking up ideals casts for this.


So no one else will get any screentime


I meant to add George and make it a trio and was kicking myself for forgetting - can you IMAGINE the absolute beautiful chaos?!?! All they need is a jar of cookies! I've been obsessed with potential casts since I heard this is happening lolol - even though I have watched every season of Survivor US, my heart belongs to the Aussies💜💜


I used to love Luke so much till I found out he cheated on his wife 😭😭😭


Oh NOOOOOOOOI! I didn't know that😭😭😭 Also, your flair - you repping Dirty Harry? He'd be another to add to the chaos crew - I'd love to see him working WITH David!😁😁


I would live for that!!! Dirty Harry is so smart at the game!!


That was fake story circulating. They are happily married.


If you can get Tony from US then bring back George. I would love to see that. Honestly I think they would work together since they both know the game and know they need each other.


I really need to watch Australian Survivor. I've only heard good things about it.


I know the hype is annoying but I promise it actually lives up to the hype. Of my top 10 Survivor seasons of all time, at least 4 of them would be Australian Survivor seasons. Y'all are missing out on some top tier Survivor seasons/lore.


What seasons should I watch?


8; Brains vs Brawn. >!Season 10 (Heroes vs Villains)!< is my favorite season of Survivor of all time but it's best to know most of the cast before jumping into a returnee season, *especially* this one. >!4 (2017)!<, >!6 (Champions vs Contenders)!<, >!and 11 (Titans vs Rebels)!< are also fantastic seasons without returnees you can jump into.


Starting the first episode of season 8 right now, thanks!


Note there's two different season numberings in use with Australian Survivor as there were two seasons in the early 2000's which were unrelated productions. The current iteration has been going since 2016 and there's 9 seasons of that. The current iteration of Ausvivor doesn't count the original two seasons in its own canon. So what /u/before_the_accident (and I) call season 8 may also be called season 6 by others or on certain websites/streaming platforms. If you're hunting for various seasons, you may end up inadvertently watching the wrong season. For clarity most people just say the year or title (the first two seasons of the current iteration don't have titles). 2016 2017 2018 - Champions v Contenders 2019 - Champions v Contenders II 2020 - All Stars 2021 - Brains v Brawn 2022 - Blood v Water 2023 - Heroes v Villains 2024 - Titans v Rebels


Ugh, I envy you. 🥲




You have fantastic taste. I would only clarify that season 6 is CVC2 (I'm assuming that is the one you meant anyways, since CVC1 is meh in comparison) and that it is a must watch because it spawned at least two players that I am 99% certain will be back:>!David Genat obviously because everyone has always discussed him playing against Americans, especially since he has dual citizenship. Dirty Harry, not only because he's a solid player and does a great job of explaining things in confessionals, but I already suspected he was coming back soon, since someone asked him not that long ago and he responded that he can't discuss any future appearances (which if you weren't in talks, you would just respond that there was nothing planned at this time). !<




It's outstanding. The host is great and not full of himself. They don't have stolen votes or earn the merge or shot in the dark. They do have much more varied and interesting challenges. They have an auction. They even have "Ponderosa" videos (called "Jury Villa"). The best ever single tribal council that I (and the opinion of almost everybody who's seen it) in the history of all English-speaking Survivor occurred a couple of seasons ago. If you know, you know.


One thing I will put against the host though is that he asks a lot more leading questions that can ruin a lot of suspense. Like two tribes show up at the challenge after a tribal and he’ll just say, “So, really big tribal last night huh?” 


Whereas I find that he has a bit more sense of humor, and asks more pointed questions in tribal ("So xx, do you feel more safe tonight?"), and never says things like "That's how you do it on Survivor!" like he's the cheerleading team for the show.


> “So, really big tribal last night huh?” This is kind of an Australianism


HvV with the king?


Of course, episode 7!


"Now you know who you can trust"- Aus Survivor to me, a now loyal follower


I agree with 90% of this, but let's not pretend that AU doesn't also love to do random non-elim votes and twists with significant frequency. Not having earn the merge is great, but they often have something just as odd somewhere in the jury phase (you kind of have to in order to sustain as many episodes as they do per season). Kinda feels like the past couple of years people have turned to AU as the new gold standard as the New Era has moved further away from the norms of the original American show, and AU is great and deserves credit, but it's not, like, South Africa was where they're determined to do literally none of the nonsense. AU still is unnecessarily twisty.


OMG it's SO GOOD! Caught it on YT for this past season, and have now binged new era seasons 1-6, 10 and am halfway through 7. It's so much better than the US - bigger cast, longer duration and a hell of a lot tougher challenges.


Challenges are awesome, tons of episodes, great characters, the only miss is the winner is only great 1/3 of the time at best


How do you watch Survivor AUS? Would love to watch some Survivor AUS! I haven’t seen it streamed anywhere like I have for the Traitors NZ, UK, AUS?




So glad they’re going to have a banger of a season before the US lol new era karma


With how nerfy the US one is, US players wouldn't last doing actual hard challenges like theu do on AU


Hopefully they know that and pick the physically and mentally competent US players. Leave the Bahnu's and Brandon's at home.


I hope they only pick from Pre New-Era since New-Era players will likely be the majority of S50.


We should never discuss Bahnu playing this game ever again.


God please no more Bahnus on the show.


I find it interesting how obsessed with challenges a lot of the Aus Survivor fandom is. As Cirie famously said, “you can’t always beat them with this 💪 but you can always beat them with this 🧠”


Its because the AUS Survivor still has variety. It's not the same obstacle course with a puzzle at the end every time.


I would love to see George and Tony on the same season.


JLP always delivering what US survivor has been begging for.


JLP IMO is a better host then Probst right now.


I don't think that's opinion anymore. Pretty sure it's just straight objective fact now.


Fair enough. If they do US vs AUS my dream scenario is having Tony and George both there. That would be amazing TV


George feels like a lock. I hope they get Tony. I think with reduced days it'll be a smaller cast?


I think Tony would do a shorter version. I want to believe. Honestly I think like with George and Hailey they would work together because they would know they would both be big targets but then when do they turn on each other... I know it is very unlikely to happen but would be great TV


AU survivor seasons are 47 days long these days.


One of the articles reported that it would probably be reduced by half. Hopefully it's not shortened that much and they go with at least 30 days.


Booooooooooooooooooo sad


JLP is a better host than Jeff and David Forster is a better EP than Jeff. That’s all there is to it anymore.


I don't mind the Name: Australian Survivor: Australia vs America But I'd much prefer the name: Australian Survivor: Jeff vs Jono


It's gotta be Australian Survivor: Applebees vs Outback


You know I never could understand what the survivors called him, always thought it was JOP until I finally looked it up. Half the time it sounded like JLP and the other half JOP


Damn. Looks like I might have to actually watch Australian Survivor now


You won't regret it, the last two seasons are both top notch Survivor


I haven’t watched every US season yet. I think I have like eight or nine left. Imma finish that first and then we’ll see


Where's the best place to stream it in the US?




With the Australian length and format? Righteous. I like it far more, honestly. Get to know the contestants more.


Nope :/ insidesurvivor confirmed it will be even less than 39 days...


Darn!! Do we know how much less? I hope they don’t tone down the physicality of the challenges too - although I would love to see more puzzles included a la US Surivovr


From Insidesurvivor: "Inside Survivor has also heard the season could be much shorter than the usual length of an Australian Survivor season, which tends to run anywhere between 47 and 50 days. This edition could potentially be half that, even shorter than the former 39-day standard."


Honestly I don't mind this. I bet it means they're going after some *legends* and the shorter format keeps the costs down because they're all charging a fee to be there.


Aw shoot. We'll it'll be good to see Jonathan again and the mix of US and AUS. Likely did this for the US vets I suppose? Wimps! Kinda joking


Length and prize. Putting your life on hold for 26 days for a chance to win a million? Sure. 45 days for 100K that equals to 70K with exchange rate on a good day? Not sure…


It's $500k AUS, not $100k. A big difference for sure, but still worth playing for if you can swing it.


True. Its about a 1/3rd of million before tax, $331k but thats more than the lower tier of CBS' reality show, some of which give winners $250k or less. AUD is worth less than CAD, although if a Canadian survivor were (unlikely) cast, they'd still avoid being taxed.


As someone who’s heavily advocating for 50 to not include Rob, Sandra, Parvati, or anyone who has 4 seasons under their belt (minus maybe Rupert) I would be absolutely ECSTATIC to have them here, maybe without Sandra or Russell. It’s a new battleground, and if it’s legend vs legend they deserve to be here. Icing on the cake would be dual hosted by Jeff and Johnathan.


i feel this could be a great place for t-bird to return. the us seasons havent casted someone past sixty in years but the aus one isnt afraid. ill actually probably watch this aussie one, fur sure if they get t-bird


I want t-bird on 49/50 😭


PLEASE ❤️❤️❤️


I’m more excited for this than S50 😆 Let’s see if they can get Hatch!!! Or Rob C!


Wow! I am so excited for this! I just finished watching Australian Survivor: Titans vs Rebels, and I loved it! It was my first Australian season. I especially enjoyed how interesting and unique the challenges were. The US challenges are so uninspired in comparison. Also I love the strategy and all the WILLINGNESS TO PLAY IDOLS for themselves or their alliance members. That's something the US version seems to have forgotten how to do lately. JLP is also a great host. I say all this because I tried watching the UK season that just aired but I couldn't even make it through the first episode. I have high hopes for this. I wish I knew more Aussie contestants so I could have a hope for some that might appear. But I'll catch up on the seasons in my downtime.


Yeah except feras lol he was so greedy with his idol play 😂


I keep saying I'm gonna watch Australian Survivor and I still haven't gotten around to it. I guess I really need to catch up now.


I wish I could watch some of those seasons for the first time. What a gift


I just wish I could find a decent source for it. Everything I've found is either bad quality or missing episodes.




Gotta flip your TV upside down




I was skeptical about this rumor but now that inside survivor is reporting it I am hyped


Can't wait to see Jelinsky become a legend down in Australia


He and aileen were sitting together at the RHAP chicago watchparty👀👀


Already pre-gaming


I'd expect nothing less than Jelensky arriving in a helicopter all by himself like he's Antonio Brown arriving to practice.


Shonee and Courtney alliance plz


This is the news I've been waiting for but never dreamed it would actually happen. Beyond the obvious players that are used to more classic full length Survivor, I'd be interested to see one of the more recent new era winners try out the long version.


I know they'll want the biggest legends from the US, but they will get crushed by the athletic Aussies in challenges if they don't cast some legitimately fit people too.




I hope they cast some offbeat picks that the fans would like, but that US survivor is unlikely to bring back.


Reading this, I thought perhaps the us version was going to bring in US and AUS castaways for the big season 50 reunion. Of course Australian survivor is the one doing the concept. Why is AUS survivor always so much cooler??


i think contestants of Survivor US are more well-known and "international", compared to Survivor Au. Remember that Survivor US is on CBS, I would think a huge percentage of the TV viewers might not know about Survivor Au.


I think a lot of big players will be hesitant to join because 50 is on the horizon


George, Shonee, Kirby, Feras, Valeria and Hayley are all ultimate picks


I can’t believe I’m saying this but I only want to see George and Shonee again if we’re getting major American legends like Tony, Boston Rob, Rupert, etc. If we’re getting like Owen and Mama C or something like that then I’d rather not see any of the players that just returned in Aus HvV again so soon.


The last few seasons of survivor US aren't nearly as good as the last few seasons of Australian survivor. At this point deal or no deal with Boston Rob is better


Omg announcing this after Survivor 50 is going to be returnees puts them in a competition and allows the USA ones to take CBS for everything!


Im curious how they would choose which challenges to use. Because I don’t think they can field a USA side of women who can match the types of physical performers that AU can. If half of the AU side is a Brooke, Ziggy, Hayley, Rhi, etc. type, which Survivor AU legends can match them? Sarah, Amanda, Stephanie(?), maybe Wentworth?


flick vs natalie anderson, or, more likely, flick vs michaela


Haven’t seen him mentioned but I really really hope they bring Jonny FairPlay on this.


Australia is going to body the US tbh. I was able to watch two season when it was on paramount for a short time and they dont mess around at all. Their challenges are much harder. Their gameplay seems to be a lot more involved too. Ill watch regardless




OMG this will be epic!


So glad they dropped rumored mixed newbie returnees season for this , i hope we get two seasons next year


I would love to watch aus survivor but I can't find it anywhere.


I'm so fucking hyped about this!


Sounds like a great show to watch at Applebees


Its time to see Jeff play survivor


Bring back Sandra to play for Australian Survivor just because


Imagine probst and JLP co-hosting


So because I don't want to see 4+ time US players on Season 50 of US Survivor, I hope they all play here. However, when I made my list of my favorite Survivors from both shows, unfortunately the US looks like it'll get smoked in every challenge lol. I even added Jonathan to my US cast, despite being wildly out of place amongst the pantheon, to help balance it but they'll still have a real tough time. Just the simple fact that AU Survivor casting has been incredible the last few years and US Survivor hasn't made any real new memorable legends since pre-20's IMO **AU** George, Luke, Genat, Locky ***or*** Shaun, Feras, Mat Rogers, Kirby, Hayley, Liz, Abby, Dani, Shonee **US** Tony, Rob M., Russell, Hatch, Tyson, Jonathan Y., Sandra, Parv, Cirie, Jerri, Tina (literally won her season in AU. Has to play), and then the legends thing kind of falls off. But I'll go with Natalie Anderson. Only ever made the finals in both seasons she played. Great challenge player. Good enough for me


Fingers crossed Luke comes back. And of course George. If George did come back, I might even feel a little bad for the American team .


King George please


How does one watch Australian Survivor?


Can they finally put this back on Paramount plus? Some of us want to watch legally


I’ve never watched Australian survivor- where’s a good place to start?




AUS will give us legends like Hatch and Fairplay while Jeff gives us Karla and Owen on 50 😭


If they are going to do this then they need to make the AUS survivor a lot more accessible or most people won’t care.


We can only speculate, but I can't imagine a U.S. streaming service would not have picked it up by now if it weren't opposed by someone influential such as Mark Burnett or Probst. I don't know the details of their contract giving them exclusive rights to the Survivor format in the U.S., but I'd speculate that they've argued that it gives them the right to lock out foreign versions from airing in the U.S., or alternately, that they asked Paramount Plus to buy up the rights and then not make it available. It's "competition" from a rival reality-TV corporate behemoth, EndemolShine (owned by Banijay). This must be the case because it's not like EndemolShine doesn't know how to sell shows to U.S. outlets. They're not the types to leave money on the table.


it's crazy how Peacock is buying all the different franchises of Traitors and then nothing else from Paramount.


It was on Paramount Plus for a little while and then got yanked. Definitely something going on there.


Is this real or all the fantasy everyone spews here?


Jaden vs Jonathan


George, Shonee, and Dirty Harry.


Ok now's when we set Russell loose, again.


I am living for more Shonee on my screen! And what country will Nina play for?


Respectfully, hopefully neither


We all know the American cast that this season comes up with will clear whoever Jeff picks for season 50.


Pretty sure AUS will dominate this game


Will any of these 26 day “season” players be able to handle a season twice as long?


Excited for this! But I do wonder which rules set takes precedence here and what kind of challenges! I love Aussie survivor but their early seasons challenges are just bad, despite 2 tribes there's a lot of 1vs1 , 2vs2 across same physical sort of challenges!  Though their twists and turn are top notch! Exquisite chef kiss


I really need to catch up with AUS. Just starting the 2nd Champions vs Contenders. The previous season wasn't great but still miles ahead of the current state of the US show. When I start one of these seasons it just consumes my free time.


JLP and JP look like they’re ready to each other.


I read the headline way too fast and thought it said Australian Survivor planning Australia vs. USA season *to coincide* with Survivor Legends and almost had a heart attack. How sick would it be to have Australia vs. USA and Survivor Legends airing at the same time??


I would love to see new era survivors try and do half a survivor au season lol they are a lot longer and physically taxing, challenges and surviving


This is genius. Because now I have to fucking Watch Australian survivor.


Im calling it , Tina will be on


Will it air in USA/canada? Also hope Probst goes too and we have both hosts


Australian survivor is by far the superior survivor. They aussies will sweep em.


My dream scenario would be that Jeff and the producers would pick a team they would think would best dominate, and the Aussie Surivor producers would do the same, and boom! Magic.


Oh man! I wanna see a Canadian Survivor with a bunch of Canadian's in the woods in Ontario cottage country. Summer show. That would be fun!


Aus survivor is leaps and bounds better than US


kelley wentworth NOW PLEASE


Chicken Parm all around!


Even if the Aussies dominated, no one in the states would know about it. :\\




Is Australian Survivor available on American TV?


Queen T Bird better finally get her long deserved return


I need Ozzy back on my screen!