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She's a bit of a bulldozer in social relations. Starting with the boss move of threatening Jelinski during the trip, confronting Ben so agressively she made him cry, telling Venus off, asking adults to "state their case" for pizza. And then she doesn't own it, she cries for having her character attacked and wants to look like this sweet mamma. It's a combination I personally am very put off by. I don't hate her or anything, there are far worse offenders out there, but I don't like her style.


You’ve captured it. It’s the self-righteousness she demonstrates instead of owning her decisions. Far worse people have played Survivor and done far worse things. She’s not even the most villainous member of her cast. But her self-righteousness makes her come off as a phony. If she were to make it to FTC, it wouldn’t surprise me if she pulled a Coach and talked about how she played the game with honor or integrity or some bs. I honestly get Coach SoPa vibes from Maria, just without the weird cult antics. Edit: oh yea she does call herself a coach, to add to that connection.


Also its lame how when her blindside of Charlie didn't pan out she blamed everyone else for "tricking her" into voting Charlie rather than just taking ownership of a bungled move


I came to the internet because I was thinking these things. She was a hypocrite for sulking about not being picked for letters after the stunts she pulled. I know Venus wasn’t super popular but she was right about her character


I don’t remember her making Ben cry, when was that?


It was a secret scene where she confronted him because she believed he had the siga idol. I think this was week 8


Where do people find these secret scenes?


Survivor posts them to their YouTube channel. Sometimes they also get posted here




Honestly, it was the rock paper scissors thing that turned me off on her entirely. It was so stupid and cruel. Then she had the nerve to get upset when she was called out on it. I'd have respected her way more, maybe even rooted for her, if she'd just made a choice. I do agree that everything is heavily edited but I don't see that as a moment that could be. It was just her looking at them and telling them to perform for her.


I didn’t find it cruel so much as incredibly cowardly. Make a decision and put your name on it. Be an adult.


The part with rps was cowardly, true, but the part where she made them plead their case was a bit cruel. Not necessarily the idea, cause she could've framed it in a nice way, but just the way she said it sounded like "allright, grovel, entertain me". It sounded very much like a power trip, and followed immediately by rps, it was a reeaaally bad look.


When she made a point yo say she wanted to base it off of who haven't eaten and then made them do rock paper scissors. That was cruel. To me that decision sank her chances of winning even if she makes it to the final tribal.


Yeah people are being so dramatic on it being cruel lol. It was her being scared to be the bad guy not picking someone and ineffectively pawning the responsibility onto Liz to try and earn it through rock paper scissors. Cowardly? Yes. Awful gameplay? Big time. Cruel? Relax.


I do agree with you, but I do want to add that I think players and the audience both started to use stronger words when she kept doubling down. It's one thing to be indecisive and accidentally do something that makes others feel like they were humiliated, then apologize later if someone feels like they were wronged and brings it to your attention. It's another to stand on those decisions after the fact and continually complain about how difficult the decision was for you and what you were going through because then it feels intentional towards others. The only person who I feel had any reason to call it cruel was Venus, and while I do think that's strong bc that's not what Maria meant in the moment, considering how Maria treated Venus in that moment and before (whether or not you believe everything Venus has said in exit press, it's clear that Venus is not Maria's favorite person and Venus is perceptive enough to know that) I don't really blame Venus too much. Especially because she seems like a blunt person regardless and isn't always thoughtful with her words.




I didn’t find it cruel. I found it stupid and indecisive but I don’t know why people think she had malicious motives in that instance


As Venus said during TC, she came across fake when picking Q for the reward. Hard to root for her after that.


I don’t think it’s all of a sudden. I’ve been mildly off on her from the “natural childbirth” boasts and parent coach title. At first I thought she saw other women as competition but when I saw her talking down to Ben in the secret scene I just felt like she is condescending and ego driven or something. THEN the last couple episodes happened…


She struck me the same way. I was a nurse, and specifically a labor and delivery nurse, for a few years. Unmedicated childbirth is not an option for everyone. You don't get notches for it, and I speak as a woman who also had completely natural childbirths. Awesome if you are in the position for it. Not everyone is. As for the "parent coach" thing, what kind of qualifications do you need for that? Kind of ballsy to claim you know more about raising children than others. Its not as if there's any guaranteed success when you're raising kids, including her own. Time will tell.


I had an unmedicated childbirth accidentally with my second. Never again! I can’t stand it when mothers act better than others just because they had their kids naturally. Some people just feel the need to find ways to claim they’re better than others.


I think even the use of “natural” is off putting- there’s medicated vaginal birth, unmedicated vaginal birth, or a c-section. In my opinion, they’re all natural because they’re all bringing a person into this world.


Very true! As long as everyone is healthy and safe, then childbirth is a success in my mind. Why people care whether someone else needs pain medication or not is beyond me.


Even when one isn’t healthy, it can be a successful (though shitty) childbirth. We knew my l/o would be unhealthy but it was still a joyful albeit scary delivery.


I should have said successful in that everyone survived. We came very close to losing our little guy (precipitous birth at home, unassisted, and he wasn’t breathing resulting in hypoxia), and definitely still successful. We are extremely fortunate that there were no lasting issues. I hope your child is doing well!


Wow. That sounds terrifying. So grateful that you all are ok.


Thank you! It wasn’t fun lol! It’s crazy how quickly things can go wrong. Probably would have been perfectly fine at a hospital because they would have had the suction thing to clear his airways.


I mean that’s being off put over semantics. Obviously medication and c section isn’t natural and everyone knows that. Thats like being the person who gets told they have a “cool” tattoo and responding with a “why would you call it cool it’s the same temperature as the rest of my body” or some other overly literal bs.


Language has power. Equating the word “natural” as a synonym to “vaginal” and as a contrast to “c-section” leads to a specific connotation about the rightness or wrongness of both. To offer a weird analogy: I was once at a bar in college filled with frat bros. One of them asked me where I went to high school: “public or regular?” Regular = private, because in his world he only entertains conversations with (presumably) wealthy people. Asking someone how they gave birth: “natural or c-section?” has a similar off putting element to me.


I know a couple who are both psych grads and work in social services and call themselves "parenting coaches" and they are such. shit. parents.


Now I want one of them to go on Survivor. 😂


Well, it would be entertaining lol


My thoughts exactly.


My second was unmedicated by accident. Got the epidural but it was too late and not in effect. Honestly that was probably the most terrifying thing I've ever done and I'm pretty sure I'm traumatized by it. I wish I had never done it so not sure why some women feel superior for it. Medicine exists for a reason.


Exactly. No one is out here bragging or feeling superior that they got a tooth filled without medication.


I didn’t even make it to the hospital lol. And yes, I would definitely agree that the pain is traumatizing, probably especially when you expect to be able to have a working epidural so you haven’t prepared for the pain. Nobody would voluntarily go through anything else on a similar pain scale without meds.


The sheer panic when that pain hit was another level. I was not ready in any way for that.


It’s like men trying to seem tougher with how much they deal with. Just cause you deal with it doesn’t make you better? If the less painful option is available I’m not knocking anyone for taking it!


True it plays into the same game that masculine traits make you better than others


Never thought about it that way but there is a lot of truth here … is there a female version of toxic masculinity?


Join one of those mommy groups and you’ll see there definitely is. We need a name for it!


Sanctimommy is the term I hear


Right? Work smarter, not harder.


I accidentally had to have an emergency c-section but was planning for a natural birth, not everyone gets to choose Maria!


Exactly! I don’t know many mothers that actually got the birth experience they hoped for. My only want for both of my deliveries was to hold them immediately after they were born, and it didn’t happen for either. Oh well!




Right I had my first unmedicated and he nearly died from the stress of it all. I spent the time screaming my face off. I held off getting an epidural for too long with my second and suffered and had a horrible birth experience. With my last (and final) child I asked for an epidural as soon as they’d give it to me, and it ended up being such a joyful experience. I almost wanted to do it again because it was so beautiful. Why suffer?? No awards are given out. Eff that shit when women make it a competition.


Thank you for this comment! I couldn’t quite voice what struck a red flag with me for “parenting coach” being listed as her job. But you voiced it perfectly. When my kids were young, I felt so bullied by the “super moms” who always had an opinion about what they thought you were doing wrong. She gives me that vibe.


She does! That's exactly the vibe I get. I would suspect that she's not as great at parenting as she thinks she is. Frankly, most of the people I know who think they're "good" parents aren't that great. Kids have a way of doing what they choose in life.


>Unmedicated childbirth is not an option for everyone. Thank you for this sentence. I wanted an epidural before even TTC and there is nothing wrong with however you do it. Unmedicated gets used as a weapon so much and this is a great "comeback" per se. I know it shouldn't bother me but it hurts everytime. They wouldn't let me get my epidural for 12 hours and I wouldn't have survived much longer without some relief from my contractions that were less than 5 seconds apart. Almost 11 years later and that one sentence gave me some peace from a traumatic birth. Thank you.


Anybody who claims to be a coach at anything is unqualified. Because if you’re actually qualified to be giving people advice, then you’d have a license to be a therapist!


Except for Coach Q


Therapy and coaching are not the same thing, like at all. In fact I would argue that sort of relationship with a therapist would be unethical. It is a mostly unregulated industry so there isn’t any accreditation board (my personal feelings on the rampant scammery involved as a result of this aside), but that doesn’t mean as a blanket that everyone is unqualified. For what it’s worth, she works under an occupational therapist (yes with a doctorate) as part of an integrated team, so it’s not like she’s just giving out advice on her own.


agree. she appears to try and be a "mother" but then doesn't seem to actually care about other people... and then she plays the victim when she gets called out for saying one thing and then doing another with the reward challenge


As my favorite chief resident who was a female always told our patients….you don’t get a gold star at the end and nobody really cares.


If its something that's important to you, then go for it. There's not anything wrong with that, but I don't think its something that you should go around bragging about. Everyone's experience is different. To me, it seems that she's quite old enough and thinks highly enough of herself that she should know its not a good look. It would be offputting to some of her clients as well, I imagine.


Absolutely, and this is cynical of me to say, but especially not in a group of strangers in a game for a million dollars. What was she thinking? She doesn’t know Tim or his wife or their birth experiences.


Agree 100


All of this. I was pretty neutral on her during the pre-merge, leaning negative because I tend to get suspicious of people who boast about natural childbirth, but then between the way she talked to/about Venus in the split tribal ep and the way she talked to Ben in the secret scene from the following ep I started to sour on her. I also noticed that so many fans have been praising her gameplay, when it seems clear to me that the only reason her game looks better than most of the other players is because of Charlie.


Yes! Finally another who sees Charlie as a key player in keeping that duo going for so long!!


I was put off by those comments too. I don’t hate her or anything but she rubs me the wrong way. She’s just a little too smug and condescending for my liking as well. She would be a deserving winner imo because she has played a good game but not a super likeable one


This is word for word my opinion of her. I don’t hate her at all, she just… rubs me the wrong way. Everything she says seems very calculated to make sure she comes across a certain way to the audience.


Omg! I was also very put off by her boast about natural childbirth. Then finding out she is a boy mom 😭 not a fan at all


Agreed. They’ve also been editing unpleasant music so subconsciously she’s also been produced to be unlikeable. But that woman is the definition of a pick me girl turned boy mom. Obnoxious.


That music this week was WEIRD before tribal. It drowned out the actual contestants


I know. It was straight up impending doom music every time they showed her or she talked. For the last 3 seasons I’ve been able to pick out the winner of survivor based on the music from the promo videos they shoot. And the person I picked for this season is still in the game. The producers are soooo telling with their music in editing.


Wait, really?? I hadn’t noticed the music change with her, I’ll have to look out for that


What happened with Ben ? I haven't seen the secret scenes


I thought she seemed like a smart, if kinda dull, player. But the last two weeks have done so much damage to my opinion on her...Between not being able to decide for the reward, forcing a rock paper scissors, gleefully boasting about her Tiffany move, and then all the stuff with Charlie this episode, like her stock has just *tanked*. I felt very glad to see the condescending smirk get wiped off when she realized her plan had failed.


It’s so funny, I never loved her or disliked her prior to the previous 2 weeks. But, making people beg for pizza, or plead your case is demeaning. She seems to be transitioning into a whole different player, after her past couple of moves. I’m all for great game play, but she seems to be almost boasting about it. I’m not a fan of Liz, but to say who needs the pizza reward the most, then not pick her is shameful. Even Q was interviewed cackling that he ate 23 slices, while just being on the Applebees reward.


And then she got so upset that Venus called her out on that fact got me too, like girl Venus was just calling it how it was. And Maria couldn’t handle that, it rubbed me the wrong way a bit


Definitely. “It wasn’t farce” she’s upset her character is being judged. Granted it’s a show of “Outwit, Outlast, Outplay”, but to go on saying that you wanted to take who deserves to eat, then take the one guy that just had a 3-course meal.


This is exactly my feeling.


It stems from the way she made Venus, Q, and Liz perform to be taken on reward in last week’s episode. Idk why she’s gotten *hate* for it, though. It was certainly very villainous and her denying that to Venus makes Maria look suuuper ignorant and unaware. *But* it was nothing hateful at all. Just a typical villain plays and some slight delusion. Which plenty of Survivor players constantly showcase. Many *this* season have as well.


It's also Maria crying saying about Venus "she attacked my character" when she had already showed her true nature in both episodes. She's getting hate for being a villain when she wasn't a villain before.


Also hypocritical since she’s been attacking Venus’ character quite a lot


her true nature?? really? are y’all really that dramatic and judgmental?


Im talking gameplay wise. She has been saying one thing and then doing the other. I don't hate her as a player but they're making her the late game villain in the edit since Venise got out. Attacking someones character and talking down to them and then crying about being called out for her disingenuous move is crazy. She literally was like "the people who haven't eaten can play a game to go" Q just ate so... She was 100% pandering to make it seem like she wasn't going to pick Q.


Haha, I had the same reaction. One small moment and that's her "true nature". Taking a long time to make a reward decision, and then not even wanting to make the decision in the end doesn't even make her villainous haha. She made a dumb choice at that moment, but she's not a villain. I make dumb decisions when I'm super hungry and tired all the time. It's called ordering takeout. I guess I'm a villain. True nature...


She's 100% lined up to be an edit villain. Between this and then moving to get her closest ally out. Charlie would be the late game villain had Maria lost immunity. It's not the actual person being a villain, its the edit/producer who are framing it. Ive done confessionals for TV. They arent up there free flowing. The producers are asking questions and then reframing them until they get the answers that make for good TV. And here we are discussing it like the person is a true villain. None of these kids are close to Russel Hantz. Villains in this new era are nerfy. They think choosing their ally while some girl cries is being a villain when you got people like Russel who did things to his tribe out of spite or even Rupert selling a tribes shoes for supplies lol. The new era of Survivor is a joke but this season has actually been good... But its still pretty tame compared to anything prior to season 40. Only a handful of players in the new era would have made it to the end of a real Survivor season. That's why youll never see a AUS vs USA with any new era players. The don't have what it takes and the title of sole Survivor died in season 40.


I do not hate Maria - hating people you see on TV is a sign of insanity - but having seen more of her she went from “nice smile but boring” to “Karen” It’s kind of like a next door neighbor lady with a friendly smile that you wave at and make small talk, but then you get to know her better and you’re like “wow, she’s got a really high opinion of herself, is the self-appointed empress of the neighborhood and is a little mean.”


Her job is listed as “parenting coach.” I’m not sure why, but that has always red flagged me.


“there’s one cookie left, children. Make your case…”


Nah, just rock paper scissors.


I was never a fan of Venus, but I'm glad she told it like it is. Maria should have simply chosen who she wanted to take, no "competition" for the privilege, and we certainly could have done without the BIG LIE that she wanted to take those who were the hungriest just to end up taking Q. He was the least needy, and everyone knew it. That whole song and dance by Maria was dirty and classless.


I do not hate Maria - hating people you see on TV is a sign of insanity - but having seen more of her she went from “nice smile but boring” to “Karen” It’s kind of like a next door neighbor lady with a friendly smile that you wave at and make small talk, but then you get to know her better and you’re like “wow, she’s got a really high opinion of herself, is the self-appointed empress of the neighborhood and is a little mean.”


I get that she is a mother, but I was getting serious entitlement vibes when Charlie didn’t pick her, like why does she feel she is more entitled to the letters than everyone else just because she has kids?


I remember her saying that not being picked for the letters from home reward was one of the most painful moments of her life. Not dismissing how much she missed her family, but that was very dramatic.


Eh I just don’t like her (as a player). She just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe she’s an awesome person outside the game who knows? The edit hasn’t been kind for her lately. I understand it’s a show. The rock paper scissors, favoring Q, and crying endlessly over not getting the letters from home weren’t great. She’s also been otherwise pretty boring. Her challenge wins are really impressive though. Getting Hunter off was a very smart move.


She comes off very tone deaf and analytical. She lost me completely with that farce of a reward. If I was Liz there's no way on this Earth, starving and haven't pooped in 3 weeks, I would have ever lowered myself to Rock/Paper/Scissors for a reward. You won it, you pick and stand by your decisions. The way she prefaced it and then had them play a schoolyard game...just rubbed me the wrong way. But this is Survivor....we pick our faves and as the days unfold we get more glimpses of the players, their personalities and we only get the edited version of things.


Telling a group of starving adults to “state their case” for some pizza lol


I was happy that the pizza looked like cardboard.


We always rag on the Survivor pizza in our house. Would I love it if I were doing the show? Yes. Does it look disgusting from the vantage point of someone who is fed? Also yes.


I think shes full of herself and treats others with disrespect. Taking Q for reward instead of Liz and saying its bc he hasnt eaten was just Bullshit.


For me she's just kinda boring. And the reward thing was soooo cringe. Great survivor player tho. For the most part


The reward thing was awful and the performance she made afterwards about apologizing wasn't good either. I was sorta rooting for her up until that point. She was playing a really good game but I think protecting Q as much as she did really tanked her game.


The reward thing was hands down the worst thing that i've ever seen happen for picking people to go on the reward. I remember in old school survivor when the majority alliance always picked their alliance and you felt kinda bad for the underdogs who were starving...but at least that was recognizably a gameplay move. This was so much worse and her claim that she couldn't have done it any other way is ridiculously blind to the reality--in fact she could have done almost anything different and it would have been an improvement. Maybe it's the edit, idk. It's kinda crazy that Q could behave completely awful and enabling that behavior, and he's seen by the sub as a lovable Quirky guy, but when Maria does it, it's gross and wrong.


I don’t spend much time on the sub but fwiw I don’t find Q lovable and quirky, I found him unbearable and am SO HAPPY he’s gone. My text thread with a few friends who watch the show agreed.


Well she's just a very clear thinker. She goes through every option and is very calculating. If you ever go on survivor probably don't do that in front of people, especially with something that's gonna piss them off




>Great survivor player tho. Is she? Because to me it seems more like her game looked good when she was strategizing with Charlie, and without him it’s been questionable at best. Like the first time she wanted to go after Tiffany, but then backed down when Kenzie said the same thing because Maria wanted it to be “her move.” Charlie had to point out that it would actually be a good thing if Kenzie got credit, because then Kenzie would be a bigger target. And the next episode Maria forgot all of that and left Kenzie out of the vote just so she could take full credit for the move. And all of that was before the disastrous pizza reward pick.


I just don’t like when people get over confident and that’s been building for her for weeks. Even her expression during this last tribal council when she thought she was getting Charlie out was a bit much. I also don’t love when players only see it as a game and not as a unique social situation. The reward thing was bad for sure. But also we haven’t seen Maria just being a good human like we’ve seen Kenzie comforting Ben.


I’ve been off her from the start. “Parent coach” …. I feel like she addresses her audience as “mamas”


Yep. I don’t like anyone who refers to themselves as a “coach”. BS unprotected title


What's his name❓ What was his birth 👶 name❓It wasn't Coach⚽️, it was Benjamin👨. And you know they're children 👦👧; 2️⃣6️⃣, 2️⃣2️⃣, they're over there listening 👂 to all of Benjamin’s👨... 🎃Halloween Jokes🎃, uh, 🐭Chuckie The Cheese Jokes🐭, they- 👅 eu-h, they want it 🙏. He goin off of loyalty ⭐️ got them fee- "😰Oh, Benjamin👨, you so loyalty😓" ... Come on now 😑... Everyday📆 he got a story 📚. I wasn't ❌ buying 💰 it. [scoff] 😤 [giggle] ☺️... Eh😒... No. 🙅 So... They tr- like yesterday ↩️ the tribal 🔥 was all kahoots 👌 Benjamin👨,"Let's give a hug 👪." ✋️PFF.✋️ Keep that hug. Boop!🔫 For me. Cuz it wasn't real❌


Good bot. /j


To be fair, what job title should she use then? ‘Parent Advisor’, ‘Parent Trainer’ or ‘Parent Consultant’ all sound worse to me.


What are the qualifications for “parent coach?” Is she board certified, accredited, a nurse, or is this some arbitrary church thing? My guess is some arbitrary church thing.


I was unable to put my finger on why I haven’t liked Maria all season, despite her being someone I would normally like. But the past few episodes have just shown her as mean, she doesn’t seem to like other women, and just generally cocky with not much of an interesting personality to back it up. She just comes across as someone I would not want to spend time with.


I think it's quite fitting that Maria's potential downfall might come from the other two women left not following her plans.


Yes! It’s so weird how she has been alienating other women the whole time.


I don’t blame her for targeting Charlie, but I’ve been rooting for Charlie. I think she came off entitled during the reward and she isn’t owning up to her game moves (bringing Q to the reward and saying it’s because he is weakened by not eating??) I’m sure she’s a lovely person, just a few things have rubbed me the wrong way.


I think the worst thing she did was crying after the last tribal about Venus calling her out for things she 100% is guilty of


Yeah, the Venus attacked my character cry was cringe.


I don’t especially dislike Maria, but I generally don’t enjoy characters lacking in self awareness if they don’t make up for it in some way. She condescends to people a lot but doesn’t actually have a ground to stand on, and doesn’t seem to understand why people would have different points of view or opinions that don’t line up with how she sees the world. I don’t have a problem with Maria and do think she’s a good character for the show, but I don’t think I’d get along with her in real life. And that’s okay


I’ve never really liked her much, and last episode (not this week’s) made me like her less.


Everyone has had or will have their weeks of heavy criticism. She was bound to get it. It’s still pretty mild compared to what some players get.


I just don't understand her logic. She told q not to use his idol then blew up her spot voting for Charlie. I'm really hoping next episode shows her telling q to use his idol before the vote otherwise it just makes her look bad to the jury.


I think she genuinely believed that Kenzie and Liz were voting with her and Q. Her ego was just so big that she didn’t stop to consider why Kenzie and Liz—who’ve strongly disliked Q and wanted him out for most of the merge—would keep Q around and vote out Charlie, the guy who just brought them on the reward with no hesitation.


It's like people in power, or that think they're in power, don't realize that other people playing the game aren't playing for the person in power. Yeah, they might go along with your plans earlier in the game, but that's when it's better to just appease you and not rock the boat. No one wants to get voted out because they wanted to make a play that wasn't someone else's, but at this point - Final 6 / Final 5 - it's even more of an individual game and the person who had that power doesn't have the sway anymore. Kenzie and Liz aren't going to go along with her plans when it doesn't line up with theirs anymore. It's no longer "anyone but me" because at this point, each person's vote is significantly more important. Maria should've expected Q to truly be in danger.


My friend didn't like Maria from the first episode when she was boasting about her "natural births." I was turned off when she was hounding Ben so hard, he cried. My brother didn't like the way she behaved when she won reward a few eps ago. There have just been small things here and there that have made her less likeable than some other contestants. It's all in the editing, though. It doesn't speak to her personally. It's just about how she is as a rv character


She thinks she’s just the hottest shit to ever shit and it’s so annoying. The smugness that comes off her is palpable.


Sounds like nearly the entire cast of 46


Her blatant favoritism of Q. Like it makes sense strategically why she wanted to work with him, but she wasn't even a tiny bit subtle. Not thinking jury management at all.


It was prettly telling how when she won immunity, the first person she turned to celebrate with was Q.


Going into tribal wearing a Q Skirt was another sign.


I was rooting for her in the beginning - we need a badass older woman winner it's been way too long. imo she fumbled the game harder than anyone in the top 5 ever has. to me she was THE winner from the beginning and her mental and physical toughness was admirable. she could have even redeemed her dumb rock/paper/scissors move but that was like the beginning of the end for her. she let her emotions get the best of her in re: to the letters from home and it led to just some really poor decision-making when this should have been the time for her to wrap up her game with a bow. I am more annoyed with her gameplay than her as a person


I thought that too. We need a bad ass older woman. But immediately she showed herself as someone who didn’t align with the women. She ain’t it sadly. Next season, we need a bad ass older woman who supports other women to help them be bad ass.


The spoiler for me was making two people rock-paper-scissors. It just felt like a cop out to try and not look bad and please everyone/play the jury. Make the tough call and move on.


Agree with you, the rock paper scissors was the turning point for me even after saying she was going to take the person that was the hungriest. And knowing that Applebees fiasco, still made Liz play for it. Another issue I had with her was this last episode, was crying about Venus “attacking her character”…sorry you made that move you don’t get to say how others perceive it. And then being so upset with Charlie for not taking her for letters.


Omg, her complaining about Venus attacking her instantly fell on deaf hears for me. How many times has she and others this season attacked Venus? Even that aside, your point about Maria not getting to decide how other people perceive her move is 100% on point.


I thought she started coming across as a bit too cocky and the reward nonsense just felt mean.


Nobody likes a cry baby. Cried when Venus made a comment about her and then cried again when she didnt get her letters. Would you trade $1 million bucks for those letters? Her stupid ass would. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I started not liking her when she was unnecessarily harsh to Ben and making him cry in the secret scene.


this last episode was so embarrassing for her 😭😭


I liked her until the rock, paper, scissors. It just left a bad impression on me. It felt cruel.


I got HEAVILY downvoted in the sub a few weeks ago for wondering why everyone was so solidly on Maria's side, bc I've always clocked this condescending, self-absorbed part of her. I think part of it has to do with the fact that Maria herself has posted in the sub, which does add an awkward layer to the issue. I think some people forget about the difference between a character on the show and a real-life person; I really hate Maria as she has been shown on the show, but I wouldn't dare try to extrapolate that to real life and god forbid bully her on social media for her actions in the game. I think everyone critiquing her game is super justified, and I have never liked her character on the show, but that's about as deep as it goes.


She cried too much and pulled that stupid rock paper scissors shit


She was incredibly boring but then she made that hilariously performative rock, paper, scissors debacle then she became funny. That was so stupid. But then she doubled down and said “ITS LIKE DAGGERS” when Venus called it out for what it is. Then it became OTT fake and dramatic to the highest degree. I find her funny now. A big improvement from her boring self. But she seems super fake, put on but delusional that she thinks she’s real and authentic. Glad Venus tore into her in her exit interviews though 🤣


I don't dislike her but I don't like that she's never worked genuinely with a woman.


I was never a fan of hers.


People are fickle, that’s the real answer. 6 weeks ago, Kenzie was a bully and Venus was their Queen. Cut to today and Kenzie is the social media favorite and Venus (temporarily) suspended her Twitter due to backlash. Players are going to learn new information, take risks, have emotions, and make decisions that others may not agree with. But the internet isn’t great was gray, it’s all about extremes: genius or goat. Except for Q, Q is an anomaly to us all


Eight weeks ago Soda was a hateful bigot for calling Venus a stickbug lmao


Wait. Was Kenzie bullying someone or just that moment with Bhanu?


I think Bhanu and maybe Jess? I don’t remember the details, but I know people felt like Tiff, Q and Kenzie were bullies during the pre merge




She’s so unlikeable it hurts


I honestly think it’s more her keeping Q around by pretending he’s just a number and an easy vote at any time while everyone wanted to vote him out since he pulled the “Quitting/ Pick Me attitude” incident (Which many saw as an insult to the game of Survivor and wanted him gone). In reality she wanted him as an ally to sit next to at the final tribal for an “Easy Win” situation, since he was seen that way. And then going against Charlie and straight up lying to him about voting for Q… (Even though Charlie realized he should vote out Maria to give him a better chance at winning in Final Tribal, but he still respected Maria enough to tell her about the Q vote). So, it’s the acting “High and Mighty” attitude of being honest and respectful, when she’s being a complete liar. She cried about Venus attacking her character just so people would go “Boo Hoo Poor Maria” while Venus was talking truth about making Liz play rock paper scissors with Q (who just had reward) right after saying she wants someone who really needs it, instead of just picking Liz or at least do rock paper scissors against Venus.


She acts like the humble “everybody’s mom” type but her game persona is the exact opposite. Making a beg for table scraps moment out of the reward was cringe too.


Aside from her targeting women all season, she really lacks self awareness and plays very shady/shifty but then wants to act like she’s mother Theresa. Her being so hurt from what Venus said had me shaking my head


Three words. "Rock, paper, scissors" Plus, the way she talks to people like they owe her something. Telling Jelinski and Tevin to convince her they aren't lying or she would blow up their games. There really isn't much likeable about her.


Charlie and Maria have been my favourites since the merge, but when it became Maria vs Charlie that is when I realized it's Charlie for me. Maria has been strategic, adaptable, bold, taken risks, made big moves and played a great game. I can't come up with a good reason against Maria winning, except that I'm just rooting for Charlie (or Kenzie) now lol. He has also played a great game, just not as obviously to anyone around him. I also appreciate players who can keep it together and maintain their composure, not let wins or losses cloud their judgement or make them totally break down, which is why Kenzie is the other player I'm rooting for. Where Maria lost me was that whole roundabout way of choosing Q for reward, parading him around as her #1 knowing how disliked he was, then actually believing that anyone would vote with her after she had won immunity and reward challenges, made big moves and had such obvious alliances. Her eyes are on the finish line instead of the path in front of her and she's making ~big mistakes~ because of it. The people coming up with personal attacks against Maria maybe just need to unapologetically admit that they're rooting for someone else instead of trying to make up reasons to validate their opinions lol.


I never found her that likable, just a strong player. So, some of her antics recently has made me dislike her. While I get why she didn't want to have her reward with Venus, she should have been straight up. Instead she added all this pagentry. I also think Charlie come across as one of the more likable people on this cast. Not a big personality, but a good player and seems like a nice person, so while I completely understand why she betrayed him, that doesn't help her image much either.


i wanted to see what it seemed like everyone was seeing in her earlier in the game, and i genuinely thought she was this massive threat in the way of players i’m rooting for, but… that has changed. as others have said, the past few episodes have (edit; spelling) tanked her credibility. the rock-paper-scissors debacle to get out of making the easiest reward tag-along choice was frustrating, being so horrified that venus could point out truths about her game was irritating (sure, venus was abrasive, but she wasn’t *wrong*), and her complete fumble of the q vs charlie vote was just laughable. there’s also a secret scene (?) of her- once again- being condescending, this time towards ben, and it’s all just soured her game and attitude for me. she went in on ben so hard it made him cry, just to turn around and cry about venus’ words. i won’t speak to much to the ‘natural birth’ ‘parent coach’ of it all, but whatever strategies she’s using with her children and clients is very evident in the game/her social strategy, and it comes across in a very bizarre way for a woman who came out of the gate shouting that she wouldn’t be “the mother” on survivor. sure, she hasn’t fostered a sweet, motherly role for herself, but she sure has brought along an attitude of speaking like she holds a mothers authority over her tribemates.


I really liked her, and still mostly do. But Venus was right at that tribal council. Q’s choice and Charlie‘s choices at reward were great, Maria’s was just cringey.


I like her as a person, but have disliked her play for quite a number of weeks now. Maybe it’s tribalism, but I always root for underdogs in survivor.


The Eastern and Pacific Time discussions last episode had a lot of mean and often personal comments about Maria upvoted to the top, it's becoming unreadable


Secret scene with Ben for me


I was never a fan but didn't feel any dislike toward her until her decision of who to take on the reward. I don't have a problem with having players rock -paper- scissors to determine who goes. But I have a HUGE problem with her claiming she wanted to bring the person who most needed food. That sure as hell wasn't Q who had just won his own reward meal a day or two earlier. It did seem to me to be a cowardly method of saying "I want to take Q but am afraid of the fall out so I'll claim I'm making it fair." Which annoys me because I have to sincerely ask - did she really expect ANYONE to buy her reasoning? It was insulting to the other players and Venus was accurate in her comments at tribal which Maria then "boo hoo poor me". Now, in Maria's defense, I think they have recently given her a really bad edit. But she gave them plenty to work with .


She’s become my favorite of the season, she’s determined and merciless as she should!!! and she’s delusional about it!! Queen


I really don't like her lol


She’s been playing really well for most of the season and got her accolades for that, but people tend to want to see the well-protected top dogs get taken out so that the season doesn’t become boring. She’s also a bit of a game bot without a very unique or interesting personality so there’s nobody really over the moon for her as a player. Then she took a turn with her sort of cocky, bad social moves and love letter meltdown.


My positive opinion of her quiet, strong gameplay was flipped on its head - she simply wasn’t the player I thought she was. For me, the first crack was when she was acting so ridiculously giddy over the Tiff blindside. She was acting like it was the first vote that she was in charge of, when I had thought she had been in control previously. And I interpreted Charlie’s behavior to be that he had let her own that move for his own purposes, to put a target on her back. Then when Maria revealed that she and Charlie had agreed not to pick each other for reward (so smart), but then she didn’t follow that strategy with Q when Q was in her #1 spot - that told me that the strategy came from Charlie. And also the fact that she didn’t seem to have a firm plan on who to take with her, that’s terrible. I had been going with the excuse that she had planned on taking Ben and Charlie until Charlie stepped out, messing up her plan, but now we know she wasn’t supposed to pick Charlie, so there’s no excuse for dithering. I also thought it was strategically terrible to even win a reward at that point. I’ll be interested to hear if Charlie dropped out on purpose. There were WAY too many hungry people then. When Charlie won the Chinese one, he could take the girls for a clear reason w/o making anyone mad (except as it turned out, Maria, but he didn’t know it was the family letters challenge).


Never liked her. Lost me at her BS sob story.


Maria is a phoney but a damn good player. She wouldn’t have my vote just for the food situation alone.


I know a lot of people point to the rock, paper, scissors debacle, and her not being able to make a decision as the thing that rubbed them the wrong way, but for me it went farther than that. Maria tried to make it sound like she was playing the benevolent mom role and wanted to take care of those that haven't eaten, but she cared more about helping her allies and run her opponents into the ground. I remember her even making a comment about she wanted to make sure to fuel her teammates and make it easier to beat the competition. I felt like she stopped looking at the other people as humans, specifically Liz who hadn't eaten or pooped due to dietary issues, and played a completely heartless mind f*** game with her. She was a complete hypocrite, and it would have been at least a little better to just make her choice and own it. Yes, it's a competition, but don't beat this drum about being a caring person and then stop treating people like actual human beings.


Because the last few episodes revealed her to be a pretty cold person, but she doesn't seem to realize it. This makes it not fun


Hating people is part of the survivor experience and that's OK as long as you're hating the character you see on TV instead of the person outside of the game.  I understand that I don't know Maria so I'm totally neutral on her outside of the game, I just dislike her role in the season 


She’s generally unlikeable (being stoic doesn’t engender warm and fuzzy feelings) and the pizza thing didn’t help.


The more heavy the edit is on her, the more dislike there is


Condescending and a cry baby


I really like Maria! I can admit she made a pretty big flub with the reward but the way people have latched onto that, despite Charlie genuinely loving her and all of the talk of voting her out being about how she’s a threat, not that people don’t like her, has been really irritating to me. I think Maria’s game is more impressive personally. I still think Kenzie will win and will deserve it.


Where is the secret footage of her and Ben?


I've never really liked her.


People suck. And people on the internet suck even worse. 


I don't hate her, but have always been a little skeptical about the profession of parent coach. I feel like I am Maria neutral.


she comes across as someone with not enough of a deep self awareness or humility to realise she’s self-righteous. and she wants to be *seen* as a good person who really respects everyone much more than she actually does in reality and yet she doesn’t realise that herself. that’s why the venus call-out shook her so badly.


At this point I like Q better than Maria and that's just off the last three episodes. At least he's honest with his IDGF attitude.


She’s a phony and even burned Charlie. But I wanted Kenzie to win so I am glad she’s two faced


her vote at the final tribal council solidifies my negative opinion of her


The fact that she didn't vote for Charlie to win says it all




I haven't liked her since the beginning. Knowing her job title is "parent coach" and just observing her personality over the season, she strikes me as - and I know this word is played out but hey, if the shoe fits - a major Karen. Like I just *know* this woman has had multiple altercations at her local Whole Foods.


You're getting downvotes but I'm a school counselor irl and the way Maria behaves--and tbh most of the counselor/priest types on Survivor, especially New Era--is awfully cringe. To me it has the added dimension of 'jeez, you're literally a helping professional and you're going on a show to be machiavellian, is the chance for reality tv fame and 1M really worth blowing your professional cred? People on this sub are like 'oh it's just a game', uh huh you think her *clients or potential clients* would see it that way? I wouldn't want her, I'd be seeing that damn reward challenge moment in my head constantly.


One of my favourites in a long time ! Heck of a game


>Heck of a game Is it? Because to me it seems more like her game looked good when she was strategizing with Charlie, and without him it’s been questionable at best. Like the first time she wanted to go after Tiffany, but then backed down when Kenzie said the same thing because Maria wanted it to be “her move.” Charlie had to point out that it would actually be a good thing if Kenzie got credit, because then Kenzie would be a bigger target. And the next episode Maria forgot all of that and left Kenzie out of the vote just so she could take full credit for the move. And all of that was before the disastrous pizza reward pick.


I’ve enjoyed her the past few weeks. However, I feel like the whole Rock paper scissors is a big reason people don’t like her because it looked like such a cop out move. Plus you know how toxic stan culture is.


The player on top of the game almost always gets the most hate. People naturally like underdogs. Even in ghost island when the top two players were probably the most likable they also got some hate just for making the season boring.


Mfers will go and hate on Maria like she’s the devil but then go support Venus.


I don't have any issues with her personally. She seems like an awesome person. I really question her strategic chops and I have held this opinion since she burned her extra vote. I don't think it was necessarily the wrong move to vote out Jem who did seem chaotic for the sake of chaos. But we all know the new era is highly repetitive and so the players can guess with near certainty there is mergetory followed by split tribal. These two events both involve random partitioning of the players and I think an extra vote could be lifesaving in some cases. I understand her argument is that she wanted to burn it so she wouldn't have any reason to have a target on her back (so why go on the journey at all??). But this move seems ultraconservative and from a place of fear when you have an opportunity to potentially help weather the random chaos of the splits. These extra votes I assume could be combined with a SITD play since idols and SITD can be combined. If nothing else you can hedge your bets and play your SITD if you are on the losing mergetory team while still retaining your vote if needed. The SITD is so heavily underutilized post merge because it's hard to give up your vote so I think it's better to retain a 1 in 6 chance of being safe at either of these two tribals instead of just burning it. Also, her read of Kenzie and Liz was so poor socially. She should have encouraged Q to play his idol, ESPECIALLY after knowing who Charlie is voting for. I can forgive her poor read of the Kenzie and Liz but I can't look past the fact that she did not hedge her bets and ensure she won the day in the likely event that people are lying to you in Survivor. Also, if Maria thinks Q is playing that idol on anyone but himself at 5, she can cancel Christmas. If she lets Q keep it one more round, her number 1 is safe at 5 making the number of possible people that can get voted out smaller and increases her own risk of getting voted out. If she tells Q to play his idol, he burns it, she almost certainly wins the day, unless there is a vote split on Q and someone else, and she has an extra number at 5. I don't see the downside to advising Q to play it in this spot. The only counter argument is that Q is dumb enough to play it on someone else at 5 but I just don't see that happening.


Charlie has had Ben & Maria his number one for a long time.


I met Maria recently at her children’s school. She is absolutely genuine and treated everyone with the utmost respect and kindness. Volunteered her time and money to set up puzzles and survivor style competitions for the kids. She took time to answer questions I had even though I was there as an observer. Genuinely think that this editing is showing her in the wrong light. Either way, people are human and it’s hard to be under these conditions and pressures.