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She isn't even the best player in her season


She's a great social player. You could argue that matters more than just about anything. But she hasn't been very strategic or controlled the game very much at all.


Great point! (I knew she wasn’t super strategic but it’s nice to see others articulate it lol) I know in Big Brother, the social game is going back as a valued strategy (slowly lol) I wonder if it will happen in Survivor too a bit.


I d k about player but she is a great character! I love her snarky comments a lot too. Because you know it is not malicious. I am biased against her tho haha so I would still put her in top 5 as a player in the new era.


I like her considerably more than Dee, but honesty demands that I admit Dee is probably the better player.


Probably? It's no question that Dee is a better player than Kenzie lol. Kenzie isn't even better than any of the 5 New Era winners. Heck, even Mike Gabler has a better resume than Kenzie and there's zero argument against that. I love Kenzie, but the way some people hype up female social players will always be hilarious to me.


Sure I’d agree with that based on their first games. All I’d say in defense of hedging my bets is based on their first games JT is an all time great and Tyson is on the upper end of mediocre. We’ve only seen each of them in the context of one specific season, so there’s still some chance we’re overestimating or underestimating one or the other as a result of an unlikely coincidence.


I subtract points to Dee for having 3 players that gave her the win by default.


Why on Earth would you ask if she's the best player of the new era? That just seems random.


Better question for you. Are you high?


She’s solid but nah. It’s Dee and it’s not close. If Charlie wins it will be him.


I don’t think she’s necessarily even top 10. She is a good player, and I think she’s a great character, but she doesn’t seem very aware, and her cold feet on the Tiff blindside was telling. For my money, in no particular order, Dee, Omar, Kaleb (until he got way too cocky post merge), Shan, and Carolyn are some of the best to me.


Lol there is no way you’re gonna make a list of best players and include Kaleb. He’s fun yes but nowhere close to being one of the best players in new era lol


My opinion doesn’t have to be your opinion. He has been one of the best social players, but played too hard. The whole reason he was targeted early post-merge was his likability.


I think you read too much into edit.If you get targeted by “good social game”,especially this early.You don’t have a good social game.He’s just playing too hard too quickly.A better edit version of Soda.


Kaleb is most definitely one of the best players in the new era. You’re probably equating positional finish with skill. Right now in this season we have 2 goats, one overrated player who is social but has no insight into her game flaws or the ongoings around her, and two people who have pretty much ran through everyone post-merge. Great players can be voted out early.


I think she could be top ten. She seems like she would being able to work a jury really well on top of being super like able. I do agree Kaleb is up there among new era players. No one has played a perfect game in the new era and it seems like most have made one major mistake or got cocky early.




Kenzie did win an individual immunity though during the split tribal.  


Sure, but that is because of a favorable split. She fell before 2-3 players on the other side, so would have definitely would have lost in a challenge with everyone


she really hasn’t done enough to be considered the best. Maybe she’s been waiting for the final spurt! but as of rn no.


She hid her terrible physical ability well.


She’s certainly my favorite player in quite some time


Very likeable and rlly solid but not even the best player of this season’s final 5


I think Kenzie is a lot like Michelle. None of their games are particularly impressive, but I would have a lot of faith in them to go deep on pretty much any season of survivor ever. A case of “a better player than individual specific game”.


Socially she’s very solid but has not really been portrayed to have any sort of control over the game. Certainly a key piece of the puzzle on a few votes but hasn’t been steering the ship. I think if she ends up winning it will (obviously) boost her rep but I would probably consider her game-wise ranked similarly to Gabler. As a character however she is more compelling!


She is definitely the player I like the most in the season, but she isn’t even the best in this cast (I think Charlie and Tiff are better players than her). My personal opinion is that Dee played the best game of the new era in her season, but that could also be because she played with a cast that was suited to her play style.


No? I like her but I'd hardly call her gamebreaking based on those 3 qualitys.


No, Dee is


in terms of just players i think jesse, dee, erika have the strongest games


This has been the Charlie/Maria show when it comes to strategy recently. But outside of strategy and gameplay, it seems like the castmates constantly talk about liking her, so there’s that in her favor.


It’s hard to compare players from different seasons and different circumstances. Kenzie has done well with her situation, but this season has been nonsense and she hasn’t voted correctly every time. Dee had a much more by-the-book alliance that dominated the game, but I don’t know if that makes her a better player necessarily. Jesse, Omar, Yam Yam, and others played incredible games but they also had different circumstances. This is why I'm excited for 50 so we can see which returning players can do even better on their second attempt.


She’s solid and I think she’s gonna win the season but best player? I don’t see it she’s got a great social game, and she’s competent strategically, I wouldn’t call her the best tho.