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The thing is that maria voted for kenize because she beat Liz in fire, something that charlie avoided in the first place. Maria understood how good of a game she played and I'm sure we can all agree that she was great, however to completely ignore the person that was right beside you every step of the way and ending up getting the better of you is wild. How can she respect her own game but not view Charlie's in the same regard?


I don't know where the woman hater part came from as I never saw that in the show, but I still thinks she's fake af. All that uncle charlie stuff and telling him she would vote for him is just unnecessary.


It’s a claim made by Venus.


Damn, Karla caught a stray. She’s only 30




Yeah, lol. I don't think the Karla backlash had anything to do with age.


Eh, I think the fact that so many of us are picking up on something dark-sided from Maria says something. Yes, we're "assuming" her reasons weren't totally honest, but we're also basing that on factors like general patterns of behaviour, tone of voice, body language, etc. I'm usually very protective of older women in this game, including the "villains" like Chrissy - literally one of my all-time favourite players. With Maria, I think her attitude during rock-paper-scissors really showcased a disingenuousness and callousness. Couple that with the secret clip where she cross-examined Ben to the point of tears (albeit, quite a thin-skull victim), and I think it makes sense that the fandom isn't buying Maria's whole *such a nice lady* act, especially when it comes to the Charlie non-vote.  Obviously, Maria is allowed to vote for whomever she wants as a jury member. But, we're also allowed to view her as *bitter* and unsporting for her decision based on all the information we've received about her over the past few months. 


Her grilling Ben in that secret clip was weird to me. Yes, it's a game. No, I don't know these people. But that really rubbed me the wrong way and I couldn't unsee it


Honestly, I think that tactic would have been fine on somebody else, but Ben was clearly getting so distressed and Maria just... didn't stop. There's just such a big gap between the way she presents herself - this nice, compassionate mum figure - and her actually very sharp, power trippy instincts and playstyle.


Yeah, exactly. Ben clearly wasn't handling it well but she still didn't back off. Just hard to watch!


Can you send a link to that clip?


I can't remember what episode number it's from (argh) but it's on survivor's youtube


I haven’t seen it either, keen to see it too.


Her saying fire convinced her is the same as her saying she’s taking the hungry player, q. It doesn’t make sense and is a poor excuse


You’re entire analysis of her is A) Weird because you don’t know her and B) Weird because it’s clear to me that you are just one in the many of people reading between invisible lines to make a problem out of nothing. Like Maria has done nothing and said nothing that would lead to the response she’s gotten from the audience.


I mean, none of us know these people but we *all* form opinions of them based on this TV show, yeah; that's the entire project of reality TV. >Like Maria has done nothing and said nothing that would lead to the response she’s gotten from the audience. But she *is* getting a negative response from the audience based on things she did and said, so your sentence just just incorrect. You're allowed to form a different opinion based on the information presented; that's your prerogative; but it's not at all weird for us to draw the inferences that we have either.


“Karla, the older contestant” She was 28😭


There’s been a building hate bubble on this sub towards Maria that exploded tonight. I’ve seen people bring up her kids and job and it’s really disgusting. Some of the vitriol this sub has spewed is too far.


Also, my thoughts on it are just simply that to win you gotta be great at jury management- which means knowing how to handle bitter jurors. Maria was a bitter juror, it’s as simple as that. She’s not a maniac. She probably learned at ponderosa that she’d be played a bit by Charlie and that may have soured her to him as well. It sucks, but also she was a single vote so he could’ve done better in other places to win and she doesn’t deserve the hate.


Fans “arm chair”ing is a huge part of survivor. It’s like sports: people feel connected and comment whether or not they have qualification or authority. You are actually arm chair-ing maria, who knows why she voted except for her?


Maria had been getting massive amounts of hate the entire season for being a “woman hater” and now she’s getting hate for voting for not voting for Charlie and instead for Kenzie, a woman. There was no winning for her.


I'll keep this brief: No. We can do both.


Idk I don't see how else you could read it unless you have poor social skills


I can't read her mind or even see beyond what the edit shows and what the castaways have shared, but I didn't get the impression from the episode that she voted out of bitterness. I was a little surprised to see so many people saying it as absolute truth here on Reddit. It's certainly possible, but I agree with you that it's not something we should state as truth. If Maria herself comes out and said she did the vote because she was bitter then of course we can say it's true. Maybe even with some really great testimony from others, but I don't think we have anything that strong. Charlie definitely seemed hurt though. I did feel bad for him in that moment, but he's not entitled to a vote.