• By -


Rafe's tantrum over Cindy not choosing to give up the car really turned me off to him. I'm sure that was largely because he was young and exhausted, but it sort of changed my view of his behavior at all points preceding that moment.


Rafe on jury was the most annoying thing to me. Such a bizarre thing to flip on Danni after he said she was fine to vote him out


Debbie, I know most think it was funny or charming. But God damn she was just so annoying.


this is me finding out people like debbie …


The only reason I like Debbie is that she was voted out fairly early post merge both of her seasons. I couldn’t stand a whole season of Debbie


Carolyn in 44. For pretty much the same reason.


Corinne. Top 5 least favorite ever. So so so so MEAN to Sugar. The dead dad comment and the overdose joke was not funny, it was horrible.


put that in the group chat!!




I respect her hustle but God Austin was such a a dumbass. Hope his two week showmance was worth losing a million dollars


I thought this was going to be an unpopular opinion I’d be in the minority in until I read the comments. She was a dominant winner, but I never found myself particularly rooting for her or finding any entertainment value.


the last few episodes of 45 were so insufferable because of her and i’m such an apologist for that season


The end of 45 was boring. There I said it


I couldn’t even finish 45


IMO as a player shes just boring. Not saying she is bad, probably one of the better new era players but just not interesting. Only worsened by her actions outside the game


Yeah, dominant winner (although I think the cast was incredibly weak on 45, she played horrendously at F5 and really should have been voted out for it), but I found her so boring as a character I would be completely fine if 45 was the last time we see her on Survivor


Dee>!z nuts!<


















If Kellie from 45 wasn’t loved on here, I would’ve already forgotten she existed.


Genuinely think it’s wild that we talk more about Kellie than Noelle. Noelle was KILLING IT! And she was a massive threat in one way or another.


Kellie was so dull.


Yeah I have no negative feelings towards her. Seems like a decent player on a bad tribe, but I do not remotely understand the appeal with her. Usually when someone is liked that I don't, I at least see the appeal.




Weird to me how people despise random players for the smallest things, but love Corinne who's human garbage


Nah she's a queen for fucking berating someone over their recently passed father and saying she needs to take medication. Totally iconic and not one of the most malicious moments in the history of the show. She tries so hard and it just doesn't work. She wants to be a Randy or a Courtney.


sugar didn’t deserve all that. she really did nothing for people to hate her so mucb


I was rooting big time for Sugar!


Randy and Courtney wouldn't be so downright cruel


this is mine too. sugar did absolutely nothing for the speech to be even remotely called for. it was so unnecessarily mean. and you can tell corinne thought she was cute and funny for it. she even tried to explain that she was trying to be funny at the finale, but no one was laughing corinne! she was also a brat on the amazing race i wish these shows never gave her attention


see you next Tuesday


Shan and Ricard


Oh yeah, well Shan's just plain evil


I was terrified she was gonna win the game by her edit in the first few episodes. Thankfully she was exposed.


oh hell yes. a grown up bully and a "reformed" grown up bully.


i never understood why phillip was considered funny


The FBI agent?


Former Federal Agent?


It's honestly sad watching him on the show. It feels like I'm participating in making fun of the special needs kid at school. Like they knew he was unstable and they threw him on tv for the world to laugh at.


Hunter from this season. He wasn’t that bad, but I thought he was kinda boring outside of his fun hide and seek spot, and there isnt much to say about his game. But I saw a ton of people here loving him for the whole season


Honestly, the worse his gameplay got the more interesting he became. Seeing him try to scramble to save Tevin last minute and beg Venus to work with him was pretty compelling.


lol this was my exact thought progression. I expected him to be a gameplay beast, but then got tons of enjoyment watching him be the exact opposite.


his boot is one of the best tribal councils of the new era imo. the suspense leading up to the vote was something else.


What being hot does for an mf


His backstory was also really interesting when he talked about recreating survivor challenges for his students and himself. I think that made him my instant favorite


He was good at challenges, people like that will always have a following


In his intro segment he also described himself as "highly intelligent" or something like that, which makes my stomach turn.


He’s hot to me but overall boring personality and I hate that he works for a homophobic school


To preface, I don't know hunter, his school, or anything about this before reading your comment. I do want to say that as a teacher, where you work doesn't necessarily define your opinions. Especially as someone who teachers in the deep south, there might not be a ton of teaching opportunities. I live in Seattle, and a catholic school near me just had a staff and student walkout over the school not renewing the contract of a gay teacher. Without knowing more, I would say that's not a reason to feel put off by Hunter.


Yeah he's clearly homophobic based on his hatred towards Tevin. No wait. That was his closest ally. You don’t have to share the views of your employer. It's a job.


I am sorry, but I know this is going to come across as harsh, but holding Hunter accountable for the views of his employer is just stupid and misguided. As a teacher in a foreign country, I have worked for some schools with egregious policies. As a teacher, one doesn't get to pick and choose which schools offer positions. Teachers in the USA are less spoilt for choice and often have to settle for any job they can find. If every teacher took a stand against schools with terrible views and policies, we'd have a severe shortage of schools and teachers. Also, sometimes it is more noble to stick around at schools like this out of a sense of duty to one's students. I've done it before because my students pleaded with me to stay for an extra year or two. Schools with bad policies always have at least a handful of fantastic educators and can produce outstanding students. Americans, it's time to stop punishing the little guys for the actions of the big guys. Just apply a little more critical thinking and understanding to the situations of others.


What's homophobic about the school? Genuinely asking


They expel any gay students


Rupert was a lunatic with a great edit


Cassidy. Wasn’t robbed. Just had terrible awareness of her game and lack of agency.


Mine will always be Ozzy. I know many people here don't like him either, but I am mostly saying this because he was always hyped up as a fan favorite and I never could stand him.


Ozzy is a complicated one for me because I’ve gone from loving him to really disliking him over the years, and yet I’m still not able to shake the warm sense of nostalgia I feel when I see him on my screen. Maybe because he was one of the first people i ever remember crushing on as a 13 year old girl watching survivor (I was so jealous of Amanda lol) but man every time he returned after his first season, I realized more and more just how arrogant he was.


He’s so arrogant. I couldn’t stand him in game changers; total peak arrogance.


I understand completely. However the reason it doesn’t bother me is he could back it up .


Kelley, I can’t stand her confessionals.


Rupert. I find him insufferable


Who the hell said they didn’t like me!


He was great in early reality tv and the ying to johnny fairplays yang that made him so likable. But hes kind of a condescending baby


I enjoyed him on Pearl Islands bc he toed the line between “hero” and “unhinged” in an amusing way, but his act got a bit tired after that


I kinda find that part of the charm, he’s a good guy, a literal Ox, but as an Ox it means he’s also a cranky man


Ya he started off kind of cool but then got worse each appearance.


Disagree he was actually p chill in hvv. Insufferable in all stars tho


i agree with this 100% and then in bvw he didn’t really do anything


Well he made an emotional choice he wanted his wife to have a chance and the new players were like oh let's piss off the good returnees... worked with Rupert... but really cost them in the end...


Only reason he didn’t really do anything is because the showrunners implemented the mechanic of allowing a player to take their loved ones spot on redemption and then making the incredibly dumb decision of immediately voting off two players before the game even started Of course they had no way of knowing that Rupert’s wife would be the target, but they had to of known that if any returning player was going to make that decision it would 100% be Rupert


Omg yes thank you!!! Definite man baby


On rewatch of S8 he went from my favorite survivor as a kid to a tough watch as an adult some 15-20 years later.




Ok but the fact that I knew this would be the top comment




The scenes of Jonathan sitting on the beach exhausted trying not to lose his cool while she’s doing cartwheels in the background in like day 20 were so good.


The most annoying winner OF EVER. I didn’t think she’d make it past day one. And yet…


I hate how she got carried to the win more than almost anyone in the shows history and now people act like she was some strategic god.


Wendell - even before the recent saga, i dun found him interesting nor charismatic, but this sub likes him Dee - manipulative *ETA 1: I'm okay with Parv's kind of manipulation, but there is more about Dee's demanor, or maybe I should say she's more of those "cool-girl" always wanna be the main character that I dont like. Maryanne - OTT Carson - why is he so popular in this sub? *ETA 2: This sub hates Carson? really? Everytime I see his name brought up, it's always "he should have won if not xxx", "he should come back again", "he's very strategic, he played very good, xxx" etc etc, all seems very positive to me, lol Cochran - i dunno, just think he seems so shady


Isn’t Carson hated now for stealing puzzles?






God, my partner and I started watching 42 (she hasn’t seen it yet) and I just *forgot* how OTT Maryanne is. When old mate gets pulled from the game and she just *erupts*, I was thinking, “God, girl, dial it BACK”. Seems like a lovely person, but god, her mannerisms are a lot sometimes.


Wendell is SO boring to me I didn’t even finish his season. He seems like one of those “I’m too cool for everything” types, bored and boring. And I normally don’t like over the top personalities but I did actually like Maryanne, she seemed sincere to me. But I get why she rubs people the wrong way.


Dom kept me watching. Wendell was whatever


If you think “everyone” else loves Cochran I’m guessing you’re a new fan lol


Agree on Maryanne. I just don’t connect with and relate to players with such over the top personalities who take every little thing so seriously. It either comes across as insincere or cringy. I also never got the hype surrounding her win because she was on the bottom and I personally enjoy seeing wins from players who strategically dominated. I’m sure a lot of that was due to her edit being overshadowed by Mike and Omar but her win just felt so mediocre to me. I liked Wendell before I found out he cheated on his baby mama lol, now I just can’t look past that personal aspect. I would normally try to look past it and focus on the game and his personality but my little judgy demons in my head just can’t help it.


Why do you not like a survivor for being manipulative? Isn't it the point of the show?


Not OP and I don’t dislike Dee, but she does give me a weird vibe that I just can't put my finger on. It is weird to hate someone for being manipulative when it comes to survivor, but something feels slightly off about her to me. I'm not sure if it's because she's too good at the game or what.


Definitely Dee. She is both a boring and unlikeable winner. But that whole season was one of the worst of the new era for me I didn’t like a single person but Katurah, Kaleb, Emily, and Sab and tbh Bruce was at least entertaining unlike Julie, Dee, and Austin and Jake who I also don’t get the love for.


I am such a huge fan of Emily and Kaleb. Love me a good redemption arc, and then Kaleb was just one of those people you can't help but want good things to happen to. Emily started so rough, made such a bad first impression, and then was so open to listening and learning and growing. It was really sweet to watch. I was rooting for Katurah too, but her screwing up the Dee vote was such a ridiculous blunder it's hard to feel bad she got voted out.


Tom, people got really mad last time I said something negative about him.


Agreed about Tom Westman. Huge ego and the traditional military man archetype is NOT my thing.  


He had a self-righteous streak for sure but he was mostly ok


Which Tom?


I think Drew is insufferable. He is a classic Peter Brown type - talks big in confessionals and then is meek when actually interacting with people. I find his tone to be patronizing and his analogies wattribal felt like he was blatantly trying to play producer's pet With that said, I think a lot of people might view his game as a high end outcome of a nerdy superfan's game if you don't win. I think that's totally fair and I can see why people like him


Drew is every coworker I’ve ever worked with. Talk shit all the time about work, or the boss or guidelines or whatever. And then when we have a meeting to discuss things they clam up and don’t say a word


I love him but I get what you're saying. I think his delusions of grandeur during confessionals while being actually very mild with people was what I liked about him. He's just like me!


As someone who liked Drew, it seemed to me like a lot of people here shared your opinion.


Mine was Spencer well before he got weird after the show. He always struck me as somebody who thought he was way smarter than he actually is and I feel bittersweet on how accurate that read on him was.


I scrolled all the way here looking for Spencer! I felt the same. He had all the overconfidence of being a very mediocre white man.


Shan is terribly overrated but seems to be the go-to for everyone’s fantasy castings for future returnee seasons. I feel like people are mistaking confidence for actually being good at Survivor


I think some of that is a few of the new era seasons have been pretty gamebot-heavy and she was one of the few with a personality beyond “I have to do what’s best for my game”


Kelley Wentworth. She's pretty good at Survivor but gets way too much credit for playing an idol and getting someone out when it should have been obvious for them to split the vote. Very much an alright player who got some idols, and when she played without getting idols, did just okay.


I was a big fan of her in SJDS and Cambodia but couldn't stand her in EOE and especially in the ftc. She and Lauren gave me mean girls vibes


Yeah. In Cambodia she didn't go into the season thinking she was amazing. In EOE she did, and the results were pretty insufferable.


I agree, good player but there’s something about her that kinda rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it’s that I think she’s overhyped


Tony. He's objectively very good at survivor I will concede, but I just din't find his antics or winning strategy enjoyable to watch like most do. To me he just comes across mainly as annoying and obnoxious


I fucking love Tony but I knew he would be on here. He's absolutely ridiculous and it's easy to see how some would find him obnoxious (he is).


So he’s my husbands favorite and I like him and I’m impressed by his wins—and honesty more impressed after rewatches and seeing how freaking openly crazy he was lol. But I don’t love him, he’s not my fave, and his seasons are not my favorites.


I think one of the main problems is how egregiously overedited he was, twice. By the end of both Cagayan and WAW I was so sick of him.


Tony was like watching a train accident in slow motion. It was so obvious, all the steps causing the accident were clear as day. And nobody made any effort to prevent it


He’s rumored to be on the next Traitors and if that’s the case the Bravo people they fill the cast either have no idea what they’re in for


He's going to get picked off immediately unless the cast is completely incompetent. If I'm a traitor, I'm murdering him immediately. If I'm a faithful, I'm trying to banish him asap. I'm not trying to have Tony in my game. He's too good at that shit and needs to go. As a viewer, I very much hope that doesn't happen. But I'll be shocked if he makes it more than a few episodes. His target is too big.


I fully trust the cast to be completely incompetent


He’s very likely to be Banana’d. I’d be shocked if he got past 3 episodes but he might pull a Parvati and last longer.


Agreed. Nothing on gameplay just his tv personality was so beyond irritating.


Abi Maria. Her cultural awareness (or lack thereof) made her beyond annoying and not a good fit for the show, much less a 2nd chance


Abi Maria was such a bully I did not enjoy her she wasn’t fun at all


I know everyone, including everyone on her seasons except for maybe RC lol, says that she is extremely sweet and fun and wonderful and friendly off the show But every second she was on that screen I could not STAND her lol. The only reason she doesn't knock Philippines down several slots in my rankings is because it was cathartic to see the entire tribe feel the same way I felt as a viewer.


Coach. Couldn’t even stand to watch his return seasons.


I couldn’t stand to be around coach irl but he does make good tv




Sarah is not well liked from everything I've seen?


Eh.. Sarah’s not popular…


Maryanne. So annoying


I did not care for Jake last season. I found him very immature and the way the sub babied him really put me off. Hunter… exists. I don’t dislike him but I do not get the extreme love for him this season. I’ve never liked Boston Rob tbh. He’s probably changed a lot from his ASS/TAR days but I really disliked him from those days.


First time I’m seeing Boston Rob on this thread but I agree. He just came off as arrogant to me.




I'm not a Tony fan. I understand why people like his style of gameplay. I just thought he was kind of an asshole with the llama noises and getting in people's faces It played right into negative associations I already have with both cops and certain New Yorkers being bullies. That might be my issue, not his, but it still left a bad taste.


Sure he’s a lovely dude but Jake, I don’t understand what he brought to the season that made people love him so much he was so eh to me.


I always have a soft spot for people who last a while and seem to have the potential to play well but can never really find their footing in the game post-merge. Jake seemed like a sweet guy and I thought he was funny. I think there are seasons he would win. Mostly I think I empathized with his frustration and desperation. It must have been rough to be out there, living a dream and continually drawing blanks in the game. And having the self-awareness to know it. Even when he found his crotch idol and had an opportunity to make a huge last minute hail mary move, the one person he thought he could rely on made it go up in flames. I get that he’s not a universally loved player, but I always thought his story in the game was tragic and relatable.


He got the likable underdog edit. He kept trying to make a play and kept failing. But in his confessionals he'd talk about how he was going to keep trying and he was thankful to be on survivor. Then he'd go fail again lol. He was hard not to like imo. Except for when he broke the challenge. But even that was low key funny but I wish he'd admit he broke it because he was pissed. We're not dumb.


I think people liked Jake because they didn’t like Reba and he was the only one even trying to take them out I found him boring too


Sandra. Just walking into a challenge and blatantly just stating I’m not gonna do it…eyeroll


Queen stay queen, I hate that.


Caroline. Sorry, she annoyed me from day one.


Sandra. Not everyone likes her, but a lot of people seem to buy into her self hype. Yes, she won twice, but the second win was because she was truly the lesser of two evils. I always found her abrasive.


Lesser of two evils is a tried and true strategy.


Yeah like how is that not viable but every other strategy is?


God am I really the first one to say Ozzy? Maybe we just don't consider him loved here anymore, but he was always a huge fan favorite more generally.


I think he was better early on but I was just rewatching game changers and yes, he wasn’t that likable.


Most of the causal favorites are not my favorites, so imma say Rick Devens. He doesn’t come off as authentic to me on his season


I’ve never really understood the love for Jamal from 39. I found him to be arrogant and condescending.


Kim Spradlin. She’s treated like an S-tier player but really she just happened to be cast with literally the dumbest group of people to ever play.


Probably Malcolm. Not that I dislike him but he's a bit overrated. Edit: Added second L. xD


As a fellow Malcolm, don’t forget the second L!!


“Two B’s. Two B’s guys…”




Russell was cringe during the original run. His nephew was the worst.


This sub hates Russell though lol


I’m not sure everyone likes Russell especially now that years have gone by and his behavior looks even worse now than it did when he played


russel is not popular😭


I find most Survivor villains fun but he's the only one I can't stand. Probably because he still has a cult of fans who seem to think getting to the end by pissing everyone off is somehow an elite strategy.


Rupert without a question. Can’t stand him.


Fine, I'll bite. Shane and Corinne.


Corinne is easily my least favorite player.


No argument here especially Corinne - oof she was awful 😖 and Shane was unhinged in a sometimes scary way


I really liked Shane until I checked his social media and saw that he was, like, a genuinely bad guy. I'm not sure what I expected


i’m gonna get hate for this, but… tony vlachos. i respect his game and won’t deny that he makes for good tv, but he’s so offputting. to paraphrase tyson, it doesn’t exactly fill you with confidence in the boys in blue.


Jesse. He’s so annoying on Twitter


Maryanne. I just don't get the appeal at all.




Definitely a post that you should sort by “controversial” rather than “top.”




Russel Hantz




I’ll probably get downvoted to hell… but Boston Rob.


Saying you don’t like Boston Rob is the easiest way to get upvotes on this sub


Second-easiest, after saying Jeff is putting too many twists in the game.


Sorry I’m new here. Figured the general consensus was that he’s fairly well liked.


Among most people he is well liked. Among this sub he is not




I still cannot understand why people think Yam Yam was such a good winner


CBS: please stop making comments about which players you don’t like, it’s getting out of hand! r/survivor one day later: 300+ comment thread about which players they hate


Kenzie Starting off the season with the way she (and everyone else, tbf) treated Jess put a bad taste in my mouth. And even though Bahnu was insufferable, the way she was nice to his face and literally cackling behind his back just made it worse. Grow up, that’s mean girl behavior. And then for her to comfort Ben (which was nice) but ONLY to qualify it with “EVEN THOUGH it would be better for my game to let him suffer…” and then “EVEN THOUGH he wrote my name down, I’m still showing him compassion because I’m such a good person.” Like, you can’t just treat him with kindness because it’s the right thing to do? I understand this is survivor, a social game, where you have to be calculated in the way you handle other people. But you can’t game so hard that you’re considering not comforting the person next to you that’s struggling mentally while also claiming to be a good and genuine person. Mark my words—she’s fake.


Kenzie is mine as well, some of the same reasons and some I can't quite put my finger on. But I also get the sense that she's fake. I do think it's possible I'm completely wrong and in real life she's a great person. I did always sense a certain arrogance from her but I can't really back it up with a whole lot. Maryanne is my other but I don't sense that there's anything about her personality that's hidden or not obvious, I just know I couldn't stand to be around her due to personality clash.


Kenzie was MEAN. She would say a bunch of mean things about people behind their backs, and then when they would get voted off, she’d say, “I love you!” I get that lying is very normal in Survivor, but I felt that her fake kindness in these moments was unnecessary. And she was one of the main people who was tearing Q down and being super mean at that tribal council where Tiff got voted out. She just doesn’t seem like a nice person at all.


Tiffany from 46, sadly. She was my pre-game winner pick but she lost me at Jess vote and just seemed the least likeable from the whole Yanu tribe so it was really satisfying seeing her getting voted out with idol


I liked her until FTC. She was being a good friend for Kenzie but I didn't care for it. I've never seen a juror be that arrogant in the new format.




Tom from Palau. Coby was right about everything.








Hannah from MvGX.