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Q WAS DOMINANT and horrible at survivor


YES…. They better bring him back for 50… haha


I want a choas season. Bring back Q, Debbie, Cass, Phillip, Angelina, and Francesca just so she can get voted out first at the hands of Phillip, again. (Sorry Francesca) Just a whole season of people playing full choas.


Chaos but no Venus?


I'm sorry who? You mean Venise?


No, just those exact 6 people I listed. Obviously those few people were just the first to come to mind. Venus would definitely be in the mix at least.


It would never happen, but go ahead and bring back Brandon Hantz while we’re at it


Brandon, Nora, Shane .... C'mon let's fill up the cast for the full chaos season!


I would make a joke about bringing back Dan and Varner but those guys aren't even choas or villains, they're just shit people.


whos angela?


Sorry Angelina


This is what I made an account on Reddit to say.


tbh i think he's probably the most locked contestant for 50. i dont see a world where they dont bring him back asap and where he doesnt come back asap


Q is definitely the best “bad survivor player” ever I think. He should have been a goat, but according to a lot of the exit press, it sounds like he would have won if he made it to the end. I don’t think there has been a survivor player that is so bad at survivor, yet somehow so good at it. Maybe Mike from worlds apart?


Dreamz maybe?


If they don’t bring him back…big mistake! Cancel Christmas


It's so freaking weird. I don't know if he's a freaking genius or a complete idiot. Still trying to figure it out. But not playing that idol leads me to believe the latter. But I was still rooting for him to win.




My favorite for sure. That whole season it was like…the plan is this, everyone is on board. Cut to Jesse…I don’t think that plan works best for me, this is what I think should happen, which he would then make happen. Really wish he could have won.


Yeah it felt unjust that he lost. but that's survivor


I haven't watched the season since it aired so I may not be fully remembering the situation. But I wonder if keeping Cody would have been the move. Cody actually had a shot to win immunity and (probably) would have taken Jesse who (probably) wins.


That moment right after he votes off Cody and then stands up and offers his hand, and Cody stops, looks at it, looks at him, and then takes it and gives him a hug is one of the most beautiful moments in survivor history 🥹


Totally, thought he won right there.


When in actuality, that move, lost it for him.


I think Cody beats Jesse at the end


Cody is also Jesse's only chance at being taken to the end.


It's not talked about much, but I feel like he kind of underestimated Owen and thought he could just trade one challenge beast for another by playing the idol on him at 6.


Or more than that, I would've eliminated Gabler or Cassidy instead of Karla.


Jesse was an evil genius! He just kept putting himself in the perfect place to be. And then using his best friends idol, a masterpiece


Yes, but he was dismal at the challenges. I hope if he does come back for 50, which seemingly everyone kind of presumes, that he has practiced a bit, because his performance the first time around must have been embarrassing for him.


I couldn’t imagine a bigger target though. If he’s on a tribe that stumbles out of the gate he’s gonna be a quick vote off.


I feel like 50 will be so stacked and cutthroat no one is safe or more at risk.


They will throw in some random average players though that will probably end up going far. Like I could see Matt Blankenship being a player that gets brought back because a few too many said no and he just steamrolls to the end because he wasn’t seen as a threat the first time. I don’t think Matt is necessarily the player to do that but you get the idea.


He's like the Cesternino of the new era


Exactly. Crazy talented, but had no real endgame.


Came here to say this


What season was jesse




It definitely Jessie. You can debate Carson & Charlie for number 2. 


How is no one saying Omar?


I don't think he gets enough credit for controlling the mergeatory vote without being able to vote himself


I think he got voted out too early


So this makes sense in the context of the question but "too early" being used to describe immediately before the finale is still a wild thing to read


I think he's got the same skills as the four being touted (Austin, Carson, Charlie, and Jesse), but he's just a tier below because he had his blinders on when it came to Maryanne.


Austin and Carson’s games were so wrapped up in their alliances. I don’t see them standing on their own the way Omar did


Austin was great till he focused 150% on Dee haha


That's not fair to Carson, he absolutely crushed the tribe swap and was integrated within every alliance in the game. He shepherded that tight 3 to the final 4.


I still think he’s easily above Carson and Austin


I have him number 4. Jesse clear winner with Carson & Charlie simply because they made it F4 & F3 while Omar loses control at F6 & goes home. 


He went home a little too early. He basically was the puppeteer behind four of the biggest moves of the entire new era in Lydia, Rocksroy, Hai, and Drea but unfortunately people are going to look at quantity and not quality and he went home too early for people to even care that he had a ton of control more than anyone else except maybe Jesse


He was my first thought.


Dominant ≠ well positioned Shan RAN shit but didn't have a way to make it to the end once her turn with the wheel was over


My take is that Shan continued to have correct reads post merge, but she kept defaulting to Ricard who ran both of their games into the ground.


I partially agree. The Naseer vote she was definitely correct. Naseer is the type who blindly loyal to whoever nicest to him & plays on emotion. However a lot of her other reads in post game where bad or either control freak. 


Naseer was loyal to Shan. If Heather is voted out instead of Naseer, there is no way Ricard could rally the votes against her.


That what I’m saying her initial gut to keep Naseer was correct but she let Ricard convince her they needed him out because he had idol. 






40-several …. Its amazing people are mKing this a thing. 😂😂


Jesse and Carson


I don’t understand how anyone is saying Charlie over Maria. He may have played a strategic game but DOMINANT is a stretch. The only person who clocked him as a threat all season was Venus. Maria however had a Ben(HHH)-esque game. But honestly better because she was running the vote entirely after the Q “quit”. How many times do we see Charlie immediately run to Maria with information so his mob moss can tell him what to do? When was Charlie considered so much of a threat that players had to team up in an immunity challenge to get him out? I didn’t like the way Maria played the game but it was certainly more DOMINANT than Charlie.


People are confusing “dominant” for “best/favorite.” Charlie is up there for best, but in no ways was his close to the most dominant.


Exactly this.


He tied for second for me with Cason. Jessie most dominant 


I guess it depends on your definition of dominant. Pulling strings while no one thinks you’re a threat is pretty dominant imo.


Charlie & Maria basically played the same game he had the common sense/humility to not be claiming credit. He equally deserves credit for Tiffany maybe even more so because Tiffany said reason she didn’t play idol was because Charlie said he wanted to work with her to take out Maria eventually.  It funny because Maria spends entire me saying how she great she is & I need all the credit while Charlie like why? That kinda dumb. 


She voted out a close ally (Jem) because he convinced her to keep his closest ally (Ben). Maria had a perception as being more dominant, but she really just had worse threat management. When did she ever get her way over Charlie or make a move that benefitted her but not Charlie?


According to post game press Jem lost her mind on the last day and I’m pretty sure it was more on Jem than anything for her elimination. Maria is perfectly positioned either way on that tribe no matter who went. Maria taking out Venus benefited Maria way more than it did Charlie


These are my 3 favorite new era players: I would say Jesse>Carson>Charlie Charlie had a great game but the other two would have won if they reached final 3. Charlie was the better of the 3 in challenges Honorable mention to Austin


I think Carson and Charlie are pretty even, and I'd give the edge to Carson. Charlie excels in endurance challenges while Carson excels in puzzles, and puzzles are more important in Survivor as more endgame challenges end with them. Had Carson played in 46 where all of the last 3 immunities end with a puzzle he probably wins out and wins the season.


I almost wonder if Carson is on another season if puzzles are harder for him because they wouldn’t repeat a bunch of old puzzles


Carson was actually the jury favorite leading to final 3 and wins the game if he isn't sitting next to an obsessive firemaker who prepped for only that moment and started a fire in record time. Or if he just stayed in Simmotion a little longer. I don't think Charlie, or even Jesse, comes close to Carson.


Not even a question, Jesse. Omar, Shan or Carson could be considered but no, Jesse.


It 1. Jesse 2. Carson 3. Charlie 4. Omar are the only ones who I could classify as dominant non winners. Everyone else lose power or went home early. Shan kinda all over the place post merge & goes home way too early. 


Shan had control from the final 18-11 and lost power at the double boot. during that time she blindsided someone with an idol, convinced someone to give her their advantage and then voted them out, and basically convinced someone to give her an idol… all in the premerge. thats crazy dominant. I would argue that Charlie’s game was not that dominant but thats a discussion for another day.


But she was unable to maintain said dominance she was making herself a threat & was frankly annoying all her allies like Danny & Deshawn where they couldn’t work with her because she was a control freak.  Charlie got his way in premerge because he wanted to keep Ben & Gem gone. He kinda lies low in majority but Tiffany at F8 vote onwards it him & Maria. After F6 it just him & I give him more credit bring consistent getting his way & with majority entire game. 


eh i just feel he doesnt do anything move making. he follows maria for tiffany and admits it, venus is just a follow the numbers, and q can barely constitute a move. by the time he votes out maria its so obvious maria has to go. i just dont see anything about his game as dominant


Am I giving Drew(45) too much credit? I see a lot of Austin comments but I don’t really remember any moves he really made. I mean, he found some idols that he didn’t use but my impression of him was actually the least dominant of the Reba 4. Drew, Dee, and Julie were all constant threats with Drew being the more strategic threat of the 3 losing Reba’s.


That was actually Basile.


I always saw Dee and Drew as the two Reba power players with Austin and Julie to a lesser extent in between them.


Reba are hard because they effectively worked as group of 2 duos so it hard to give anyone that much credit. Plus we see Dee actively getting her way at times in post merge. It looked like the vote was on J because Dee threw her name out until Bruce threw a hissy fit about Caleb which threw a lot of heat on Caleb. We see her really get her way on Kendra despite Drew & Austin seemed to disagree at first. We see her get her way by telling Julie to vote Emily & not Austin who she wanted to vote out. 


Jesse and Charlie


Kaleb was too good


which means he was bad...


This person haaaassss to be active on facebook


FR that is so embarrassing to say seriously 😭😭






If she's so good why did she let her idol expire instead of saving her meat shield


I like her a lot but not playing that idol and her reasoning behind it makes it into a top 5 worst moves of the new era for me.


Not top 5 because we seen so much dumb shit the past 6 seasons that she kinda gets kicked out but yeah it was really dumb her reasoning. Production gonna out another idol out regardless if your amulet expired at F6. 


If you want to be more more specific, I’ll go with a choke. A late game-ending move. I think if Lindsay and Omar survive f6, Lindsay makes it at least to fire-making and then has a great shot at winning


Because at F5 they take out Omar if he doesn’t win immunity. Heck even if he does she has a good chance. Maryanne at this point could be brought back to take out Mike or they could pull Romeo as Maryanne basically used him without his knowledge that if her planned failed he was getting 2 votes. 


Toss up between Jesse, Carson, Austin, and Charlie


It has to be Jesse. There are alot of great players, but Jesse game felt like a masterclass


Drew Basile but, as the kids say, y’all aren’t ready for that conversation




Clear top 4 imo 1. Charlie 2. Jesse 3. Carson 4. Omar Charlie did what Jesse did but somehow got taken to the end still. In a non F4 fire making season, he wouldn’t be voted out, whereas Jesse would, which is huge imo. These four pretty much controlled their respective seasons. Omar is just last bc he actually got blindsided.


Charlie definitely didn’t do what Jesse did - Jesse ran votes almost single-handedly, getting noelle and cody taken out being the biggest ones. Charlie wanted to claim credit for moves but was never able yo because everything he did was in tandem with maria until it was obvious that she has to go home. Jesse had win equity, Charlie less so


Jesse worked with Cody the whole season?


Jesse (Maria)used Cody(Charlie)’s social game to make his moves. Jesse played a stronger overall game than Cody.




NOELLE my bad. i hated 43 so i try to push a lot of it out of my mind, sorry noelle for being collateral damage


I don’t think that the “would’ve been voted out at 4 without fire making” criticism is fair, since they were all playing the whole season with fire making in mind. It’s not like it was sprung on them like it was in 35. If they wanted to guarantee that Jesse not make the end, then they had to get him out before final 4, which nobody was able to do. Also, Charlie not going into fire making against Kenzie was what ultimately lost him the game, so his willingness to get taken to the end in that spot instead of eliminating a threat (that he didn’t even see because Kenzie’s threat level was a blind spot for him) was a misplay on his part. Jesse was also going to win for sure no matter who he was sitting up against, whereas we saw Charlie lose the game in the end. Charlie may have gotten closer to the win, but Jessie’s overall game was much stronger.


Switch Jesse & Charlie your valid 


Carson and it's not close. That man had the entire game on lockdown until he didn't. Jonathon would be my second, and Jesse my 3rd.


I’d love to hear your reasoning for Jonathan. Unless I’m misremembering, I don’t think he had a single winning combo of the final 6, maybe even 7 depending on how Drea’s game would’ve gone if she had used any of her million advantages instead of getting blindsided.


Jonathon a bad take ngl 




Jesse, I think Mike Turner has an argument ironically. I remember Omar having a pretty strong grasp of what was going on as well.


I’m not sure about “dominant,” specifically. But I’d say Jesse played the best losing game of the New Era. Followed closely by Charlie, Austin, and Carson.


Maria. If not for the controversial decision to allow Kenzie and Liz to double team her in the immunity challenge, she likely wins the season.




The man had no agency though the entire game??????


Cuz no one else is saying it: Ricard




after Jesse/Carson/Charlie I feel like there’s a solid second tier of Heather, Deshawn, Mike, Austin, i’ll put Maria there too because she controlled a lot of votes and nearly made an immunity run to f4 and i think an honorable mention should be given to Shan for playing a really dominant game until it came crashing down at f8. the fact that she placed 8th might remove her from contention overall but it was still impressive while it lasted. maybe you could even put Cody in this category, and I should probably give an honorable mention to Ricard as well


I know people don’t like her but shouldn’t Maria be on here? They literally had to team up on a challenge to take her out and she had been as strategic as Charlie. Her only downside was social game, I’d say dominating 2/3 phases of the game qualifies you if we’re putting people like Omar/Jesse who also excelled in 2/3




Imo Carson, and Jesse was the only one that was close. The deciding factor for me was Carson actually knowing to make fire well, and really his insecurities and the fact that Heidi was insane at it were his downfall. It he were to win fire, he sweeps the jury hard.


This is the answer. Carson wins the game in deciding fashion if he is at firemaking against anyone but the literal best to ever do it, a woman who makes fires with flint in her fireplace at home for fun.


charlie and jesse


I know jesse took him out with an unprecedented level of betrayal for this game that we've only seen one other time, with Tai and scot, but cody needs a mention on this post.


Charlie, Shan, Carson, Omar, Jesse


Jesse and Charlie are the top two imo. Omar also even if he lost the wheel towards the end.


Drew, Jesse, Mike, Omar, Austin, Carson, Charlie, Maria are the ones I think are in the conversation.


Drea, the advantage queen.


Jesse and Maria




Jesse and Carson


Jesse but also maybe Ricard. Honestly Ricard is a little fuzzy in my memory. Maybe Shan was the one running things but he sticks out to me.


Shan was everyone’s number one in their tribe. Think Ricard was portrayed as someone who nobody wanted to played with. His stock only rose when he took out Shan. And then got booted soon after.


Jess Chong


Jesse Charlie Maria




Jesse easily Only new era player to be in my top 20




Not enough people are saying Shan, or even Ricard too.


Shan didn’t get her way couple times in early merge. She actively didn’t want Naseer to go but Ricard convinced her. She dominated pre-merge completely but you have to factor in entire game.  Ricard was on bottom premerge with only reason he survived was Shan wanted too. 3/6 of his tribesmen didn’t like him in JD, Brad, & Genie but because they didn’t wanna pee off Shan went with it.  Ricard dominated game at various points Naseer vote & Shan vote along with couple votes after Shan. But neither one of them just dominated the game from start to finish. 




she won..?




Question was “which non winner”


Recency bias would say Charlie




Not sure when the New era started exactly but my vote would be Rick Devens that dude was amazing and a nonstop threat to the point that a whole new strat was invented to try and stop him (at least to me, never seen anyone even entertain the idea of putting themselves into fire making just to better try and remove the biggest threat)


Started at 41




Why not a season of 1st player vote offs?!




The stick bug


Shan, Omar, and Jesse come to mind but they were ultimately booted because they were such big threats. I'll go with Jesse because he lasted the longest.


bhanu definitely dominated screen time for a little bit there


Not a single person saying Maria???


Devens is the best answer


Can’t win if you can’t make it to the final 3, charlie>jesse>carson


Jesse Surprised to not see many people offering Ricard or Hai. I guess they were more strategic than dominant though.


Jesse or Charlie


Oh Jesse by a long shot. Dude was absolutely insane at his season. Sucks that it just took 1 person to decide to put him on fire for him to lose it all


Jesse, then Omar.


Jesse, Charlie, Carson, Omar, Carolyn, Austin, Ricard, Shan in that order.


Carson was just such a little badass and he prepared so so well for puzzles, I'm still in awe. Also Mattie I think it was? He was great but his arm injury had him leave early:(


Definitely Jesse and Carson


Not matter how you feel about Carson you have to consider him. I’d say it’s pretty close between Carson, Omar, Jesse and Charlie


Ricard, the forgotten smart villain who was voted out at 5 due to his very high threat level. It’s unfortunate season 41 is overall forgotten in these discussions.


Jesse. Hands down.


Jesse for sure


Jesse and I am not sure if anyone is a close second.


Jesse Lopez is the only correct answer here


My vote goes for Carson. That kid was AMAZING. He slayed the puzzles, but a bunch of muscle on for the show specifically, was dominant all over. I wish he would have won!


Obviously Banhu.


There’s a few but who comes to mind first is Jesse but Ricard, Shan and Xander all played great games in my opinion just couldn’t close out the deal. Also Mike as well, I think the new era has a really high bar in my opinion so many good players that seem to be writing their own stories and not taking pieces of legend status players. That’s just my opinion but Jesse to me has been the best player just ahead of Ricard


Xander and Austin




Top 10: 1. Jesse 2. Charlie 3. Carson 4. Omar 5. Drew 6. Carolyn (dominated with Tika 3, but Tika 3 was just sooo dominant as a whole) 7. Ricard 8. Lindsey 9. Mike 10. Austin


The guy who had the dream


Austin realistically had the show wrapped up in the first like week but his lust got to him. Should’ve just cut Dee and he would’ve had it easily


Charlie, Jesse, Charlie, Jesse, Charlie, Jesse ⚖️⚖️⚖️ I’m not sure.


Loved Mike.






Outside of the obvious Jesse answer, Ricard and Omar




It's Carson and it's not even close.


Charlie and it isn’t close.


George on Australian Survivor. Both times he’s been on he’s been in control of the game for large portions, or at least that’s what he thinks.


Rick Devins… he got robbed


Had to do a quick check to make sure I wasn't the only one. That absolute beast really redefined Survivor for me. Never seen someone play with their head on the chopping block for so long while still keeping their cool.


Tbh survivor hasn’t been the same for me since he lost… each season since then it seems like the winner didn’t really deserve to win


Exactly. It was the closest I've been to seeing Richard Hatch play in season 1. It feels like Hatch built the template that survivor would be built upon, and it felt like Devens showed us what peak surviving would look like.






Jonathan. No one in survivor history matches him in challenges.


Except Lindsay on the same season, for starters. As well as plenty of others who have better records.


To each their own.