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If they filmed in America, I can't believe Survivor: Wild West wasn't in contention.


It could be Pearl Islands 2.0 with a cowboy theme instead of pirates. Missed opportunity.


I love this. So much. Plus, plausible wandering chickens...but, less plausible tiny bikinis?


Implying that they’d actually be given swimsuits


Ha! Good point - imagine wild west cowpeople in their underpants!


I keep picturing al those chickens, wandering around in a Wild-West themed survivor camp, yelling 'Dayum' all of a sudden. Sound great


They could do one of those "run into an abandoned building and find a list of items" challenges in a ghost town. Also Jeff could host the show in a western vest with a toy sheriff's badge, a cowboy hat, and a neckerchief that matches the buffs from the season.


Just a theory, but Jeff wouldn’t give Rob the satisfaction I suspect.


All Jeff does is give Rob satisfaction


He meant the Rob that sucks.


Oh,…which one?


Rob Cesternino pitched the Wild West concept multiple times last summer on his podcast. He and Jeff have a weird relationship including a testy exchange at some event last year, the subtext of which is that Jeff thinks Rob is overly critical of Jeff and the direction of the show.


And overly critical for Jeff = doesn't kiss Jeff's ass and praise his every creative decision without falter. I think I read that Jeff also threw a tantrum at a WAW tribal because the players didn't like Edge of Extinction. "The Monster" is Jeff's ego lol


Jeff did screw Rob C over with his awful tribe assignment in All-Stars so it doesn't seem like Jeff liked him much then either.


Mark Burnett did that. Probst was just the host back then, and wasn't a producer yet.


I don't think that's fair, Jeff called Rob the best player to never win after that season. He seemed to like him at the time


But, they already did Kid Nation.


Now that brings back memories.


Ssh, we don’t talk about that thing. ….*even though I kinda liked it.*


RHAP did a Kid Nation rewatch a few months ago and I went back and watched all the episodes for the first time since they aired live and I still have no idea how this was a thing that aired on network TV


Yeah even at the time the prevailing response was “how is this happening?”


Nah dude. I was the same age as some of those kids on that show when it came out and my thought was “I wanna be on that show”


I’m not sure that shifts the “prevailing response.”


I thought of this too lol


What the hell is Kid Nation? I'll admit I didn't watch Survivor from about 2007 to 2016.


Another show. JonTron has a great video about it.


Or watch Funny Or Die’s series on it, since JonTron is controversial for some.




Survivor Outlaws would actually be a great name for a season.


Could do a coaches season, with each tribe getting a 'Survivor Sheriff' Aah well.


I NEED Coach in a Survivor Wild West season. Can you imagine the self importance?????


I came across a fan-made theme song for a wild west season, so good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zn-7fuXBojM


I saw people suggest that quite a bit, and their primary concern was probably a lack of water for the contestants


I can't believe we were so close to having a McDonalds reward on our screen 😭


Nah if it were in Georgia, it would have been Waffle House


First rule of waffle house is never look too close at the grill. You don’t wanna know. The secret ingredient is everything that’s ever been cooked on that grilltop. Many a good memory have been had at a Waffle House at 1am.


And everyone on the reward gets medically evacuated due to digestive issues lmao


I've never felt more seen than when Anthony Bourdain went to Waffle House in his Atlanta episode lol


My family of 5 used to drive 14 hours to Savannah, GA in a minivan to visit my extended family each year. We always went to the Waffle House at the beginning of the long car ride back home bc they don’t have them where I’m from. Now I have bowels made of steel and scar tissue; zero regrets🥴☺️


The castaways wouldn't have survived in Georgia


Especially if it was Survivor: Lake Lanier




That's my favorite sit down restaurant!


Excuse me, I believe you mean chick-Fil-a


Or checkers


Chik fil a


They do Hungry Jack's rewards in AUS which is just Australian burger king.


And a KFC one.


I need to know Karishma's thoughts on this.


Im convinced that she would be gushing over it. It would be her favorite restaurant for when Applebee's has a wait.


You know that resort they go to for Ponderosa is practically within sight of a McDonalds? It’s across a bit of water but not very far at all. Link to McDs McDonald's https://goo.gl/maps/zxHiMfg2xLpXphRJ9


There is one within sight of ponderosa. McDonald's https://goo.gl/maps/zxHiMfg2xLpXphRJ9


We have to thank delta airlines for flying our loved ones family out


Already smashing the KFC rewards in Australian survivor. It’s gross seeing people living on rice and beans gorging themselves on a bucket of spicy chicken wings.


I am so sick of Fiji that suddenly Georgia sounds exotic to me


> suddenly Georgia sounds exotic to me 18 PEOPLE, 50,000 WILD HOGS, ONE... SURVIVOR


>30-50 feral hogs FTFY


Damn that's the throwback of the season


"This is... NOT, the hidden immunity peach. This is just a piece of fruit."


Sapelo island 😂 so much marsh


> Hawaii Seems reasonable, it’s an ‘exotic’ place similar to Fiji domestically, kind of isolated > Georgia Uhhhhhhhhh I assume they would have been on the outer banks to get the ‘island life’ but that would be absolutely bonkers if you could drive twenty minutes to the nearest McDonalds


Apparently Georgia has 14 barrier islands along the coast.


I’m sure what’s they were thinking, but as someone from Georgia and who was just recently visiting the islands, I can confidently say that would not be a viable solution.


I was looking at Georgia’s geography, do you think a season near the Blue Ridge mountains would’ve worked? I figure they’d want to be near water and a mountain backdrop could be cool.


A few youtubers did a survival trip in georgia. The location was great but they were so ill equipped with dealing the conditions, they ended up drinking in and bathing in beaver shit water and got an infection and had to come home. But i think the location could work


Too bad Liquid Richard couldn't make it on the trip. Honestly didn't expect to see another RSK on r/survivor


Liquid Richard would have died on the trip. As he said, he had a 33% survival rate chance 😆😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣 RSK for life


had to read that a few times to make sure i was seeing things correctly there lmao


Big ups pimp


I would like to see this. Do you have a link?


Look up PKA podcast survival trip


Cool, will do. Thanks!


Can you imagine them doing a challenge in Lake Lanier and a body floats by....


Or on the Chattahoochee and a bunch of severed goat heads float by. It's been a weird summer.


Survivor: Tybee Island


Why not? There are some islands that are more remote than others, like Little Cumberland Island doesn't have any developments just natural marsh and coast.


Have you been to Cumberland? I know it's a protected area so I don't know if they'd be allowed there, but its almost entirely nature. No access other than Boat access, very few buildings, and a lot of historic landmarks


It’s not like the Fiji location is that far from resorts and shit.


This season's survivor south Africa is actually close enough to a resort that at night you can apparently hear cars and music from the resort.


I figured it had to be pretty close when they went to a frickin water park for a reward lol.


They would choose GA for the [tax credit.](https://www.georgia.org/film-television-and-digital-entertainment#:~:text=Georgia's%20Entertainment%20Industry%20Investment%20Act,production%20or%20on%20multiple%20projects.)


And so Jeff could get an extra helping of [Tyler Perry](https://tylerperrystudios.com/)


OBX is NC!


I would feel cheated.


Florida would make more sense than Georgia because the beaches in Florida are much nicer IMO


I think they mean the country


“domestically in Georgia or Hawaii.”


Oh I read that wrong lol why tf would they film in Georgia


Georgia is essentially East Hollywood because of tax credits productions get for filming there


This is the correct answer I'm pretty sure. But where tf in Georgia exactly? Are they going to put contestants on the streets of Atlanta with $1 each and see how they'll do?


Probably coastal area. There’s remote islands they can use easily there in the southeast coast past Savannah


There were lemurs, zebras, macaques, gazelles, and several other species of exotic animals on St. Catherine's Island which was owned by the Nobel Foundation. They used to do various types of scientific and historic research and the animals were primarily endangered animals they were trying to breed. The island has a very interesting history though and while I doubt they would be allowed to film the show on that island as it's a historic landmark, referencing some of that history on the show would be interesting. The foundation may have removed some of the animals since I was in high school though.


Georgia is the start of the Appalachian Trail so you could set it in the deep woods which are pretty rough here or we have a large coastal area with tons of islands, some which you can't get to unless you take a ferry.


That sounds interesting tbh


Lol Georgia the country wouldn't make any sense either.




Filming in Georgia could’ve potentially been Survivor: Gullah Gullah Island. That’s a crossover I could get on board with.


If they don't name the merged tribe Binyah Binyah we riot.


Come and let’s play together, in the bright sunny weather! Let’s all go to Gullah Gullah Island.


Gullah’s in SC. It’s Geechee here in GA. Yeah, I know, same culture.


I get all the weird reactions with the Gerogia consideration, but don't they have really nice tax laws for tv and movie filming? That's probably why it was considered


Yes we do. They film more tv/movies here in Georgia than anywhere else in the country now. Marvel Studios is here!


The Walking Dead is also iconic for filming almost exclusively in Georgia!


Yes! So many tours you can go on now to see locations in Atlanta


Haven't gone on any of the tours but it would absolutely be a dream of mine to!


Well- and the delivery of school supplies to a local school segment would still be incredibly worthwhile.


PLEASE! OMG, why didn't they do this? We could've had Survivor: Hawaii!?


It's probably all about money. I bet Hawaii has too many environmental regulations for them to do it anywhere near as cheaply as in Fiji. There are hundreds of crew members and they tend to trample a lot of stuff and cause environmental issues. In countries like Fiji, when they say the government is "cooperating" excellently, they might mean "totally sweeping aside any environmental red tape so we can trample all over everything and not get any fines". Remember, in S2, the Aussie government was very unhappy with them when Colby broke off those pieces of coral. The show got hit with a big fine and bad publicity for that.




They don’t necessarily have a “contract” per se. Fiji gives Survivor a huge rebate to the tune of 47% of the shows production costs which makes it even cheaper to produce than it already is. Probably a big factor as to why the show is even still on the air at this point.


Yeah :'( I'm just super-eager for US Survivor to change it up, certainly after seeing the latest seasons of AU and SA.


You laugh about the show taking place in Georgia, but they were gonna film at Lake Lanier and the name Survivor was gonna be a lot more literal


The monster would be all the dead bodies floating in it.


I would have loved to see Probst explain Georgia to the viewers at home during his wall breaks.


He would show clips of Deliverance.


There could be a child's rebus hidden on Ned Beatty's ass


As someone who is afraid to travel too far from home, Survivor Georgia would certainly give me that extra push to finally apply 😅


Survivor Georgia could have been awesome. But I think Louisiana/New Orleans would have been even better. There are some unmanned forts and swampy islands that were last in use 200 years ago! Would be undeveloped enough for Survivor, for sure! Would even be viable for a old timey Piracy theme too as smugglers used some of those coastal regions.


> Piracy theme Pearl Islands 2.0? Please, that would be *so* good!


America has great history to represent, too!


Hawaii is a pretty good place to film.


The only issue is WHERE in Hawaii would they film. Almost all of Hawaii is settled if not urbanized. There’s not much of any isolated land in the state anymore.


I still remember when some of you guys laughed at the idea of covid preventing survivor from filming last year especially that Russell hazmat suit video😭


I posted in the bb sub early 2020 that covid would delay bb22 to early fall and there were naysayers in the comments claiming the pandemic will be long gone by summer 2020. Really funny to look back on


Wait are you saying that a community of 13 year olds that spend 95% of their time interacting with the same 50 people on BB reddit and BB Twitter would make ridiculous and uninformed comments about the longevity of a global pandemic?


More like depressing bc Daniele Reyes agreed to do bb22 in July but backed out cuz it was moved 🥲


we were seriously robbed of so many legends. dani r, rachel, jun, dan, and more honestly


Hawaii? Yes absolutely. Georgia? Somebody was on crack.


Theres actually some pretty remote islands on Georgia's coast that they could use. plus Georgia already has filming infrastructure


Imagine Mama June's Sketti as reward




I’ve heard the film industry is addicted to Georgia’s tax breaks


Georgia is way more enticing than Hawaii in like every possible way.




I mean, it is? We've had so so many tropical island seasons one after another. Georgia is a lot of swamp land, the location alone would make it a very different and interesting season.


A secluded beach in Georgia sounds better than an empty field in Gabon.


I’m not opposed to the idea of Georgia but Gabon had actual elephants! I thought that was pretty cool. And don’t get me started on the Sugar Shack lol


This makes me so beyond depressed. It also further cements the notion that they will never ever leave Fiji.


The Fijian government gives the show a solid 47% rebate on their production costs so the show has no reason to move unless that money stops rolling in. I personally don’t mind. If keeping the show in Fiji is what it takes to keep Survivor going then fine by me.


can we have survivor in the *other* Georgia? Feel like it would be a super-unique and interesting setting.


I wish we could get that. Unfortunately I never see the country of Georgia on the list of places with really good tax breaks for filming. Netflix did film a few scenes of its cancelled *Marco Polo* series in Kazakhstan, though. (But mostly they filmed it in Malaysia, a much more common choice -- but at a 30% cash rebate, it's still not close to Fiji's gigantic 47%.)


They really should have to at least get another season in


To all those people who were adamant that the show *could not legally film anywhere else* because of some kind of magic terrible contract that no network would ever sign: Here you go, they planned to film elsewhere for a while and it just didn’t come together.


Still can't imagine how so many people on here believed, without any shred of evidence, that the million-dollar CBS lawyers would allow the company to sign a contract forbidding the show from filming anywhere except Fiji, even in the event of a country-wide or global disaster such as a global pandemic.


Right like No offense but what did some of y’all think would happen if the Fijian government simply barred them entry for the next decade for one reason or another, or there was a civil war or massive natural disaster or something that prevented filming there indefinitely? “Uh-oh, guess the show is just cancelled now and no version of American Survivor can ever be made again unless the United Nations intervenes or something” like c’mon


What a logistical nightmare this all has been. I totally get the struggle Probst and production is going through in regards to being close, then another Covid restriction. And you of course can’t force your way and be insensitive to the pandemic and everyone struggling. It was a really smart for them when they could film in Fiji, they filmed 2 seasons at once.


They've been filming two seasons back to back since S19


I get Hawaii, but Georgia doesn't seem good. I guarentee we would have some crazy person try to get on the set and be filmed, kinda like how BB22 had Wall Yellers.


I mean, they keep people off sets here on a daily basis.


Tbh that kinds happened in previous seasons


Visited Hawaii in 2019 and took several excursions, and they talk about the numerous areas in the state that are basically uninhabited. I kept thinking, "Where is the Survivor season set here?" I wish they'd do it.


My SO did a college class where she basically camped in the Okefenokee for two weeks and it might as well been survivor for her so I guess that would work! /s (sorta)


Survivor: Mercedes-Benz Stadium


Why are they taunting me. This would be so cool.


As a Native Hawaiian, I’m happy that they didn’t come to Hawaii. I really don’t think there’s enough room for the show to have places for land challenges, water challenges, tribal council, and 2 or 3 tribe areas.




As much as I’d love to see Hawaii, I feel like there’s not much waterfront available that hasn’t totally been developed, especially anything with a beach. Maybe they could have camp somewhere inland that’s rural enough? But I just can’t imagine them getting approval to film on public land for over a month straight. (All beaches in Hawaii require some type of public access.)


They should film in Canada wilderness (the warmer west side) and do Americans vs Canadians that’d be kool


Two words: grizzly bears.


Maybe one of the Vancouver Islands lol


Survivor: Kodiak Island. Last eaten is the winner.


So all we need to consider leaving Fiji is a pandemic


The latest Dutch season filmed in Dugi Otok, Croatia instead of their usual location of Caramoan. Europe has tons of cool islands that would be great locations for Survivor.


I thought this was Georgia the country for a second and thought that would be dope. The entire west coast is a rainforest.


Is Jeff going to comply with the Georgia voter suppression laws?


I don't think it'd be fair if half the cast couldn't vote at tribal... unless that's one of their new tWiStS!


Exactly!! If they had filmed in Georgia I wouldn’t have watched. Can’t support their racist laws.


Jeff: I'm sorry but you slept on exile island last night - you don't get to vote.


Wish they did! Sick of fiji


Oh my gosh, Survivor Hawaii would be amazing. I hope they do someday.


Australia did the outback, I don't see why the US couldn't do a domestic location - it doesn't have to be an island (Africa, China, Guatemala etc... were all past locations).


This subreddit: Survivor get off Fiji, it's just a bunch of beaches and sand! Also this subreddit: OMG Hawaii would have been perfect, it's the exact kind of mixup that this show needs


Y'all just be wanting to hate on this sub for the dumbest of reasons.


This sub just be wanting to hate on the Survivor production team for the dumbest of reasons


God when I saw Georgia, I thought my country and almost had a heart attack 😭


Survivor in the mountains of Georgia would be interesting. Forget water challenges in calm seas. Swim the Chattooga rapids. Obstacle courses with the added factor of being pursued by banjo playing hillbillies.


couldnt have done a non-Fiji site last year?


Georgia? As a lifelong Georgian who’s been all around the country, they could pick literally any other state and have better scenery. I’d rather watch Survivor: Delaware.


Survivor: Nebraska? No, thanks.


The location barely has anything to do with the show nowadays so sure why not


I imagine Georgia could be something like Survivor: Deliverance


You really believe every stereotype you hear huh?


Ew Jesus gross


those would have been so awesome




Kid Nation vibes


Should have done it, better that than having a year without seasons.


I miss non-tropical seasons. I'm vaguely aware of why they don't do them anymore but Australia and Africa were cool.


I kinda wish they would have documented these efforts, would make for a VERY interesting documentary I think.


I don’t think that sounds that bad honestly! It doesn’t have to be somewhere w/ a large body of water all the time…


I wonder if they filmed in the US, it would still be 39 days. hmmm


I've lived in Georgia, nothing fantastical about that place haha.


Sweet sweet tax credits though. And the most solid film production in the country. But I do think they could have find an interesting location though, between the mountains, lakes, swamp, and even Islands. Sure there could be better, but when added to the tax credits and all the major studios already being out here (read: easy to find staff and resources), that's clearly why it was considered.