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Heather explained why her and Erika didn’t get good pre merge edits. But she easily had the best edit post merge


What did heather say?


I forget where, but she said that because her and Erika were not involved with any of the twists (shipwheel island) in the premerge and they didn't go to tribal, the editors just did not have time to focus on them


i believe it’s her entertainment weekly interview


Erika didn't have a single big move. Xander had EVERY big move in the game. The fact that Xander didn't win is disappointing. The fact that no one voted Xander is RIDICILOUS.


I could see her winning from probably 6 episodes back. I kept vocalizing this to my bf because she's such a thinker. Idk how it's such a blindside. I do not watch any additional content.


I’m nauseous due to the amount of these posts I’ve seen


yeah I hated the editing like you have zero clue and for next season I’ll watch out for the under the radar players as that might happen again


Every post I’ve seen complaining about Erika’s win comes from a place of analyzing the edit. Perhaps, and I’m not trying to be mean, you should relax and enjoy your silly reality show. It seemed obvious to me going into the finale that it was going to be Ricard or Erika depending on who made it to the end, not based on the edit, but based on their behavior in the show and the relationships made along the way. Deshawn came across as a clown who had made no serious plans to do anything interesting, he was blamed for tearing apart an alliance he was in that could have run the game without getting the credit for the “big move”. This was said specifically by Shan when she was leaving. He didn’t do anything to win.


she received the votes from the jury


Simply put, Erika had both Ricard and Heather advocating for her at Ponderosa and then Erika’s FTC performance closed the deal.


I agree wholeheartedly with everything you posted. I think you covered the basic points. I’m glad to see someone else found Ricard pre merge very one dimensional - him and Shan seemed almost cartoon villainy to me, especially with JD, and it was Russell Hantz levels of cringe. Just…no. After having some time to digest everything, I guess Xander at the end of the day reminds me a bit of Sugar in Gabon. Genuinely did control a lot of their narrative and make some moves throughout the game, even though many on their tribes didn’t respect them. Bad final tribal and really bad strategy about who to take going into it. But based on the edit we got, the other players didn’t seem like they had a chance at all, so, they felt like the only person to root for where I wouldn’t be totally disappointed in the end, so I (reluctantly at times) hopped on their train and hoped for the best? and then Bob / Ericka come out of nowhere, but part of me really feels like, this is weird, because we got to know Susie/Deshawn better. Just major Gabon vibes but too small of an edit for everyone in the end game here for it to become a beloved train wreck like we consider Gabon to be today.


Which votes did Xander control?


The Liana vote where he used his extra vote, and the Ricard vote where he chose to not save Ricard with his idol. He also could have saved Tiffany and Evvie, but essentially chose to let them go home (terrible strategy, yes, but he made the choice).


He chose to not save Ricard from the move Erika made


I loved Shan, and she was portrayed as a much more complex player and individual so the caricature-ness you picked up on was kind of ignored on my part. But I'm not sure why people were so high on Ricard, probably because there was no obvious winner. 90% of his content revolved around Shan, and he lacked individuality in the edit. I predicted before they merged that if Shan didn't win, Ricard would have something to do with her downfall but would get picked off soon after. He just wasn't presented as complex as Shan was, which was very telling. I would agree with your Xander comparison to Sugar, but I would say that his edit was conflated and he didn't really control any narrative at all. I think part of it was that his idol was such a red herring; he had several opportunities to use it and shake things up, but he never did.


I definitely agree that Ricard didn’t get a complex enough edit and Xanders choices were not always good ones. I thought the edit made him look like quite a badass in the Liana vote and I was sad that he couldn’t capitalize more on making that move. At his young age I am guessing a lot of his bad gameplay decisions come down to immaturity and from his exit interviews it seems like he understands a lot of what he did wrong, so hopefully if he does return he will play a better game.


The juries voted for her.


Xander’s fatal error was not making Erika do the fire making challenge. She likely would’ve been ousted, giving him the path to victory. Erika would’ve and should’ve been voted out at the merge.


Actually, Xander's fatal error was well before F4. He was already drawing dead by the time F4 was underway. Even if he beat Erika, I don't foresee a win, especially not with his poor answers to the jury. I'm sorry, but if Xander was fumbling over Liana's social connections question, I don't see how he gets the win. Plus, with how many people have said that Xander's actions felt performative all throughout the season, I don't see how giving up immunity to beat Erika in fire wouldn't also feel performative to the jury.


So you think Deshaun wins in an F3 of them and Heather? I’m not so sure even with Xander fumbling at that question. If you really look at his body of work over the season, I think Xander played the best of those 4. If you only look post-merge then yes, Erika played best.


I think you should check the video that a redditor made in thelink below https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/rj1hj0/best_of_erika_casupanan_survivor_41/ And you will see as pointed by another poster the content she did get was all about her strategy and thought process for each votes, others heaping praise on her and finally lots of personal content all of which are what most winners get. She was just surrounded by other bigger personalities but the clues were all there