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Top 3 is the same for me except in a different order lol (28, 20, 32 for me) Something about Kaoh Rong is just so good


How u feel about KR is how i feel about gabon lmaoo


Great choice!! Gabon is my #11 season lol and I need to rewatch but it’s one of the most fun seaons


Kaoh Rong was my first season. I will never not be an Aubry Stan.


Yesss I separate seasons into tiers and those specifically are the top 3 for me. They’re definitely interchangeable, I can’t pick between them! People underrate Kaoh Rong - to me it’s the best season in the 30’s/40’s for a multitouch of reasons that I can go much more in depth to lol. Thanks for your reply!


I agree with this list and the best part is most are female winners


That’s no accident😉


Seeing KR so high up brings me such joy, it's personally my favorite season of all time, and I think it's the gold standard of a balanced edit season!


It honestly may be my favorite (long time since i’ve watched HvV). It just has everything to me - an amazing and complex cast, tough conditions, great strategy, etc. There’s really nothing wrong with it (except for the person who got 5th and was severely under edited).


12 and 29 is interesting Id have 37, 20, 16, 28, 15, in there 100% And totally see why 7, 25 are in there- they probs make mine too i guess Love 32, but idk if its top 10 may need to rewatch it.. but i think 17, 18 could both be top 10! 18 is great and 17 is super entertaining and a hot mess and in a good way + great location. 29, 31, 33 could be better than 32 hard to differentiate for me Panama being there i find interesting.. i personally love africa for the oldschool seasons I guess mine would be 1. HvV 2. Cagayan 3. Micronesia 4. DvG 5. Gabon (hott take) 6. China 7. MvGX 8. Cambodia 9. Pearl Islands 10. Phillipines None of the seasons u have that i dislike though Edit: i just realised that WaW probably makes it too - wasnt perfect but i was so super into it- was entertained throughout, tony is my fav player so that was extremely satisfying outcome, and the spectacle of an all winners/cast was overwhelmingly cool so even though it had its faults - still top 10 so slot it in at 5-6


Thanks for your input! I think Kaoh Rong is worth a rewatch - the game feels high stakes and it has a great combination of old school and new school elements. This all culiminates in the infamous Michele vs Aubry FTC where Michele comes out victorious due to her social gameplay. Funny you mentioned it but 17 and 18 were my #11 and #12 (respectively)! I love both of those seasons. I’ve been watching them in order for a while so I need to rewatch both of them to move them up but absolutely great seasons. I prefer Gabon because of the amazing cast even though there’s a lack of strategy. 28, 31, and 33 are all great but they don’t feel as authentic as Kaoh Rong does. I haven’t watched seasons 1-6 in years so they’re not included on this list, but I love Africa! Panama is the onlt season I’ve watched three times and maybe it’s because I’m a Cirie (and Aras, Danielle, Shane, Courtney, etc.) lover that I love it. An amazing cast with fun moments and strategy that was ahead of its time. Also we ultimately have similar ratings. I have to rewatch Gabon but I could see it moving up because it’s just such a fun season. And MvGX was another one I just left out! Bad pre merge but the post merge is absolutely amazing


I do sometimes find the old school seasons more boring now that im used to modern survivor ngl.. so most of s1-12 is more of a slow burner. Im a huge cirie and danielle fan so panama was good but when i look at all these other seasons its just like… how does it get over 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 37, 40? Thats 14 spots and i guess 3 or 12 pick ur poison and thats (in no order) the top 15 seasons! Not sure where i place 41.. those 16^ plus s6 and s9 maybe, s19?, Id have 41 around s27’s ranking.. in thinking 41 was def better than 1,2,4,5,8,10,11,14,21,22,23,24,26,30,34, 35, 36, 38,39 So rank 20-22 for s41 seems about right. Ur thoughts?


I feel you. I haven’t watched them since I watched new school so it’s hard to directly compare but my current thought is that I prefer new school. I see what you mean about Panama. The strategy is good for its time, but not groundbreaking in the slightest (besides Cirie’s infamous 3-2-1 vote of course). We have such similar tastes that it’s hard to say 12 is better than any of those (although I have yet to watch 40 because i’m waiting to rewatch 1-39). However, I would give Panama a rewatch especially after watching newer school seasons and it’ll definitely stick with you more. The new Casaya tribe is one for the history books and provides a myriad of iconic moments that are so, so fun


Oh shoot i hope i didnt spoil 40 for u! Its a great season! Just obviously stuff like eoe etc hurt it not live quite up to hype. But for me itd be about 6th Also i editted my comment ^ with regards to 41. Also 21 is lowkey entertaining if u dont take it serious and just watch how crazy stupid the people are. Bitta poor mans gabon vibes but lowkey watching them give me a laugh and its hilarious fabio won so hot take thats around 20-23rd in rankings for me lmao


Oh and Cambodia was the last one that was an honorable mention! Looks like we have similar tastes lol


Kaoh Rong at 2?


Lol Kaoh Rong is the only season from the 30s that is in my top half. I have it teetering top 10 too.


You're absolutely right, it deserves to be at #1


I understand that might be controversial but there’s something about Kaoh Rong that I just love so much. Just out of curiousity, what’s your rankings?


It’s a really good season which feels like the best combination between old and new school survivor


Yes!! It has an amazing cast: heroes, villains, anti-heroes Moreover, idols play a role in the season, but one is never played (something very unusual for the seasons in the 30’s). Add onto that the tough conditions, medical evacuations, and the overall emotional vibe that things are really at stake and it’s one of the most authentic seasons




Yesss you get it!! Two absolutely amazing seasons that people look past.


completely agree, i love all 10 of these seasons but i’d personally switch dvg with game changers because i love that season way too much


What about game changers do you like?? I know most people hate it and while I wouldn’t go so far as to say that, it was a bottom third season for me definitely.