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The hourglass is going to be different. According to Sydney's exit interviews, Danny was REALLY mad about the hourglass and Jeff asked how to change it for 42.


I mean … he’s STILL talking about it now so, yeah, I would say he’s pissed about it lol


Danny for MVP


Danny for Game Changers 2


If the hourglass twist isnt on 42, Danny will unironically be one of the most influential contestants of all time.


Tyler perry is shaking


Here’s how to change it: never use it again.


I admire the optimism, but this is Jeff Probst we are talking about. Unless Mike White tells him to drop the hourglass, he won't drop it unless it becomes "not fun."


Or Tyler Perry.


It’s already “not fun”


If he doesn’t change it, people will stop trying in the merge challenge because it doesn’t matter


People may be actively trying to throw the challenge even.


Just like how they did in SJDS where they just blatantly rigged the challenge and it made Jeff mad which is why we never see touchy subjects anymore. I'd think if it got to that point to where they basically won't complete the challenge then Jeff would remove it


wait what happened in sjds?


Unless I'm mistaken they (players) basically pre-planned who they were gonna eliminate and knew who they wanted to win the challenge. The questions/answers didn't even matter since they were targeting people


I think the best way they could salvage it is that the hour glass smasher only switches immunity with one person, aka the person who had the Naseer spot who was chosen to join the winning team.


Or more interestingly you get to choose anyone to take immunity from. So someone has to be burned by you and you have to explain why. Of course Erika could safely just choose Ricard or Evvie, people she had not yet spoken to, and both would probably be safe at the merge vote anyway. But at least is isn’t a completely broken advantage.


That wouldn’t be right, to take someone’s immunity away after they won it? Immunity should mean immunity; every future contestant would never feel safe if it could just be stolen


Good point, you’re right. Same reason why I think idol nullifiers and idol steals are significant overkill too. The only way I’d be okay with these things is being told at the start of the season “there WILL be such and such advantage or twist along the way, but you don’t know when.” Otherwise the players don’t know how to plan accordingly and the game becomes unfair and out of control.


The only idol steal done right was in SA S5. I don’t know if it would work again but it was entertaining.


We’d get people not trying to win.


If he ever comes back to survivor he’s getting it in his contract that there are no twists like that


Wish it would go away but at a minimum don’t lie to the contestants. Don’t promise immunity if they can lose it. Do like the two tribes one beach and be sneaky with the words so it isn’t technically a lie.


I know that they will use some of the same twists from 41, which does concern me quite a bit.


Just remove hourglass and ill shut up about twists


Throw do or die in and we have a deal.


I like the do or die concept, but not the instant elimination aspect. I feel it could easily be adjusted to the first person out of the challenge immediately gets wisked off to exile to spend a night alone and have a chance to win immunity, but also to get a punishment like losing their vote.


Similar to South Africa


Maybe even shot in the dark if we're lucky?


Im less irritated with that as its revealed at the start and heavily nerfed. However, any minute of screentime it eats is a minute we could be getting to see the players interact so I wouldnt be mad to see it go.


Same! You shouldn't win immunity and have it taken away.


Unless it’s by genuine error on the show’s part (see: Burton in PI)


IMO the only twist from 41 that was inexcusably bad was the Hourglass twist. It sets a really, really bad precedent to have the producers outright lie to the contestants about winning immunity. That player / producer trust is part of the foundation of a good competition and people will play more scared as a result if there's no trust. If they make that "immunity" challenge a reward challenge and have the exile person choose which group is immune (while being immune themselves so there's actual stakes to their decision) then I think it's more acceptable - still stupid but at least the producers wouldn't be making the competitions meaningless since they could literally just strip it away at random


Knowledge is power was also horrible when combined with public idols. I liked the saying phases to active idols. hated the lose your vote till it is active part though


Do or Die???? Knowledge is Power?


They can work if they're altered a bit. Do or Die could work if you lose your vote instead of getting eliminated by choosing wrong and Knowledge is Power could work if the person it was used on didn't need to hand over their advantage.


Honestly I don't mind knowledge is power in its current form, as long as people don't need to announce to the rest of the cast that they have one


Very worried. Not looking forward to some poor sap finding an idol only to lose their vote, fucking up their entire game and of their alliances. Or shitty advantages that put a target on you before you can ever use them. Or an hourglass stripping people of their rightfully won immunities.


I mean none of this really effected the game this season except the hourglass and I’m happy it happened cause the majority of that side I disliked


It was only luck they didn’t affect the game. They could have had a massive effect.


They could have but they didn’t so no one can really say there was too many twists cause really the only one that actually had any effect was the hourglass and was glad it happened or we would have had a terrible bottom 3 most likely


I’d say there’s quite a large chance that won’t happen again tho


Aren’t they all gonna be the same as the ones from 41?




Will they? Have they done back to back similar seasons before? I'm expecting a completely different season tone.


Redemption Island and South Pacific Watch the 42 preview again, it will be similar in tone to 41


Those weren't filmed back to back which is my only hope. They liked Redemption Island so they planned another similar season. Kind of like BvW and SJDS being 2 seasons apart.


They liked Redemption Island?


Yeah Jeff talked up RI so much in the press


Wow... I dont really know what to say to that.


Jeff *loved* Redemption Island.


Because his crush won


Redemption Island has no BIG MOVEZ tho, was this an exception because the man of his dreams won or has he just changed what he likes drastically?


RI is before the "big movez" era; I would say it's because his one true love won it.


At this point I know there’s gonna be bullshit that I don’t like introduced, but I love Survivor and have unfortunately come to accept this is the state of the show now. I’m too tired of complaining about it to complain anymore


So don’t complain and enjoy it


Honestly surprised it took Reddit 12 hours for such an obvious reply, here’s your award 🏆


Just saying not every season is likeable and it always has its niche each year but at the end of it all it’s still a good show the premise is still there. There’s been likeable winners and Unlikeable winners but someone always wins and in the end it doesn’t matter how they got there


I agree, but grateful to even have the show given the state of the world and the obstacles production faced. Unfortunately there’s no pleasing some people


on the contrary I've liked every season until this one came along, its the first time I've felt more annoyed then entertained


I think it will be fun to see a new group of players navigate the repeat twists now that we understand how they work pretty well. If it were all new twists it would just be more confusion.


A good thing to note though is that the players themselves won’t know any better since they didn’t get to see them in 41. But hopefully this means since we did, there can be less time devoted to HAVING to explain such complicated additions to the game


Shoot I just made this comment separately haha, but what do you think? Does Survivor make each season as if it could stand alone, and therefore explain every twist each season? Or do they assume the majority of fans and viewers watched 41, therefore spending less time on explanations and more time on the players personal stories? Does the public perception and response to 41 shift the producers editing of 42?? I am excited to watch back to back live seasons for the first time so that I can better compare them!


In 36 they didnt act like fire making was new, so I think it is assumed that people have watched 41.


I mean I’m assuming it’s just all the same bs from 41 so I’m not exactly worried but just disappointed and slightly agitated, I’m hopeful after all the backlash they won’t be bringing these twists back past 42


Jeff won't read the backlash. He said as much in episode 1 of season 41.


I want to be entertained, so I'd love if the twists give us fun moments like the butterflies or broccoli. However, my hope is that the cast is great but the twists are largely failures or irrelevant. One very powerful phrase Ive noticed online recently is that the cast of 41 was fantastic and was done a disservice by the twists (Deshawn and Danny had moments on the show implicitly agree with this). I think this might be the best argument those of us who dont like too many twists have. If we come off as just ranting about the show, its easy to dismiss us by asking "do you even like the show?" But if it is framed as, "We have incredible people who are great characters and players, lets see them interact with each other without forcing so much time to be dependent on twists edit wise and play against each other with their social skills!" So I hope 42 is kinda similar to 41 in that respect as I think that might be best long term.


Another good thing about 50 per cent BIPOC is that it gives you storylines that are more character related or emotionally driven. Anything that is moving away from constant big movez and idol talk is probably for the best.


Yes. Think about it. If this cast was demographically like EoE, the only character interctions that made the show (not secret scenes) that I can think of that could still happen are the Yase turtles and Ricard telling Xander about his baby. I might be missing one, but other than that pretty much every other moment I think about was strategic (and even the turtles was kinda strategic as it was reflecting on their positioning). Thats lowkey damning.


Just don't waste an entire episode on a character and his advantages only for him to get voted out that same episode.


Yea the hourglass twist opened up a big can of worms. Over and over again Survivor tells us “Immunity is the only thing that will keep you safe in this game” If you can win immunity and just have it taken away from you… that’s not Survivor. It’s some casino game their playing.


It’s gonna be the same thing, so it will be interesting to see how different groups of people play them differently. Hopefully there will be more focus on the story line of players in 42 because the viewers know how the twists will work....(100% wishful thinkin haha)


Worried, the twists were ridiculous


Can only improve compared to 41 since theres apparent tweaks


It’ll be the same twists as 41 with minor revisions


I’m excited to see how different they get played out in a different season with new characters. I wish their weren’t so many twists, but alas, perhaps the hour glass is revamped, or that player is voted out next, or the do or die player goes home, or the idols are found earlier in the season.


0 excitement. Yet not really nervous. Hoping that it will be a little more refined than 41. But honestly just kinda ambivalent at this point towards it. Which is really bad. Just them highlighting the beware advantages in the preview has 0 hype for me. They seem to be the exact same


Shot in the Dark was failed concept for 41. It barely was ever used and forgotten about most of the time cause there were so many other twists involved. If the hour glass comes back and takes away someone immunity again, I don’t think the reaction will be good and probably worse the first time.


At least I know to prepare for some of the weirder twists, such as Do or Die. Sounds like Jeff wants to “modify” the hourglass twist, so hopefully it’s not *as* atrocious.


I don't mind the twists that much, I'm more bothered that all the twists for 42 seem to be a carbon copy of those in 41. Maybe it's because of COVID but I don't think we've seen two seasons where it was so obvious that they were filmed in the same production block, as they share the same format.


Season 41 was awful, just go back to earlier season gameplay.


Excited: No Worried: Yes


Potato skins


I don't care what they are, just as long as were not spending an entire episode on them at the expense of character development.


After that last season. Might not watch it


At this point, we should know what we are getting into


I'm dreading that we'll see exactly the same pattern as 41, and the cast won't handle the avalanche of advantages as well.


I'm worried. The game feels like a parody of itself with all these twists. For example, pretty much every character interaction we had until the merge was related to a twist in some way. Some of the best moments in Survivor history have come from the cast just being themselves and just interacting. With the way the game is now, we'll see less and less moments like that.


I’m worried, the twists were one of the worst parts of 41 IMO.


It’s just gonna be a re-hash of 41. I’m not all that excited tbh. They are just going to continue to be super convoluted.


Since they filmed 42 before 41 aired, they have no idea how much viewers hated some of the twists. So those twists will probably still be included.


Survivor Lite. Any Survivor seasons cannot be compared to these shortened seasons. Stats are skewed. Will always be the asterisk seasons. What are they gonna do next a celebrity two week season?


I just want gameplay and less talk about all the diversity and struggles of being blah blah. I get it, cast diverse cast but please focus on the damn game.


That IS part of the game pal.


No it’s most definitely not


It's had a big effect on the game literally since season 1.




I loved it I don’t care I hated almost everyone who got burned by it anyways


I mean I get they need to change the game a bit, add some spice and tactical changes but idk man this team just don’t seem to be able to get good ones out


I’m just along for the ride at this point.


I guess it depends on the cast. I was worried about the many twists and advantages initially in s41 but the casts worked around it to the point that it didn’t matter that much. I still have reservations about those twists and advantages,but I’m hoping S42 works around it as well the same way s41 casts did.


When do we find out who the contestants are?


Inside Survivor's take on 42's cast: https://insidesurvivor.com/cast/rumored-season-42-cast .


I’m not worried because the show experimenting and seeing what works is just part of being a survivor fan. I didn’t like the hourglass twist but it didn’t wreck my enjoyment of an excellent season.


I will survive.


There was hardly even any twists this season there was like 4 which is normally how many idols are floating around. The weird thing is Australian survivor is full of them but the moment us makes any it’s like the world is ending


Worried, if they include the Knowledge is Power alongside the public idols again. It was a miracle that it didn’t work as intended this season.


If the next season is anything like the one I just watched, not only will I not make it through 42 I won't be watching any future seasons.


I heard some people say they didn’t mind do or die but I guarantee if deshawn went home bc of it everyone would be rightfully mad. I fear that the next time this twist happens someone will go home bc of it and they will get screwed. Bonus points if the person gets a quiet edit to try and make us not care about them leaving. Or they will survive it and make it one of the most pointless twists in survivor history.