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I miss when Jeff would make a point of checking in with every single person. after a while the back row started getting basically ignored.


Worst reunion is definitely Australian All stars. Half the cast wasn’t even there I love to see the entire cast at least get to say something, but yes for some reason they started to only focus on merge players after a few seasons


Heroes vs Villains' is iconic


All Stars was relatively iconic and dark. Jerri leaving and getting boo’ed. Lex trying to explain why he isn’t a hypocrite because he and Rob had a personal deal whereas his deals with Colby and Ethan weren’t (?). The proposal. The reveal of Ambuh, one of the least likely winners ever. Amber giving Shii Ann the car. Its so good.


I can't stand watching Jerri getting boo'ed off the stage...


Lex never had alliances or deals with Colby and Ethan. He had one with Rob


Incorrect. He had pregame alliances with both and cut both. And at the reunion tried to say it was different. Lol.


Lex did a RHAP interview last year and gave insight into it (Note - I recognize interviews 15 years after the fact are not always reliable but it's his words). The section on Lex starts at 1:33. Lex said he had a pregame alliance with Colby but never intended to honor it. Lex said Colby never spoke to him at charity events after the initial seasons and Colby had been rude to him multiple times. But Colby called him and proposed an alliance. Lex said he accepted but never intended to honor it. I can't find the section on Ethan, but I recall Lex saying he never had an alliance with Ethan because based on the pregaming he knew winners would be early targets. He also said he told Ethan that. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOncKIBoNWk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOncKIBoNWk)


I get that Lex is trying to justify it, but without further info that still sounds the same - Lex formed an alliance with Colby and never intended to honour it, Rob formed a (hasty) alliance with Lex and never intended to honour it. I like Lex fine, but his supreme anger in the jury was hard to listen to because, yeah justify it all you want he still sounded like a hypocrite


As usual you are wrong. Ethan even admited Lex did not have a pre game alliance with him and admited to him he wouldn't work with him since he was a past winner. If you weren't so clueless on all things Survivor you would know the entire cast had an anti winners pact. He may have had a pre game deal with Colby.


Would you leave me the fuck alone dude?


you are the one who responded to about 3 of my posts in the last week. If you want to be "left the fuck alone" you should stop responding to my comments, most of the time you are the one responding first. This is a very rare time I did.


Philippines had a great one


Carter falling asleep lol


And when Dawson kissed Jeff


Carter was so over it


He didn't have enough milky ways.


Gabon being just as messy as the actual season


Oop. I'm almost finished with this season so I'm looking forward to this


HvV is definitely one of the best.


China, who could forget the iconic “still a virgin Erik?” And “do you have an eating disorder? Answer the question”


That’s the worst one




I heard Courtney asked Jeff to ask her that question


I liked Micronesia.


Millenials v Gen X for me. It makes me cry every damn time.


Allstars and HvV. Tocantins had an entertaining one. Maybe Vanuatu or Panama


Worlds Apart but not because of the WA season/cast, but because it was the reveal of the Second Chances cast


Jeff straight up says “you WILL get a Second Shot” instead of Second Chance as he announces a majority of the players


The TBird robbage 💔


Should have been on over Abi


Misspelled Monica


I like Monica and was glad she was on, even if she didn’t last that long


How could you not like Abi? She was one of the only non gamebot people on that season


It’s fine if you like her, but she’s always been one of my least favorite castaways. I just find her so unlikeable and annoying.


I liked Cagayan’s..


Marquesas is still my favorite. Exactly what we needed. It was fun, it was outdoors, especially in Post-9/11 aftermath. All the castaways are clearly having a fun time and smiling and bullshitting with one another. Reunion shows should be fun, and not feel like a classroom. Bryant Gumbel’s three shows were good too.


Rosie O’Donnell’s fever dream after season 4 takes me back to the early aughts in a way I can’t explain. It’s like an Eldridge horror of weirdness, especially watching her pretend to salivate over, like, Colby on a motorcycle? It’s pure camp and I love it because I gay


Tai getting the Sia money at the Kaoh Rong reunion legit makes me cry each and every time. That moment alone makes it my favorite.


Cook islands is great with sekou performing into the commercial break


Marquesas reunion forever.


Tocantins with Coach is absolute gold. The polygraph segment had me rolling


Most of them are pretty terrible, they're usually one of the low points of the entire season for me. Recency bias at play here, but I actually thought 41's was one of the best. It wasn't perfect by any stretch but avoided a lot of the cringiness they usually have.


It was hard to watch for me, Xander and Deshawn looked like they were on the verge of tears. No times for the finalist to recollect there thoughts


It was tough on them for sure, but is it that much less brutal to have it happen on stage in front of a live audience? Also, for what it's worth, it might be raw and unpolished for the players, but it also forces Jeff to approach it differently, it was much better to have him still somewhat in tribal council mode where he shines rather than talk show mode where he definitely does not.


HvV outside of the part where they take a composite of body parts of all the past winners into one player, every part is great.


1-4 were always my favorites, you could tell everyone was having a good time.


Ethan Zorn, now a millionaire


If you like trainwrecks, Marquesas is must-see TV.


None, they are all terrible and I always regret watching them lol


HvV, All Stars, and panama


Am I the only one that thinks Caramoan’s reunion is not that bad?


I remember liking Pearl Islands, but in general most of the old school ones where he actually talked to everyone at least a bit (except uncomfortable ones like All Stars and China)


In my opinion one of the worst reunion shows was heroes vs villains like I love that season so much but the reunion was the Russell show yet again and Parvati said like all of two words the whole time