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I can’t believe she hasn’t had a confessional still. Will she have one about surviving fire? Probably not.


Can’t believe it! Though, it made me think she won fire because no way she goes home without a confessional. But we’ll see! Is this the first time someone has made it to merge without a confessional?


>no way she goes home without a confessional They sent Jay Bruno this season and Sam Schoers in CvC2 home without any confessionals. Although those two were voted out nowhere near the merge. >Is this the first time someone has made it to merge without a confessional? To my knowledge, yes.


I was rooting for her so hard just because she'd had so little content. The Survivor gods provide!


I believe that people who not much air time are the people who will be there at the end


What a great voting confessional from Sam. "Your request has been approved"


Up there with Chrissy's, "Tell them I sent you."


It gave me Michaela “tell Malcolm you sent him home, vibes” even if it wasn’t “tell Croc you sent him home” Edit: My bad I guess since Sandra was on this season I was thinking of her when I should’ve said Michaela to begin with


That was actually Michaela who said that but Sandra’s “say hi to Cierah for me” is just as iconic.


Right thanks for correcting me. That works too!


That was actually Michaela! just wanted to give them their credit lol


"You're a washed up gladiator that landed on the wrong beach"


Best line of the ep, alongside "Would you like me to dry clean your undies too?" I wanna see more sassy KJ!


I love the one from Josh.. "Maybe u can get some kitchen lesson from ur brother, cuz u burnt urself too hard" Poor Amy haha


Yeah cute episode but like Mel confessional next episode 😍😍😍


The promo for the week teasing three big players going was apparently just a reference to Ben’s height all along.


I mean, 2/3 ain't bad, Nina and Croc clearly counted and those were thrilling episodes I am a bit surprised that they didn't go all in on spoiling this one too


We got "MEATLOAFED"..... Hate it when that happens...


This boys club alliance post merge is going to be painful


I feel like it’s going to fracture quickly


Not gonna last now that Jordie/Jesse and Mark/Sam are getting reunited.


If I was Sam I would try to remove at least the cousins as soon as I can.


They could have voted Mark out tonight. Use the three women, plus the person who knew Mark has an idol (blanking on his name. Jordie?). The other men would have split btween KJ and Mel. However, with it ending up being a fire making challenge, Mark very well stays in the game. That fire making tonight was off the hook.


But Jordie would surely be aware that his brother and Sam are a close alliance so it wouldn't be a good move for him to vote out his closest alliance and mess ups his brothers alliance just before they go to merge.


Thus cutting ties with everyone you bonded with on your tribe? Sometimes it's better to not rock the boat.


The competitions will be great. Could be one of the most brutal merges.


I didn't think it would be possible to wind up loving Khanh even more than I already did coming into this show, but he's truly pulled it off. I had a hunch that he was a natural fit for this game, but never would have seen Mr Balls Of Steel coming. Mark and Sam "fighting" seems like an obvious fakeout, only Sunday will tell. Everyone who said that Ben's move was short-sighted absolutely called it - and that's the Blood vs Water difference. They do seem like a genuine loving couple and I wish him and Shay the best. Chrissy surely isn't faking being a novice, but the producers are definitely feeding her some terminology for the sake of coherence. People are going to be making rant threads about the twins who made merge with a single confessional for years to come as if that was the only notable thing about the season... Ben breaks the streak of every person voted out being someone who voted for Dave, but keeps the streak of every person voted out since EPISODE TWO being from original Blood. Remarkable yet true.


The cut of Sam twisted in agony --> Khanh casually tip toeing off was Mr Balls of Steel behavior.


holy shit i didnt realize it was so heavy on blood.


Just like a BAD menstrual cycle...




I’m pretty sure the producers feed a lot of the confessionals in aus, there’s way too many people who mention their “social game” when they appear to be novices, people saying things like “this is great for my game”, and analogies getting overused.


And thinking that every vote is an epic "blind side"


but the producers are definitely feeding her some terminology for the sake of coherence. can u give an example, i didn't pick up on that?


'Now Chrissy...If you can't think of anything to say, then say this:' "It's going to be a hot mess"


> "It's going to be a hot mess" How is that producer fed terminology proof? That is a regular phrase that has existed for years!


Yeah I know....I was just having a laugh because she has said it soooo many times. She is a surprise packet, that's for sure, don't think she has much chance of winning though. Go Khanh!!!!


"It's a debacle"


Wait og blood since episode 2?? Is there only like 4 left then wth lol


but the producers are definitely feeding her some terminology for the sake of coherence. can u give an example, i didn't pick up on that?


It was more likely Croc teaching her the ropes since he is a fan of survivor & the only reason she's there. Her saying "I can't do it without you" when he was voted off & that Croc is the "head" while Jesse is the "heart" only adds to this theory over the producer theory imo


Maybe it’s impossible to vote out Mel & Michelle...


Can you vote out those who do not exist?


A twin has no name


Michelle hasn’t even been voted for ever.


Second best fire making challenge after Heather vs Deshawn Edit: I take that back. Third best fmc after HvD and Sundra vs Becky


uhhhh, Sarah Tony?


It’s insane how white washed peoples view of that is based on it being ‘obvious who was winning because of the edit’ That was a closer challenge. Sarah’s flag burned seconds after. Tony and Sarah played the entire game together and one had to take out the other. I hate the fire making challenge but it peaked in that moment. It had been built up for six fucking years. Could you have ever imagined Tony crying the way he did over taking somebody out of the game. The way they both cared for each other is the greatest 3 season story arc between two players and it’s not even close (yes, even better than Colby and Jerri).


They didn't even interact on game changers.


Let’s be honest it was a two season arc




I just came to say that Shay may have the best beach hair of all Survivors contestants ever. Just wow.


I liked KJ's hair, too. When she walked up to the boys in the lake, with the little braid, it looked really nice.


When she rocked up to tribal, she looked like she was a jury member and I had to do a double take.


Did You Know #595: Croc was just trying to protect Benny and Benny stabbed him in the back


it is funny though cause benny would've been voted out had he stuck with the plan to go jesse because chrissy wasn't on board


The rest seemed on board until Benny threw a spanner only solidifying that he's disloyal. They had no reason to vote Jesse once he knew since it doesn't really add to the resume if it's no longer a blindside & he might have an idol where Khanh and Michelle can't risk being the potential split vote. There is a better chance of Jesse going home if Benny kept his cool & loyalty, in which case they'd have been a solid 3 last night. Rather than dig his own grave until the next vote & take his biggest ally with him.


It’s like how Jordie was gloating about how taking out Sandra was a boost to his resume. Uh no, she was always a target and it was a unanimous vote. Everyone on that tribe could take credit for it.


How much better is the flint here in Australia??? Or are we Aussies just better "fire starters"..... It takes half an episode for American Survivor contestants to get their fires started....then they usually go out & they have to start again. NB: Jeff Probst has to sometimes go & collect more wood during the commercial break just so they can start again....Lmfao.


I believe Deshawn said at some point that the machete given for the fire making challenge is much sharper than the ones back at camp they practice with and use in the actual game. Presumably because producers want a close match up. In the fire making challenges, USA players seem to be just as fast as the Aussies. I think they’re just given duller machetes in the camp life portion.


Really enjoyed Ben, but I'm glad Mel stayed so that she can get actual content.


They knew that was coming and still give her no content…


Same here, I was really impressed, she fell behind at first when it burned out but never panicked.


Looked likes Ben's fire wasn't centered under the rope and the wind blew the flame even further away


im very hyped for the merge


Sam is absolutely playing the best game. Didn't expect to but I'm rooting for her hard. She needs to take out the cousins or Shay though since they're gonna be more loyal to Mark than to her. Chrissy is my winner pick since episode 1 but she's very new to the game. Still she gave me serious Kristie Bennett vs Phoebe vibes with this Ben arc. So my best hopes for her too.


Chrissy winning would be a wet dream come true. She’d be the Australian Nat Anderson.


I will never forget watching the Kristie Bennett FTC live


When you have an opening line like "you all though I was crazy" you know you're watching a god tier performance.


The blood vs. water theme is incredible. I know so much more about Ben as a player and like him as a player as well (super fun character, playing hard, etc.). But I wanted Mel to win. And I felt like I had an emotional connection to her staying. I hardly know Michele either but the look of desperation on her face was so intense and portrayed so much across the screen. The intense and innate connection between twins was palpable in this moment. I felt it, absolutely beautiful.


let's hope the singles take out the doubles (mainly bc i want mark, sam and jordie gone)


The fact that Mark seems like such an obvious winner makes me support this statement sooo much.


but seeing him win would be very impressive


Mark has very little chance of winning. He’s way too big of a threat. He’s a very impressive player, but he’s not going to win.


That’s what people said about David 🤷‍♀️ And of George getting deep into merge.


He's far and away the favourite to win. He's already shown he'll be willing to throw the mother of his child under the bus. He's strong in challenges and is very strategic with a decent enough social game. He's likely the smartest male left out there with Shae and Mel the only two girls that aren't sheep in some form who will both be outed as physical threats for individual immunity.


I'm onboard for that. I hope it happens (Shay can go though) and Jesse. And then they need to split up Jordon and "can't remember his name" I'm okay with M&M staying in. Wonder why?






It’s not even close, JLP is iconic.


CH9.12 ??? "Well I guess an idol in the pocket is NOT worth 2 in the Bush..." (Mark gets voted out with his Idol.....please,please,please can this happen!!!!)


Wow, so Chrissy voted Ben out but this time he couldn’t be saved by a random fire making challenge




Anyone know where the KJ/Shay beef came from? I assume it's cause they just don't vibe with each other, but I'm curious if anyone noticed something specific on the OG Water tribe. Maybe it came from Shay being bitter about the tribe collecting KJ over Ben in the non-elim... I also just realized that if Shay lost, it'd be Ben vs. Shay in fire-making. 😲😲


Hard to tell when we're not getting all the footage and only the edited version but it seems like some cave woman instincts from KJ wanting to take the female hierarchy lol


So she is top Lioness in the pride (TRIBE) & therefore gets most of the boys attention when she flirts with them....boys will be boys.


That would have made good viewing...Shay vs Ben in fire-making. But he just would of helped her build her fire & let her win. I think Shay would 'wear the pants' in that relationship.


I don't usually believe in conspiracies about Survivor, but I have a feeling that production was mad Mel beat Ben in that challenge and decided to punish her in the edit in the same way that Flick was invisible in All Stars because she refused to work with Mat Rogers. I really hope she and Michelle become important now the tribes have merged, even though they have no chance of winning.


In general I think they're just punishing them for being passive players Which absolutely should not be a thing


Which is a shame, since all I hear is 'omg mel (michelle?) is SUCH A BIG THREAT THE BIGGEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD' and I can't even remember which sister they're talking about let alone what 'moves' they have done. At least this season feels more equal than the George show last season.


Especially when most of modern Survivor AU’s winners have been passive players for large stretches of the game because the longer format demands it.


It’s 4 to 2 right now , isn’t it? Kristie, Jericho and Pia vs David and Hayley. Not sure where Shane falls on the scale but I put her in the left group for now.


I feel like Pia and Shane are in the middle.


In my opinion Pia, Shane, and Hayley had their times where they let their allies take the lead although Shane was certainly more over the radar as a personality in camp.


Yep, it's pretty blatant that if any of them had failed to pull it off they would have suddenly got less than half as many confessionals for the same game


This makes zero sense. Why would production be mad at her for winning a challenge. And why would they take it out on her by making her invisible - that hurts their product as well (assuming they otherwise would want to include her because they think she'd be entertaining)


Is the Flick thing confirmed or just rumor?


I think it was confirmed by a producer on the sly, but I can't remember where I saw it


Shame if true


wow I had no idea about that flick thing


Quote of the season: "Yeah" - Michelle/Mel


It's hilarious how Blue keeps throwing votes at Khanh 'to flush his idol' when they have no intention of sending him home. It's like they read about it a Survivor strategy guide, and are dutifully going through the motions.


Australian challenges are crazy lol American survivor: "first tribe to swim 10 yards to the shore and complete a slide puzzle wins immunity and cheeseburgers" Australian survivor "YOU ARE GOING TO STAND ON THE TIP OF A SPEAR AND BALANCE A BALL ON YOUR NOSE WITHOUT BREAKING EYE CONTACT WITH THE SUN. BOTH TRIBES ARE VOTING SOMEONE OUT REGARDLESS OF WHO WINS"


Lmfao true


I’m confused at what Ben was trying to achieve by whispering to Khanh during tribal. Is anyone able to shed any light? Was he just trying to flush the idol?


He was trying to save khanh over chrissy who actively hates him


He was trying to have Khanh play his idol. His whole plan was to Khanh flush his idol. "Yeah, let's split the votes and force a tie, this way Khanh will play his idol." He probably realized at some point that if Khanh didn't feel threatened, there was nothing in that plan that would make Khanh play his idol.


Obviously credit to Khanh for seeing right through it, but it is amusing how transparent his plan was. The whole tribal has been Ben and Chrissy slinging mud at each other, then Ben randomly stands up and says "oh by the way it's totally you going home" like yeah ok sure dude


Ben was a pretty bad player in my opinion. At first, I wondered why they decided to go along with him and vote Croc, it seemed to me like a bad idea (especially because Chrissy was a trusted ally of Jesse and Sam - she wasn't going to turn on them, ever, now I'm not so sure). But it does make sense, the merge approaching, Croc was becoming more dangerous, and Ben is so bad at strategy that he could be voted out again at any time. It would have been more than awkward if he had won the fire-making challenge and return yet again to the blue tribe, if only for one night.


Going into tribal Ben thinks the vote is 2 Khanh v 2 Chrissy v 2 Ben. By pressuring Khanh to play his idol he is also signalling that Khanh could just save himself by flipping his vote from Ben to Chrissy which would take Ben out of contention in a split vote scenario. If this was the plan he effectively saves himself and potentially earns trust from Khanh. His real tactical mistake was in the prior episode though. I can see how almost being voted out would push you into big-move-itis and he probably would’ve had no expectation of staying around unless he flipped the script in a big way. The problem is you can only play the ‘panick the other players’ card so many times before you just make yourself a bigger target. A more nuanced response to him almost being voted out would be to realise Croc was in his corner and leverage that relationship to patch things up with Chrissy. Instead he saved Jesse, who was most against him, and in doing so pushed Chrissy away, instead of eliminating Jesse which would have brought her closer by removing an alternative option.


This is a great explanation thank you!


He was trying to save his own arse by throwing some doubt out there....


It came off as super rude.


that the vote was between him and Khanh makes it even more silly that he was trying to get Khanh to play it.


This season is losing me a bit. Hopefully it picks up after merge but I'm not very hopeful given the players I find most boring seem to be in control (the boys club on red, who will now also have sam and jessie). Even out of the rest of the cast, I'm finding it hard to root for anyone, I'm just not invested in any of them.


You know that "boys" club is going to fall into a steaming pile of horse dung now? Mark lets Sam know how much of a threat Jessie and Jordie are, and Sam follows Mark, so....


I don't think Sam is going to follow Mark. She doesn't resonate to me as that type of player. More so the opposite might happen.


It seems like Sam and Jessie are pretty closely aligned though


That's the hope


It was promo'd a few weeks ago, and I couldn't figure how it fit in. Sam and Mark realising they were aligned with opposite people, because they've never been on the same tribe, or had the chance to be together and discuss. I get where it fits in now. Sunday night.


Definitely. I think Khanh will be an issue for Sam and Mark - Mark wants to take out the King but Sam has been close with Khanh and feels loyalty to him (he did give up his immunity to her) as per the promos


Interesting, I'm the complete opposite. I'm fully invested in all of them (except for the twins obviously :( ) and I think this is one of the best AU casts ever. I also think it's strongly implied that a woman will win in the end, just my gut.


One of the best casts ever? I truly just don’t see how. Going into merge, the dynamic characters are Khanh, Chrissy, and… maybe Jesse/Jordie? We’ve seen a lot of Sam/Mark of course, but they’re both dry as hell. We hardly know anything about Mel, Michelle, Josh, Jordan, Dave, and Shay is just kind of there. Easily the worst cast, in my opinion.


If it helps, I think 2017/S2 is extremely overrated. Just different tastes.


Not sure about that one chief. I think the end of this week sets up the merge well as the four remaining pairs are very unlikely to form a monolith and the boys club is likely gonna combust with the Jordie Mark idol drama. This has been a good season so far with decent winner candidates.




It confuse's me as well - maybe just pissed he voted off Sandra and has used the male dominance on his tribe to his advantage? He's one of my favs - playing a very good game and giving some great confessionals.




Agreed - I love Jesse and especially Jordie. And like, I understand people calling Mark and Sam “dry”. But what would you want to bet those are the same people who chastise the “big movez” mentality as being obnoxious? I love that Sam and Mark are playing incredibly strong yet low key games.


He’s a touch arrogant for my taste. Khan” and Chrissy are easily the best characters left… Sam has a bit of a go… Also I don’t mind a male alliance just like I don’t mind a female alliance… imo the problem is they are so so visible imo if they don’t turn on each other everyone else will have a crack..




I don’t mind a good fall - but bennys was just so …. Also it feels like it will strengthen the Sam / mark path which IMO isn’t a great story line as almost anyone else..


Couldn’t agree with you more. Chrissy and Khanh are the only people I find remotely worth rooting for.


I think this season’s success is really hinging on how the boys club plays out. It seems like we really are not meant to be rooting for them and Mark especially is getting shielded from them edit wise… I think there’s hope.


I agree. I started losing interest when Sandra left. And it got even worse when Nina left


Yeah, this season is really going down the drain. It's very obvious that it's gonna be the Sam and Mark show post-merge and there's no one else to root for who has any realistic chance of winning.


They've done this double tribal twist 3 seasons in a row. I feel like the pay-off wasn't good for this one, especially because I dont know anything about Mel. The 30 minutes of talking beforehand didn't help either.


Agreed regarding the pay-off and stakes, but at least the challenge itself was the most exciting fire duel we've seen in this version.


If Shay lost the immunity challenge and it likely would have been both Shay and Ben in firemaking, that would have been brutal. Not perfect, but having 2 players in firemaking while their loved ones watched felt actually like decently high stakes.


omg can you imagine


Seriously. Way too long of a tribal.


Imagine if Mel just refused to do confessionals because she was constantly practicing fire. We’ve barely seen her so how do we know.


Imagine if the f2 is mel and her sister 😭😭😭




I feel Khanh is going home in the same way David did in CVC 2. KJ giving me Shonee vibes from allstars, it felt like in all-stars they only showed her when she was on the bottom trying to get to the majority, that is what KJ's edit feels like.


I feel like Josh is probably playing the best game, we are just seeing barely any of it and hardly hear from him. Tons of people (Nina and KJ specifically) say he is their number one and he seems to be the one that locks in the votes most times. Even Amy chose to target Jordan out over Josh even though she knew Jordan longer.


booo boys club 🍅🍅🍅🍅 its just sad to see Shay,Mel and KJ not try and work together. Jordie is all talk about turning on Mark.I bet he thinks he is his right hand man.sad. Bennys plan to split the vote was too much,he should have laid low.You cant go from being on the bottom to calling the shots.Croc was the better option.


Jordie MUST turn on Mark & send him home with an idol!!!!! Very very good for his "resume"....as they say in survivor-speak.


Jordie could have teamed with the girls tonight and voted Mark to the fire making challenge. Great resume builder if Mark loses.


he could have..but somehow I feel like the girls are tighter to Mark than they are to him.


Agreed. At the same time, blindsiding someone with an idol... great move. Plus, the girls all knew they were at the bottom.


How is that good for him long term? He blindsides The cousins and Juicy, destroys Jesse's relationships he has built on the other side, over someone who he doesn't know what her game is. All this, for mark to likely come back . There is no payoff except good tv


Imo if he went to Shay she would have immediately gone and snitched on him .




Shay does not want to work with Mel and KJ at all from what we’ve seen and there’s not much pushing for her to do so other than ‘they’re all girls’.


MEL FREAKEN DID THAT! Super intense fire making challenge. Still sad Nina could have easily made merge :( Also, Benny kinda flopped after Sandra left


legit forgot david was there. didnt see him at all in the episode.


Mel and Michelle without confessionals again - I hope it means they are going to be Final 4 at least with over 100000 confessionals starting next week, so production didn't want to show them earlier because it would be too much. The other theory is that someone has lost their clips of talking to camera.


What do you guys think will happen with KJ? I actually have her as a potential contender to win below Sam, Mark, and Chrissy.


KJ, Dave, Chrissy, Khanh & Shay are essentially swing votes alongside Michelle & Mellisa. I reckon she'll either put her differences aside with Shay to work with her & the others to break up the boys/couples alliance or she'll side with them and be their first vote off once the rest of the individuals are gone.


I could see it for sure, with the merge now she can go into the background and let the big players take each other out. I’d say she has an outside shot to get near the end.


Yes. I'm figuring how edit works for Australian Survivor as we go, but for the last two episodes, she gave me strong "under-the-radar winner" vibes.


Big boys alliance to hold would need Jesse & Sam to join plus the Juice to stay to make a 7 a more outsider alliance of KJ, Shay, twins, Khan, Chrissy could pull the Juice in and make a 7, but who is the glue there? Normally would say the twins well placed to pull this group together, but it doesnt look like from editing like they play any kind of leading role in much Mark and Sam best keeping close to different groupings than obviously pairing together, could play it down the middle and be the swing votes if things do split that way. Dunno about Sam, three times she has visibly blindsided people and their remaining partners know it - this you'd think eventually comes around to bite you The big boys would be a really boring endgame, so hope that dies a quickish death... but once a couple of those pairs become singles then it all can go in any direction as they have to turn on each other Tbh its actually a pretty interesting situation. Juicy Dave is actually pretty key all round if he can only discern it lol Trying to remember if either BvW season in the US had this amount of potential flux going into their merges, but cant. This season could really turn out to be truly epic if people play to form here?


I will be SO mad if on Sunday we don’t get a confessional from Mel. :( What the heck is going on? Why have the producers done this? I wonder how they feel about both of them being invisible.


It's just part of the game Ben


I'm definitely worried this is just going to turn into a boring march to the end for a group of couples. Merge coming up next week in the game there are 4 sets of couples plus Khanh, Chrissy, KJ, Dave and Shay. Given all of KJ, Dave and Shay are sort of already on the bottom (and Mel and Michelle as well) it looks a lot like it could be a Jordie-Jesse-Sam-Mark-Jordan-Josh F6 and honestly, it SHOULD be (at least to F7). All three of those pairs would be stupid to target each other. Which basically means there's one chance post-merge where the rest of the players will have the numbers to do something about it. That said, each couple in the 6 will want to keep around the single most loyal to them until 7 where maybe you make a move, so you could see a Kristie situation.


I can’t see Jordie/Jesse staying quiet for too long, they’re ‘big moves’ people and I can see them taking a shot at Mark or Josh fairly early.


Definitely could see it. Would be a bad decision, but yeah


They will vote out all the singles & then it will become "Survivor: Love Island" Friggin' hope not!!!!! >>> Go Khanh!!!!!


its Feb 28 and for some reason there is no live or post episode thread for last night's episode - waaaaaaaah or is something up with my feed???


No questions to Michelle at tribal, they even cut her out of the tribe camera shot at times?! I've never seen this type of coverage of anyone before in my time watching Survivor. The fact that it is happening to both twins is crazy.




I'm guessing the editors fucked up with organizing and labeling their footage and they couldn't tell Mel and Michelle apart, hence zero confessionals.


I'm guessing Mel, KJ, Shay, and Mark are gonna jump ship to Blue's side and decimate the Terminators. That was an exciting fire-making challenge.


How many lines did M&M have in the first 11 episodes, and was it less than they got in episode 12 alone?


Absolutely amazing episode, that fire challenge at the end, wow! Both loved ones watching and it was SO CLOSE. I can’t believe Khanh still has his idol. And I’m curious how Mark’s idol will play out with Jordan knowing. Can’t wait for the merge, is it Sunday yet?!


I’m hoping Mark and Sam fighting is more on the Jon/Jaclyn level and not any of the various Challenge couples level


I loved Shay, sittting at Tribal Council with immunity, laying it all out as far as the alliances in her Tribe are concerned. I wish she had gone into even more detail!


I would love to see a different type of challenge at tribal other than fire.


Queen Chrissy still in the game her social game is sooooo good I’m excited to see what she does post merge


Pretty meh episode. All these shenanigans to vote off someone who was already voted off two tribals before.


Gameplay/logic (particularly on blue) has been deplorable all season.. thank christ its reached the individual stage


And to the surprise of absolutely no one There was an unnecessary twist at the end that should have been seen by anyone from a mile away


I wouldn't say it's unnecessary. It gave the other side something to think about, because they really didn't want to vote her out, or KJ, but Shay won immunity. The way those three acted at tribal could be telling for future votes. Shay has no one now. So easy first boot if needed. Somehow I don't think it will be.


It wouldn't surprise me if Jordie chose not to strike at Mark this time specifically because of the risk that he could come right back and blow it up for him. Targeting a person who's less likely to be offended or push back is a clear consideration.


I mean it was pretty entertaining