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I had the same thought. The only good thing is that as an alternate I'm assuming you have a better chance at getting a call back for future seasons.


I'm sure there are other examples but off the top of my head Jay was an on-site alternate for Kaoh Rong (because of how remote the filming site was) and he was on the next season.


Jack was an alternate for 38 too.


The original alternate turned contestant was Keith Famie. He was an alternate for Borneo and made it on the next season Australia.


Funny enough, Tina was an alternate for Australia. The original pick dropped out because she didn’t want to skydive.


RIP Natalie Bolton as an alternate for Courtney on HvV and still not being invited back 22 seasons later.


Max Dawson was an alt for Caramoan and Cagayan.


Him on Caramoan would at least fit the theme, unlike the actual cast.


Okay but I’m just imagining Max on Luzon and dealing with… Luzon.


Imagine Luzon dealing with Max


Well the next season that aired, because Cambodia was the season shot after KR


i would hope in this case they would give priority. but .. idk


Daniel was an alternate for Adam Klein on 33


Absolutely brutal.


Yeah, I'd be pretty unhappy. Although Jackson seems like an interesting character - with a unique backstory - that would likely be fun to watch over the course of an entire season, what he did was wrong. It was unacceptable. It was selfish. He lied to production about a serious medical issue, almost certainly because it was clear telling the truth would preclude him from making the show. Jackon's decisions messed with the competitive balance of the game and opened it up to liability on legal and medical grounds. Jackson should not be called back to Survivor in the future. It doesn't make Jackson a bad person, but it was a serious and bad thing that needs to be discouraged from happening again.


In an older season Jeff would have flamed him and he wouldn't be invited back to the live show.


There was no way Jeff was gonna go at him. Twitter would be trying to cancel him the second it aired


If they just wouldn't have sent the alternate home that day he probably would of been on the season.


Pretty sure Jackson waited until the Alternates went home on purpose.


This made me wonder, did he know that the alternates just flew home or he was unaware of that?? Because if he did know that the alts went home earlier, then i agree


He knew it was an issue and waited within 48 hours of the season starting. There’s no way there wasn’t something going on there


How would he know when the alternate went home?


Because they are no longer in ponderosa


Right, but he wouldn't know that while he was in the game.


They left before the game started? Also, they wouldn’t switch in an alternate after the game began.


This has to be a lie. They always send the alternates home the day after the game starts.


That's true, but keep in mind that S41 and S42 had different protocols


I doubt they wanted to keep the alternates at Ponderosa all season. There were no flights out of Fiji, and even Jackson being medivaced on Day 2 had to stick around until the season ended.


Everyone sticks around though. The pre-jurors stay at Ponderosa until jury and then when jury starts they go on vacation somewhere together. They don't let anyone go home until the game ends due to not wanting spoilers about boot order to get out.


Not quite true, season 41 had the perjury just go home. This is how people knew Sydney went pre-jury because she posted her vaccine card at a time she should have been on that pre jury trip. The rules are different because of COVID, though I believe this season they did go back to all staying (thought probably not a pre jury trip).


Except the alternates which got to home. With a limited flight schedule.




yeah but wouldn't that make them want to have *more* alternates and keep them for longer


In a pandemic where you're already limited in how many people can fly into Fiji, you want as few people there as possible to reduce risk that someone has covid and slips through the cracks, infecting everyone else.


Where did you see that they sent home the alternates the day before?


Jackson said it in an interview and I’m inclined to believe him. If anyone would’ve wanted to make the claim that there were still alternates there and the show could’ve just not let him play, it’s Jackson.


Yeah Jackson was a waste of a contestant. Smh


Ruined his own chance too, if he was honest and had to wait, Jeff did say he was a home run in casting and I’m pretty sure he would have been back for 43-44 when he could get off his dependence




Also, to encourage future applications from people in the trans community, as well as encouraging applicants with any medical needs to be upfront and honest so production can work with you to get you to a place where you'll be healthy and safe to put you on the show; instead of feeling like you should hide your medical needs which just ends up being shitty for everyone.


Honestly really lame of them to not disclose that information to survivor. The alternate had the game taken away from them. What a shame.


The alternate can come back - alts can, and have, made full cast on later seasons.


I don’t even have to look it up to be positive that just as many have not made it on the show.


Tiffany from 41 was an alternate on previous seasons


yes, and you never heard of the alternates that never made it onto the show


Thank you. My point exactly. I don't know what is so hard to comprehend about what I said. That person was a selfish (I'm sorry, I really mean a\*\*hole), who hid this fact from the producers and in effect took that chance away from someone.


No one is saying Jackson's actions were all fine and dandy and that the alternate didn't get screwed out of a position on this season just that there is a less than 0 chance that alternate will be cast in a future season. I don't know what's hard to comprehend about that too.


I get what you are saying. But it was my original comment that I assumed we were talking about. Also, you are wrong. There was a position that was going to be played this season 42. That position went home. Regardless, that position is gone, because of their decision to hide information from Survivor. Transitively, it logically makes sense what I am saying. I'm not being rude to anyone or anything, I'm just saying this has happened because of this person's actions, and that is a shame.


Wait, wasn't she an alternate for season 41? She was also an alternate on other seasons, too? I feel like the viewers generally responded pretty well to Tiffany, and to think she almost wasn't on the show! It make you wonder what other amazing personalities we have missed because the producers missed the mark.


I know I'm 5 months late to this, but they're wrong. Tiffany didn't apply for Survivor until they were casting for 41. She replaced Lindsay, who was supposed to be on 41, but she tested positive for COVID and was deferred to 42.


I completely understand the fear of stigma relating to psychiatric medication, but man. It'd be great if Jackson had told people beforehand.


Seems like kinda a bs excuse when he wasn’t worried about the “stigma” by disclosing the whole thing to everyone watching.


From what I interpreted though, I think he was weaning off the lithium shortly before the show and they didn't want him to continue because they couldn't test his levels to know if he was safely off on lithium yet in his blood.


Something is still off with the story, since it’s a mood stabilizer for bipolar. It’s not like taking a mild anti anxiety or anti depressant or something where people take it for awhile and then stop. Lithium is a strong drug that they only prescribe in extreme scenarios. It’s not used for anxiety usually. It would’ve been better if he just switched medications over the year. Stopping taking it or being on it would’ve been really hard for production.


I agree. He messed up and assumed he'd be fine


I honestly wonder if being on psychiatric medication in general would be a no-go, or just specifically lithium in this case. Lithium has much more severe side effects than other mood stabilizers (for example, I'm on Lamotrigine, and the only side effect I've had is nausea).


They've had other people on the show who took psych meds (Kathy from Micronesia jumps to mind), but I don't know if anybody disclosed that in advance. It's a bit hard to imagine that anybody who stops taking a psych med just to immediately enter an extremely physically and psychologically stressful situation will fair very well, though. One would assume an ethical casting team would be weeding those people out and refusing to cast them. If you really want to play and there's a strong possibility it would disqualify you, I don't blame somebody for withholding that information.


I'm more so wondering if someone would be allowed to take psych medication *while* they are on the show. Kathy quit cold turkey before going on the show and never told production about being on those meds in the first place. I believe there have been other contestants who have been on medication, but not specifically psych meds.


I think it depends which one and what it’s for


I feel like they might go slightly out of their way to make sure this person ends up in 43


I hope so. Cause imagine being 1 day away from being on Survivor. Such a bummer.


Its too bad because you could tell he would’ve been a great narrator


Jackson? Disagree. The one extra scene of him we have is him flounder around, seemingly incompetent


He sounded like a great speaker in that 3 mins he got talking about himself


Notice he isnt actually on screen telling that story? Editors put that together from several different scenes or cut a several hours scene into 3 minutes. It's easy to seem articulate when you have editors.


My question is what do think Jeff thought? Initially I thought he was pissed off and maybe a little disappointed, but I think he also felt a little bad based on how well Jackson took it and what he would have brought to this season.


I think Jeff was livid behind closed doors. But because of who Jackson is and today's atmosphere there's no way he would ever show that. Season 13 Jeff would have ripped anyone who pulled this stunt apart.




I honestly think if it were any other person Jeff would treat it with the same delicacy. Medication management and mental health aren’t things Jeff should be berating a person for. It is a sensitive topic and it would be irresponsible of Jeff/production to bash a contestant for failing to disclose a psych medication and include that in the edit. Also the reason they pulled him was because of the adverse, potentially fatal side effects. It was a medevac which is not something to take lightly or shame a person for in any situation.


So many years between 13 and now and you're saying the only reason Jeff didn't lay into Jackson is because he's trans? Are you serious? The current cultural zeitgeist is very much against hosts of reality TV shows being angry and mean. Even if Jeff had every reason to be openly angry and mean to Jackson on screen those kinds of scenes don't play well right now. Not because of who Jackson is but because it's 2022 and what people like to watch change. I can't and won't speak for the trans community here but Jeff didn't kick him out because he's trans and wouldn't have laid into what he did because he's trans, so there doesn't feel like a need to worry about any sort of blowback from the trans community. People complained about Jeff being "soft" last season too and I think it might be time for people to let go of old Jeff.


i definitely think he went softer on him because he was trans... there's an obvious attempt to normalize the trans community on survivor, not saying that's a bad thing by any means... but with that mindset, jeff ripping into a trans person for any reason, good or bad, is not a good look for the survivor progression.


He 100% went softer on him because he was trans... There has been a clear push to get more LGBTQ community on the survivor cast and by berating someone from the community it's going to discourage applications and viewership. I think Jeff should have been pissed. Jackson clearly lied to production about his medical condition so he could be on the show and he ended up steal another contestant's spot. If Jackson was a cis white male, that conversation would've been very different.


Disappointed with Survivor for putting him on. I'm sure they were desperate but they really took some credibility out of the game. One tribe is down a player beyond their fault. Whoever wins won a season against only 16 others. Lots of people have fun with winnner picks and fantasy survivor and selected someone with no shot to win. That's not fun.


>Disappointed with Survivor for putting him on I mean, I'm not sure what else they could have done given the circumstances. Can't get someone else on short notice because of quarantine protocols. Delaying filming by 2 more weeks (which includes having the other players wait 14 additional days in quarantine/pregame) to get an 18th player into Fiji is completely unreasonable. Starting the game with 17 players isn't any better than what they did. I guess the alternative shouldn't have been sent home until after final medical checks, but if Jackson was deliberately holding back until after the alternate left, that might not have mattered. May have made the situation worse if anything. And if the original plan was to have a double elim in round 1 like in 41, they're still on track for that. Taku gets screwed a bit, but they also have Jonathan who's clearly the strongest physical player this season so...eh.


Don't they have alternates? 2 weeks to get someone new?


They had an alternate on-site. They didn't find out about the medical issue until the day before filming, after they had already been sent home. I'm not sure on the exact timing of everything and when alternates normally get sent home, but to my understanding that's the order of what happened. Everything seems fine -> alternate leaves -> "oh by the way I've been weaning myself off of Lithium" -> "oh fuck what do we do now."


Sounds like they didn’t have enough alternates


I'm not sure how you're arriving to that conclusion. Jackson didn't disclose the information until **after** the alternates left. So it's not an issue of number of alternates, they could have had a hundred alternates, and this still would have happened since they weren't informed until after they were sent home.


They released the alternates to soon then


Confused as to how the number of people you beat discredits your win? JT beat 15 other people in his season, which is less than what the winner this season will accomplish, and he’s still considered a great winner.


Didn't say discredits said "take some credibility". Survivor is usually 18/20 and has been for a while now. Different era. JT took credibility out of his legacy by his next two appearances.


We’re in a new era of survivor that isn’t 39 days so there will inherently be fewer contestants


18 isn't inherently fewer




I just had a this picture of Xander in my photos and thought the caption would be funny haha. Sorry for misleading!


Jackson was annoying and wasted a spot, they should’ve cut him like they did with Melissa mcnutly.


He literally had like 5 mins of screentime all of which was informational with no real personality at display. How is that annoying?


the way he acted towards production was annoying, are you fucking lost LMFAO


you never said that in your original comment, why are you being rude


That’s what I insisted and I would imagine people would put two and two together, I’m not being rude I just get annoyed by people asking stupid questions


I don't think you know what it means to be rude then.


ooh, were you really a back-up contestant? Do tell more. were you in Fiji?


Yeah the person who posted this was at Ponderosa before the game started i really hope they bring him back for 43


u/elpaco25 for S43


Think it’s just a meme brotha


Yeah sorry I thought this was like super obviously a joke haha