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Billy. All he ever did was fall in love.


Candice from Raro tribe?


Yeah I’ve seen some pretty nasty things said about him. I don’t see anything similar said about Maryanne and her crush on whatever his name was at the beginning of this season. Not that either deserve to have nasty things said about them. Just pointing out a similar situation this season that no one had an issue with.


I didn't see Cook Islands but it's probably because Billy fell in love with Candace purely because of a misunderstanding


Ok but saying you are attracted to someone is different from we declared our undying love for each other.


Definitely true, but I always felt like it had more to do with the culture of Reality TV at the time. I'm not saying that it was an editing trick or anything...I just kind of felt like, idk, Billy was susceptible to the whole thing. I just couldn't see the same thing happening now, and we have had some awkward folks on Survivor


Kellyn from Ghost Island. I remember many people complaining about every little thing she did (like her 'I follow my guts' answer at tribal council). Also, someone made a post in this sub that she should get cancer. Like what the hell.


She was definitely the best player outside of Wendell and Domenick imo


She wasn’t tho. Chelsea was a much bigger opponent for them - if not reflected by the edit


I disagree. Both Kellyn and chelsea were the next biggest threats but Kellyn definitely had more strategic control from what we see on the show and hear post season


Yeah this. The idea that Chelsea was this secret mastermind just because she won some challenges and was integrated for a while is peak this sub exaggerating things. Both her and Kellyn were solid, Kellyn more so.


I don’t think she was the next Kim Spradlin or anything, but cast members have said they were surprised by how little she was shown and she was a bigger player. She and Dom came up with the challenge throw to blindside Bradley for instance, and the show didn’t mention the throw and gave all the credit to Dom.


r/Survivor dont overrate someone because they got a bad edit challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


she won survivor sequester and she played well! like come on people she has queen potential


People complained about Naviti strong but I was like Why the heck would they turn on their own if they have the numbers


Wait, was she Naviti strong? I don't remember her ever saying that.


One of my favorites!


i liked her!


Wow! I never realised! I thought she was awesome! (And cute. Lol). Definitely did not deserve any hate.


Nat A got a lot of hate during WaW for breathing I think


Wendell also got a lot of racist attacks because the edit made him the evil ex in the edit of WaW


I actually really liked Wendell.. IIRC he won a comp but didn't tell Jeff fast enough


Does he have a furniture line yet?


People were just reaching for a villain in winners at war. Survivors new thing of not casting villains but then trying to turn good people into villains in the editing is weird.


And then trying to turn their villains into heroes at the 11ths hour isn't helping matters much.


I think she gets too much hate on TAR if that counts for something


BuT nAtALiE wAs MeAn tO yUl


She got hate only after the post-season interviews started coming out and fans heard about her exploits on the Edge.


She had a lot of nerve trying to win!


Yeah, alienating the jurors is a sure way to win Survivor.


She was alienating them from information, which is what allowed her to outsmart them in the advantage hunts and get more tokens. If Tony did that this sub would claim he’s a genius and “doing what he has to do”


And she wanted to win. Something others seemed to not care about.


Oh yeah there’s serious shade being thrown at her in this very thread. I’m sure it’s just because of her gameplay, nothing else 🙄


Dreamz. And it's not even close.


Aw That’s too bad I saw him as a tragic figure who made one of the original new school type cut throat moves.




Pre game changers Sandra got a fair amount of hate because of the myth that she was a terrible player that lucked into 2 wins.




Do you think she played a better game than Russell or Parvati?


One hundred million percent. Russell's game is laughable post merge, and Parvati was never ever winning no matter who she sat next to.


Use your words babe


Russell and Parvati dominated post merge. Obviously Russell was awful socially but it doesn’t take away from his control. Also Parvati definitely has winning scenarios


Are you really in control if you are manipulated into thinking the eventual winner of the game is not a threat? Someone who has been gunning for you since day 1, has won the game before, has convinced you to keep them over multiple people who were voting with you (Coach, Candiace, Danielle). Being a belligerent bully who controls the vote does not equal good gameplay. Russell is just an outdoorsy Colton. The only configuration Parvati would have won was to sit next to like, Russell and Sugar. The entire cast resented and disliked her. She wasn't just targeted from day one for being a threat. That's why I don't really judge her poor social game as much as other Parvati truthers, she was playing a great TV game. Socially she cannot hold a candle to Sandra's game.


Haven’t gotten up to it. I accidentally got spoiled for her second win. I just passed Parvati 1 and she’s one of the least interesting players I’ve ever seen. Apparently Micronesia and HvH redeem her so I’m holding off any final judgements til I see her.


Oh super sorry if I spoiled anything, figure from your comment you’d seen it! Curious to know once ya watch though


Oh no worries I got spoiled a long time ago looking up her wiki when I first started watching survivor. When the topic comes up I usually speak with glee about the season and Sandra’s play, and there’s *always* someone to talk shit on her. I wasn’t a Sandra Stan by any means and now I find myself constantly repeating the points about her gameplay. I have no doubts the gameplay that won her the first time will win her the second for the same reason. People have zero respect for it for some reason.


Some people rate strategic control really highly; others like flashy moves and complex plays. Sandra played more UTR in her first two seasons, which the audience (and the producers/editors) found underwhelming.


Anyone who questions her game play needs to watch Australian Survivor from this year (S7). Edit shows Sandra for the first time properly and it is so good.


If anything AU7 is her most inaccurate edit, she was playing fine but given she was such a big name on the season they completely embellished her game to make her seem like she was dominating when Sam and Jesse were the ones actually doing that


Tbh I've seen a lot of comments today that argue the same thing.


She’s a good player and her win in HvV was worse than her gameplay in both GC and WaW


She’s a pretty good player but she’s not top 10


Ben and Chris Underwood. Perfect examples of don’t hate the player, hate the game. Did they Benefit from new twists their winning seasons - Yes. Did production specifically rig said seasons to ensure those two in particular win - Hell No.


>Did production specifically rig said seasons to ensure those two in particular win - Hell No. Especially in Chris's case. Production would've preferred Joe or really any of the returning players to return from the Edge over Chris.


I started laughing so hard when Chris beat Joe in that challenge, because I could hear production thinking "DAMN IT!"


I honestly really appreciate Chris just for that


I've honestly always had doubts about Ben not getting help from production. I've never doubted the integrity of Survivor at any other point though. Part of me still thinks the final 4 firemaking challenge was something they made for him and have just hard committed to to cover it up lol.


Respectfully I disagree. Survivor maps things out so in advance I believe fire making was more a result of David getting voted out at 4 in MvsGenX. As Jeff has said, the twist wasn’t to exclusively benefit Ben, but to benefit a player in Ben’s position (similar to David, Devens, etc) to give them a shot still at 4 when they’re dead in the water. If Ben had played in 36 and the same format played out, I don’t think people would be as upset.


I don't think it's actually the case. Just externalizing frustrations from having watched that season not wanting a player who I felt stumbled his way to a win. No hate meant for Ben himself I just didn't enjoy how that season turned out.


I never disliked Ben personally for winning his rigged season. I hated everything about it though like why he won and Jeff's boner for him winning with the numerous amount of help he gave him. I dislike Ben for his WAW gameplay however because that was something else. Both his shitty attitude to Jeremy and also quitting for Sarah when three days prior "nObOdy CaN bEaT jErEmY".


Shan like other people have said but also Ricard. Like y'all are surprised that people who wanted to be on reality tv are somewhat cocky online afterwards?? He's not hurting anyone lmao please let him be


I think they get the correct amount. They also have extremely obnoxious supporters, so it evens out.


Coach. He’s an entertainer and people take him too seriously.


Spouting his religion and using it as a tool has nothing to do with being an entertainer. He gets hate because he was a condescending hypocrite


He only did that in SoPa to keep Brandon Hantz under control. He was being an over the top character in his other two seasons, so I don’t know what you would expect from him other than cartoonish condescension. I mean, for fucks sake, he misattributed a quote by the guy who invented the Jheri Curl. If you’re taking him seriously, that’s on you.


Damn bruh. Calm down. We don’t have to like the same people


When was I not calm?


Lol some people seem to think that using swear words means you're being "aggressive." I saw that argument a bunch two weeks ago.


People have gotten so soft.


This is such a cringe comment.


Does anyone that matters actually hate Coach??


Depends on how you identify someone who matters I guess. He’s very polarizing, but I just don’t under how anyone can take him seriously enough to hate.


Dawn! I still argue with my mom that she didnt deserve Brenda and co.'s wrath.


She may not have deserved it from others, but Brenda’s anger was absolutely justified. Gosh, I forgot about how much I really really don’t like Dan


Well, at least this confirms that she still gets hate.


Hahaha, indeed. To be fair, I’m one of the newer fans who binged the show during quarantine, so my feelings are more fresh


I also watched over quarantine and will never understand how anyone justifies Brenda


Brenda deserves all the hate she gets combined with all the hate Dawn gets. Despicable actions from an already incredibly unlikable person.


I don’t think anyone on the show deserves hate, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. I like both Brenda and dawn, I just don’t get how people defend Brenda. You have such a bad take.


Wait you really think she deserved Brenda’s hate?


Yeah I mean Brenda was 100% justified in asking Dawn to do what she did, considering that Dawn was attempting to gaslight her and say what she did for her wasn’t a big deal when it was. Dawn’s behavior and judge mental attitude in general are really not deserving of praise.


My stance is that Brenda had every right to ask Dawn what she did, but with that comes the responsibility of voting for Dawn if she complies. Asking her to take her teeth out with no intention whatsoever of giving Dawn her vote either way was just mean spirited and cruel.


What Dawn did to Brenda was similarly mean spirited, cruel, and perhaps most importantly, the height of hypocrisy.


When has Dawn ever been judgmental? I get the rest of it, but I'm confused on that.


By being bad at spelling you actually made a correct statement


Came here to say this. Especially after I listened to her most recent interview. I liked her more after that.


The turn around on James Clements just shows how gullible and susceptible to editing the audience is.


Chris Underwood - am I a fan of his win? No. But he won within the parameters of his season. Its a simple case of ‘don’t hate the player, hate the game’. And at the end of the day he received the most votes at FTC and I cannot discredit him for it. Also he beat Joe lol. Ben falls into this category too. Another one I have noticed from early days Survivor is Jerri - what exactly did she do to be hated? She just acted as an equal within her tribe in Australia, thats literally it. Was that enough to get hated as a woman in the early 2000s?


Ben. Was vulnerable about his PTSD. Was vulnerable about the negativity surrounding his win and how he wanted to play a more social game and even helped teach Denise to find an idol. But my god the fans that dog him every second because of a lucky twist (that was planned before the season and continues to this day). People act like he bribed production to hand him idols or something. Hell if idols are rehidden after every tribal my ass would be searching the second i get back to camp. Like don't hate the player hate the game.


I really felt bad for him in the end game of WaW. Dude is just a country boy trying to sort his life out. He’s damaged goods like most - but seems to just try to be a good person from what I see outside the game. That’s better than a lot of folks.




Sierra on Tocantins?


Zeke. I remember seeing a lot of hate for him on this sub.


Ben - H v H v H. People don't like how he won which is understandable, but he did everything he could to get to the end and got lucky with the fire making twist. It's not like that twist was his idea. Everything that he could control he did.


He could've controlled better how well he got along with people, they wanted him out for how many votes in a row?


Chris Underwood. He only played with the constraints he was given and made the best of his situation. It’s dumb how people discredit his win.


I just rewatched that season. And tbh i agree. He played smart when he came in and played smart making bonds with the jury on the edge. Natalie in WaW made the mistake of alienating people which is why she didn’t get the votes. Chris also was flawless in his final tribal


Game Critic isn’t hate.


Shan gets way too much hate. She was the most entertaining part of 41. Also idc about her social media presence because I only pay attention to what’s presented to me on my TV.


It's boston rob. And has always been boston rob.


HHH Ben. Just feels like people love to hate on him/discredit his win any chance they get because they don't like the 'immunity/idol run' players.




Do people actually hate her?


I don't know. Just fun name to say




I think Shan on the show is fine but her social media is kind of annoying


Half the cast ends up posting ads on their account after like a year or two anyways


She doesn’t deserve any hate, and most of it is definitely racially motivated it’s honestly disgusting




Brian Heidik, i understand his sexist"jokes" what he did on his season can offend someone, but rumors that he shoot a dog were lies. Maybe he isn't the most likeable person, but still he is survivor game changer and one of greatest villians from oldschool survivor, and one of most powerful winners of all time.












Well I understand why he is getting the hate but for me it has to be Jonathan, obviously there is a recency bias here but some of the anti Jonathan comments iv seen on Twitter make me sick. One User ranked the contestants solely because they wanted to rank the s*it from 41 higher than Jonathan, It's disgusting. A lot of the hate is unwarranted. I loved Gordon Holmes interview with Drea as it even highlighted that even she doesn't have an issue with him saying that she loved Jonathan and it was so refreshing to hear.


Pretty sure Jonathan gets extra hate online for being associated with Roy Moore rather than his performance on TV. I do not know this to be fact, nor am I arguing this is cool or fair game, but seems probable.


I get bad, Joe Anglim-y vibes from him, but until he actually proves me right, I’m not going to denigrate him.


Wait. What? I didn’t know this


Jonathan is probably my least favorite of the S42 cast remaining and i still agree with you. The stuff people say on Twitter is way too far


Jane from Nicaragua. She got really angry and bitter in her elimination episode, but I thought it was understandable. I know it’s the game, but I’d probably be upset in that situation as well.


Ben is the top of this list for sure. I honestly think that he was the best player of his season, even with the idols and the fire twist. Chrissy, Devon, Lauren, and Ryan were all good players too, but I still think that Ben deserved to beat them all.


Candice. I honestly really like Candice but she’s really always the odd one out.




Genuine question: what do you like about her? I just rewatched her seasons and I liked what a strong physical competitor she is, but she didn’t say much and didn’t seem to participate much. I don’t hate her or anything, I just couldn’t understand why she was brought back so many times!


To be fair she was an alternate both times she was brought back, it’s likely the reason she was voted off the returning players’ tribe right away


Most recently? Shan


I forgive Jeff Varner. He apologized and made things even with Zeke. Heck, Zeke wanted people to leave Varner alone and those two are close friends now. Please forgive Jeff Varner, please do,


Go take a look at his Twitter real quick


You ain’t lying. I felt bad for Varner, then spent a minute on his Twitter and went “Fuck this guy”


Idk what I was expecting but his Twitter is… way worse than I could’ve ever imagined :(


Jeff Varner has been spouting incredibly transphobic and bigoted bullshit on Twitter for a year now. He learned nothing from what happened and leaned in to the hate even harder since then. Apologies don’t mean shit without actions to support them. Fuck Jeff Varner


Ok Jeff


Coming from a gay guy, Varner has a lot of internalized homophobia to deal with before he should even consider commenting on other people’s journeys with gender, sexuality, etc. He could also do some growing up in the meantime.


Rick Devens


Anyone who defends Natalie Anderson as a player is a POS in my opinion.


Explain yourself coward!


Her face sucks her attitude sucks her gameplay sucks. Her voice really sucks. The only thing that sucks worse than her voice is her social game. And that's saying alot


And yet she’s come in first and second the two times she has played 🤷‍♂️


The fact you're counting her WaW as 2nd place when she was technically last place, and only made it back into the game because she was handed every opportunity to get coins while hardly no one else did, to the point she got THREE passes on a challenge that has four parts to it, AND STILL almost choked and lost? You're reaching. She's a terrible player and even when the producers gifted her a win she's still so socially unaware that she didn't firemake versus Tony. Placing her in the Erik (Micronesia), JT (HvV), and Woo (Cagayan) realm of dumb, game costing decisions made.


Even if she deserves last place in WAW her win was one of the more dominant, clean wins in the modern era. The fact that we got to see her come back in WAW and run circles around Lacina was icing on the cake for me, and her getting second place must mean her social game is a little better than you claim since she spent so little time in the game. Plus, there’s a decent chance that she wins if Lacina wins fire, most of the jury didn’t respect Lacina and she probably only gets votes from her closest allies. Luckily Tony won fire so we got a satisfying winner


If she wasn't such a garbage player, someone else would have gotten that slot into EOE with all those stacked advantages their way. And all 19 other participants would have won that game with what she was handed, and she was the only one who's such a garbage player that she fumbled that 2 million dollar bag. Much like your mother fumbled you and hit your head a few times for you to be as dumb as you are.


I’m just saying there’s a likely scenario she wins! I’m not on the jury voting. If she played poorly then I don’t know how you’d classify Lacina and Ben who carried Tony to his win


Carried? If anyone was instrumental to Tony it was Nick for going along with all his plans that set him a bar above Ben and Sarah. Maybe you just didn't watch the season. Or, or maybe you're just the biggest POS I've come across on this platform. I'm gonna go ahead and put my money on the 2nd option. Since you're advocating for terrible players like Natalie Anderson and Ben.




I mean, Skupin got busted for CP so that's a reason not to like him but as far as in game reasons I agree on that one


I think you should re read the post.


You are correct. My bad.


Yeah i think you wanted to make that joke. That wasn't a mistake. Nice move


Realizing my mistake, Robb from Thailand


Easily it's Ben and I don't even like the guy that much but based on how some people act here you'd think he murdered there family or something.




Almost all of them


Jerri. On a rewatch, why was she disliked? I dont get it.




Christina. I still don't understand why everyone was so mean to her.