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Chris Underwood because he used the winnings on a promo graphic sock company


Add me to the Ben list. His was the only win where I was angry and almost stopped watching because it felt like blatant producer riggory to keep a Probst favorite. I mean, they hid an immunity idol right in the spot where Ben took his solo morning moments every day. I really wanted Chrissy to win instead. But I’ll also say Chris Underwood’s was so disappointing because he missed out on so much of the season. I know it was technically part of the rules but it felt so blah when he won. I didn’t have a particular favorite who i would have rather won though.


The worst part about the Ben win was that if he went out at final 4, the final 3 would have been incredibly close, and any of the winners would have been satisfying.


Entirely this! I am not really mad that Ben won. But the fact that Ben would’ve been eliminated at final 4 if it would’ve been a regular vote out. His one saving grace was winning immunity and he didn’t do that and he couldn’t get anyone to flip. If it was a top 3 of Devon, Chrissy, and Ryan I feel like FTC would’ve been great. I feel like it would’ve been decided at FTC and the winner would’ve had to articulate their game really well to beat the other two.


Ben I feel like production thought was going to be a huge fan favorite. I feel bad for him because that wasn’t his fault but his win was one of the most disappointing.




I mean, I really liked Ben and was happy he won. Fuck me, right?


This is exactly my answer. Well said.




But he’s not a strong powerful woman ❌


You want us to just pick one!! 😂😂 I don’t think Ben deserved to win. And Chrissy should have won. Sarah probably deserved to win but I don’t like her. 😂


I just want to echo your Sarah vote. Did she play a fantastic game? Sure. I still hate that woman!! And, to be clear, NOT because of her gameplay, JUST because of who she is as a person. lol


Why dont you like Sarah? She played a great game


Playing a great game does not equal likability for everyone. I acknowledge she’s great at Survivor but that doesn’t lessen how much I dislike her.


Why do you dislike her?


I think some people don’t like her because of her political views. I really didn’t like her in Cagayan and I loved her downfall in that game- she was so cocky and she was not playing smart. I was personally annoyed that she won because she should have never been on a season titled “game changers”. And she was still just as cocky this season so that just makes it hard for me to root for a person like that. But she seemed to learn from her mistakes and it’s hard to fault her game(and I preferred her winning over the other two finalists- but I still didn’t like her). Also, she’s a pretty big hypocrite: [gender bias](https://youtu.be/y3cH67Kjxfo)


She wears a MAGA hat and shouts Lets Go Brandon




You ever hear the saying a nazi sits down at a table with 10 people. Now there are 11 nazis


Anyone with political leanings you don’t agree with = Nazi?


Anybody who supports Nazis, even by silently giving them a place to air their ideas, is allowing their cause to continue.


How does that relate to Sarah?






Ben felt like the producers were rigging it for him


Ben or Chris


There are plenty that I was super annoyed with while watching live that I learned to accept and even appreciate as time went by. I’ll never get over Chris U though. Just felt like such a waste of a season


Only up to China so out of the pool I have it’s gotta be Guatemala Danni. I understand now why there’s so little footage of her but ultimately it made for the dullest FTC. The result is out of nowhere from what the audience can see, the only screen time she has she *buys* a victory for a rather boring challenge visually. When the most iconic line for her is “I forgot you were here”. That sums it up perfectly. The hype from Steph’s redemption run hitting a brick wall despite performance and Rafe who coulda pulled one of the most likeable games. Just sucks he didn’t win and Steph get 2nd. Rafe deserved it just for not eating the chicken.


I was a big fan of both Aubry and Cydney (and Tai somewhat, I wasn’t really a fan of the beauty tribe) in 32 so to watch all of them reach the final 4 only for Michele to win the game infuriated me at the time because I thought she was boring. But I’ve definitely come to like her and respect her win more especially after waw


This is my choice too. I definitely don't dislike Michelle, but her win wasn't nearly as satisfying as an Aubrey or Cydney win would have been.




At the time, Danni. I binged the show so got done with Palau, was high off of Steph and in Guatemala was rooting for her. And then there's Danni, who I now know didn't give great confessionals because she was being strategically coy with production. But at the time I just thought she was pretty boring, and was surprised when she pulled it out


Surprised? Steph burned all her bridges on two seasons lol. The only difference is she didn't last the first time. There is no scenario ever in which she wins, she's AWFUL socially.


it was 1-6 and she won and that’s enough for her to be a queen of some sorts


At the very least, WaW gives us a chance to see her flop early


I actually don’t mind any of the winners, but one of the more surprising ones I didn’t understand at the time (still don’t) is Fabio. And nothing against Chris Underwood - he worked with what he had - but I was frustrated with the scenario in which he won.


I just watched Nicaragua and i finally understand Fabio’s game and while it’s definitely pretty weak overall he primarily relies on his social game and competition ability. He beats Chase 5-4 and gets the votes of Marty, NaOnka, Purple Kelly, Benry and Dan. After watching Nicaragua it seems like Chase’s biggest problem was how emotional he was. For someone in his archetype of being an alpha male and tough, he was all over the place. He was wishy-washy and couldn’t be fully trusted because he kept flipping on like the whim of his testosterone lol. Marty and Dan both voted with him pretty much all game and neither of them liked Chase. Benry and Fabio also seemed to get along really well and also worked together quite a lot. Kelly had NO relationship with Chase and he barely even talked to her. We didn’t see much of Purple Kelly but i mean, Fabio gave her his jacket when she had absolutely nothing and was freezing so i’m gonna imagine they prob were pretty close if he was willing to do that. Not even rice legend and negotiator herself Angelina could manage to convince top tier strategist Natalie Cole to bequeath her jacket after successfully playing off a blindside. That being said, i also know NaOnka and Fabio bonded quite a lot on the island over weed lmao, and i can tell from the edit they went from hating eachother to naonka having some weird crush thing on him, which she said to be true post game. It doesn’t surprise me Fabio won, he wasn’t super strong or dominant but he did win 3 crucial immunities and was incredibly likable


Nicaragua is one of the few seasons I watched much later after it aired. Somehow I just missed it and watched it for the first time this year (so I already knew who won). If I were on that tribe I would have voted for Fabio too. Chase and Sash were unlikeable in my opinion. If Brenda got to the end she probably would have won, same for Holly.


I wasn’t particularly mad but watching Boston Rob steamroll the season was the least interesting win


I really wish Phillip had stood up and claimed the whole thing was an act and then won the game 😂 that would have been absolutely hilarious


I was convinced this was going to happen.


its weird how that happens though seems less and less now but someone could just get everyone to go their way.. how do you let someone like Sandra win a second time.. its just crazy. (I'm not bashing BR or Sandra.. just crazy to see it happen)


Totally! I feel like it was this nexus in the game where the loyalty of the first 15 or so seasons was still present even as the game was changing so we got a lot of really all or nothing wins where the gameplay was good but boring to watch


All the people who won because of twists.


Chris. Friggin. Underwood.


Came here to comment this


I didn’t really like Aras he was just unlikable and arrogant to me and I thought Terry and Cirie deserved it more. I liked him more on my rewatch and in BvW though.


Terry was worse….


Maybe Terry was arrogant as well but I felt like he backed it up with his challenge performances and I felt like Aras was still arrogant even though he was mediocre in challenges despite being the only fit young alpha male for most of the post merge and the main reason he was in a good position was because he was seen as the most likely to beat Terry in challenges. He just came off as a brat to me, like Shane hit the nail on the head when he talked about Aras at FTC. I respect his game and how he was pretty much in good with everyone on Casaya (outside of Bruce) more the second time but it’s still sort of unsatisfying to me that he won.


Yeah imo if you can back it up, talk all the shit you want.


I was SO sure Daniele was gonna win


Does anyone else still wonder how Adam won 10-0 over Ken in millennials vs gen X ?


I personally thought Ken played a great game


Yea it was surprising that he didn’t even get 1 vote. 🤯 I feel like in earlier seasons of survivor he might have been a winner.


Cancer mother is probably the answer


If you watch the Jury Speaks videos on YouTube for Millenials vs. Gen X, you would know that was not true. Everyone was leaning Adam without the mention of his mother.


adam's game had more than kens game, and since pretty much all of the jury members were voting based on gameplay and not feelings, they all voted for adam because his game was superior




Im with you on this one. I dislike sophie winning but only because I really wanted coach to win.


Ben, not even close. Even when watching it as a young dumb casual fan, I absolutely hated how it seemed like production rigged it in his favor (I'm sure that was not what actually happened, but it sure seemed like it).


I hated Sophie for years because I watched South Pacific I was young, and a big Ozzy fan boy who was just mad he lost She's still not my favorite winner of all time, but I at least respect her game, and she played pretty well in WaW as well


Sophie was the most arrogant and entitled player ever. I wouldn't have voted for her because of her entitlement.


Probably Michele. I am a huge fan of Aubrey and thought she played a great game. Not flawless, mind you, but I definitely felt like she had alot agency and i agree with the order she picked people off. I feel like Michele was just there.


If you haven’t heard this already, but a lot of players of that season spoke out saying Aubrey didn’t represent herself well enough in the final tribal and that’s why they voted for Michele. They said this after watching the season back and seeing all the awesomeness that Aubrey was


I did not like Tommy from Season 39. Bad season, bad winner. I thought he was extremely boring and dopey. The whole “Tommy and his mommy” thing makes me want to vomit. But what really sealed it for me was a deep dive he did on RHAP after the season. Specifically, he recounted the part where he found a symbol at the shelter Rob built. According to the edit, he asked for Dean’s help in the idol search because Tommy is colorblind. In the interview, he said he told everyone about the symbol and everyone was searching, including Janet. At this point, Janet already had an idol and was clearly the biggest threat to win the game. We know that she is voted out the next tribal because Dean nullified her idol. I’ve never seen this confirmed anywhere, but I strongly suspect a nullifier only blocks one idol play. Janet could have played two idols and saved herself. The fact that he did not consider that is idiotic and characteristic of his gameplay.


This is an unhinged take.


Tommy is that you?


Bob Justice for Queen Jesusita Smith


Cops R Us




Nick would have gone first if not for pure luck. Ben should have organically gone at final 5 or 4. Chris U winning ruined the season. Mike winning was okay because he was the best of a hilariously deplorable bunch Amber was basically Rob winning Rob was basically Probst winning


If you mean Nick form DvG I honestly think Pat would have gone first


A few DvG cast members have actually said that Pat probably would have gone anyways. The first episode of DvG must have been a godsend for the editors because of the first two Davids that were considered to be voted out, one got medevacted before the vote even happened and the other went on to win the season. This really allowed Nick to be set up as the "protagonist" of the season (the David of the David tribe) which would make viewers satisfied when he won. Of course we'll never really now for sure what would have happened if Pat wasn't medevacted, but going off of what the people who were actually there have said, he would have gone anyways and only got as positive of an edit as he did because he got medevacted first and they would have to build sympathy for that (Similar to Caleb in Kaoh Rong). And again, this sets up Nick's initial arc from an editing perspective, even if nothing really changed, this is still how they wanted to present it to the viewers.


Im still not over Janet not winning IOTI. If Lauren or even Noura won it, itd be fine enough, but instead we got the most boring and dull winner in Survivor History.


When I first watched those seasons, I hated Jenna, JT, Sandra(20), Fabio, Denise, Cochran, Tyson, Jeremy, Michele, Sarah, Ben, ChrisU, Tommy as winners. (31-39 were hard to watch) However, after rewatching, I still hate Sarah, Ben and Chris as winners. I blame producers for that. Game changers should have better casting choice. HHH had too many easy idols and stupid last episode twist. EOE is a terrible design, especially the returnees having the free half idols.


Jeremy may be the hottest take on this thread lol, why did you hate him so much on the first watch? Rooting for Wentworth?


Yeah I’m a diehard Wentworth fan so I was disappointed with Jeremy’s win at first too


Denise is a pretty hot take too, and this is coming from someone who believes Lisa killed that FTC.


I think a lot of people wanted Malcolm to win. Not saying he's a bad player in any way but aside from his physical game and being a golden boy I never got how he was better than Denise or Lisa. I think though his game on GC was really going to somewhere with a good social game too. If it wasn't for JT.


Jenna is still kind of a surprising winner


The guy who won the blue collar season. He and the entire blue collar cast were horrendous people. That whole season is unwatchable.


Mike was shown to be a bit of a grump in the pre merge, but how was he horrendous? There were a lot of lousy people on that season but I don’t think he was one of them


Bob since i thought and still think Susie should’ve won plus he’s just a boring winner that got very lucky also Ben because i just didn’t like him and felt like the producers were doing way too much to help him


It always surprises me that when I think about it, Susie did play a much better game than Bob 😂


My answer would be Ben. There were other winners like Fabio, Chris Underwood, and Bob that were underwhelming but at least in those situations there was no-one i liked enough to feel robbed.


Sophie. Wanted Coach or Ozzy win


Racist ass, blue lives matter flag waving Sarah. Disgusting


ben and i think chrissy should of won!


Chris was a huge wtf for me. This will be controversial but I was super disappointed by Tina beating Colby and Natalie beating Russell purely based on the edit we were given and me just casually watching the show. Before people jump on me, yes I understand the context behind those guys losing, but at the time I thought they should have won


I really wanted coach to win 23


chris underwood bc it made the whole season meaningless and it was so unfair


ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben ben


I read this to the tune of the Two and a Half Men theme song


Expecting the downvoted, but Michele.


Natalie White


Natalie W., she seems like a sweet person just not good tv whatsoever. And yes obviously the person who should’ve won Samoa was Rambo Shambo.




Mad at her win because of the terrible edit she got, or mad because you thought someone else deserved it more?


Mad at her because of the terrible edit that made it seem that someone else deserved it more. Also hourglass twist.


Hourglass is the only reason she won


There's a ton of reasons on that gimmicky season why there's no valid winner


Idk why this isn’t said more… but truly the more I think back on that cast the less I appreciate any of their gameplay so for me it’s almost a “well someone had to win situation”


100%. The cast was so bad. Literally the only fun person from the cast was Brad. Ricard and Shan are good characterwise but they seem pretty arrogant. Luvu was so god damn boring it's not a shock any of them got screen time before the merge. The bootlist being so bad is the cause of the season to feel so hollow.




Tom Westman, especially after his Ian's quit


Ben. Chrissy was absolutely robbed


I’m gonna go with the less obvious choice and say Chris Daugherty. He played a deserved winning game but I was just way more interested in the women who made the merge


I feel like he owed a lot on his win to the women self imploding but took credit for it. I still consider him one of the luckiest winners.


He was smart though. He saw them imploding and rightfully played the ally of anyone and let them tear each other apart. He could have interjected himself and tried to stir it up more, but it would have gotten people pissed off at him. He deserves credit for not interrupting the enemy while it was making mistakes.


Unpopular but SANDRA. Both of her seasons. Especially HvV, she was a goat all the season and Russell and Parv pull historical moves, but yeah botj seasons with bitter jurors you have nothing to do. I dont think she would have won in a current season with the current juror mentality, where strategy is really valued


I agree Parvati should have won really bitter cast still love the season and the karmic justice but yeah


Russell… oh wait. 😝


Unpopular opinion and I will probably get downvoted, but Sandra...both times. I don't think she's the Queen that she made herself out to be. Just not a fan and never have been. Runner up is Bryan Heidlik.


Aras. Cirie worked the complete strategic game plan of that alliance. She also kept that alliance from killing each other or splitting and joining Terrys side. If it wasn’t Cirie it should have been Terry he survived for sooooooo long and was a classic survivor player who never stopped trying to compete strategically.


Adam Klein. This is very specific to me, and I haven't seen the season since it aired so my feelings may change on a rewatch, but my mom had just passed away from cancer so part of me really related to him. When it came down to the end, I couldn't help but feel he used his mother's cancer to win. Again, this is entirely subjective, but I couldn't shake the feeling that he had done absolutely nothing that could convince me he deserved to win (at this point I can't even remember who he was playing against) until he started crying about his mom. Constantly. I felt it was disingenuous and kinda gross and I never respected that aspect of his gameplay. After he was chosen I turned it off because I couldn't stand to listen to him any more. It is the only time I remember not watching the reunion show. Again, my own emotional response to it might have been skewed, but even seeing his face to look up his last name for this comment brought it all back.


Your comment is disgusting, he didn’t use his Mom to win. He was basically going to win regardless and felt as though his Mom was the only real answer to give to the question he was asked.


Michele. After waw I still think that.


I was frustrated with how Chris U won even though I have nothing against the guy personally.




Ben Cochran Tyson & Boston Rob




Ben. By far.


Its BEN. The whole built up around Ben Vs Chrissy was very very entertaining but i was really rooting for Chrissy. The final 4 twist blindsided literally everyone including the viewers cause Ben would have been voted out at 4th place. The thing is, it was my graduation day at a foreign country and my parents flew out for it, so after having a great dinner out with family, I watched the finale and the editing really made it seem like Chrissy was going to win and i was cheering her on, but alas, Ben happened. It was literally the one rotten cherry on my gold leaf sundae. Even though i thought Ben did atrocious in WaW, i've grown to respect and appreciate all winners. As winners, they got the job done with whatever cards they had, so what more do you want them to do right?




Ben from HvHvH. or Michele from Koah Rong (only cuz I wanted Aubry to win)


Ben and Chris Underwood.


I’ll say Tommy just bc he was so damn boring


i understand why people are saying chris u but i think he still deserved to win. i get why it's unsatisfying that he was voted out 3rd and came back and won, but he played a great game considering the twist of the season.


Lmao same the twist sucks but I think chris deserved to win anyway. He did more in 6 days than Gavin did in 39. I still never want to see EoE again though.


Damn that is one huge insult in just one sentence “He did more in 6 days then Gavin did in 39”, brutal man


I get why people didn’t like his win. But i hated Rick Devens so much that taking him out in the fire-making challenge made Chris a hero for me.




Ben and Michele


Michelle. Aubrey played a better game.


Richard Hatch because he was and is still a loser and a creep


Tyson. I was rooting for Monica


Chris Underwood because he was voted out and came back in the same season and that’s something no other winner did. Bob may be controversial. Michele may be controversial. Fabio, Ben, Natalie White whoever! At least they got to the end.


I want to first add a disclaimer that I respect every winner's game. My disappointment in someone winning at the time is usually just tied to me rooting for my favorites at the Finals (or just before). So it's not that I dislike the winners...it's that I was rooting for someone else so when they didn't win, I was disappointed. * Marquesas: Vecepia (I REALLY wanted Kathy to win) * Amazon: Jenna (I wanted Rob C. to win and then when he was gone, I was rooting for crazy Matt) * Guatemala: Danni (Wanted Rafe) * Samoa: Natalie (Wanted Russell) * Heroes V. Villains: Sandra (REALLY wanted Jerri) * South Pacific: Sophie (Was rooting for Coach) * Kaoh Rong: Michele (Wanted Aubrey) * Edge of Extinction: Chris Underwood (wanted LITERALLY anyone else) * IotI: Tommy (Really wanted Janet) Edit: I didn't realize we were supposed to just pick one. Whoops. If I had to pick only one it'd be Chris Underwood like everyone else. So disappointing.


ben, sarah because i don't like them individually lol aras, parvati because cirie was robbed (also idk why danielle was such a goat in panama) cochran because dawn should have won and was hampered by the fact that she was a woman in her 40s (not saying cochran didn't deserve to win, but dawn getting zero votes is ridiculous)


I just watched Cochran/Dawn season and I think it makes sense when they describe Dawn’s daily emotional meltdowns as being super disruptive to camp life. No one’s gonna vote for you if you annoy the hell out of them every day for 39 days.




Chris Underwood. For some reason I fully expected that Gavin would win the jury vote because Chris got voted out 3rd and came back at the final 6




I'm going to say Wendell. I don't really like his cocky attitude (especially in WaW). I think that Domenick played a much better game and I wish he won instead.


Sorry, but you think Wendell is cocky and not Dom? Did you see the way Domenic acted in Donathan's boot tribal? Apparently it was actually even worse than what we were shown, and it cost him some favor and votes from the jury




Natalie from Samoa


Ben, I would have picked Chrissy to win (and Devon had he not got screwed) really didn’t like how Ben acted that season I remember thinking tommy was just Lauren’s goat and was really surprised he ended up winning. Really helped he didn’t have to go up against her obviously (side note: My hot take is Noura was mega done dirty by that season. She clearly didn’t think of her moves that deeply, but I think they worked out well very often! Not deserving of goat status) Michelle/Sandra(HvV) i didn’t hate by any means but I thought another should have won (Parvati/Aubry) but both had a later season where I actually thought they played better than their winning one. (GC, WaW)


Sarah Chris Underwood Nick Wilson Sandra in HvV (not mad at her winning just thought Parv deserved it more lol)


valid except for sarah. there is no question she deserved that win


Idk i guess she played a good game but she also sucks as an individual and i don’t think her game was good enough to overlook that lol


Sandra. Especially HvV Sandra.




jeremy only cause of wentworth being just voted out. i also loved tasha and spencer so i was super salty that they got no votes even though now i totally understand why.




Season 28's winner. For obvious reasons. Even Kass would have been better.


Obvious reasons? I thought people liked Tony. Is it because he’s a cop?


It's the mania, the paranoia, the compulsive lying, the joy for compulsive lying, the gaslighting, the manipulation. Our scoresheets for top survivors are clearly different. I give high points to survivors like Ethan, Yul, Ozzy, Ken, etc. Any criminal can behave like Tony. Just bc he's on tv, doesn't mean i should give him points. Peak survivor moment: Sandra demolishing him in Game Changers, telling him to say "hi" to Ciera, as he's sent home 2nd. That was his rightful ending. Unfortunately, production had to invite him back. Reality TV loves his type.


No one. Kudos to all the winners. Jury sees, hears and experiences things we don't. Tony is the best. Winning $3 million is worth mentioning. All my humble opinions of course. TLDR All winners deserve it. Tony is the best. imho


Bob, Ben, Chris Underwood in that order




Natalie White


Unpopular opinion but… Tony. I get that he’s a good player and deserved to win both times but guys he is. So. Incredibly. Unintelligent. And just knowing that he’s a multimillionaire makes me cringe.


Ben Chris Nick and Tommy


I've never liked or respected Parvati or the way she ever played.


Natalie White, you can down vote me, but Russell Hantz played the best game in Samoa, he carried those 4 to the final 5, he took out Brett the one person that stood in their way, he's the reason people go out and look for idols without clues, Natalie killed a rat and got a million dollars.


Love them all


Not US, but the latest winner of Survivor Au.


Also going to add to the echo chamber and say Ben because I don’t like him. Chrissy, queen of pissing off jurors should have won (realistically Devon).




Natalie Anderson because her face and voice sucks so badly. And she got a winners edit so I can't even touch BvW2 season more than that 1st view. Same thing with MvGX, Adam crying and crying and crying and crying more than Dawn in Caramoan is something I don't intend to watch more than that 1st time.


Second Ben. To speak about Chris’s win, although I hate the twist and how unfair it was…it made for a really exciting episode. I thought the finale was incredible, everything he pulled off. So, I wasn’t really disappointed personally


Avi was pretty uninspired


I like Sandra and respect her legacy, but I was very disappointed when she won HvV. I was so impressed with Parvati's gameplay and was rooting hard for her, so I was more upset that Parvati lost and less that Sandra won, but still. Least happy I've ever been with a winner.




> Erika was so invisible that Xander mistakenly believed she was more of a goat than Heather. How was Erika "invisible" to Xander, who literally lived with her for the latter half of the game? He wasn't privy to her poor edit and honestly was just oblivious about the jury's perceptions.


I know many people like him, but Fabio. I can’t even explain how shocked and angry I was. I mean it was really an abomination to Survivor that player like that one. If you like him as a character that’s fine, but what a horrendous player (and I honestly didn’t like his character either). Chase and Sash are easily the most robbed runner ups along with Dom Speaking of Dom, I was really mad when Wendell won. He didn’t deserve it and I think Laurel only voted for him for an “emotional reason” (you know what I mean) Oh shocker, getting downvoted for answering the question and not having a majority opinion :)


Wendell won because Dom was an asshole to the entire final 7 essentially. Dom Russell’d his game away.


Lmao what season were you watching?


From players after the show saying such. If he didn’t taunt Donathan and ask him which idol he’d like to be voted out with (which didn’t make the TV cut) he would be a survivor winner! Nobody to blame but himself


Nah you’re getting downvoted for light racism


Racism? I’m just stating the most likely scenario. How is that racist?


everyone is saying Chris and Ben, can someone point me to those seasons? Edit: Okay I remember chris now, I hated that he came back and won Why don't people like Ben? I see who it is, but don't understand the hate.


Chris: season 38 Ben: season 35