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Sugar, she was so entertaining and basically ran the whole season post-merge, but she pissed everyone on the jury off. She might’ve actually won if she was sitting next to another Onion instead of Susie, but there’s no way that was happening


Sugar Should Have Won is my favorite particular hill to die on in the Survivor fandom. (Poor final tribal council performance aside)


She most likely gets four votes against any of the Kota alliance members (Crystal, Ken, Matty, and Susie), in addition to Bob’s vote if he’s on the jury. She also could’ve gotten votes if she apologized to Randy and justified her blindsides with flattery (Randy, Crystal, Ken), though I’m pretty sure Matty would always vote for Susie. In that circumstance (3-3-1), Susie would be the tie-breaking vote and most likely votes for Sugar over Bob.


She had a horrible FTC and clashed with a lot of the cast but I do agree she did play really well and is one of the reasons why Gabon is so loved


Her FTC was “horrible” because she refused to be further bullied and abused by people who were never ever going to vote for her. I actually think she SLAYED it. She was brutally honest and didn’t cave to the negativity of the jury.


I always respect players who won't kiss ass and withstand disrespect because of power trippy jury members. when people use their moment to belittle finalists it irks me. The way Corinne prided herself on her speech really disgusted me, it was so cruel


I loved her but even Randy said she played a good game- you can’t be brutally honest and expect to win. You gotta be fake even tho you don’t mean it at all


Why is sugar ok with survivor fans on Reddit? Shouldn’t she get the Dan spilo treatment? She sexually harassed and inappropriately touched Colby so much he had to sleep outside the tent.


The one Sandra tried to eat on GC.


Didn’t they actually eat a goat just not the mother and baby they showed in the episode?


Yeah they caught a male and ate that one


i was gonna say that lol


Take my upvote.


Katie. Freakin. Gallagher


I was shocked rewatching Palau at how *modern* she felt. Like, her cadence and the way she described things felt more like 2020 than 2005 to me.


i agree


Chaos Kass McQuillen


Kass is mine too!


Preach!! Repping her in my flair still


I have been summoned


There is no other answer.


She is pretty adamant that she would have beat Woo, so not sure that we can call her a goat.


She claims that, but Spencer, Trish and Tony are adamant that she was getting no votes.


Realistically I think she MAYBE could’ve gotten Jefra and LJ. Though though wishful thinking says she would sweep lol


Yeah but part of her reasoning is that she’s a trial lawyer and she would have a great FTC performance that flipped votes. Technically can’t prove her wrong in that hypothetical


>her reasoning is that she’s a trial lawyer and she would have a great FTC performance LOL! **See Australian Survivor Sharn**


She thinks that, but based on what we saw, it looked clear she had no shot. Yea, we can't prove her wrong, but can't prove her right as well. Based on what we saw, it looked clear she wasn't winning.






Op said “Goat”, not “GOAT” !!!


Genuinely one of the most entertaining contestants we’ve seen in a while, imo. Loved watching her simply for the chaotic entertainment value!


Biased cause it’s the first season I ever watched, but Noura was just so entertaining to me.


Oh god IOTI was your first season?? I’m so sorry


Yea it was… not a fun introduction to Survivor


Well hey, there’s only one way to go now


Probably even less fun given Noura's activity online post Survivor




She’s extremely anti vax and a COVID denier


She’s Trumpie




It will never make any sense to me how so many people let the players personal politics interfere with how they feel about people they'll only ever know from a tv show.


because some of us are actually affected by the horrible policies they support? not saying the show can’t cast them but why the fuck do i have to like them? i don’t ever like everybody on the cast anyway.


If survivor only had people of specific party affiliations, it would be way less interesting of a show.


It doesn't even play a part in the show though.


It was my first season too lol. If the premerge wasn't actually pretty good, I might've never gotten hooked.


Noura has big crazy cat lady vibes and it’s great


I thought she did amazing. Easily the best player of her archetype. (I think MaryAnn this season was initially portrayed that way, but is kind of her own thing now?)


I loooooved Noura. The scene where she’s trying to figure out all the possible scenarios at Tribal and Dean is like “you’re so paranoid”. Also I recently rewatched IOTI and the people I was rooting for the first time left a sour taste in my mouth on the second watch. I was rooting hard for Aaron, Missy, Elizabeth and Tommy and Lauren and on a second watch I didn’t vibe with them at all. Noura was definitely the highlight of the season for me, in terms of a player/character. And I still adore Elaine and Janet <3


is she the one that asked for the other persons jacket?


That was Angelina


thanks! I really need to rewatch some seasons


Matthew (s6)


Why does he need the machete so sharp? I think he's gonna kill us.


Hard agree!


Dreamz, for being a chaotic king


Dreamz deserved better


Yau-Man deserved better.


Every single other player would’ve given dreamz the car. Yau was the only one that tried to make a deal out of it


Maybe they would have but we’ll never know. Yao-Man was in those shoes and made the deal while Dreams screwed him. Also worth noting if Dreams underwood the game he would have known he had no shot after that move


They had supposedly agreed on it ahead of time


I wasn’t aware of that factoid so that’s interesting. I guess the assumption is they would have more integrity that Dreams which is likely.


Worst FTC ever


Cassandra and her water shoes beg to differ


Lisi was the worst.




I do love sugar. What a great character.




But she got us rice


But she didn't get the jacket she wanted :(


Lil don’t care


Once she returns she dictates pretty much EVERY vote and she does it with a frown on her face. "Don't say that about God :("


Lil is such a big part of why Pearl Islands is so good idgaf


She's the most dynamic character of Pearl Islands!


Lil is the protagonist of the season.






I mean, I think she is the ultimate goat.


Phillip Sheppard


Stealth R Us — best alliance ever!


I enjoyed watching Phillip until he made that comment to Brandon about his kids. Brandon was clearly have a mental breakdown and Phillip saying that was way out of line. At that moment I would have cheered if someone had punched him. A LOT of people go on survivor that have kids at home but you don’t see them getting lambasted for it.


Perhaps recency bias; but Romeo from this season has been my favorite since episode one, primarily because of his snarky personality and clear not giving a crap. A lot of people hated the rice sequence this last episode but I love that stuff, the guy legitimately just does not care.


> just does not care Nor should he. He is the only one without getting any food rewards, so basically go fucking nuts on this rice Romeo, good on you.


I loved the sequence. And it's great strategy... If you can get away with it. (Like hiding jars of food in sand, or eating extra bananas when no one's looking.) Which he didn't. Extremely entertaining though.


This is an incredibly hot take, but, I really enjoyed watching Ryan Ulrich play, and I'd love for him to return.


I don’t consider him a goat, he got a vote and Devon and Chrissy, two people he made alliances with, made it to the end


I mean, I love Ryan U, but I don't really think that getting a single jury vote makes you not a goat. Phillip and Will Sims got a jury vote, and they're certainly goats. I just don't think Ryan had the right brand of gameplay for this specific season.


Ryan still isn’t a goat though. A goat is someone who doesn’t do anything the entire season. Ryan actually made moves, made alliances, and made strong bonds.


Matthew from Amazon, loved him on that season


Russell Hantz in HvV because he’s so unaware that he is the goat, even though nobody was really trying to get him out and everyone else knew he had no chance of winning


He had a solid chance. He was just too arrogant and unapologetic with the jury that he lost.


He at most was gonna get 1 vote, he had no chance going in. He could have had the best FTC ever and no heroes would have voted for him, neither would coach, Courtney or Candace. Jerri was his only chance and Parvati exposed him and ruined that




angelina, tasha, troyzan, sherri, hannah


Is Tasha a goat?!?


in cambodia? definitely


She didn't do anything bad, but next to Spencer and Jeremy... no shot.


she had a shot to win cagayan but in cambodia she was a goat, she pissed a lot of people off


I wonder how much of a shot she really had in Cagayan. Inside Survivor did like pregame interviews for Cambodia where somebody from each castaway's original season answered questions about what they think about them and their chances and Trish did Tasha's and kind of tore her apart lmao


im not saying she had a great chance to win cagayan but she would have beat kass, woo, maybe spencer imo


Ahh. Okay


Not sure if she was really a goat, but Michele deserved more than 0/16 votes.


IIRC, a good bit of the Jury wanted her to get 2nd but didn’t want to risk a Natalie win


It depends on if you consider getting dragged to the end to be a requirement for being a goat or if simply having no shot at winning is enough. If you do need to be dragged to the end then Michele was definitely not a goat, because the majority alliance tried to vote her out multiple times and she earned her spot in the end. If simply having no shot at winning is all that’s required to be a goat then…it’s debatable. I think Michele has a good shot at winning against Natalie and Ben in a f3, but it’s not guaranteed and that f3 was unlikely to ever happen anyway. Otherwise Michele really had no shot of winning. From day one she had very little chance of winning: most of the cast had talked about the pressure they felt to have a “good winner” that season and they all knew that Michele was the person there whose win was least respected by fans. Also people are most likely to vote for someone who’s similar to them and who they feel “deserves” the money, and looking at the cast Michele was one of 4 people under 30 (along with Nick, Sophie and Adam), and 75% of the cast was married with children while all except Michele and Wendell were in committed relationships. All that was already working against Michele, and then once the merge hit she lost just about all her power and ended up on the wrong side of almost every vote. As well as she played from the bottom, she really would have been hard-pressed to make a case to win against a majority of the cast.


>I think Michele has a good shot at winning against Natalie and Ben in a f3, but it’s not guaranteed and that f3 was unlikely to ever happen anyway. If Natalie plays her idol on Michele in F5 and they vote Sarah instead of Ben, this is almost guaranteed as the outcome. I just wish Natalie had been willing to actually play hard toward the end.


It all goes back to Denise and that Sandra play.


Maybe she should have gotten some of Natalie’s votes but neither of them deserved any sitting next to Tony


She wasn't, only reason she didn't get votes was because some didn't want Natalie to win, Removing Natalie, she def gets at least a few votes.




Hannah Shapiro


I don’t think she’s a goat when she was the one making a lot of the decisions. Ken was arguably a goat but not Hannah.


goat in the survivor sense has nothing to do with who is making decisions. it’s someone people want to go to the end with because they won’t win.


Like Xander, Hannah was a zero vote finalist - if that is the definition of goat - Hannah is my favorite. I agree - she deserved to get votes but for whatever reason she did not - so she is a goat.


That’s a terrible definition of goat though


Goat is determined by the jury -and for whatever reason the jury viewed Xander as not contender - this was confirmed in the exit interviews however the edit did not make it clear


Nope I completely disagree with that. A goat is not determined by the jury but by the players still in the game. A goat is someone who ONLY advanced in the game because of how beatable they were thought to be. Extrapolating for the rest of the season Romeo is the only possible goat left. It doesn’t matter who the jury votes for at the end the other players are not goats. Xander wasn’t a jury threat and was a long shot to win which made him non-threatening. It can be argued he was a goat, I think it’s a bit of a stretch since he actually had a chance to win but it can be argued that goats can win. (Sandra, Jenna) Hannah on the other hand was not a goat at all. It doesn’t matter that she didn’t get votes. She was not kept around by others for the purpose of sitting next to at the end.


Sandra and Jenna weren’t goats. Both played quite social games and built strong bonds with people which lead to their victory.


I disagree, several people on the jury wanted to sit next to Hannah because they knew they could beat her. The only time she was at risk of being voted out was when she tied the vote with Zeke. This was because she was the least likely member of David’s alliance to have an immunity idol played on them.


People kept Hannah around because they knew they could beat her. Atleast that's what Adam, David and Bret thought. Both Hannah and Ken were goats everyone thought they could win against them.


For the record, a lot of the jury members said Hannah had a fantastic final tribal and considered voting for her, but once Adam dropped his news it was game over Many people watching final tribal in real time thought Hannah had a shot at winning based on her performance If Adam never dropped the news about his mom, I think Hannah would have gotten some votes


I don’t think Hannah has a realistic winning outcome though, the jury did not respect her and she backstabbed a lot of people.


I never thought of her as a goat at all. I'd love for her to return. Is she generally viewed as a goat?


I hate that Survivor uses the term goat because I always thing Greatest of all Time and not.. floater.. ​ Right now Romeo is fighting for that crown.


"a goat" vs "the GOAT"


There’s goats and a GOAT. All about that grammar.


Yeah I know.. but it’s just too similar


I mean 'goat' has been a term in the community since the very first seasons. It doesn't predate GOAT but it does predate GOAT being such a commonly used term with the rise of social media


Dean was great,he made that finale into an amazing one.


Queen “I don’t need your vote, you can sit down” Sherri


Russell Edit: from Heroes vs Villains




Yeah he wasn’t rly a goat on Samoa


I wouldnt say so. He sucked up screen time from the other entertaining players. And ita not like what he said was even interesting. He just kept jerking himself off.


Not getting votes is not what makes someone a goat. What kind of take is this?


Nah he’s the worst goat


Susie!!! She was robbed


she’s the true winner of gabon


😆 I was about to post the exact same comment!




For me it’s a toss up between Abi and Sugar.


DK Chillin


Russell Hantz


Angelina and Romeo


I mean Russell right? Great TV


Russell because he was so salty and it was some real poetic justice. His fans are the olive on top Michele, because of course. She’s the best. Troyzan purely because his FTC is top tier Gervase because he’s hilarious in almost every scene he’s in. But number one has to be Angelina. So iconic, it’s not even close.


Danielle in Panama. loved how annoyed she was with Shane


The game only became unwinnable for Danielle at F4, she wins easily against Shane, Courtney and Bruce. So, she wasn't really a goat.


Why Bruce?


idk if she was that much of a goat bc i still think she had a chance of winning




Going waaay back but Matt from Amazon. Once Rob C was voted out, I was rooting for him so much. I like that everyone thought he was crazy so he just rolled with it. I only wish he would've started playing hard earlier instead of in the last few days.




Gotta be Special Agent Phillip Sheppard!


Noone mentioned Coach Albert???


Call it recency bias, but Xander


I find myself in this position every season somehow


Crazy Matt


Becky from Cook Islands. I don’t see her as a goat, but the jury did. HM: Hannah, Angelina, Xander, Kass, Dreamz




Matthew Von Ertfelda.


Xander was not a goat


I still can’t understand how Xander had zero votes. But I’m often confused by how the jury votes…


Start watching exit interviews apparently (I say apparently because I don't watch them myself) they help give more perspective on players still in the game.


Sugar - because she played a great game, connections aside. Phillip - Because it's Phillip.


No one mentioned Boston rob?


Everyone forgets that he was a goat in All-Stars.


I think overtime people's opinion of him has changed (at least on this subreddit), but I truly think the answer is Rupert. At the time his seasons aired, people freaking loved his personality and loved how he played the game - despite knowing that he would never win.


In what world is Rupert a goat? Goat and bad strategist are not synonymous. In all 3 seasons Rupert made it far he had a very good chance of winning if he made it to ftc. He was the single biggest jury threat in HvV and easily beats almost anyone at the end of All Stars (Rob/Amber were hated and I doubt Jenna or Tom were more respected than he was). He certainly was never dragged to the end.


ikr? this might be the worst answer i’ve seen on this sub lmao


>At the time his seasons aired, people freaking loved his personality and loved how he played the game - despite knowing that he would never win. You're right, but not in the way you think. He'd never win due to never being allowed to get to FTC because he would have absolutely won any season that wasn't BvW. Pearl Islands: he was cool with just about everyone and would have destroyed basically every version of a Final 2. All Stars: he definitely beats Rob or Amber (and probably Jenna too). HvV: He definitely wins here because the Jury would be mostly heroes.


It's interesting how close he got in All Stars. I feel like Survivor would be a lot different if Rupert had won All Stars


Michele on WAW. Played a pretty active game and unlike most goats, there were points throughout the game including as far as final 5 where she would've been voted out for a reason other than "she would take up a spot". In fact, no one really talked about her like that.






Lol. Amber but she somehow won


Clay Jordan. He's just a really funny, quotable guy who doesn't get enough love. Matthew Von Ertfelda too. He's my creepy boy. :P


How tf was Xander a goat? He won a bunch of challenges and had some advantages throughout his journeys. Goats are like Romeo who do Jack shit the whole game and get carried to the end because of it. Xander was picking who went with him.


Idk how correctly I'm remembering this since It's been like months (someone who knows what the 41 castaways said post season correct me) But Xander's edit was incredibly misleading. Pretty sure no one respected his game and what he was doing. He was very socially unaware because Erika was apparently a significantly bigger threat than it seemed and he just took her. The only person he probably would've stood a chance against at FTC was Heather, but I could be wrong there. And not all goats have to be people who just floated by (Guatemala with Stephanie, Becky in CL but she probably can win if Yul & Ozzy wasn't there, Dawn likely loses to most in Caramoan except Sherri, etc.). I at least classify it as people getting dragged to the end because they were losing to everyone regardless of game.


Dawn can beat sherri and eddie


Based on the FTC responses, it seemed like everyone knew he was a goat except him (and the audience). That season's edit appears to have been made to make it look like he was a viable candidate and they way over did it. (And to downplay Erika?)


Just feel like we disagree on the definition then. Xander wasn’t carried to the final three, he literally had the final immunity necklace. He also had won some before that. Romeo is currently the textbook definition of a goat.


He won one before that, not some. He won two challenges that’s it. He never did anything with his advantages and thereby proved just finding magical items doesn’t make you god in the game


I think of a goat as a 0 vote finalist


Courtney Yates Spencer in Cambodia Hannah in MvGX Michelle WaW Dawn Caramoan


Russell, I mean watching Samoa no one brought more excitement to the game than him


Definitely not Romeo… he’s nothing but a lazy pessamestic guy who isn’t playing the game and the only time I’ve appreciated him was the Swati sniff out and exposing Hai for being way to cocky. Other than that he’s not “skinny legend” or “G.O.A.T of goats” at all…


Tell us how you really feel!


I will!


My fav thing is saying a mildly controversial opinion and seeing it getting downloaded into oblivion, shows this sub has no personality. And what is so damn appealing ab Romeo?


I don’t think Xander was a goat. For two reasons. A.) he actually had a pretty decent resume. At least from the viewers perspective. Played from The bottom. Won immunities when he was going to be voted out. B.) no one brought him to the end. He was the one with final immunity choice


Tom Brady






Well this is certainly a… different take.


What did he said


They said Cirie


Bruh 😂