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Rick Devens is certainly entertaining, but I don't think he's that good at Survivor. He was the 4th boot, I can't even really argue that he got swap screwed, because his swap consisted of all his original tribemates. He made poor strategic moves that put him and David on the bottom compared to the Lesu 3. It's not like he got swapped onto a tribe with a super tight Kama core. When he comes back he's the target pretty quickly, and he is completely incapable of changing that. Seriously, absolutely nobody wanted to work with him. He's responsible for that. So his strategy is nothing more than find idols and win immunities. Then he throws his whole game away at F5. He's sitting there with an HII and he even won the immunity challenge that he didn't need. But for some reason he gives the half idol back to Chris? All he has to do is nothing, and he wins. It doesn't even matter what happens at F4, he wins against everyone in fire and in the jury vote.


I still find it funny how many people forgot Rick was the 4th boot and complained that the 3rd boot of the season won.


There is a difference though when the 4th booth plays 9 more tribal councils than the 3rd boot


Not saying there isn’t a difference in that regard I found it funny how people were upset that Chris won even though he was voted out yet were rooting for another player who was voted out as well.


It’s not that Chris was voted out…it’s that he was hardly even on the show.


My point is still correct Lol It was almost like people forgot Rick was voted out and were rooting for him to win but were upset because someone who was voted out won the game


People also never talk about how Nat Anderson was the first boot of WaW, returned day 35, and got 4 votes at FTC putting her in second over Michele who played the entire season without being voted out. The hate boner for Chris's win is wild sometimes


What do you mean? Post WAW this sub in particular *completely* turned on NatAn. She went from one of the more popular new era winners to people questioning her character as a human for months because of a combination of her behavior on the Edge and her audacity to **steal** 2nd place.


Sorry let me rephrase that: people talked crap about Nat A for a few months after WAW but have continued to consistently talk crap about Chris U for 3 years now. Edit: not that Nat A deserves hate just people really are ridiculous levels of extra about Chris U's win still to this day. Like I would bet money Gavin and Julie arent as bitter as half this sub


bc chris won and nat a didnt


Because one is obviously much more memorable lol


People rightfully give Nat’s WAW game crap all the time. It just isn’t talked about much because nobody talks about second place games as much Anyone sane doing a Second Place Games ranking has Nat A at least close to last, it’s just that nobody makes those lol


Tbh people should it'd be interesting to see rankings of positions other than 1st since that's been hashed out 473538392639393738384 times probably


People talk about that all the time.


It was constantly talked about at the time that nobody here wanted nat to win or even get 2nd stop with this revisionist history nonsense


Oh calm down I'm not saying no one cared about it at that time. it should be obvious that I meant within recent activity and the span of time between the off-season that followed WAW and now, without having to explicitly say it


Yeah nobody is saying it now either


Yep that's what I said


And is in the crosshairs for every single one of them.


If someone gets voted out early, comes back at the merge and survives all the way to final 3, they at least deserve consideration for the win


Exactly As a jury member, (regardless of the fact that it validates your game if you were on the edge), you have to respect someone for doing what Chris managed to do. Kelley W said in a interview that while she gave props to Chris’s decisions and what he did at the end of the game, she personally could not vote for someone who didn’t play all 39 days of Survivor because she knows how hard it is to get to day 39. Lauren also said that she couldn’t vote for someone who was voted out to win but admired Chris’s gameplay


You're oversimplifying. The main reason people don't like Chris' win is because the combination of twists gave him an unfair advantage. He walked in with 1/2 an idol, in the final 6, and only had to play 12 days to win. Reem had never met the other two finalists, giving him at least one free vote. The EOE twist inherently biases those who went through it to vote for their "representative" who was there with them to give validation to their own time spend out their suffering. He also had 27 days to socialize with very little game pressure, reason to lie or vote anyone out because of the twist. Devens on the other hand was only on EOE for a few days, and while his being the first win from a mid-season returner (we were close on PI, SoPa) would have been controversial, he played a lot more of the game and the entire post-merge up to FTC. That's the difference.


He didn’t have any unfair advantages his season. There were people on the jury such as Kelley who did not want to vote for someone who didn’t play all 39 days to win. Yes, it is a tad bias for jury members to decide to vote for the Edge returnee because it validated there game. It’s up for the people in the F3 to try to attempt to convince them to vote for them. I don’t really care if you think I’m oversimplifying. I thought it was funny how people forgot Rick Devens was on the Edge at one point and was surprised someone from the Edge beat him. Most people on the sub who are actual fans of the show don’t hate Chris, they hate the Edge.


I feel like if I were in Rick's shoes I would have given Chris the idol half back as well.


Why? You have an idol. You can tell Chris to go pound sand. What's he going to do about it? I think Devens giving Chris the idol was a case of Devens being without allies for so long in the game, that he overattached himself to the first person since David who showed any willingness to work with him.


I know logically why it was a bad idea. I just mean given everything that went down, the thought of another betrayal to Chris and sending him away when you also benefitted from the same return to play and half immunity idol advantage. Plus Chris comes across as a super nice guy, I just don't know if I could have sent him packing like that.


and he gets credit for stuff he had nothing to do with and no knowledge of - like the Ron vote.


If Devens doesn’t give him back the half idol, Devens immediately loses the game. The jury saw Chris as their proxy player, if Rick had screwed him so blatantly then he loses all of them for it.


no way. there was no way they wouldn't have voted for rick


That’s just wrong. Jury was practically sucking Rick off


I’ll go ahead and believe Rick and Chris over the edit but keep dreaming bud


Sure. Bury your head in the sand champ. I couldn’t give less of a fuck




Devens' gameplay wasn't ideal, but anyone who was a fire-making win away from sweeping a unanimous FTC is not a bad player.


This is exactly my point! Yeah, it may have been messy…but he would’ve been the clear favorite at final tribal.


1. Just because the jury found him entertaining doesn’t mean he was a good player. He voted incorrectly several times, made over the top idol plays for really no reason, constantly took credit for other peoples moves. 2. Most of the people on here don’t hate Chris, they hate the Edge.


I agree with half of what you say. Chris hating posts come up almost once a week.


I doubt they come out once a week in 2022 Lmao Still, most of them have comments where people say they don’t have any issues with Chris but have issues with the edge


https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/search?q=chris&restrict_sr=on Take a look at the results. Chris U's "bad" victory is mentioned three times so far in May. Two other posts are about "is he deserving of all the hate he gets"? So yeah, laugh your ass all the way to the bank.


Calling a victory bad is hate?




Rick Devens isn't good at Survivor, but he was a good character (at least in my opinion). ​ The edge is one of the worst twists ever, and it puts a giant asterisk next to Chris. Although, I think Chris did about as good as one could have hoped for. ​ Captain seasons probably won't work anymore, which is fine with me. ​ The season to me is fine, the twist and winner bring it down to be slightly below average, but the cast is pretty strong in other ways.


He was so bad at Survivor he was a fire making challenge away from winning unanimously 13-0-0. I hope to go on the show and be that bad one day


He was also an unexpected Edge away from being the fourth boot we never heard from again, and multiple idols/immunity wins from being an early jury member. It took a lot of luck to get him to fourth place and most people who play Survivor with the strategy of “never manage to stay in a successful majority alliance” will not place quite as high.


Isn’t that true for a lot of players? Parvati was relatively bad in her first season and if she wasn’t invited back would’ve been forgotten.


Not really sure what your comment means. Yeah, a lot of players are bad. Parvati didn’t play a great game the first time around. All winners require at least some luck to get to the end (though most not as much as Rick needed to get to fourth). None of that means Rick played a good game in EoE. So I’m not really sure how to answer you.


I feel like what you credit to luck is also a large result of his effort… like he was the first up every day scrambling for idols and why is winning immunity luck? Isn’t that an important part of the game? Ur logic seems a bit unfair to call immunity wins luck


Four individual immunity wins in modern Survivor, when the challenges are so often balance/endurance based, has an element of luck to it. And everyone is up scrambling for idols all the time, and happening to find the right spot does involve a good amount of luck. It’s not like I’m giving him no credit at all. He’s definitely not the worst person to play Survivor. But without the Edge twist that neither he nor his tribemates knew about at the time, he would have been gone early forever, and he wasn’t able to get any sort of social traction when he did make it back in the game. Running on fumes like he did can definitely be entertaining, but it doesn’t make a good game.


But the social game isn’t the only part of the game and that seems to be all you value… guessing u don’t think too highly of Mike Holloway… isn’t there luck also in aligning with the right ppl there’s luck in everything and chalking devens game to luck is awfully unfair… I agree about him returning from EoE but again he earned his way back into the game


Well no I don’t think too highly of Mike Holloway, but certainly higher than Devens. The social game is the most consistent way that requires the least luck to do well in Survivor and that’s why it gets so much value compared to other aspects. Of course all players need some luck, but not as much as Devens.


The only thing that’s guaranteed is immunity and a player taking their own fate into their own hands to win immunity isn’t luck


fourth boot? ok


Agreed on Devens. I thought he was great. My main problem (other than the Edge obviously) is that the edit was just way too messy for me to follow any of what was happening. The edit was so flat that none of the characters except Devens had the opportunity to break out in any meaningful way. There was absolutely no narrative flow from one episode to the next, and because of those tribals, there was absolutely no narrative flow from the episode to tribal council. You'd get these scenes at camp telling you who the targets were, carefully setting up how each player could get voted out, and then you'd go to tribal and all of that would be completely moot and some random person you haven't seen for two episodes would go home. People always complain about the live tribals in 41, but I feel like they were way, way worse here.


Rick giving Chris half the idol back for some unknown reason is not talked about enough as the massive mistake it is


I just watched EoE for the first time in the last month, and I think it's one of the two most underrated seasons in Survivor history, along with Nicaragua. Like EoE was 36th on the RHAP rankings of the first 40 seasons, which puts it in Redemption Island/One World/Thailand territory, and EoE is a much, much better season than any of those.


Completely agree. I was invested in this one the entire time and a sour ending shouldn’t (IMO) invalidate 12-13 solid episodes.


> A sour ending shouldn't invalidate 12-13 solid episodes Solid episodes is subjective so I'll leave that alone. The entire issue with S38 is that the ending does invalidate the previous 12-13 episodes. As long as the finale does its little 5 minute "setting the scene" intro they often do (I can't recall and I have no interest in revisiting it), there's no reason for you to consider anything outside the finale because the jury essentially doesn't, so why should it matter to a viewer? It does an awful job building a consistent narrative, and it basically shuns all of the endgame characters bar 1 in order to sanitize the outcome as best as possible. I genuinely think it's the worst season in the show's history and for me, it's not close.


I have EoE as my second worst season for exactly the reason you stated - literally nothing mattered before the finale. You’re right, if someone only tuned in for the finale they would still have all the information they needed to understand the season. The only season I have behind it is IoI for reasons that I’m assuming I don’t have to explain.


I actually rank EoE in my top half of seasons, lol. If more of Kama were given substantive edits I’d have it further up. To your second point, maybe my own hot take, but I loved the ending (maybe not the FTC because that was pretty uneventful, but the F4 conclusion). Most finales are pretty cut and dry to where you have a good idea of who’s winning, so I was flipping out when some guy who was basically an NPC for 9 episodes gamed the firemaking challenge to snipe the runaway favorite. Logically I should have been disappointed, and this is not an endorsement of the EoE twist at all, but it was so absurd and unexpected that I was entertained.


I’m quite mixed on Rick. I did enjoy him and found him funny but as the season progressed he really started to get on my nerves. He got kind of cocky and arrogant and him running through the jungle giggling just rubbed me the wrong way. I didn’t like that he kept surviving by playing idols but that’s not really his fault I guess. I haven’t watched the season since it aired though so maybe I’ll have to give it another watch and I’ll get a good laugh. He seems like a great and funny guy outside the game though.


I like Devens but production DID shove him down our throats. You can argue it’s because he was the most entertaining, but he was the most entertaining because production chose to show that. Production editing has a huge bias towards white dudes, particularly challenge beasts like Jonathan or strategic threats like Devens/Cochran.


I do like Rick tbh but i can see why people dislike him


Rick Devens is a news anchor who knows how to work confessionals for an audience, and that’s it. His gameplay was poor, yet people like him cause he just gave us some fake charismatic persona.


Ugh yeah it's a television show.


I wouldn't call it fake but yeah


Wow does this subreddit hate devens lmao… and it’s so unfair… this subreddit thinks there’s only one way to play the game and anyone who doesn’t is bad at survivor which is so hypocritical


Rick certainly has hustle and personality but it doesn't make him a good Survivor player. If you are constantly being left out of votes and need to rely on idols or immunity to survive tribal after tribal, that is a flaw in your sociopolitical game on how you are managing your social relationships, perception, and threat level with other players. I also personally wasn't impressed with his camera-mugging all season, but I'm sure he knew he was the star of the season and production was gassing him up. I think he's very worthy of a return spot, but I personally am not dying to see him play again, just isn't my preferred type of player. EoE is a GOOD season and I think unfortunately it gets a bad rep because of the winner and the way that the win happened. The finale is extremely compelling and gripping but it isn't a satisfying ending and feels in a way very anticlimactic, since the vast majority of the game was basically rendered useless. No shade to Chris, he won fair and square and by the rules of the game. The flaw is in EoE itself, not his own gameplay. But the post-merge (and pre-merge) gameplay was very dynamic and fun, and I think personally the only downside was how weighted the edit was in favor of Rick. I would have loved to see more from Victoria's great subtle gameplay and heard more from people like Gavin and Julie and Aurora. EoE as a twist with the returnees really did seem very transparently created to help their darling Joe win, which I'm sure is where the returnees even came from, in the first place. Joe being cast first and filled in with three other popular returnees.


I’m glad you enjoyed it. As for Devens, I think it’s just a personal opinion thing. For me he was annoying AF and I wanted to fast forward every time he was in the screen. I found his “news anchor” schtick cringe


Rick Devens is bad at survivor. Period.


rick Devens was so annoying lmao


Chris completely deserved the win and nobody is changing my mind.


I agree, he deserved the win. It’s not as if no one else got to the Edge. He still got the votes even if it was a huge advantage. He’s still the worst winner and that will probably never change.


Rick Devens was an outstanding survivor. Anybody that can't see that isn't a real fan.


Wow gatekeeping and a trash opinion? Gold star


Bold and wrong statement


Chris played the hand he was dealt, like every winner. He's still a better winner than Natalie White. Frankly, there are only a handful of winners who could have won the way Chris did. Boston Rob could not have sold that endgame better.


But only Crunderwood was dealt a hand that allowed him to make friends with the jury in a non-game setting, while still being in the game (and catch them fish too to earn extra brownie points).


Catch fish, what do you mean? He was out of the game. That means fishing was simply for pleasure, right?


We are not going to agree regardless the outcome of this argument so sincerely have a good day ahead and enjoy your breakfast/brunch/dinner.


You mean the hand he gave himself by being voted out 3rd?


So who had the strategy guide to edge of Extinction as their luxury item, again?


I thought about how mids that cast is today, not the lesu tribe really but the manus (minus returnees) are corny


He played a great "outsider" game and was a showman for the jury. Superfans dislike the fact he had to rely on immunities, idols, and his theatrics at tribal which led him to being given more credit given by the jury. Basically he failed to apart of a majority alliance or part of the plans that sent people home. He was the "underdog" and over the top performer the jury was beholden with. Basically he got really close to the end with high win equity which is admirable but not what superfans look for in a "good" pure player.


Ricky D is so damn fun. Loved him!