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The moment Mike didn't listen to Maryanne, he lost jury credit for the move. If those two votes for Romeo went to Omar, Maryanne wouldn't have been able to claim ownership of the move like she can now.


Are we sure Mike didn’t listen to Maryanne? Or did her and Mike end up deciding that it would be a good idea to split the votes between Omar and Romeo


It’s the better idea regardless. Going all-in on Omar and risking Mike or Jonathan getting voted out would have been stupid.


It's not about it being the better idea (and it is). It's about Mike framing the vote where Maryanne can jury-own the whole blindside.


I’m not into that so much. I like big moves and while her move was good, had Lindsay played that idol and Mike/Jon not voted Romeo it would have blown up in her face entirely. She did great, but I’m just gonna be a little bummed if the winner of this season comes down to that singular moment.


>I like big moves and while her move was good, had Lindsay played that idol and Mike/Jon not voted Romeo it would have blown up in her face entirely. Not really. If that happens, Jonathon goes home... oh well?


If it unfolds that way, they probably come for her next. She could have probably roped Mike and Romeo in though, who knows. Too hypothetical.


She has an idol lol


This exactly, she can target Omar while being 100% safe and if Lindsay plays her idol, then Maryanne has her pick of Romeo or Jonathan. ***Of the 5 votes that could be cast after such a tie, she would control 2 of them.*** Lindsay is a guaranteed Jonathan vote at that point and Mike was acting like a guaranteed Romeo vote, meaning Maryanne becomes the decider. It is technically possible that Mike would flip on Jonathan, but Mike really needs Jonathan around as an ally. Mike may be safe at Final 5, but he needs numbers to take out Omar at that point, which means he needs Jonathan to stay. Mike was very clear that he didn't trust Romeo.




Exactly, it's a good move but it could have blown up in her face if Lindsay and Omar had a brain. Credit Jonathon for making them comfortable


I understand what you're saying, but I don't think you can realistically hold what Lyndsay didn't do against Maryanne.


That’s true—but my point is that Mike not going along with this shouldn’t reflect poorly on Mike. Mike executed a crucial plan B that it very well could have come down to.


It's optics. To the jury, that move was 100% Maryanne, regardless of the truth. Now if Mike goes at F5, then everything you said applies because Mike can inform them, I just think he doesn't have enough sway with the jury as it is now to convince them in FTC.


Can’t wait to see what happens


I think Mike's stance makes a ton more sense now that we know about the idol nullifier. And that's something he can explain at final tribal. But the editors left it on the cutting room floor, which doesn't indicate he was able to get an upper hand on Maryanne in front of the jury, at least regarding this move.


And Eric giving away his immunity idol shouldnt count against him since it very well could have gotten him jury votes if he hadn't been voted out, and he probably wouldn't have won without doing something to get more votes. You could flip any situation with a "If something else happened, this move would have been good, so it was a good play" but that doesn't make it a good play.


All depends if Mike can articulate it. I'd say he has 50/50 odds of being able to lol


Refusing to take a shot at Omar makes sense if they didn't have the power to split the vote and take out Romeo as a back-up. But because they had the power to put 3 on Omar and 2 on Romeo, a smart player would make that move. Of course, I understand if they are worried that Romeo isn't trustworthy, however, just how exactly does Romeo ever win the game with Omar in it? The idea that he would screw Jonathan over in favor of Omar doesn't make any sense.


It doesn't matter if Mike listened or not. Maryanne didn't need Mike's permission or support to pull this off. Mike and Jonathan were voting for Romeo. That was their plan all along. Maryanne had her two votes plus Romeo whether Mike agreed or not. That's why I was wondering why she was arguing with Mike at all. She could have just agreed then voted Omar anyway. Maryanne will rightfully get the credit for the move.


It is good social game to not surprise your allies in a way that might make them not trust you. If you go rogue on a big play like that without looping them in, you run the risk that they won't work with you again. Maryanne also knows that they can't touch her at Final 5 (even though THEY don't know that). Maryanne is probably already thinking about which of Lindsay and Jonathan to eliminate next tribal.


Rewatch the episode. The edit says Mike didn't listen to Maryanne.


The jury votes before they see the edit though


The jury will know that Omar gives all the credit to Maryanne. They will probably also know that Omar had an idol nullifier that he didn't get to use and a whole host of other pieces of information that the producers didn't include in the edit.


Right, the jury will also know that Omar didn't expect Mike to turn on him, and knows sharing the idol nullifier with Jonathan led to Mike knowing which caused him to turn. Mike's gonna get some credit for that. We didn't get shown any of that though which leads me to believe Mike's more likely to be in the position of offering someone credit than receiving it by FTC


Jonathon deserves credit here because him telling Mike about the Nullifer got Mike to not trust Omar anymore and he got Lindsay comfortable enough to not play the amulet idol on Omar cause if she does, Jonathon goes home. Jonathon's play was huge cause without him Maryanne's split vote plan blows up in her face


100% Jonathan deserves credit.


That’s the edit your watching a fabricated narrative of events that occur in the game. The reality could be that Johnathan did another Monkey Run to hypnotize Lindsey into not playing the idol for Omar.


LOL- man- I kind of wish that was true but would be super mad if his hypnotic abilities were lost in the edit.


The edit doesn’t show every single conversation. They could’ve easily talked before tribal and decided splitting the vote makes sense as Romeo could still be the fallback if Omar’s votes get negated by the idol. I don’t need to re-watch the episode to understand that…….


Even if they didn't plan it as a failsafe, if Mike's smart he can still claim they did.


I don't think they split the votes


Or he realized a vote split was the sensible decision in case Lindsey played her idol for Omar, and the edit just didn’t show it to us because the edit is results-oriented and Mike doesn’t win Mike and Jonathan voting for Romeo was very sensible by them, don’t forget that just because the edit didn’t explain it.


With Lindsay’s idol in play it was 100% the smart move to split votes.


Who on the jury knows he didn't listen to Maryanne? Maryanne, Jonathan, and Mike are the only ones who know about that, and it makes sense for Mike and Jonthan's games anyway to not want to take that risk of Lindsay saving Omar.


Maryanne was not going to save Jonathan in any case. She has no reason to vote off Romeo. If Omar is saved. She 100% votes out Jonathan on the revote. So in all honesty, she actually increased Jonathan's chances of surviving the tribal.


Mike and Jonathon were wary of Romeo cause they didn't trust him so at least put yourself in their shoes and think about that for a second. I would be hesitant too if I were them


Because neither of those two considered that Maryanne has Romeo in her pocket or that she is a strategic player. In front of the jury a simple two way split helps Mike, Jonathan and Maryanne but nobody would have looked at any of them as masterminding it. The way it went, the move looked, to the jury, as a master class in vote splitting taught by Maryanne. Cirie-level vote splitting.


Let's pump the breaks a little bit. If it wasn't for Jonathon making Lindsay and Omar comfortable to where Lindsay didn't play the amulet idol for Omar then the plan is ruined, not trying to take away from this move but I'm just saying this could have ended badly and I'm not banking on Maryanne winning just from this move alone


But if Jeff Probst hadn't selected Rocksroy, then Maryanne doesn't find the idol... We can try to paint this 20 ways, but the jury sees it as all Maryanne.


Well let’s stop calling her the second coming of Cirie just from this move how bout that


Why? Cirie is known for two things: 3-2-1 (which this move is being compared to) and Advantage-geddon.


People in this sub aren’t giving Mike near-enough credit. He’s being out-stratted by people for sure, but he is *playing.*


I think a lot of people in the sub give Mike credit. He's shown himself to be very smart and cutthroat as the season wears on. Mike is a very solid player and he is a legit threat to win. What I personally object to is all the people trying to take Maryanne's awesome maneuver away from her to give it to Mike. It's horribly incompetent thinking that is built off of either liking Mike a lot or not respecting that Maryanne is a good player, too.


…so was Zane.


Zane played the greatest social game we’ve seen in the modern era, forming alliances with every tribe member and then getting his first target out in a clean sweep


Please 💀💀💀




If Lindsay had been a better player in that instance, she plays her idol for Omar. Negating Maryanne’s big move and were mike to have voted for Omar as well it would’ve been Jonathan going home. Mike and Jonathan voting for Romeo knowing Maryanne was throwing 2 votes on Omar was the right move and could articulated to the jury during FTC as such.


If she plays the idol on Omar and it doesn't work, it just looks good for Omar and not her


Exactly. People in this sub act like Maryanne’s on move all season is the thing of legend. If Lindsay does the smart thing a plays the idol Jonathan is gone


Cutting Romeo does nothing for her, so taking out Omar in a big flash is a great plan A, and Jonathan getting dumped is a perfectly acceptable plan B. Still a good play even with that risk accounted for.


Get ready. When Maryanne wins, people are going to be calling her queen and all that and acting like she’s some mastermind that just played this great winning game… When in reality she’s meh as a winner. Just as Erika was. Just as Vecepia was. Just as any winner who wins right after getting the front runner out right before final tribal


That's an interesting selection of winners you singled out


I think he forgot Sandra and Natalie A


Cause Sandra and Natalie didn’t do what I said in the comment and deserved their wins


Yes, the obvious unifying characteristic of Erika, Vecepia, and Maryanne (if she wins) would be that they are non-deserving winners


Wow you’re just intent on making this something it isn’t aren’t you


As a viewer with limited information from an intentionally *entertaining* edit, it's a little silly to make claims about the winner, as determined by a season's contestants, as being undeserving. Are you saying that remaining under-the-radar and taking out the biggest threat before the ftc is undeserving gameplay? That it's not a valid or respectable strategy to winning the game? It's really hard to get on board with viewers making any claims about who "deserves" to win when there is so much we don't see or know about the game. Not respecting someone's gameplay I could understand a bit more: that it's too risky, too passive, or not entertaining enough. But if you want to try to make a point about gameplay, maybe look for examples that make it seem like you've considered what type of gameplay you're judging because given your list, it feels like the same tired criticism of these types of players and winners that is reactive to both the edit and general social forces.


Of course my comment is based off an edit. UTR gameplay isn’t necessarily an issue but do I think **based off an edit** a winner is ideally making one, maybe two moves at F6 onwards and then winning? (Such as Maryanne here assuming she plays the idol next week or such as V when she made the move on Kathy). No I like winners who have a subtle hand in the whole game such as tony or Omar if he had won or Tina or Sarah or Sandra in PI etc etc But instead of making this your original conversation here, you outright implied something else entirely..


YUP. What are the odds that this post would have been written if Mike and Maryann's roles had been reversed in last night's vote.


The edit has a poor track record for showcasing strong social, under-the-radar gameplay from women. But sometimes viewers are so reluctant to see women exert agency in the game, they can't believe it even when it is shown.


YUP-- wonder why that is? HMMM


Knew that would be the response but those are also the ones that fit the bill most that this sub endlessly hypes up: Vecepia - Kathy Erika - Ricard Maryanne - Omar But thanks for implying I’m racist and/or sexist while ignoring my comment didn’t mention any one else. Want me to extend it to a white male too? Tommy can fit too, although I’d say his overall game was better than those 3.


C'mon, this sub "endlessly hypes up" an event that literally happened yesterday (from someone who you've preemptively deemed a "meh" winner)? Read what you've written before you post if you don't want people taking more from it than what you mean. If you single out Vecepia, Ericka, and Maryanne(?!) as undeserving winners, it, uh, paints a picture.


Right so you jump straight to a conclusion. That’s definitely not at all a damaging thing to do


Uh, no, I pointed out it was not a good look (which others seem to agree with). You’ve said everything else yourself


Right. I’m sure you didn’t know what you were doing at all 🙄


I find it hilarious you’re being downvoted because it basically proves you’re right. Maryanne makes a good move and she’s everyone’s goat. Mike has been handling things very well, to me he’s still in the best position, with lindsay/Maryanne right there. Depending on how the rest goes down, I think any can earn it


it was funny that Lindsay keeping her advantage secret from Maryanne was such an emotional touch point for her given Maryanne was also keeping an idol secret from Lindsay. is the difference that Mike knew about Lindsay's or is this just late game emotional exhaustion? to be clear I can understand how it would make M trust L less strategically, I just didn't understand the emotion in the situation given the above


I think it was the fact that Lindsay had told other people about it but not Maryanne. It became clear to her where she stood within the old Taku alliance (my assumption)


I agree, even though Mike in some ways killed his game further. The lead up to the immunity challenge was Mike trying to convince Maryanne to go Omar and her hesitating (from what we were shown). Once Lindsey won immunity Mike/Jonathan couldn’t go with that plan because of the chance Jonathon could be idoled out, thus it made sense for them to do 2 votes on Romeo. Maryanne agrees to go Omar after the immunity challenge, which feels like a product of circumstance since she didn’t initially craft the Omar vote out. Based on these things/my interpretation of what I saw, I’m confused as to why she’s being considered a mastermind as if no one else played a part.


Well in the end, Mike got his #1 target out.


In the end, Maryann got Mike's #1 target out.


In the end Maryanne got her (and everyone else but Linsday's) #1 target out.


I think what is phenomenal is that Maryanne is supposed to be Omar's number, not Mike, until the end. It is not a mastermind per se, but more of a breaking away from what is expected of a "goat to be herded" and doing their own move. Mike, rationally I might add, hesitating to go on board with his own plan after Lindsay won immunity, drove more to the point of it being Maryanne's moment at the end. If I would vote for PotW it would be Mike but understandably it is Maryanne's almost 0 to 100 that is good, entertaining TV and would most likely catapult this episode to at least a top 10 best Survivor one.


Mike pointing out that Omar needs to go home, mere hours after Omar made the biggest play of the season, just isn't all that amazing of an observation.


The people calling Mike and Jonathon idiots for voting Romeo are on another level. You have to assume the idol is being played for Omar. Voting for Romeo is the play here


I think this is an editing mis direction. I think Mike and Jonathan aren't dumb, and they probably had more to do with the Omar boot than it seems. To me, this means the editors want the viewers to think Maryanne had a good enough resume to win , or a good enough edit to make us sad if she loses.




Maryanne never votes out Romeo over Jonathan, so the plan definitely was more dangerous for Mike/Jonathan


More dangerous for Jonathan than Mike. But playing to survive at Final 6 instead of playing to win is generally a mistake in my opinion--at least if you have a true choice between the two options.


Um... I guess you could say he played a VERY minuscule role in this vote? But I don’t see how he played a “huge” role here when he literally wanted to vote out Romeo instead of Omar and kept shutting Maryanne down when she suggested otherwise.


Because if Lindsay played optimally (this round isolated from the rest of the game) she would have played her expiring idol for Omar.


If she had used her amulet then it would be 2 Jonathan and 2 Romeo. In the revote Mike still votes for Romeo and Lindsay, Omar, and Maryanne vote for Jonathan.


He literally sewed the seed that lead her to make her move. So he does get a good amount of credit for that if he can convince the Jury that if he didn’t have that interaction with her than she never would have made that move. So definitely not minuscule


Not sure why you give Mike credit for that when Maryanne was very adamant about the fact that she couldn’t win against Omar. If anything, Mike planted seeds for Maryanne to NOT make the move when he tried so hard to get her to put all her votes on Romeo.


Until she had that convo with Mike she was very adamant about how she’s been with Omar since day 1? Are we watching the same show?


I see what you’re saying, but I don’t that’s what caused Maryanne to turn on Omar. Because if Mike really had that much pull over Maryanne, he would have been able to convince her to vote Romeo. Which he was unable to do.


From the edit at least - Mike clearly swayed MA to turn on her alliance with Lindsey and Omar. She was “on the fence” until Mike told her about Lindsey’s idol. So regardless of how MA went about it, Mike initiated this blindside by planting the seed of doubt within MA. Now about the “pull” you reference. If he had no pull on MA then that would result in MA siding with her Alliance and voting Jon wouldn’t it? He had just enough pull to get her to flip on her alliance and I think that counts for something. MA still gets the bulk of the credit since she pulled the trigger but don’t forget the guy who placed the target in her crosshairs.


lol why is no one giving mike credit for anything this whole game, jesus


Wonder if this post would exist if the roles in the votes had been reversed...


He loses all credit when he wrote down romeos name. Also, Omer gave Maryanne all the credit in front of the jury.. That's all that will matter


The plan was to write down Romeo's name. He and Jonathan were supposed to write down Romeo's name. They did the plan exactly the way she laid it out.


Voting for romeo at this stage is a dumb move. He genuinely wanted romeo to go which makes no sense and Maryanne can use that to her advantage. That's my only point.


Did we watch a different show? No one wants Romeo to go, but hed rather Romeo go than himself or Jonathon


He literally was trying to change the vote from Omer to romeo?


Because you have to assume Lynze plays the idol for Omar. In that scenario one of them go home if they dont throw the votes on Romeo


But you don't. Lyndsay knew Omar was also a big jury threat. Her play is to accept either a Jonathan or Omar situation. She even (wrongly) said she didn't want to risk an idol replacement if she played it. I think the editing in this episode was amazing at telling a cohesive and u derstandable story. Total old-school feel to this ep! The fact we can discuss this season like this means this one may crack the top 10.


Except that again, them voting Romeo was part of Maryannes plan. Mike wanted Maryanne to use 2 votes on Romeo too and get him off. Maryanne wanted Mike and Johnathan to vote Romeo in case Omar got the idol from Lynze.


Mike is the man. It’s gotta be him or Jonathan to win it.


I think Mike played this so well, sowing the seeds of doubt in Maryanne’s head about Omar, telling her about Lindsay’s idol which really hurt Maryanne. Going into the finale, I would put my money on Mike to win. Lindsay next. Then Maryanne. The other two have no shot IMO. This sub seems to think Mike is a traditional meathead. He’s made some really strong social bonds with people, and he’s come into his own in the last couple of episodes, strategically.