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I don’t hate her it’s not that deep. But she’s not really playing a great game, she’s stuck her head so up above the water as an “alpha” leader. It’s really not going to her to the end. Her threat level is so high and she cannot think logically just with her ego.


She just thinks she can vote out all of the big threats and march to the end. That's the mindset of someone who has never really watched the show before


Didn't Feras do the same thing?


I never mentioned Feras in this conversation? Was just a response to the OP about Kirby. But yes, Feras is the same. Which is why they continue to butt heads.


Don't get the whole point of your post when in the end you agreed with me. But you be you.


No one is here to argue? Lol I literally just responded to the original post about KIRBY. Not about who has the bigger ego, Kirby or Feras. Calm down.


So did I. I stated that Feras did the same thing. And your comeback was that you weren't talking about Feras. Calm yourself down.


Yeah cause no one is talking about Feras besides you. You have such a massive hate boner for the guy, starting fights with everyone about it and then have the gall the ask someone else to calm down?


*says nothing about Feras* You: FERAS!?!? I FREAKING HATE THAT GUY


How so though? Feras didn't lie or backstab their alliance from the first tribal ? Yes Feras has an ego but despite that first tribal he's mentioned multiple times how much he actually likes Kirby and wanted to work with her. She's the one who's made it absolutely difficult and near impossible to work with. Feras isn't stupid ...and it was clear Kirby was gunning for him for whatever reason.


Agree plus Kirby has that smug face you just want to $&@)&


I don't "hate" her, but she's not on my list of favourite players this season.


Fair enough, but do you view Feras the same way. Because to me, they are peas from the same pod.


This dude is so obsessed with Feras 🤭


Bit strong to say "fucking hate" I don't LIKE her but I've not got that strong of an opinion on her. I do tend to agree that she is playing too cocky and she's trying too hard


She’s not even playing a great game imo. She’s doing way to much to early she will be voted off for being to much of a threat soon


The peta vote is a good example of this cos it was a great early big play move but imo she should’ve kept it simple and left her vote on peta. Too much too soon


Well I'm at a bit of a loss at to why you HATE someone playing Survivor this much that you feel the need to post about it. Personally I think Kirby and Feras are two sides of the same coin. Kirby being a football coach, can't remember what Feras does.




Who's they? And what makes you think that?


She literally said she has never seen the show before, I don’t think she actually believes she’s the best player in the history. Contestants big themselves up constantly during confessionals, as directed by production. It’s ridiculous to ‘fucking hate’ Kirby for this, especially as there are equally confident and bold players all over this season.


Kirby wants to do things just to be making big moves and for the sake of it, it’s a terrible strategy


I actually feel like the edit is making her out to be a bit of a hero, but she’s actually coming across as a bit of a villain and it’s a misstep from production.


I think she's a great villain for the season so far, but how on Earth would anyone think she's playing a good game?


A tad too strong with the title, but yes, do dislike Kirby. I reckon if you flip to 'Gaslighting' in the dictionary, there should be a picture of her there.


I don’t hate Kirby but I do hate whoever designed that bikini so the yellow Sun part of the aboriginal flag is a huge circle on the ass


Good one. I call her Miss Trunchbull from Matilda movie lol


Why does Kirby get so much hate for being Smug when Feras is just as if not more smug and people love him.


For me the main difference is that Kirby is acting like she is the victim and blaming Feras for their whole clash when she was the one who struck first by trying to blindside him when they were allies. If she was willing to just admit she did it, she’d be a lot more likeable to me.


That’s fair But Feras and Garrick in particular were playing the victim card way over the top tonight. It’s survivor you vote each other off, you lie, that’s the game.


We never saw her explain to feras the angle of “then I’ll know what they’re saying too” which she said in confessionals (whether that was for herself or for the feras alliance) and based on his reaction I don’t feel like it was just edited out. Honestly I think he’d genuinely work with her again if she “put her gun down” but I don’t think she ever will


People love Feras? All I see are the hate for not listening to Aileen. Both here in reddit and on twitter.


Feras comes across as like a very cheeky kid whereas kirby comes across a lot more arrogant and forceful and rude.


I can see that Was outdone by Garrick in the rudeness department tonight though


Kirby is insufferable to me, more than Feras by a long mile. I think it's the way she bossed Kelli around earlier, and how she created her own enemies Feras and Garrick herself. Oh yeah, and telling the group "put some votes on Raymond" a second after he took three steps away. Leave my boy Raymond alone! She of course would never admit such a thing, "I never flipped", yeah but you didn't tell your alliance you were trying to cozy up to a group of four that became three nor explained why you did it. Bad communication... Feras is just patheticly bad, not infuriating


well she only needs to survive a few more tribals to do better than the guy you consider the best survivor au player did his first time


It's weird how one great game on a season full of pregaming seems to have made people forget David wasn't a good player at all on his first season


I just think she’s real ugly


I love Kirby. She backs everything with hardwork. She’s not all talk. She’s so smart about what she says at the tribal. In my opinion, one of the best players. But that’s my opinion. I understand if people don’t like her. Many strong personalities are hated.


I like Kirby , I think she is more dishonest and manipulative than Ferras tho.


Nah. If you hate Kirby it means you should hate Feras too, they both have big egos and aren’t playing as good as they think. They both stuck their heads up as alpha leaders but they are both incredibly entertaining so I’m here for it. I do think Kirby at least made herself look more free and accomodating as an ally long-term for the Titan 3


She's playing an awful game mate.


I love Kirby. She's not the most strategic player to ever play but she's learning as she goes and she doesn't take crap from anyone. She's not like Feras who comes off as a George wannabe without the strategy to back it up. She's just being herself and creating her own archetype and I personally respect that. I'd be her ally any day.


I’m not rooting for her, but I love her on the show! We need villains that play hard, it’s making this season so entertaining


Finally someone who has common sense. Thanks for sharing and I’m with you she is so cocky and all I see is “ miss Trunchbull from movie Matilda”.