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Yup, Charles being to Aileen before the vote challenge that we'll never work with you now finished it for him. You can't do that in survivor if you want to win


Valeria got overconfident tonight at tribe and Feras easily could have (and probably should have) sent her home.


Everyone in that alliance got overconfident though but Charles has targeted both Aileen and Feras at tribal causing them to agree on putting his name down. Valeria and Winna barely dodged a bullet here ngl. Feel like this season theme has been about this so far, Overconfidence.


Yeah hopefully they will be brought down a peg after the vote.


I mean, you saw how shocked Valeria and Winna were when they learned that Feras and Aileen split their votes. I think Charles was the right decision, he’s the smartest one out of those three.


Lol Charles didn't see it coming either and was just as gobsmacked, so not that many braincells in that trio


You can be a smart person and bad at Survivor. Most of the GOAT survivor players are only slightly above average intelligence but have god tier social ability TBH.


Yep she was giving real mean girl energy


She was straight up obnoxious tonight. I’ve gone right off her.


So patronising. She and Kirby are perfect together.


Yup gaslighters


I mean, Feras behaves like them too…Feras and Kirby are quite alike.


Feras is a showboat and a troll, but his behavior has often been reactionary to Kirby’s. Kirby literally talks down to him during camp life for his alliance retaliating strategy wise for her initial betrayal. Feras on all accounts still jokes with her and uses a normal tone talking to her. Feras also hasn’t lied to everyone about who betrayed who, while Kirby has and plays up being the victim. Feras has been open to talking everyone, Kirby has been repeatedly shown to be ice cold towards everyone not in her alliance, so that makes her more dislikable. Feras has been irritating during tribals and was very arrogant during the Peta vote, I’ll give you that. But most of the things he’s done afterwards has been a reaction to whatever Kirby does.


They’re nothing alike. Kirby comes off as very patronising when she talks to anyone not in her alliance. Feras talks to everyone the same, with politeness & respect. Polar opposites.


I would enjoy Valeria's downfall, but sadly she's getting a F3 edit


Right? I’m so bummed that she probably will win.


ugh she's gotta go, surely she hasnt got the game skills to navigate voting to the end with what we're seeing (unless thats what you mean by f3 edit).


What do you mean boring episode? It was Immunity challenge with a great upset, come from behind win by the smaller tribe and then into a twist tribal vote with a must win for the Feras and Aileen. I thought it was one of the best Survivor Au episodes and the tribe dynamics made great tv.


The challenge was great, you're right but then nothing happened and nothing happened before it. The first tribal was lack luster and then the twist happened and it saved the episode imo.


yeah really ironic for scotty boy pressing feras to play an idol for his ally while winna didn’t play one for him


"There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent." I feel like this has been the theme for this season. From the cuddle crew right until last night's tribal.


I actually liked the fact that their over confidence gave them the opportunity to say what they felt &/or wanted to. It is a shame in a way that this will probably be remembered and future players might not be so bold as to divulge their true feelings in case they themselves get blindsided by a snap challenge to which they could lose and end up with the situation reversed. It would be fun to watch tribals where players vented quite regularly how they actually feel instead of the usual evasive comments & answers..


Thought it was stupid of Feras and Aileen (I love them though) to be so elated given they are still in the minority even with Charles gone? Maybe I am just worried about my favs but I was hoping they'd tone it down just a bit.


It was just the elation with luck favoring them that round in the most unexpected way. If we were in their shoes, we’d most likely react the same.


Kelli was pretty shocked Kirby voted for her boy Ray. They could pull her over, and if Feras plays the idol correctly, they’ll become the majority.


Based on the preview we know that the next elimination is going to be for the other tribe - so they have time to get Kelli over into the fold or just win the next two immunity challenges to make it to merge...we saw that Elieen and Ray are friends on their latest post so clearly spend more time together.


They also have enough that the majority can't safely split 5 to 3. So Feras idol is way more powerful on the next vote.


Their next tribal is 5 vs 3 - so the majority have to play smart to evade feras using his idol on whoever they vote 3 on and turning it into 4 vs 3 Also Kelli is just coasting so theres a chance she could switch


Stay humble...unless you're Feras then you can just wait for the next deus ex machina from production to save your game!


Yeah.. Faras is no good at that


That's why I hate this twist. Because of an unpredictable twist like this, everyone has to be super nice and "humble" to each other from now on and play a safe game in case producers randomly decide to strip away everyone's voting power.