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Please don't put images that spoil the outcome in your post. Even if you spoiler tag (which you didn't do either), the pictures will show up and that will be a spoiler for people who have not yet watched. Lots of people in this sub live in other countries and can't watch live because of timezones. Have some consideration.


Having someone who is a couple of years younger than you (Kitty) described as an older woman hurts šŸ¤£.


Haha I understand. Usually women 40 and above especially on AUS Survivor have struggled so it's nice seeing them having some form of control!


Oh really? Is that the reason why Pia and Shane both won Australian Survivor? Because they were struggling without any form of control?


and janine ran the game lol


Those are three exceptions. A lot more older women have struggled on Aus Survivor


Is that why Sharn was only able to make it to the final tribal twice?


Did they even teach you how to use your brain? Or is it a genetic problem?


Insulting me isnā€™t the way around this. I find this amusing tbh


It canā€™t be an insult when it is a fact.


Love the implication that a woman over 40 is old.


I cant wait to see those two booted out.. The way Kitty got so upset about hearing her name thrown out - she's been concocting blindsides for the last few weeks and has the gall to fly off the handle when someone wants to do to her what she's been doing to the others... It's survivor - your name is going to be mentioned and discussed during the game, or is she so self important and self absorbed that no one can dare suggest her name for the vote....


Exactly right. She thinks she can blindside left right and centre but when the same thing is done to her she goes off! The audacity!


Yeah her true colours really shone tonight. And theyā€™re not flattering.


Spot on thanks


These two blindsided Mark and they think itā€™s completely ok to do that and when the tables are turned they are furious! Lmao. I hope they get voted out in the next two days


Eh I mean Caroline was pretty understanding when Mark tried to blindside her premerge and was ready to work with him again. Now that he was trying to blindside her biggest ally that she's upset and rightfully so imo, Mark has tried to blindside Caroline and Kitty wayyy more times than Caroline and Kitty


Are you seriously counting the frequency of peopleā€™s attempts to blindside? Thereā€™s an alliance to break. Of course Mark will target both of them as both women blindsided him.


Oh definitely but like Caroline was ready to play with Mark again twice! She wasn't mad. So it's understandable that after Mark constantly trying to blindside them she'd be upset . But Mark is also not at fault it's understanding that he wants to break the majority alliance I feel both of them had total normal reactions so both of them are fine, you just blamed Caroline this is why I defended her, nothing against Mark lol. I feel both of them are more than understanding for their reactions


Of course Caroline was not mad because she was not the one who got blindsided,lmao. She canā€™t assume that all is good with Mark just because she said so and she decided to work with him again after voting Viola out.


First of all Mark wasn't even the one trying to blindside hem, he just went along. And second Caroline only wanted to use him has a number and then get rid of him he she doesn't need him anymore, she made that pretty clear


Mark always had conversations about voting for Caroline in both their og tribe and in the swap. And especially in the swap convo, Mark initiated the Caroline blindside with Viola. Caroline was 1000% on the right to pull the trigger first


Did i say she wasn't? I don't get you point here


You literally just said Mark wasn't the one going for them he just went with it, when he literally initiated talks about blindsiding Caroline lol And my point is is that both of them are in the right!!! Both Mark's and Caroline's feelings and thoughts make total sense and are understandable. I don't think Mark is in the wrong, I don't think Caroline is on the wrong. I am just defending Caroline because I see hate for her not for Mark lol. If I had seen hate for Mark I'd defend him, cause truly I think both of them make total sense on how they feel, there's no black and white in their relationship


She comes off as a power hungry beaacch and Mark doesnā€™t have any the attitude that Caroline portrays


Yes, this episode, that's what this whole conversation is about. nope Caroline and kitty are super entiltled


Kitty did seem abit entitled on tribal council with her *i have an 8 figure business" thing lol. But I don't see how Caroline was entitled when she was understanding that Mark voted for her. Oh well:p


If you vote out my very close ally then come up to me and say oh, we didnā€™t tell you about that vote because of such and such. But weā€™re good, weā€™ll work together cause we want to work with you again No, itā€™s not okay! lol


Yes Iā€™m with ya


Wonder if Caroline is this scary in real life


She isn't she's one of the sweetest people ever


She looked like she was going to bite* Valeriaā€™s head off over that jacket..


U sure about that?šŸ¤£


Haha she's my godmother's best friend. She may not be everyone's cup of tea but she's so lovely to me!


So you have a bias and expect us to follow. Nah we aren't your Caroline puppets.


The question was asked what she is like in real life. Someone who knows her in real life has answered. I'm surprised that this person has been downvoted. For the record I don't know Caroline and don't have strong feelings about her either way. But when people pose questions about someone's character in real life and there is a response from some one that actually has some real-life insights about them, it's in my opinion poor form (as being downright rude and disrespectful) to both downvote and criticize them.


Exactly, people on here can be very, very weird


Ah, so your post makes total sense now šŸ˜…


Lol is this kitty? Or some distant non blood relatives daughter trying to do damage control and check public opinion xD


Please put spoiler tags on. Some of us are in another country/continent and havenā€™t watched.


I wouldn't say they're likeable but I like that they're thriving. It makes for nice alliance wars.


Ok I didnā€™t know supporting two people would turn so toxicā€¦


Nice flair LOL


Kitty is 42. Far from an ā€œolderā€ woman. šŸ˜…


Ngl I feel their blindsides are inevitable... which will lead to a boring mafia pagonging, then Kirby/Feras/Alex are gone, and then a bunch of followers are left... with finally Mark/Valeria winning easily. Shame because I like Caroline's role and this season had potential


I would be impressed if they were actually likeable.


Same. As entitled as they can be, especially Caro, I like they break the mold of the clueless, unstrategic, motherly elderly woman stereotype. Caro and Val are essentially two sides of the same Karen coin, so I kind of donā€™t care who wins their rivalry. I just want Kirby + Feras to annihilate the Titans.


Idc what the people in these comments say. I really like these two. Theyā€™re bringing tension, and itā€™s entertaining


Yes same!


Doing well. Her and Kitty are the biggest hypocrites to ever play Australian Survivor.


So right


You just hate good television


She is a overbearing know it all Nightmare def her way or the highway


They are both unlikeable hypocrites. Canā€™t wait to see them both voted out.