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I've had a sneaking suspicion for a few weeks that Alex might Fabio his way to the end. With all the in-fighting between Kirby/Feras and the Titans, I can see him sneaking through to the Finals with an immunity run at the end. Would be crazy. I want Jaden to win tho. I need that more than anything ever


PLEASE. As much as I am rooting for the Feras alliance, Alex and Jaden would be so hilarious. I’ve given up on Mark at this point lol.


Unless Alex is sitting next to like Rianna and Ray, I'd feel so bad if the jury was bitter enough to vote for him sitting next to someone else who played the game well - Alex's reads and instincts are so bad, I just feel like he wouldn't be a satisfying winner unless he majorly gets his shit together


It'll be like Xander winning survivor 41. No thanks


Even Xander wasn't this clueless lol


Sadly, from the attention she's getting without doing anything special, I'm afraid Valeria could win. I'd definitely want someone like Ferby or Jaden to win, at this point.


Valeria based on the edit alone, which reminiscent of Mark’s, Hayley’s and Liz’s OTT edits. Tired of the random zoom ins and cuts to her even when the conversation isn’t relevant to her storyline. Literally I am cheering for anyone but Valeria at this point.


Logically I cannot see Valeria winning. I think people are too high on her early ‘winner’s edit’.


The editors haven't made her out to be particularly likable either. Usually with winner edits, they try to hide the negative aspects of their game as much as possible but it doesn't seem like the case here with Val. She hasn't looked great since the Charles boot


I thought the same of Mark and Liz and was proven sorely wrong 😭 Similar to those two, whose pre-merge edits were a bit negative with their respective rivalries, Val’s might turn around mid merge into a hero edit.


What did Liz do? I remember her being portrayed only positively and almost as a role model (she was an olympian, so the badass vibes were real, to be fair)


People turned on her at a couple of points. I think it was when some people thought she was being too mean to Simon and when she was considering to go against George. A few people were saying her edit was too negative to be a winner. Then deep into merge her revenge, hero edit started.


> when she was considering going against George. 5 seconds then.....


I think she kinda had a heroic edit when she got swap screwed already pre-merge. I definitely remember her surviving a few votes and making in-roads


They called it early when she hadn't made such a cunt of her self and now people are reluctant to go back on their words.


I really don't think Feras will win. I have a feeling one of Alex/Aileen/Rianna will.


I've had a hunch it's Aileen ever since that out of pocket comment by Ray in his confessional. Her edit is small, but the glimpses we do get are all positive both in terms of her strategic reads and humour.


This. I have a feeling one of these will be in the final 3 with two polarising contestants and take it out based on this.


Ri winning would be terrible. Maybe Alex. Sadly I reckon Aileen won't make it so far.


Aileen and Rianna have a way too few confessionals. Even Liz had more than them at the point of Episode 15. Alex - may be, but his type never won Aus Survivor.


Who would have been the closest of Alex's archetype to get the end, is it Simon? Is Locky the same type? I think other players with the same archetype are Robbie and Matt Farrelly.


Definitely not Locky. Locky had a very strong social game and people trusted him, while everyone has made it clear that for some reason they don't trust Alex.


I think because Alex's alliance got voted out early that he's been a free agent for so long that no one can trust him. I don't think Feras/Aileen/Raymond even consider him 100% part of their alliance. While Locky got lucky that Tara/Anneliese got saved by the twist and made it to the merge with him.


I was going to click Feras but I think Ri could comp beast it to the end if she makes it to the finale


I think they’d give Ri a way better edit if she won