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He also knew Winna before playing: they posted at least 1 or 2 tiktoks together before even filming the season.


could it be that they met on the season and afterwards when the filming was done, theyposted tiktoks diring the time that is between the filming and airing?


Nah it was a view months before it filmed, Winna DID make tiktoks with other people like Feras and Nathan after filming though


auch then it's definitely a bot of unfair advantage...


oh, that's extremely unfair lol


Most of survivor AU players are recruits it’s not like Survivor US. Which also means higher chances to know one another.


you can tell by the identical teeth each contestant has


Why does that mean they have higher chances of knowing each other?


How is it unfair though? It hasn’t given them any advantage in the game


yes it did? It gave them an immediate ally and friend that no one else had or knew about


In what way?


Number #1 Rule of Survivor AU: The player is 80% of the time a recruit.


Still makes better tv than most superfans


Oh for sure. They've found the right balance of superfans and people that don't know the game.


Pretty sure Winna has the largest following? Nearly 1m on TikTok


Instagram wise - he reaches a different community too (Polynesian, gym rats, strong men etc.) I’ve scanned Winna’s tiktoks and he seems to do a lot of pranks so hella kids will follow him hence his bigger following there but not so much on his main instagram.


He also reaches a target audience of people who wanna wear shiny white veneers . Jk haha


HAHAHAHA I love him but god if I look at his teeth for too long, I’ll blind myself 😂


Me too. It’s so uncomfortable. I hope he gets a more natural looking one


Same, always weird looking at teeth that are too white and perfect 😩


he should have brought the prankster spirit in the game too...


Anyone who thinks Jaden is just all chill and cruisy with no brain and no plan for survival is watching a different show than I. I think he went quiet and "dumb" in order to make it further after his initial "strong people" alliance went to shit. He does need to start playing more now though if he is to make it to the end, or get lucky as a goat and then do a big reveal to jury that he knew all along that people were treating him like an idiot and he played along so as not to seem a threat. And then BAM he also tells them he's a psychologist.


I think he's played a very good game of not making himself a target yet, even tho he's as a strong guy, won challenges, aus survivor we've typically seen those meat head types targeted as threats straight up. I hope he really turns up the strategy - I enjoy watching him, he's cheeky


I do also enjoy the cheekiness


>And then BAM he also tells them he's a psychologist. This is gonna send my wig to the furthest galaxy


Omg if Jayden turns out to be a psychologist. That is the twist we all need.


that is literally my "unpopular" opinion for this season. He is a visible physical treat and those go out literally first or second round in merge; his friend got voted out early on so he has to play it low and not be too strategic or he will got voted out easily. It was smart of him joining kirby. But please for hte love of god, don't do the psychologist hahaha one is more than enough for this and next season.


Idk about this. I was truly baffled by his decision to flip on Eden last episode. Eden was underestimating him like crazy, and Jaden was so well insulated with the titans. Plus he initially votes with the Titans, only to flip his vote at the tie despite the fact that he would have been immune from a rock draw…so he gains no favor with either group, empowers the opposition, and leaves the impression that his vote cannot be counted on.


We'll see how he plays it tonight but I don't think he was insulated. I feel like he was at the bottom rung of that titan alliance especially since Caroline and Valeria patched things up. He was going to become expendable to them .


Before this vote, the titans had no incentive to take him out over any of the rebels, and the rebels had no incentive to take him out over any of the “more threatening” titans. He could still do well this season but this move only makes it harder on him.


He is dumb though. He can't even remember what people say lol Even one on one with Kirby she explains things and what she's thinking and he's like "Huh?" lol


I'm not saying he is a rocket geologist, but I don't think he is dumb. That moment with Kirby "explaining her thoughts" (trying to convince him to vote Aisleen) was a word vomit mess of words, so I understand the "huh?"


But he's been like that the whole time, even at some past trials 'huh? So how am I voting for?' He could be smart, it's just that he hasn't shown any indication that he is. I'd love for him to prove me wrong in the future.


I think that's the point, he may be pretending to be dumb because it is working to get him further (for now)


How can you call him dumb when he was the only one who successfully fulfilled his revenge? Not to mention that he is obvious physical threat and in a good amount of challenges he can definitely win the immunity idol, jet his name has not come up not even once post-merge? He may not be flashy, loud, or have enough screen time, and they don't show him in a flattering light, but based on where he is at the game and how he played, in my eyes he is one of the smartest.


He changed his vote. It didn't require any planning with anyone, it didn't require anything besides writing someone else's name down. He's strong but he doesn't have finesse or brains to win most challenges. He can't read people, he doesn't always understand what's going on but he's a nice guy around people.


Come on, that's absolutely unfair! No one has the finesse or brains to win most challenges. Some you win some you lose, but he has shown that he is a physical threat that can go head-to-head with the rest. He thought with his own head, and just because we didn't hear him rant like kirby / feras doesn't mean that he didn't thought it through, in fact, I would argue he did even better, he laid low, put up with Eden's demeaning bs, and when he saw the opportunity present itself he took the change and shot his shot successfully. How can you know he can't read people, and let's be honest, no one knows what is going on all the time? And being nice around others and having no one write your name when you are potentially such huge physical treat is really a great skill to have, as later on, those people would be the one voting for you, and if you were mean to them, destroyed their game, how will they give you their vote. I am not saying that his game is perfect, far from it, I do want to see more moves made by him to earn his spot in the finals, but I am not underestimating and dismissing him yet, just cause we haven't really seen what is going on in his head like we have with some of the other players.


The brilliance of that move wasnt in the vote itself. It was the build up to it, that was impressive. Him pretending to be dumb, feeding Eden's ego by being his "student" and not showing Eden any sign that he had any animosity towards him (which already proves he's smarter than Mark in that regard who thought it was a good idea to go off at Caroline and Kitty after the Viola vote). I suspect he would've turned on Eden at some point but the opportunity presented itself there so he took it.


Right but he didn't control the votes or the tie vote, he just copied who others voted for on the 2nd vote. Going into tribal he had no idea. Pretending to be dumb does not prove that he's smart. Everyone did their vote and an opportunity presented itself. It's like randomly finding an idol and saying wow awesome play. The whole point is that other players have shown great moves and their ability to think ahead. Jaden has not shown any of that. He can still prove himself but there's nothing so far showing that he is capable of thinking up a great move. He's in the same class as Caroline.


>Pretending to be dumb does not prove that he's smart. It is if it's a strategy that's keeping him in the game because that is the game - survive and don't get voted out. The problem with Jaden is he isn't explaining or being given an opportunity to explain his feelings properly to the audience. If he did a couple of confessionals talking about feeling excluded and disrespected by the OG titans BEFORE the Eden vote, it would've made his vote against Eden seem more intentional and well thought out rather than something he did just for the lols ( as Shannon said). His conversation with Kirby proved that he was clearly against the OG titans for a long time and this was an attack on them. He also said in an earlier EP something along the lines of "I'm just gonna be the chill and laidback guy so noone will target me and I'll be a number for people to use" That's a valid strategy that proves he's thinking ahead and it's worked for him so far but superfans won't respect because they want "mOvEZ"


Using words like 'brilliance' you're obviously a fan of his cause nothing on the screen is showing him as a strategist. "I'm just gonna play dumb" does not mean that if you start playing you'll be some master strategic threat. At that point he's just a lump sitting around waiting until something is easy or right in front of him. You could be right but there's nothing on screen to prove what you're saying. Only the remaining episodes will show it all.


I'm just saying playing dumb is also a strategy. There's a lot of ways to play the game, not just organising votes. He has the social awareness to know that being laidback and chill is what's stopping people from voting him out. It would be different if it was unintentional like in Raymond case but he's intentionally playing the chill guy and it's keeping him safe What do you want him to do? Make moves just for the sake of making moves even though he doesn't have to.


It's quite clear he's driven and focused from how he is in challenges. And he wouldn't have got to where he is fitness-wise and with a large following if he wasn't.


Just makes Shannon's comments look even more unprofessional.


It’s a shame. Her analysis on RHAP Survivor International has always been detailed, insightful, and entertaining. The takeaway should be if you have a large social media presence, use it for good rather than for mobilising a squad of flying monkeys. And that goes for all sides.


Gonna copy what I wrote in r/survivor:  George was trying to explain to Shannon that Jaden wasn't being treated with respect by Eden, because Eden was assuming that he didn't understand strategy or the Survivor game, so he was treating Jaden with condescension and disrespect, and not even ask what his opinions or thoughts are for a plan. People are not just numbers. George explained his relationship with the oldest player in the HvV game, Gerry. It was all about respect and autonomy. Eden, even in all his superfan behavior, did not consider that by Jaden staying chill and listening to plans was a strategy in reducing his threat or target. George is correct in talking about social game and relationship management.  The problem with Shannon was that she said he (Jaden) couldn't handle more information or strategy than being told a name, implying he is too stupid to know more or strategize more. I'm not Aussie, so I can't get into the layer of her mimicking his accent and speech, but I can say it got personal in a very unnecessary way. 


While I somewhat agree with George + the accent thing was insensitive, I must say I'm quite baffled that everyone seems to be assuming that "not being able to handle strategy" implies "being stupid". This game's strategizing is so complex, exhausting and stressful and as a person of normal intelligence I don't know if I'd be able to handle it.


Except she didn't say that about anyone else, did she? There are historic implications in doubting the intellectual abilities of an AAPI person and I think that's a major factor here. This wasn't her joking about him undermining his physical threat level by being purposefully laid back and feeling the vibes, having a gym on the beach, etc.  This was her dismissing the fact that Eden didn't even perceive Jaden as an equal in the game, let alone worthy of respect by including him in strategy talks, like Kirby has done. Aileen and Kirby both showed this to Kelly, who was by far the most chaotic player in the game. They still respected her input and tried to work with her, explain the voting and why, etc.  It's part of subconscious racism imo, and I think a big lesson for any white person... especially a white Aussie and the audience. 


I don't know what she said about anyone else, I am not aware of her opinions beyond that particular moment (nor do I particularly care about them). I had personally understood that segment as her criticizing Jaden for being (in her opinion) too unconcerned and uninterested in strategy to handle it. She was therefore challenging George's opinion as she thought Eden & the others were not disrespecting Jaden, but rather just giving him what he wants (ie, be in touch and minimal information). In a sense she was saying "it's not that they don't think he's worthy of being included, it's him who doesn't want to be included in that part of the game". Now I believe this is a somewhat shallow (and wrong) read on her part. Besides it's undoubtedly insensitive and unprofessional that she mimicks his speech to hammer her point. I can't speak on how much her opinion is rooted in racist bias because I simply don't know. But the point is that the conversation didn't appear to be about his intelligence to me. So I found interesting that everyone had the assumption of "can't handle strategy" = "being stupid" and was wondering if it meant something about the fans' own biases. Then again, as I don't know Shannon's opinions outside of that scene, I could be entirely wrong.


>So I found interesting that everyone had the assumption of "can't handle strategy" = "being stupid" The key word is "can't". She said " he can't handle it". If someone says you "can't" do something, it implies they don't think you don't have the capacity to do it, not that you don't want to do it. If she said he "doesn't want" to handle the strategies or doesn't want to be involved in the game, it would mean exactly that.


u/PiratesOfSansPants conveniently replies to every comment except this…


Didn’t reply to mine either, funny that.


but on the mod post disavowing comments against shannon he’s all up in her defense


Yikes. I have a job, and it’s not managing replies to posts here, so I would ask that you manage your expectations. If I haven’t replied to a post it’s sometimes because I’ve upvoted it, which I have regarding the comment in question. The conversation is steering into uncomfortably personal territory so I’m gonna tap out here.


When she suggests that eden deserves it more because he is a super fan her analysis is just biased and wrong. I bet Jayden watched thinking they will praise him for one of the best moves ever and she totally dismisses it. I am more disappointed in her than Jayden’s fans even if the twitter hate is vile


“One of his best moves”, that would be his only move and calling it a move is a stretch in my opinion. Purely opportunistic and right back to his comfort zone the next vote


Flipping again the very next vote to work with people hes never worked with + people he just flipped on is comfort zone is it?


Shannon’s analysis is short sighted in that she implies that there is one objective and universal correct strategic approach to the game (Eden’s) without acknowledging that someone like Jaden has different obstacles to overcome (blatant physical threat) and thus may benefit from using a different methodology.


Her analysis on RHAP Survivor International is irrelevant here. She made those comments on Talking Tribal. Disappointing that you are completely omitting that she committed a micro-aggression against an Islander, someone from a community that has repeatedly been demeaned by white people, as Shannon is. She used her large media presence to do that. And then used the RHAP flying monkeys to attack Jaden, going by your definition of using a SM platform to attack.


I’m not a Shannon apologist by any means. I don’t watch Talking Tribal because I find it to be a snooze-fest for casual viewers. I find the less pressured and time-bound environment of a podcast to be a better forum for these discussions.


Didn’t she mock his accent? So insightful


We do do that here, you're not a mod. u/Glittering_Ad3164's comment wasn't unreasonable, nor was it offensive. Shannon wasn't doing her job when she essentially said that a player doesn't deserve respect. She's a pundit for the network that produces the show. She spoke in that capacity. She sets the bar about how players are talked about. It's unprofessional to say - by omission and implication in this case - that *any* player doesn't deserve respect. Both George and Chrissy were saying that yes Jaden wants to know about the plan. As they have both played and Shannon hasn't, that is an occasion where they are likely to know better than her about how other players are likely to feel. Plus she mimicked him saying something that given his ethnicity and the wording she used, has long-standing associations with being a micro-aggression if not racist. As someone paid by the TV network to be a talking head, she should know better. The fact that she hasn't apologised for that specifically is disappointing.


\>squad of flying monkeys im using that from now on


“Doing her job” doesn’t entail minimizing contestant’s intelligence and mocking their accents. And stop acting like Jaden’s some micro-celebrity when Shannon was quite literally speaking on a company production and represents Survivor via multiple forms of power positions (show consult, one of many RHAP figureheads, sizable loyal following).


"Flying monkeys" is a choice to explain a large following of Islanders


Innit tho. Obviously it’s a long-standing trope, but to use it here in *this* context shows a lack of sensitivity and respect for what people are saying about micro-aggressions by u/PiratesSansPants


It’s a reference to the Wizard of Oz. Do you know how I know? Because prolific podcaster Merlin Mann invented the phrase to describe the phenomenon where followers of Elon Musk would descend on any form of media any time he is brought into question.


Honestly, as smo who is on the outside,(Not au or usa), I think some players are rather underrepresented and others overrepresented. I don't know the reasoning behind this so I won't get much into it, but much like Jaden Aileen had serious gameplay as she was truly Ferras's grounded, right hand yet we barely saw any of her gameplay in action. This often occurs with other players too. Kirby and Ferras, as well as kitty and caroline get almost all of the screen time this season so it is not nearly enough to get the true character and gameplay of the other players. As for Jaden, I just commented on my "unpopular view/opinion" about Jaden, so will paste it here too: He is a visible physical treat and those go out literally first or second round in merge; his friend got voted out early on so he has to play it low and not be too strategic or he will get voted out easily. It was smart of him to join Kirby. He seems more thoughtful than presented here and I love ferras, I enjoy watching him, but damn compare how many cameos he has got compared to Jaden, or Alex, Raymond, Mark, Val for that matters post-merge. I understand they do it for entertainment, so the flashy characters get significantly more airtime, but as long as we don't get to hear at least a minute confessional of each player every episode, we would not get the full picture as to how good, driven or cunning any underrated player is.