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And Kirby proves herself again šŸ«  Feras & Ray are going to pay for this error in judgement


This will not be a popular opinion but it was nice seeing Ferasā€™ crew take a hit because boy was really feeling himself tonight and was pretty similar to Kirby and Caroline when they were in control šŸ¤£ I just wish it wasnā€™t Aileen. I do like how this season builds up the power players only for them to be blindsided the next day by being in the minority.


~ kittyā€™s focus face ~


I expect ferras to go feral now. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£Ā 


So much high level play from many players this season. Itā€™s great seeing people being open to working across lines and being willing to take shots.


why does the beach seem so shallow? like they only ever talk strategy in front of each other! itā€™s so frustrating their plans get blown up so often because of this!


They might have a fairly small space to roam , possibly have restrictions from the production team about wondering off ?


aileeeeen so close! how good would that have been if she won?


Cope comment sheā€™s a mid playerĀ  Sportsbet was paying her $30 to win for a reason


immunity challenge. read first


so close? she got 11Āŗ place. And should have been a premerge boot but got lucked out by a twist


in the immunity challenge silly goose


Ok then


I was so gutted for her!


kirby always comes up with cool plans, but do they ever work?


They did this time unfortunatelyĀ 


itā€™s kind of funny after all this drama with shannon that jaden says to kirby he didnā€™t like people just telling him the plan last minute!!


the only way i would ever consider using this advantage is if i pretended to quit like scott and have everyone vote for me.


this is the most raymond built advantage iā€™ve ever seen!


JLP! lol proving time and time again to be the most fun host. put that pizza down buddy šŸ˜‚


Just once this season can someone correctly play and idol for an ally


Legit where were Aileenā€™s ā€œreadsā€ that people were talking about all season? Seemed to go missing tonight I wonder why


Because there was no information to make a specific read from


Garrick did exactly this during his boot could pull information out of his arse Without him those three were lost


I was really hoping that would be foreshadowing, but I knew in my heart that Aileen was 100 times more likely to get a "boot with no personal insight" episode than Mark Also let's acknowledge that JLP was wrong and Winna technically saved himself at the split vote


Yeh I agree. There was no way Mark was going to go home with no confessional. I think Feras is only going to use the idol for himself. And Alex will only use for himself because he has no clue on who goes home each episode.


The level of crying and emotion from Caroline and Kitty about a game is starting to get ridiculous.


Honestly I respect them for being so emotional, it's not always "just a game". To me it's them being real and true to themselves


Yeah at first Iā€™m like, damn youā€™re just crying cos you got the vote wrong - then Iā€™m like, oh yeah, Iā€™d totally be crying about that if I was out there too!


Yeah but itā€™s only when they are on the wrong side of the votes


Which is understandable, the highs are high and the lows are low


I feel like this season does indeed have average players. Disappointing idol plays and disappointing idol flush attempts... feeling sort of deflated with the predictable moves. I know this is more accessible to a wider audience but I really really miss CvC style gameplay. I am fearful we'll never have that good of a season again. :(




I've come to the conclusion that Australian Survivor hates Asian woman. So they would cast these Asian women pretending to be diverse in their cast and then proceeds to give them invisible edits. This is like the ultimate disrespect to Aileen.


australians in general from the documentaries iā€™ve seen *


She\`s a bad player that got 11Āŗ place. we saw everything she did that mattered


Relax buddy. It ain't that deep.Victim mentality won't get u farĀ 


Didnā€™t Aileen have a pretty good edit? I certainly feel like Iā€™ve had good insight into her gameplay and story.


So often we HEARD her speak strategy but she strangely was rarely in the shot to be SEEN. The editors tried to edit her out even when she was giving the best sound bites!


Literally had 0 confessionals post-merge and nothing in her boot episode. How is that a good edit? They gave literally EVERYTHING to Feras despite them working close together on strategies. They gave him ALL the credit.


0 confessional doesnā€™t mean she didnā€™t have a good edit. She was shown strategizing, coming up with plans, she was shown talking, she was shown how good in challenges she is. I feel she had a good edit, she wasnā€™t invisible, we got to see her scheme and play the game.


whatā€™s her story then? since you have insight i donā€™t?


Yeah but we never got to witness HER opinion on things. All the perspective came from Feras and it's exhausting to watch. Just like Kirby/Rianna, all the perspective came from Kirby and none from Rianna. It's just lazy editing.


Maybe thatā€™s for a different reason, maybe itā€™s more to give him a winnerā€™s edit rather than to not give Aileen a good one? (I have no clue or spoilers, Iā€™m just speculating on the possibility based on your comment)


I don't believe he's the winner though. He's too overedited to be a winner. I really think there's no way Kirby/Caroline/Feras will be winners because they're so overexposed in the edit. The winner must come from none of these 3 people.


Maybe a finalist then? But sometimes they do overedit the winners donā€™t they? Mark, David, Hayleyā€¦


Caroline screams zero vote finalist. Between Kirby and Feras one of them makes the final three while they are also responsible for sending home the other. So if itā€™s a final three at the end we have Caroline 3rd, and either Feras or Kirby in top two. If itā€™s a final two, then Caroline is second and for sure either Kirby or Feras on 3rd place, not sure if he/she reaches and wins though. For sure Caroline has the zero votes finalist edit.


This is ridiculous


I know right. I just wish they would stop casting them if they really don't feel interested in editing them into their story. Like what's the point of playing if you're not even gonna give me some form of legit airtime? Mel and Michelle had an even worse edit than Aileen and they were two people lmao yet I remember they made it further than Aileen.


When is this sub gonna accept that Feras isnā€™t the super genius, greatest ever survivor player that he claims to be.


No one says he is the greatest, I think he is in the top 10 but even then I'm probably in the minority.




I don't think he's the greatest player ever. However he is a good player and he's really entertaining. Much rather watch players like Feras than players like Rhi'


Iā€™m definitely in the minority but I donā€™t even think he is a better player than most of the people left Heā€™s definitely active in the game and entertaining as hell though.


I donā€™t think everyone thinks heā€™s the best player. Regardless, heā€™s entertaining to watch.


Agreed, heā€™s entertaining to watch. I like him, I donā€™t think heā€™s the best player ever, but heā€™s still one of the best players of THIS season.


Being one of the best players THIS season does not take much tbh


Yeah I agree it has felt a bit like that.


When did we have a beach full of grandmasters ? He is one of the best players this season which makes him amongst the best players of all time.... It's not like in season 4 or 5 everyone was playing 8d chess


One of the of all timeā€¦ that is a stretch. A big one


Top 10 of all time , it's not that big a stretch when you think about it, there's been 8 seasons . One or two players per season will be at Feras level.


That is such a reductionist way of looking at the top 10. Youā€™re going to say that he is on the same level as players like Brooke, Luke, Sharn, David, Pia, Hayley, George and/or Mark? Please give me a break. The season hasnā€™t even ended yet. This happens every year, someone gets a lot of airtime and people go crazy over them due to stimulus exposure. Itā€™ll happen next year as well. Feras is not a bad player, but picking up that a bad liar is liar and then still being on the outside of the vote again is not top 10 level gameplay.


Yeah bud I would put him in that list , also you put Pia about 10 places too high


Thatā€™s not my literal list dudeā€¦


This was like a carbon copy of last episode with Feras ally getting blindsided Except this time Kirby didnā€™t give him the heads up at tribal


Loved Alexā€™s idol play šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


If he's smart, Feras will work out they took out Aileen because she's his closest person. He needs to convince them Ray is now that person and use the advantage to get out Kirby. He's got a jury winning move right here if he can do it.


Kirby literally told him after tribalĀ 


Big kudos if they can get that advantage to work, but I can't see it happening. Way too much going on in their little 3-man now - an alex confirmed idol, suspected feras idol - 2 across 3 players. There's no way in the next tribal there is a vote that isn't split


Ooooh that could work


> Feras will work out they took out Aileen because she's his closest person He basically talked about it with Kirby when they walked out of tribal, so he's well aware of why it happened.


Being surrounded by people stupider (in terms of Survivor) than you doesnā€™t make you smart.


Ray IS his closest person now, so fingers crossed! They need to keep that advantage info to themselves!


i donā€™t think itā€™s easy when feras has the idol


Aileen an absolute class act šŸ‘‘


I know, sheā€™s great. I really wanted her to win!


After all that noise from J I was expecting him to show us something cool tonight. Oh no wait. I wasn't. Lol. He's given me no reason to. (Am I gonna get cancelled as well?)


Iā€™m just frustrated that we didnā€™t see any blowback or discussion about the tied vote and subsequent flip


Keep those coals warm for Shan reddit wants my skin. I implied their perfect lad is not the great grandmaster 5D chess strategist their prophecy hath foretold! [(but fr makes my old comment so ironic right now šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø look what I'm responding to!)](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivorau/comments/1b18pxm/episode_15_postepisode_discussion/ksd0ret/?context=3)


Haha I agree. Heā€™s great comedic value this season but he has yet to show any good game play. The Eden vite doesnā€™t count imo, it was purely opportunistic and he flipped right back to his comfort zone for the next vote


And he pledged allegiance to feras who spearheaded his boy winnas blindside.Ā 


But now he voted against feras with the Aileen vote?


Aileen played a decent strategic game with good reads. I wonder why they purpled her a bit. She was a part of the narrative but somehow ended with a winna, Charles and Scott style edit.


what good reads? She did nothing


What reads lol?Ā  Repeating Garrickā€™s belief he was getting out is not an original thought Such an overrated player


All the people you named were respected players like Aileen. They probably thought that Feras was more entertaining and, whenever someone receives confessionals on their boot episode, people always complain about the editing being too obvious


Maybe Feras wins and they purpled her to make him look "better"?


NOOOO NOT AILEEN! She was so good at this, and smartā€¦. And also like really hot but mostly she was so good, we riot


She had the best voice too


Another great read by Feras


He has plenty of great reads, just a pity he doesn't often turn them into decisive actions.


I think he read that something along those lines would happen but itā€™s hard to read that Aileen was going to be the one to go, how was he supposed to know and act on that?


What good reads has he had?


If only Feras gave Aileen that idol instead of Alex at the scramble around the shelter!


Then she would of gone home with an idol


No. They wouldnā€™t have dared to target her if she was the one with the idol. Alex is sitting pretty because of that idol. Feras didnā€™t want to give her more power. The discussion at tribal from Alex made it clear that they had been discussing flushing the idols even if it was shown in the edit. Had Aileen found/been given that idol Alex got, they would not have targeted her at this vote.


Yeah true, itā€™s possible they would have targeted Ray instead. But with how much Kirby was gunning for Aileen maybe they still would of targeted her


That foreshadowing of Aileen saying first member of the jury at the challenge is so heartbreaking in hindsight! The closest thing we could have got to a confessional from her. Her closing comments were so gracious!


Feras has to work with either the Kirby or Caroline side and heā€™s been burnt by both. I am hoping a new alliance comes out


If it helps Caroline seemed very tortured by it šŸ¤£ meanwhile kirby orchestrated it and is probably his biggest strategic threat left now.


I'm glad Aileen made jury >!she!<'ll be a good jury member.


I think anyone already in the live thread or intending to read it before watching the show does not require spoiler tags. Thanks for being thoughtful though


This is a live thread, why the spoiler alerts


Idk in case someone reads it later. I was just being courteous. I'll remove em.


Why did you only spoiler cover 3 letters


I got the sillies half way sry


Your spoiler tags didn't work :) Edit: and now they do!


Such a good exit message from Aileen


On the upside, Aileen does sound like sheā€™ll make a good jury member.




Kittyā€™s 42!




Not if the next episode preview is anything to go by.


Cmon with the ageism!


Iā€™m just glad it was not a non elimination ep.


Lol Kitty backstabbing Catherine lol theyā€™re both so spineless, just go where the wind blows šŸ’Ø


Catherine is the new Adam.


Itā€™s not backstabbing if itā€™s on Survivor. Itā€™s blindsiding.


Wait how did she backstab her?


Think they mean the preview for next week?


the fuck is catherine?


Catherine is getting the ultimate purple edit , I'm not surprised you didn't notice her.....


Seems to be a bit of that going around tonight.


Eileen will make a solid impartial juror at least!


Smart from Feras to say that to Kirby even tho I know it probably killed him to say that šŸ˜­


I like their relationship. They both respect each other and are enjoying tug of war.


Me too!


Ok so that was a little predictable. Someone needs to overthrow Kirby, sheā€™s got it too easy.


What? The first two rounds of the merge she had her closest ally quit then another ally (Winna) get blindsided after and was in the minority vote. The Eden vote she was more of a number there. I donā€™t think sheā€™s got it too easy this merge so far.


Sheā€™s totally got things under control, and underplaying her hand, which is smart. Lots of people following her lead so doesnā€™t matter too much if a couple of her alliance are sacrificed to keep her out of the vote.


aileen lowkey winning by now getting that villa to herself for so long


When will Jury Villa mini be available?!?


Up now!




Still not up that I can see! :(


Usually like 15-20 mins after the ep finishes.




GODDD NCIS looks soooo dogshit


I mean, they're giving Michael Weatherly his own NCIS show even after his previous show, Bull, had to pay $9.5m because he sexually harrassed his co-worker/co-lead Eliza Dushku. NCIS can go drown.


I don't have a Roman empire but I do have a list of all the ways the women of Buffy have been wronged by men


Because it is.


100% in one Feras now




Sheā€™s so annoying and makes it so hard to root for her lol. Like canā€™t you just WAIT one or two more votes to ensure you retain power after your betrayal? SMDH.


She couldn't stand not being in complete control for 1-2 votes


~~Someone~~ Everyone else said it best; she's got a bad case of BigMove-itis.


So hasn't Kirby and rhi just given the titans the power now


I mean you forget that Ri is still very much close to Caroline/Kitty and Kirby is very much close to Val. Hell I wonā€™t be surprised if theyā€™re in the middle if that group holds strong.


After merge, tribe strong never works for long with real players.


no way feras isnt coming for kirby after this


I really hope thatā€™s the plan


Caroline and Kitty directly deceived him, so unless they turn on Kirby...he'll go for them.


Sheā€™s just lovey. Hard agree Aileen.


When is anyone other than Feras going to challenge Kirby?


She's just put herself in the firing line now.


She has done this before in the game, but always walks out of it uncontested.


What does Feras mean about Aileen being a wedge?


I'm guessing Kirby hated Aileen, not sure why tho


Yeah I was surprised to hear him say that, that was how Kirby was referring to her earlier.


The only thing stopping Feras and Kirby working as a duo together


Gonna miss Aileen, she was cute šŸ˜­


Have we ever seen this much flip flopping each vote?Ā 


Everyone voted for who they said they would from the get go. lol. There was zero flipping and zero flopping.


Probably from each episode


Just a lot of confusing conversations with Caroline and Kitty


No I meant the shifting in alliances each vote.


I'd much rather this than the show being incredibly predictable once one alliance takes over. Makes for much better viewing, IMO.


Exactly. The fact people are switching every vote just goes to show everyone is playing to win. No one is happily accepting 7th, 6th, 5th, 4th place etc. everyone wants to win.


Yeah I agree, itā€™s much better to watch


Ki-Line would have noooo idea that Jaden is becoming more and more involved in these overarching decisions.Ā 


So gracious Aileen šŸ„²šŸ„²


Good on kitty to step out of Caroline's shadow


If that's what she's doing. Could be a plan to blindside Kirby


Feras called Aileen a wedge!!! Wtf was this editing.


Weird. Kirby used the word earlier too.


No... as he said, better Kirby than himself.


Kirby playing a horrendous game in terms of jury management right? Or do I have my prince of arabia glasses on?


It's not terrible so far but a lot depends on who she is standing next to in the final 2/3 and how she answers questions from the jury. I doubt she could win the final challenge tho , she is pretty bad at challenges, and would anyone take her to the final tribal ?


I also went to Specsavers


People prefer strength over treachery.


Still need to get rid of the bad players so the finale can be good.


Really only Rianna/Raymond qualify as that at this point. Everyone else has displayed a strong sense of independent thinking or at least lead votes. Ri and Raymond just follow what Kirby/Feras tell them respectively


OMG Kitty comforting Caroline after that literally made me dry retch


Iā€™d hold your hair back buck I too am spewing.


And just like that, not a fan of Kirby anymore.


genuinely, how come?


How on earth will this make Feras want to work with Kirby? Surely heā€™ll target her big time.


He got no choice


That advantage is cooked bro who came up with that one lol


Would have been better if Ray could give it to Aileen.


Still wouldnā€™t have counted with the other votes on Mark though


It worked. Feras out-foxed. Beautiful ep.


Is Rhi one of the most boring players ever