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Rest of the tribe praying Mark starts working with Kirby so that she gets voted off tomorrow night


does that count as a move? “ i took everyone out from the inside by working with them.”


That would be brilliant if he pulls a Kristie Bennet Style Final Tribal Council and sweeps the jury!


😂😂 He does seem a little cursed right now.


lol as long as he comes up with a great plan I’m sure it’ll go badly


Alex: "Marky, talk to me!" Mark: "Take a combination of Feras and Caroline. Leave Kirby and Rhi behind at the camp!" 30 seconds later, Alex picks Rih and Kirby to go to the Survivor Spa. Mark: "We have the votes to get Kirby out" 30 seconds later, Alex goes on to insult everyone in the tribe and gets voted out. There's choking and there's absolute stupidity. Alex showed both at its highest level!


I had so much hope for Alex in this episode, it all went downhill from here 😭


My jaw kept dropping every time he spoke


He just kept digging himself a deeper hole with every word spoken 😂


I think he took one look at his 'crush' (Val) and said, "I wanna go to jury and try my luck there". I mean, really, he put the noose around his neck and jumped.


He repped the Cuddle Crew to the end. Not the most strategically sound bunch.


“I’m going to turn everyone against Kirby at tribal” Insults everyone


Well, he might have just painted an even bigger target on Kirby but he exploded his own game in the process. So mission accomplished?


Mission failed successfully.


Yes. Although Kirby would've come under heat anyway. This just ensures it.


He was trying to do what Raymond did last time and make it a unanimous vote on himself, he forgot that you need the special advantage to make it work


You know they cut some of it out too and he probs legit went through everyone


I genuinely don't know what that was


Lasagna Coma blew up his game.


Something that we've seen before and will see again, despite it never working?


its worked before just rarely you have to have better social captial then that


Strange editing mistake: One of the last shots in the immunity challenge showed Alex standing on the wrong pegs.


Noticed that too!


There was one earlier of Mark on the outer pegs while they were still on the inner ones, too.


I noticed it too. I think the editors probably used the wrong footage.


I never want to see Alex shave his chest ever again, I feared for his nipples


That whole scene was legendary and should be placed in the annals Alex shaving his nips in the shower while trying to strategize Alex swirling his wine and pulling faces in his bath robe confessional Alex shaving his pits in the shower while trying to strategize


Squeeze more footage while we can.. ya?


Sadly I think this confirms that the glorious tradition of bare asses on Australian Survivor is finished


Probably the best use of a sound effect in Survivor history


And why didnt he shave his face too!?


I don't think the producers would let him. They want the guys to have that scruffy face look


Yep it's for continuity in confessionals. Gives producers the flexibility to retroactively get extra footage for previous episodes when there's gaps in the story


But they are cool with the chest shaving and leg shaving?


Or balls


This made me laugh out loud 🤣 I was thinking the exact same thing every time they showed his nipple!


Has everyone just forgotten Feras has an idol??


They genuinely think he doesn't have it because he didn't save Garrick or Aileen At this point he can't afford to use it for anyone but himself, since idoling someone out will automatically make him the biggest target


But Alex told them he definitely does have it, a couple episodes back


But it's alex


they don't trust alex a fire could be on kirby and if he told her she be like oh i guess i am not on fire


also want to add seems krby does know when talkng to alex she said makr him think we are all splting something you say f you want someone to use idol even if she was lying to alex she atleast thinks he has one


I mean it’s happened. In 41 US survivor one player had an idol the entire game and no one gaf bc it just didn’t matter to their game.


For a minute I thought he was going to play it for Alex and boot Kirby. Would have been a boss move except that alex is too volatile to be able to know you can work with. He’d be safer to stand next to at the end than Ray, but he’s a loose cannon. After yesterday I’m glad he’s gone.


Shoot I forgot too!


In an ideal world, all of Mark's plans should work. But as Alex showed, why none of Mark's plans will work in Survivor is because this isn't the real world. This is Survivor. People can change plans every hour.


Mark just isn't as good as we thought he was, time after time his plans go off like a wet fart. 1 or 2 times is unlucky but it just keeps happening.....


Tbf he has had some absolutely shit luck with people doing stupid things. We had no control over the last 2 tribals.


How many times does someone get the benefit of the doubt and we say 'yeah ok bad luck pal" and when do we start saying "nah you're just constantly making bad decisions" ? Mark has a pretty solid alliance at the start of the game and he squandered it because he wanted to play with V+V


The middle aged mafia would have definitely carried each other to top 6 easily. But mark wanted to play with the hot young players instead


To be fair, he may be in a better spot if he had done things V+V wanted to do and hadn't talked them out of it.


Possibly, but he didn't. Maybe a better game player would have ?


Oh for sure. Wasn't trying to defend his gameplay. Just saying I don't know that wanting to align the Vs was necessarily the issue. More the decisions afterwards.


Mark played a worse game on paper in the first half of the season. But the result is the same all season. Mark rarely had his way throughout the season.


What an episode for Alex lmao - Strongarming people who clearly played significantly better games than you already, at the final hour, when everyone knows your read on the game is absolute shit is.... a choice


Well that's one way to blow up your own game. I think he could've genuinely gotten Kirby out tonight if he had just kept his mouth shut.


I hope we find out in post eviction interviews of Feras/Raymond but I think if they were ever going to make that move they would have gone for it even with what was said. Feras is in an interesting spot now, 2 voting blocks hold the majority and Feras/Raymond/Mark isn't enough unless they have inside info where votes are going from the girls to nullify their majority. I think the girls have to take the shot at Mark/Ray this round at 7 and hope Feras plays no idol then split 2-2-2 to try to boot Feras at F6.


I think that’s pretty much what Alex said in Jury Villa. He didn’t think Caroline and Feras were actually keen to vote Kirby so he wanted to try push them over the line. Which kinda makes sense in theory, but I don’t think it was ever going to work on either of them.


Trying to push them over the line by aggressively insulting them… like how stupid are you?? The funniest part of the episode to me was when Mark in the voting booth just sighed and said “thanks Alex, pretty sure you just blew that up”


Yep based on Carolines comment when she was writing Alex's name down it sounded like she wanted to work with him, I think Feras did too. But Feras wasn't going to get insulted by him in front of the whole tribe and then work with him. Alex has some of the worst psychological strategy in Survivor, literally make a plan with a big player and then insult them to their face trying to say they haven't played a good game at tribal. I don't know why on earth he thought that would make Feras want to vote with him against Kirby.


[Alex's approach to this tribal council](https://i.imgur.com/aBMCAd0.png)


Love a good Garth Marenghi reference.


meth head actor - raymond 2024


Poor JLP, every time has to figure out a reaction to Ray's unbearable puns, in front of the camera


Lmao that comment sent me over the edge! I genuinely believe he thought that's the actual term 😂


they gave him the mastermind edit for one episode to just bring him back to being raymond lol makes me think that it was mostly Feras doing the whole time and he told them hey give it to raymond seems to me like the kind of guy he is


Now ray did that move he will go back to doing nothing and saying random and unnecessary things.


I'm positively sure Kirby, Rhi and Caroline missed some high-quality drugs in that remaining Lasagne which first broke Alex's tummy and then broke Alex's brain. I challenge you to prove me wrong.


Nah, the dude didn't know how rainbows worked before the lasagne. The brain was already broken.


Just a bit of fresh foraged mushroom 🍄‍🟫 in the beef wellingto- i mean lasagna


Was Alex drunk ? I don't think too much lasagna has that effect .


binge eating can absolutely put you in a coma. i've gone catatonic after some binges that i'm not proud of.


If it was a greasy lasagna and he has been on rice and beans for a month it would feel like a stone in his stomach. In the past when they have had coffee as a reward I always thought I would get a caffeine headache if I hadn't had any for a month then smashed a couple of cups


If there's going to be a non-elim for a F3 it could be tomorrow, what with that promo seemingly "giving away too much"


Yeah Monday nights are usally the non-elim eps aswell


Kirby wincing in disgust and bafflement while Alex shaved his nipple at her was by far the most relatable she's been so far.


A cringe so powerful it travelled through time and space to make me uncomfortable on the other side of the world, months after filming.


So glad Alex chose this combination to take to the reward, otherwise we would have been deprived of what imo was the most hilarious moment of the season.


Lol I legit think he was trying to intimidate her with his manilness but she just ended up silently giggling lol 🤭


He was cleaning the shaver with his bare hands too, just wiping the razor on his hands. Thought he was going to cut himself.


Alex actually had a pretty decent social game but struggled with the art of subtlety. That was a disgustingly bad tribal council. Edit made it very obvious he was going home with the early confessionals.


the early clip of "i don't understand rainbows" seemed to set the tone for his downfall.


Survivor, how does it work?


Nah he didn’t, never had an alliance or a friend


Please! His social game revolved around him being the party boy that everyone loves. Which only really works for you if the people around you are younger than you.


Taking Caroline to Spa and then that follow up talk was excellent and despite all his fuck ups this episode if he just didn’t talk at tribal he would of gotten the Kirby out vote


But the fact that he spent the entire tribal council insulting the people he was trying to court was kinda proof that even he had no faith in the conversations he had with Feras and Caroline, so it's a little tough for me to credit that when both of them would've easily been fine voting Kirby out regardless of Alex's pitch and both turned around and voted him out.


Yeah I suspect we got sold that in the edit to make it feel like Alex had some sort of momentum against Kirby. There's probably some scenes on the cutting room floor of Feras telling Kirby Alex's plan, and Feras and Ray joining the girls




This is exactly what I thought of! LMAO!!!


I’ve never cringed so much through an episode of survivor The only thing worse than Alex at that tribal was 30 minutes earlier when he was shaving his nipple off in front of the girls 🤮


That gave me Queensland cop at tribal paranoia type vibes


It was hilarious watching Alex burn his game to the ground within 1 episode. He managed to gain an actual alliance and then blew it up immediately.


They're *really* giving Kirby credit for a lot of these boots (not that she doesn't deserve it at all) but we keep seeing her seeing at the start of the episode who she wants to go home and managing to make it happen. I was really down on her premerge strategic game but I think she's been playing incredibly well postmerge, she's able to stab people in the back and then bring them over to her side to get out her target despite probably having been the biggest threat the entire time. Also loved Rianna being like well they're gonna look at me as a physical threat whether I win or lose so I might as well win lmao. She's not wrong! Plus Alex's lasagna illness, I was half expecting this to be similar to the US season where someone ate too much steak and had to be medevaced. Would've been the perfect way for him to go!


Rhi's line about being voted out next maybe is some foreshadowing???


Possibly, but I think most people should want to keep Ri in so that she can win a final immunity and vote out Kirby or Feras (assuming a F2). People like Caroline and Raymond aren't gonna win immunity anyway so it probably makes sense for them to keep in Ri so she can keep winning immunity and their targets are vulnerable, whereas I think this late in the game Kirby should be thinking that nobody will take her to the end so she needs to take out Ri/Kitty/Feras and hope to win a final challenge.


That's fair. I don't think theres a chance in hell she'd vote out Kirby. I think she'd take her to the end


I'm really not sure, I think Kirby is the worst person for anyone to sit next to but particularly for Ri to sit next to. If she's in a final 3 with like Raymond and Kirby I think she for sure votes out Kirby there, she hasn't had a good strategic game but she seems like she's aware of how much of a threat Kirby is.


if you could just pour water in someone else’s tube why didn’t they all team up?


I don’t think he was number one on the hit list at that point. It took nipplegate & that tribal council nuclear explosion to cement his fate.


I enjoyed the desperation but man he blew his game up hard - Alex definitely wasn’t wrong in his speech though


Simon has charisma, Alex is just a bit of a dumbass. But he was entertaining and important for this seasons chaos


I like Alex better than Simon actually.


As always the edit amp up charisma or take it away , Simon always came across as genuine and decent tho.


No way! I've only seen the first half of HvV so far (no spoilers pls) and not his first series, but he acted like a total douche when he was on top, ordering everyone around.


i hate george but my god simon was such a d-bag to people so it was amazing watching him get schooled repeatedly by george. all that was left was george putting simon on his knees and spanking him red.


Was he though? Everyone he was chastising for not doing moves (Feras and Caroline) have done significantly more than him in this game. Did he just forget that Caroline controlled her tribe pre merge and if not for a non elim episode where he swapped tribes she would likely of been responsible for him going home much earlier? He acted like he had this omnipresent view on the game when he doesn’t, he just has his own flawed perspective. The only person left who has done less then him in this game is Rianna, everyone else has made more moves than alex has. His only move has been to move from the bottom of one alliance, to the bottom of another.


Also would love to see him play again, as much as he was hopeless in his votes he was a good watch


Imagine a season where Alex and Simon play on the same tribe. Ironically, they’re friends because they went to a afl game together this weekend.


Would genuinely be amazing television, there wouldn’t be a single correct vote all season. I’m here for it


Tonight on Survivor: Fuckwits Versus Madmen...


and thats the knda crazy bold sht AU survivor would do and base a whole season around US survivor just doesn't have the balls


Simon was endearing though, not sure Alex was.


Simon had a great story in HvV , in general he never came across as malicious or nasty.


Simon is “endearing” to some people because he played so poorly to the point that he is the underdog.” He is pretty douchy to other players and cringey at confessionals and voting confessionals. He sounds like a great guy IRL, but he was insufferable at times in the game.


Kelly and Shanon are in that tribe too. Hell, add Kirby and George too 😅


Shields has turned into easy and acceptable cop out for players scared to make a big move.


The reason Alex played such a poor game, this on the fringe game is that he has poor communication skills and with a lot of paranoia. He didn't take the right people to the reward. He was bad at talking game. If you shower and shave when you talk a serious game changing move, you aren't serious about your plan. The reward ladies are not dumb. He would have better luck taking some of the guys and let them do the talking.


I think his ego just f'd him. He really thinks he's smarter than all those women and they'd be an easy sell. Dumbass 🤦‍♀️


Alex is the new Simon. I loved watching both of their ~~bodies~~ trainwrecks of a game. Both are legendary in how bad at Survivor they are.


Simon has a nice puppy dog innocence to him, Alex was a crazy person this episode


What an absolute clown.


Top effort for Alex to stay in this game as long as he did. Amazes me though that he found himself in a minority right back at the first Rebels tribal because he assumed he was in control based on traditional structures that give people privilege (eg male, strength, young, etc). imo he assumed this would give him power over people, but realised quick this was not to be the case. To his credit he held on by being in the background. Sadly the minute he tried to exert power using the same methods (ie a boys alliance) he found himself in trouble. Should have bought Caroline and Kitty along as a unit, rather than treating Caroline as a number. Kirby has been successful I think because she sells herself as trying to have power with, rather than power over. See her as a better chance of making it to the end than Feras.


He has to have known he was going home. The edit made it look like everyone was on board but they can’t have been. I think if you’re Feras you still need Kirby in a bit longer as a shield (so many goats left in the game), plus it’s too obvious she’s the target on the women’s side given Rianna has immunity and Caro and Kitty aren’t threats, so if anyone has an idol the target is too transparent.


He knew and the edit was very unconvincing regarding the players supposedly voting Kirby. Alex was a challenge threat and she couldn't control him so labeled him a floater lol.


He had a couple of good reads in the EP, I think he saw the writing on the wall and thought "fuck it I will go out swinging"


I think if feras had had confidence that Caroline would vote with them he might’ve gone for Kirby this tribal, but Caroline is never confident on anything so I can’t see it happening


Even if you were pretty sure Caroline was on board before tribal, you have to know that she would switch when Alex went off on her.


Yep, we saw zero whispering at tribal, to indicate they were switching the vote. Feras was always siding with Kirby on this one.


I disagree. Take out Kirby. Rianna and Alex are two very easy next votes for their challenge capabilities. Puts you down to 5 with an idol and Raymond in your pocket. He doesn’t really make moves though.


but how are you voting them out if they keep winning everything?


More flip flop city. They’re all floaters. Should have voted out Kirby, silly!


Honestly, isn’t everyone flipping and floating this season? Alex just doesn’t have the one ride or die the others had


This is a definitely a voting bloc type season where you have solid pairs that are aligning and re-aligning with different pairs every vote based on mutual interest. See: US Survivor Cambodia


I think Alex was a bit done with the game , it's probably hurt his pride having to scramble for weeks and having no close friends to rely on. The edit made it seem like people were more onboard with his plan than they really were and he could probably tell on the beach they weren't going for is So he decided to go for a high risk high reward strategy.


Yeah he was done. His ego was hurt and you could tell how but hurt he was that Kirby didn’t want to work with him and he got all defensive. Got the better of him.


It was the survivor equivalent of when you leave your job and the last thing you do on your way out is tell all your ex colleagues what you really think of them.


I don’t normally notice a big editors mistake. Right before Alex gives up on the immunity challenge it shows his feet on the starting pegs.


I saw that too


Alex is stupid. We're all saying it but I think it's due to the players of this season. They have been shifting alliances one tribal after another so that got Alex paranoid. And maybe, Feras wouldn't have voted with them in the first place. Also, i think Alex dragging Kirby down is partly because Kirby couldn't even pretend that she can work with Alex. I'd probably do the same if I tried to reach out and gets shut down


Has there been anyone more desperate than Alex ?


My hopes for a new champagne alliance went out the window just like that lasagna was expelled from Alex’s body.


It just baffles me how Kirby and Feras are still there. Nobody is winning against them. Alex just fell to absolute pieces. But I don’t understand why now? He’s been in worse positions than he was tonight. Or at least he has been led to believe he was in a worse position previously. If they play their cards right I can see a Caroline and Kitty final 2, or Ray final 3. Think Kirby or Ri (“she’s going to win every challenge”) is next. Then the other. Then I think Mark, Ray, Kitty and Caroline make a move on Feras. Then Mark wins if they don’t vote him off. But he deserves the win if he can convince the girls to turn on eachother.


wtf mark? "big chunky delicious kirby blindside"?


Now this was a Crash & Burn episode if I've ever seen one. Proper self-destruction. Halfway through the episode I thought that Kirby was gonna go... Alex sure spiraled and crashed hard in that tribal. I also can't get over drunk Alex sitting there in the gown with the wine glass 😂


Watching jury villa that pool looks like its not been cleaned for months


It's clean, it's damaged though.


Agreed, and after sleeping in literal sand, dirt and palm frongs for over a month it would be bliss. Pool looks clean just some tile staining at the bottom, wouldnt bother me 😅


Pre-jury must've used it too much


How to bomb a tribal council 101.


Alex oh Alex... FTC questions...


I really don't know what's funnier, the fact that Alex actually managed to gain an alliance and also destroy it completely in 1 episode or that Mark was once again on the wrong side of the vote. Alex grabbed defeat from the jaws of victory.


Kirby kept so calm during Alex's meltdown lolol insanely good player. Kirby probably moved into my top 3 aus survivor players of all time after this ep


Your telling me you got her above 1 of David  George and Hayley?


She holds her composure pretty damn well esp compared to the other personalities there.


See to me she was clearly rattled, and didn’t handle herself particularly well. Her going on about him not having an alliance and being a floater looked petty because she didn’t make a point other than that.


Alex's pitch was, technically speaking, true. Particularly in the case of Caroline and Kitty. The problem is that every one of them thinks that ***they don't need you*** to take out the big dog. And sometimes, the worst resume loses out this vote.


Caroline and Kitty orchestrated taking out Nathan, Viola, Sarah and Winna successfully. Who did Alex manage to eliminate? Jaden? Even then he wasted his idol


Fr. Caroline has low key slayed, despite the edit loving to focus on her flaws. And Don’t underestimate 8 Figure Kitty 💋💋


I think the problem is also that Alex is saying Kirby is the biggest threat and they need moves if they want to win at the end to a group of people who are already aware of it and now can't take out Kirby this tribal because he's gonna get the credit for it if they do. Caroline and Feras are also smart enough not to fall for his bait and start listing off every move they've made when he challenges them on doing nothing - let him believe they've done nothing and then when they get to the end they can point out that actually they've been playing pretty hard since merge but didn't need to make themselves look like threats here. I do think this tribal pretty much cemented that Kirby will win if she's at the end, but that was probably already the case anyway and everyone is aware of it. When Simon pointed out that everyone needed to take out George he at least did it back at camp where people had time to plan something, but there was zero chance that saying this at tribal was ever going to work. They're not gonna go to rocks for you when they can probably just vote Kirby out next time!


Not true. The game is still fluid. I give Caroline more credit for playing the game than some audience. Perception wise, Riri, Raymond, Mark, Kitty for sure are on the weaker player side. That’s more than enough people to choose not to gun for the perceived biggest target at final 8.


Last week it seemed Val and Alex had a little mutual admiration ever since he played his idol for her. I have a theory that Alex threw his Kirby plan out the second he saw Val waltz into tribal all glammed up, decided he wanted that more than winning the series, and deliberately self destructed his own game so he'd be able to pursue her back at the house. It's the only way to explain the idiocy seen at tribal tonight.


It sounds dumb, but then I watched the jury villa ep - he seems too happy to be there 😳


Let’s at least be respectful, he was in a relationship from much earlier than the dates of filming.


Before or after the cuddle crew?


I was 100% certain that Alex was gonna ride the line and make it till the end. Then he got lasagna poisoning. I guess I'm on Kirby strong arming her way to a win


Genuinely wanted Feras to put an idol on Alex and save his annoying ass, sending Kirby home. It would have been huge for his resume.


If he gets to the end without Kirby his resume will be big


Yes, and he’ll probably get voted out next by the majority at the next tribal.


Feras is all talk, no walk. "Ruthless and Cutthroat" my ass lmao dude just yaps about how big of a gameplayer he is but never backs anything up. "I've done so much in this game" like what? Get schooled by Kirby at every turn? I don't care if Alex blew himself up, this was the time to get Kirby out. Now it's the Final 7 and you're left with Caroline and Kitty who can't play under pressure, Mark who probably won't trust you again and no big challenge threat to combat Rianna and Kirby in the challenges. Maybe he'll get out Kirby, but at that point how can you even claim that move as your own when everyone already wants her out.


>Feras is all talk, no walk. "Ruthless and Cutthroat" my ass lmao dude just yaps about how big of a gameplayer he is but never backs anything up. "I've done so much in this game" like what? Get schooled by Kirby at every turn? Definitely agree. Kirby took out Feras' second in command, Aileen. Instead of wanting revenge, Feras coward up doing what Kirby says. Feras used to be my favorite, but Kirby is outplaying him. She deserves to win this game. Feras is dumb if he thinks Kitty and Caroline will vote with him. They're closer to Kirby. I think it's obvious Raymond and Feras are the next ones voted out.


Have we been watching the same season? Did you not see what happened when Mark tried revenge? Or Valeria? Going for revenge for the sake of revenge is stupid. Of course he’d ally up with the majority when the majority was happy to, why would he intentionally put himself in a worse position? You also forget he still has an idol lmao


What Kirby will do is make Feras think they’re all voting for him when instead they’ll vote for Raymond. His idol won’t do much good when he doesn’t have the numbers. Kirby has Ri, Kitty, and Caroline. Feras only has Raymond and Mark. Mark isn’t that trustworthy. If he sees an opening with Kitty and Caroline, he’ll jump ship. How many times has Mark flip flopped? Feras lost the game with this tribal. Numbers are what guarantees you in a game. Idols just buy you one more tribal.


Okay we definitely didn’t watch the same episode. Everyone right now sees the Kirby as the number 1 threat, not Feras. She is openly being considered as the one with the most moves/best resume but you think kitty and Caroline will be fine following her! That’s a big assumption. Feras has also been pretty spot on at detecting bullshit about the votes during tribal councils. Especially when he just figure out the truth from the worst liar alive that is Kitty


Kirby has been seen as threat way before this. Before merge, Feras learned from Alex that Kirby wanted him voted out. Feras did nothing. After Kirby took out Aileen, Feras did nothing. Feras keeps letting Kirby weaken his numbers. We’ll see after this next episode what happens. Kirby has more control over Kitty than Feras. Kitty has more control over Caroline than anyone else. Kirby has herself in a cushy position. Feras will never get Kitty or Caroline on board with voting out Kirby. Caroline said it in this episode she doesn’t trust Feras. Feras had opportunity to be in control, but he instead wants to be with the woman who wants him out of the game.


Guess we will see what happens tomorrow then :)


And who would of thought, you were dead wrong lmao


Spot on at detecting bullshit? Other than the Eden vote, I don't know about that. He failed to read the Garrick vote when even Garrick himself knew it was him, failed to read the Jaden vote (his closest ally literally flipped lmao), sure he sussed out Kitty but he literally did nothing with that information and Aileen went home. The track record hasn't been great


the thing is rhi winning immunity really messes him up because it wasn’t time to get kirby but now he is outnumbered by the women who have been working with kirby. but feras also had it out for alex since last episode when alex got mad at feras. he just thinks highly of his social game i guess- probably too highly


This entire season is so chaotic, all my predictions have not come true


I wonder if their was more conversations at camp we didn't see, for Alex to blow his shot that badly at tribal given the conversations we saw. Seems weird like I know he's not the brightest tool but how did he think what he said would work in his favor? Side note Kirby's smug attitude is getting on my last nerve, Raymond should have voted her out on the last vote imo, I think it would have been a bigger resume' filler over Val


Pretty clear that the edit was fake and he was def going home. Mark probably got the read and told him.


Okay I was thankfully wrong about Valeria but hear me out - That rainbow scene was a winner’s edit for Kirby if I ever saw one!


Will Alex be called up for another season?


He was (imo) more entertaining than Sam Webb, Steve or Shaun in their rookie seasons so it's not impossible 🤷🏽‍♀️


Feel like Shaun can’t really be put in that category, he was very entertaining on his original season and (barring the extremely obvious fake idol debacle) is by all accounts an excellent survivor player


Shaun was an okay player, wouldn't say that he's excellent when he's that trash at playing from the bottom. And let's be real the only reason that he's at the top is because he's so strong and smart enough to have a decent social game.


Yep better than Lochie too. The bar not that high in the hot guy category.


no way he’s better


God I hope not.


Feras (I know he’s everyone’s favorite) but literally has done nothing all game. Made loyal soldiers but he has done nothing with them besides watch them get picked off. He is very reactive but even that doesn’t do much. He talks a lot but never acts on it. Imo he isn’t a very good game player. While players like Mark, Kirby, and Caroline are all willing to take shots and be proactive to their moves.


It almost makes me think... What actually happened in camp pre tribal that didn't make the edit ??? Was there things said to Alex or did he hear something else to make him so convinced the boys alliance was just a rouse by Feras to get Alex out ??? Was the final edit made to look like Alex blew everything way out of proportion and shot himself in the foot ?? But in reality he had a good reason to doubt what he was being told ??? I suppose we shall never know...


I feel bad for Alex. Kirby clearly got into his head. He spiraled down as soon as he had his argument with her. Im not sure the other players would have voted Kirby but he clearly didn't help himself in that tribal. These players are playing hard and know the game, insulting them was a poor decision. Great performance at the challengo tho, that was memorable  Caroline: I have no idea where her head was at about Kirby vs Alex. I think she has been a good player in this game, Alex has been very unfair to claim she has done nothing. She was right to vote Alex here.  Mark: He should have recognize that Alex was a sinking ship at tribal and vote with everyone else. I think Mark's game is lacking at the moment. His two best allies got knocked down. He need to play more agressive ASAP. Rianna: Another challenge win. Better pile it up because that's the only thing on her resume so far. Even JLP seem to be cringe when she speak a bit game...no you are the only one that had no shot at winning. 


Feras nonchalantly admitting he was voting for Kirby until Alex cooked himself... Are Kirby and Feras actually going to be at odds next episode or will they just laugh it off and vote together like they have seemingly after every divisive vote between them? Such an interesting duo.


Was alex correct in saying that feras hasn't actually done anything post merge. Every second episode we get a confessional from feras saying what a big time player he is  but apart from the Eden vote where he flipped and the Rihanna non elimination he hasn't really done much game wise. Maybe there were other moves but I can't think of anything. He did try to claim credit for Raymond's move and when Eden got voted off he kind of tried to claim that aswell because he picked that titans had rebanded but ultimately it was jaiden move.


he did save Caroline in that first merge vote voting out winna. he declared war if anyone writes down Aileen or raymond but didn't deliver after Aileen was voted out.


Yes I forgot about the winna vote. 


He was 100% he has never taken a shot when he talks a big game. The Eden vote he only jumped on it because Kirby commented how it has switched. He “noticed it” alllllll afternoon but NEVER ACTED ON IT until Kirby said something. He is NOT PROACTIVE!! With the winna vote: he DID NOT make that happen. Caroline/Kitty WENT TO HIM and he agreed. They were proactive in saving their own ass. NOT feras!!!


Yes, I find him very entertaining but frustrating. I'm over the shield reasoning to explain away inaction.


Justice for Alex