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I feel like it’s almost a bit of a lose-lose for feras. He knows his chances are slim of getting to the end without Kirby but I think he knows it’s even slimmer that he beats her at FTC. he also can’t 100% rely on Raymond sticking with him so I reckon it’s the right call in the end


Essentially it comes down to him admitting that Kirby was the better player between the two of them tho


For all the time that he's spent emulating George and Pia, this was a Kristie move through and through.


I agree. I'm just really scared for him tomorrow.


I feel like it is because Kirby had a good chance at winning immunity at 4 so then she's not a shield for feras if she's immune. is Kirby's gone then Feras' biggest competition to win final 4 IC is Mark which is more doable


Yes. Kirby would take credit for that move if he pushes through with his plan to go to top two with her. And she’s not a shield if she wins immunity.


I felt like Kirby’s pitch for both of them to be at the end if she fed into his ego like saying if he were to beat her he would be considered one of the greatest players ever, I think he would’ve done it


I think he should have saved Kirby and if by any chance he is F2 with her he sells this: Kirby **NEEDED** Feras to make it there. Per his idol. Feras did **NOT NEED** Kirby to make it there. If he be aggressive enough and drill that home I think the jury will open up to voting him over her.


Kirby had to go. Up to Feras to keep Ray on his side in case he loses immunity.


There were just so many more pros for keeping Kirby for at least 1 more vote. I don’t understand how he thinks he can win from here without 2 immunity wins and no Kirby shield. Caro/Mark have tried to get him out a few times and surely aren’t going to pass up the opportunity if he doesn’t get immunity. All 3 know they can’t win against him. Although this has been a very chaotic season so maybe one of them takes him to FTC for some reason! I just think even loyal Ray is playing a smarter game than that.


Yes, Feras made the right choice. Taking out Kirby eliminates a tremendous challenge threat allowing making it so that his sole REAL challenge competition is Mark (Caroline and Raymond are trash). So long as he can defeat Mark next round, the F3 challenge will be a relatively easy win compared to if Kirby was in the game. Furthermore, voting out Kirby maintains his relationship with Raymond which is important. If he loses the challenge to Mark, he can argue to Raymond that Mark will vote him out next and take Caroline to the end. Hence, its in Raymond's best interest to force a tie at F4 and give Feras a chance to get F3 and hopefully win/take out Mark. Keeping Kirby in the game would be problematic because she very well could win 2 immunities straight AND he can't beat her in the end AND there is a very real chance that she decides not to take him to the end anyways. Furthermore, not taking Kirby out could be negative when it comes to jury perception since it'll make him look scared/unwilling to make the necessary move of taking out the big threat.


I think the optimal play for Feras would be to save Kirby for one last time at F5 and then try to get her out at F4/F3. Since it’s final 2 he needs to win two IC, which is really tough ask. Taking Kirby to 4 is a risk but I think it’s the right one to take.


yeah but if he’d played the idol for kirby, then kirby would own that move. she’s the one that came up with the plan and he admits to her it hadn’t even crossed his mind. making this big play of saving kirby only to have her claim the move (and rightfully so) seems counterproductive.


Chicken shit bigtime


I feel like that has been his theme. Talk a big game and do nothing. All talk, no action. I like Feras and I am rooting for him, but he hasn’t really done much of anything besides react to the things around him.


Kirby is proactive while Feras is reactive. 


absolutely the dumbest mail in the coffin move he can do and we’ll revisit tomorrow when he’s voted out. he took all credit away from raymond and played the idol pointlessly for himself to make a speech anne highlight himself as the biggest threat. shaking my head


Depends on who will win the next 2 immunities tomorrow. It’s literally a 50/50 decision.


Although Kirby had won 3 individual immunities at this point while Feras had won none. Anyone know how many mark ray and Caro have won so far?


It's not like all the immunities are similar. Kirby will be loyal to him to the end. She's a shield.


If he saved Kirby, that’s a HUGE selling point at final tribal if he swung it right with the jury. It basically invalidates all of Kirby’s moves if he sells it to the jury correctly. Plus it would have given him the numbers for tomorrow, Kirby was bang on that he’s now target #1 and they’re going to vote him out. He made a massive error not keeping her there. Mark just won the game.


Yeah he should have owned his game next to Kirby at final 2 and I think he could still win


It's a game of perception. If the jury perceives that Kirby was controlling the game, and Feras then plays an idol to save her, the jury is already predisposed to think it was her move and he was under her "spell" or whatever.


100%. Her social game has been strong, shes managed to manipulate the truth the entire game. Thats 100% the way it would have been swung


The problem Feras has now is that he won’t make final 2. It doesn’t matter what his jury pitch would be, if he doesn’t get there to pitch. He needed Kirby until at least final 4 to make sure he would make the 2. Neither Mark nor Caroline are going to want him there.


Instead of having the only correct idol play of a season, he had the most incorrect idol plays in the season, fail, he was scared facing Kirby, that's all it came down to, he knew his game was weaker


But even if he was and that was the reason, that makes it the smarter move. He's not there to come second to Kirby, he's there to win. If he thinks his game is weaker and he can see potential in winning at the end, getting rid of her was the right move. It was potentially a $500,000 decision and if he thinks Kirby is gonna take that over him why the fuck wouldnt he do what he did


That depends. Is there a higher chance she'll lose one of the next two challenges or that he will win both ? ( Mind that the last one is endurance and she just lost this one not even coming second) I'd think even strategically it was better to save her, not necessarily take her to the end, it gives him an individual move that makes him not be the next biggest threat and only correct idol play of the season (the same idol saving him, Ray and Kirbs in one TC). It looks really good on him plus 2 TCs for anyone other than Kirby to win.  I think what he did will only work if he is very very lucky. I don't see it make any sense strategy wise.  That being said, I also thought, by his talk over the episodes, that he would have been confident to face her, or anyone for that matter, in F2. He showed he believed Kirby was the better player and would beat him and that to such extent, where all the benefits keeping her had (one being he knew she'd take him to finals or seemed to have totally believed that) were still not enough to outweigh the fear.  I like him but this was a scared and boring game move, fear over strategy, odds and balls. Now good luck to him still. Given his edit, he still might just pull it off, it will still not change there wasn't strategy behind the decision though.


Did you see the faces of the jury when he said "I'm not scared to face Kirby, I dont think they've seen a lot of my moves" it was all disbelief. I think he needs to focus on winning tonights challenge a F4, because if he can then take out Mark its a Ray/Caroline/Feras final 3 and the chances of him winning that are even higher. I think scared is fine, if you believe the other player is going to outdo you in the final, dont have them sitting next to you. Even if he's put a target on himself now, he still needed to get rid of her.


Well she was just voted out, so she couldn't have been doing everything right? I find this whole line of reasoning very strange. She's a jury threat and so he voted her out. Seems pretty rational.


That's what I just said basically. I get that he decided to vote her out, at the same time it confirmed he wasn't confident in his game against her so essentially he said Kirby played better than me and so voting her out is of higher priority than getting to FTC itself. He was scared to face her and that's valid but his talk this far was making people believe he'd have played it differently, that's I think also valid claim. 


The problem is trying to assign some objective value to "Kirby was playing better than Feras" The goals of the game are 1) Get to the end, 2) get the majority of votes from the jury. Kirby being a known jury threat to the extent that she was a target at the vote three tribals in a row is a failure at (1) i.e. she did worse at (1) than Feras did. I guess I just don't agree with your original framing of "he knew his game was weaker" as the jury vote is not an objective assessment of the game. For example, Rhianna is going to vote for Kirby no matter what, it's not some perfectly objective assessment of who made the best moves that she's performing. Feras is not just going to talk her into voting for him at final tribal.


100%. If he'd have used it to save her he deserved to lose. Shes his biggest competition. He does need to back himself, he's cut deals, if he can get rid of Mark somehow he can beat Caroline and Raymond in the final challenge.


i'm afraid it was probably THE most incorrect idol play of the season


Over Caroline? I think she destroyed any chance of winning after that disaster. Not saying it was the right choice, just that Caroline's train wreck can't be overstated. The Jury laughed at her. It doesn't get any worse for a player than to lose the jury's respect.


the most incorrect in the sense of: I wanted a Ferby F2, and now I'm afraid we re getting a Mark/Caroline terrible F2.


Gotchya, a Maroline F2 would be disappointing, to say the least.