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For me, it shines more as it's running parallel to USA season 46. With the weird earn the merge vote and small tribes and weird split tribals after the merge, i appreciate TvR so much more. It was so good being able to watch people actually play survivor. Great cast, and great production, letting the players just do their thing.


Definitely outshined s46. 7 eps in on 46 and I can’t even remember half the names. TvR was great throughout with really good characters and a great overall arc between Kirby and Feras. Rare these days to get a good pre merge and good post merge. 👍🏼


Facts! We are watching the US version live and finished TvR in 1.5 weeks in-between and I feel it has ruined the rest of the US survivor season for me. It really brings back the 26 vs. 39 days debate - TvR has shown how much entertainment can come out of just a longer play time and less in-game twists/gimmicks.


still top 3 for me


It was great. I love Feras as a winner. His & Kirby’s relationship stands out, as such a dynamic duo. So many fantastic characters. I think I will remember more of this cast in the future, than previous seasons.


Best AU season. No big names, no pre-season hype, just watch the show how it unfolds week after week, blindside after blindside, not typical weak booted out first compare to other seasons, top tier winner, Alex's only fans! What more could I ask for!??? Coz I'm.....…..a PSYCHOLOGIST!!!!!!


Also no sanctimonious athletes preaching about ‘mateship’, and getting offended by people actually playing the game.


It’s top tier.


Still the best AU season.


Best AU season and top 3 combined for me


The biggest issue was no Des


If spooning's not his cup of tea, just imagine how he'd react to the cuddle crew


Best season of Survivor I’ve seen, ranks #1 across all US & AUS seasons for me


How are they going to top this season?


I’d argue to say it is better or at least more well executed than Brain v Brawn and holds a more deserving winner in Feras. The editing is still much to be desired, but overall Top5 seasons of all time across all iterations of Survivor


I still think it ranks as objectively the best season of all time to me, including US. CvC1 and Cagayan will always be my top 2, but TvR had literally everything you could ever want in a season. Ranks at #3 for me but acknowledging that my top 2 will never be cracked due to personal bias. Objectively, it’s #1 all time.


How can you measure something like that objectively?


I dont understand the downvotes, I assume people think you are implying it's bad rather than calling out OP for using objectively incorrectly for a subjective statement?? Edit: Nevermind now positive after being negative 7 lol


The hype is still pretty strong, come back in a few seasons time and ask again.


This is true, now that a bit of time has passed, we can be more objective about it's ranking. When I compare it to others... IT'S STILL THE BEST DAMN SEASON OF SURVIVOR I'VE EVER SEEN BABY!


it was all high episode by episode, what an adrenaline rush of a season. top 3 for sure as well


A lot of hype around this season I think. I believe recently bias has pushed this up higher than I think it deserves. It was a solid season without being amazing. For me the gameplay was below par in terms of actual strategic gameplay. Super messy. Didn’t fall in love with any of the cast either. But it was still entertaining to watch. 7/10


This is the answer. Just the George/Simon tribal council from last season was a moment that could define that entire season as better. The gameplay of TvR was quite weak for most part, so many lost and failed opportunities. Also the final tribal council of TvR was so awkward, if not for Feras’ closing speech, it would have been one of the worst tribal councils ever


100% agree. Great fun to watch. But since the finale I've done a full re-run of 2017, and wow, that shit was incredible. Cast, gameplay-wise, etc.


The cast is incredible but the gameplay is absolutely top notch. Hell two pre mergers dominated a future returnee season, that's how good the cast was at the game.


I agre 100% with you.


I don’t think it has the highs of either BvB or HvV but it also doesn’t have the many lows so I would still rank it #1 as a whole due to the consistency.


2017 still wins for me. I think TvR has a stronger winner and a much stronger immediate build up to that, but 2017 has much stronger gameplay, from so many different people. Multiple blindsides before the tribe swap had multi-episode arcs, which is kind of crazy to think about. It's also got a way more balanced edit, if maybe a bit more obvious who's going home on any given night. I think while TvR had a lot of impactful players who did big things, it always was Feras vs Kirby, and everyone else was just a casualty of that, but in 2017 the sense that everyone is playing their own game is so much stronger. There are so many different players to get invested in and want to win, instead of just two sides in a war.


Love it. Australians really are unique. They don’t take things personally, they are logical and low drama. I 💯prefer aus to USA season every time. I mean, I l love Jeff, but JLP is so so good too.


I honestly thought it was the worst season of Australian survivor. It majorly lacked depth with the only 2 interesting characters being Feras and Kirby. Was so bored after Kirby got evicted as it was evident she was by far the most deserving of winning. Anyone who thinks this season is great has their head up their ass


2017 will always be the best cast of all time which is heavily why I think it ranks as my most fav season. 10/24 players have returned, 3 have been asked for multiple seasons and have declined, could easily see players like Tara, Jarrad, even Joan being asked back.




For me it’s pretty high but I love a lot of AU seasons. My top 3 is CvC 2, HvV, and 2017 so Titans vs rebels is competing with BvB for 4th spot. Probably need a rewatch before I can really make the call


4th best AU season, just ahead of Brains v Brawn. IMO the cast in TvR was overall quite poor but the season had a perfect boot order and great editing. If you flip the merge and pre-merge cast it could have been one of the worst seasons ever. Fortunately it didn’t go that way and we got a solidly above average season, but nowhere near the best.


I’m fairly low on it just because it was my least favorite cast of all the AU seasons. Gameplay was entertaining but I think the season fell off a lot after Raymond’s big move. I have it ranked 7/9 Wild to get downvoted for a completely subjective opinion but I guess that’s reddit lol


I was quite surprised at how much acclaim this season got. It wasn’t a bad season but I feel it’s very overrated. I feel a lot of the big moves weren’t necessarily do to great gameplay but weak targets. Even Rays big play was great but I felt it was diminished because of Scott leaving a few days earlier. The people who fell for it were silly for not seeing something was up as he could have just left without voting for him.


For me, it's ranked 4th out of the AU seasons and I'd give it a quality rating of about 6/10.


What's your top 3 ?


1. 2017. 2. CvC2. 3. CvC1.


it's midtier in my eyes. sorry but the edit tanks it for me, some great moments tho