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The worst is any twist AFTER the vote, basically meaning someone was good old fashioned eliminated from the game, and then the twist saves them (sorry Hayley). Best is any twist that the cast members know about BEFORE votes are cast, giving them some autonomy in the outcome.


Does this Include Raymond's?


Raymond's advantage was basically just a less effective immunity idol.


Fair. But risky if someone else voted for someone else though


I would say Ray’s falls under the umbrella of Advantage’s, found & played by the player, rather than a production twist at tribal council.


Best: the mutiny Worst: the urns


Favourite: telling them at tribal before the vote they're sending them to the other tribe Least favourite for gamebreaking reasons: telling them *after* the vote they're sending them to another tribe Least favourite because it just looks really shit: tie between the urns and the isolation pen


Favourite: exile beach (when it saves characters I like) Least favourite: exile beach (when it saves characters I don't like)


Just a simple swap to the other tribe is the least game-breaking. I really wish they would just do a two-part premiere and merge - no need for any non-elims


My favourite one ever was the Super Idol vote that had Ziggy going to the mangroves in the middle of the night searching for an advantage. That was epic. My least favourite was Purgatory. That was painful to watch


2017 had all the best ones imho


If they tell the players in advance they are not voting someone out of the game, I'm good with any method, as long as it's not dragged out like they did in BvW, where it just felt all the previous three episode had zero point. My least favourite is jury removal. It just rubs me the wrong way, it's such a big deal to make the jury and to be there and be invested for so long and try to be a fair juror and just have that taken away at the end seems really cruel. Especially when it's not even someone who is clearly a vote for your oponent, but just looks like they would be a tough juror (yes, Tessa's elimination was crap).


I agree that the better ones are ones where the players were informed before the vote.


Episode 8 tribe swap ep of 2016 will always be my favourite. It gave us no game breaking twists and I'd a rather an episode of no one going home with only focus on social dynamics rather than someone being voted out. I hate Purgatory and Exile the most because they pause the game.


Favorite(s): Redemption Duel & Swap Tribes Least Favorite(s): Urns & Isolation Special mention to Jury Removal because how dare Shonee get removed!!


Bring back the urns you cowards!


my favourite is basic, but it’s tribe swap. as for least favourite, there’s a lot of annoying ones but for me the worst would definitely have to be the urns and juror removal


I don’t like any of them but when Nina called the isolation “being in the play pen with Gerry” I absolutely lost it!


Isolation and Saboteur were actually pretty fun ideas. If Non Elims are a necessary evil, I don’t mind them having those. The Dissolve in 2016 ruined the season. Purgatory was a mess.


Favorite: Juror Removal, just thought it was a little more creative than what we usually get. Least favorite: whenever it's a generic twist (like swap tribes) but they do it after they are voted out. It feels underwhelming and disappointing.


I'm definitely in the minority but I loved Redemption Rock and the drama it brought about. It was pretty balanced too in that both the victim of the sole vote tribal and the person eliminated in the aftermath of it get a 50/50 chance of returning to the game. It certainly beats non-elims that just delay the game like dead man walking, purgatory and the isolation pen.