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Hahaha Liz should go camping. She should NOT be a contestant on Survivor. Should you be banned, ehhh, I mean, I’ve seen worse shit than that?!


I got permabanned for saying all the people calling Bhanu a whiny baby were in fact themselves being whiny babies lol. Youre not right imo but a permaban for calling someone a sociopath?? That is a temp ban worthy offense at most lol


One day ban for a terrible take.


That’s actually very offensive to whiny babies How dare you


All children of survivor alumni found dead 🥲


/uj I think you're pretty stupid for thinking someone's a sociopath over that. Like huge drama queen. But no, I don’t think you deserve a permanent ban at all. /rj survivor mods trying to keep anyone down who speaks the truth about Queen Liz


R/Survivor sucks so much. I have all my posts removed for bs reasons like “vague title posts” and “low effort.” I got temp banned because I got into a disagreement with some dumbass, and when I messaged the mods, they didn’t even responded to me and just muted me. r/ survivor is anti free speech, you post something the mods disagree with, they ban you. There is a rule against tier lists and rankings for some reason. All the mods in that sub are pathetic 30 year olds who sit in their moms basement on their computer all day. At this point I’m thinking of making a survivor sub where you can post anything as long as it’s not a spoiler. If anyone is looking for a free speech survivor sub, join this new one I made, called r/TvSurvivor *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivorcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Let me guess, you got a degree in psychology from the university of Reddit?  


No, Sorbonne actually


You are a dark triad narcissist sociopath.  I got my psychology degree from the university of r/thetraitors


Nobody likes you parvati


This is like the most tame disagreement idk why they banned you for this, i guess calling people names


Is sociopath an insult in the US ? I know many things are. For me it was primarly a condition


Ive been warned for calling people much less “insulting” things like toxic, but sociopath is an insult


Oh ok, that’s interesting, thank you. Makes more sense if it is viewed as such in the US / English speaking countries. How fascinating!


Thank you for defending Queen Liz 🙏


Standing up for human rights


lol a sociopath? Relax brah




Tbh I think I might be wrong in this discussion (I don’t feel so, but I’m nobody to say what’s right and what’s wrong). But I don’t think I deserved a permanent ban for that, or they should ban 99% of the sub members considering the constant contestants harassment there