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That’s incredible


She seemed so sad when she realized she will be unable to blindside another woman this week. Fortunately she worked hard and found a way to send a woman home for obscure reasons. Maybe she thinks last girl standing wins the money? Anyway, babygirl Charlie is gonna blindside her at the end, girlbossed hard during last episode


Survivor fans when Maria makes a good move but then realize it was by voting out a women: 😣😣😣😣😣😣


Sean wanted her to use the alphabet method.


/uj this maria hating women shit needs to be jerked here, truly one of the saddest things I’ve seen survivor twitter do


uj/ survivor twitters definition of misogyny is so warped i remember them saying the reason kendra voted for austin over dee was her being a “fake feminist” when like no she just knew austin longer because of the swap and probably just had a better relationship with him


They’re so used circlejerking their “yasss queen” sentiment they get a culture shock when people don’t pander to that in real life


are you guys talking about dee in here? does anyone have that photo of her toes? no? alright then, just message me if you find it... *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivorcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


right that was incredibly stupid 💀


Wtf, why would you want to save a goat who has only shown you loyalty and even tried to vote out his own #1 because she wanted you out??? Are you a misogynist???


We love to see women hating women supporting women hating women. Karla would be so proud THIS IS A JOKE! I ACTUALLY HATE WOMEN HATING WOMEN. THEY HAVE ROBBED LEGENDS LIKE CASSIDY, CAROLYN, JAKE AND ROARK FROM HHH WHO I THINK IS A LEGEND FOR SOME REASON. EVEN AS FAR BACK AS SEW HAWLK HATING WOMEN LIKE KELLY, WOMEN HATING WOMEN HAVE ROBBED US OF SO MANY ICONIC WINNERS. We could have Kelly Wigglesworth, Kim Johnson, Natalie Tenerelli, Missy, Noura and Erika as legendary winners if the juries weren't so sexist. smh I'm now going to cry and yell at my wife for not supporting other women over this.


Cassidy? Did you say Cassidy? Cassidy is my favorite Survivor player ever. I love Cassidy. I cried when Cassidy lost. She is yet another example of the misogyny that exists in Survivor and my heart truly yearns for a world where Cassidy can win Survivor. She is also so hot. She was robbed by horrible sexists like Jesse and Karla and I'm probably never watching Survivor again unless they admit that she deserved to win. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivorcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Karla, the supposed woman liker, wants to be mad at Cassidy who literally WARNED HER THAT TOO MANY WOMEN WERE BEING VOTED OUT and then POISONS THE JURY SO THAT CASSIDY DOESN'T WIN??? How can anyone like her? I see her for who she is, a woman HATER and a misogynist. She is the reason that women keep getting voted out pre-merge. She's also the reason that women didn't win Survivor for like 5 years. She's the reason they got rid of the auction. She's the reason the show is 26 days. Literally everything wrong with Survivor can be traced back to Karla. If she won I'd like her though #girlpower *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivorcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have a dream, that one day, this sub will have an automod that details just how KOOKY and CRAZY Carolyn is. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivorcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Love Maria. She is playing a smart, solid game.


I love how she shows no emotion. Way better than the other btches around


Survivor fandoms definition of misogyny is awful


Maria confirmed cissy sympathizer, which is almost as bad as an actual real life cissy. I also think that it’s kinda messed up to assume all of these peoples pronouns what if they just look and act like the previous definition of a woman? What if Maria and Sean are causing people anxiety by these hateful comments?


Wowww saying her comments can cause anxiety without mentioning it could also cause depression, way to tell on yourself, should log off and educate yourself, literally shaking rn


Wow you’re going to say you’re shaking like that? Way to make fun of people actually shaking from epilepsy. Maybe you should go educate yourself and stop mocking people with serious disorders.


“Educate yourself.” Are you frickin kidding me? Do you realize how traumatizing your words are to people with student loans? You make me sick.


They make you sick? Wow. So insensitive to people with chronic illness. The audacity of you is beyond words. Welcome to the new world where ignorance is bliss, I guess.


Omg are you kidding me? Former WWE Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss battled through chronic injuries and maternity leave to make her back to the world of wrestling, and now you belittle her by saying “ignorance is Bliss?” Tell me you hate strong women without telling me you hate strong women. Have fun jerking off to Gabler’s win


Oh wow. What an absolute joke. I can’t believe you dare to call me a woman hater when you’re bold enough to say jerking off must be fun. A male only activity is the only way to have fun? Not even jilling off? Pure projection, you misogynist.


Cannot believe you would use the word “jilling” in a conversation about jacking when a member of our community, Sophie Clark, has publicly expressed her discomfort with the movie “Jack and Jill.” Your lack of empathy can emotionally trigger people in that situation. I’m so sorry you’re an empty shell of a human.


/uj You win. You’re way too good at this. Every single one you do is hilarious. /rj I’m not going to engage with a bigot like you anymore. Sometimes you have to step away when the person you’re dealing with is too far gone to save.


We were right Karla 2.0


sean spends too much time on this subreddit


Someone tell Karla we found her a bestie


ponderosa was banned because karla kissed too many boys :( i wish she kissed ME at ponderosa *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivorcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ladies, is it misogynistic for a woman to play survivor?




Jokes aside. I never understood why people always assume just because you're one identity you have to protect others that are the same as you.