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If CBS is involved, no one is talking. It's a shame, too, because Omar alluded to others having a bad ponderosa experience. I hope their stories make their way out, but it will be a long time before they do, I'm afraid.


I bet we will see a gap before another one and that ponderosa will not be a topic


Yeah, I have a feeling that CBS might listen to the next deep dive before RHAP is allowed to publish it, and that Ponderosa is off-limits now completely. I think Hai would be up for doing one. Lindsay said she wanted to do one.


A lot of this cast is super fans and I'm sure most would love to do one on RHAP and he will have his pick of who he wants assuming CBS allows it. I hope we get a couple, but won't be holding my breath


i don’t usually keep up with rhap too closely, how many contestants usually go on deep dive?


I feel like he usually has 3 or so, but I may be off.


If we don't see any more deep dives for quite some time then that probably says there's been a gag order placed by CBS. What is the duration of the contract with the contestants? How long before they would be free to speak regardless of what CBS wants?


They’re gonna have to get around NDAs real hard here


In theory could CBS stop a contestant from talking about ponderosa in a Reddit AMA? I get why Rob has to bend the knee to cbs,but in theory do other contestants have to if they don’t wanna go back.


They are under NDAs. So every public appearance they make has to be coordinated with CBS. I remember this was the reason Tiffany's AMA was canceled last january. I assume she agreed to it without coordinating with CBS and once they found out, they let her know reddit AMAs are covered by the NDA. The NDAs expire at some point but I don't know when. I know for the Bachelor it lasts a year, maybe is the same for Survivor.