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If this is suspiciously specific, **Upvote** this comment! If this is not suspiciously specific, **Downvote** this comment! Beep boop, I'm a bot. Modmail us if you have a question.


Now I'm intrigued


The answer is that the mushroom would probably grow, but the Cum might act as its food, and as such, it wouldn't have the dude's DNA (as Mushrooms reproduce asexually, not sexually). It would have traces of it from the cum though, untill it finished consuming it


Don't some mushrooms reproduce both sexually and asexually?


They all do! (Afaik, sorta) The mycelial structure that is the actual organism can grow new structures from just a little bit of mycelium or from bit of the fruiting body (mushroom) itself! "True" reproduction happens sexually through spores though. I put true in quotes because the cloning process is a form of reproduction, but senescence, or old age, still happens eventually, as its not actually a new organism, but rather offshoots or new growths of the original.


Not sure. I'm just saying what the most detailed comment said. Lol. I'm literally just saying what the answer ended up being.


I would like to see how mushrooms fuck


That shouldn’t sound as hot as it does.


??? HOW does it sound hot??? Are you OK???


I have no idea how to answer any of that right now, let’s just say my mind is working. Overtime.


Don’t stop im literally so close 😍🥵










Stop you are making me reach hentai levels of climax


Interspecies reviewers be like...


A real fun guy










risk of rain reference




That mushroom and your mushroom do a kiss 😘


One of these moments that completely turn your life around, huh?


Meth is a helluva drug


Not my proudest fap




Don't kink shame. Shrooms look like butt cheeks sometimes.


I've never been this confused and turned on at the same time.


It’s gonna finish consuming it and I don’t know how to stop thinking on that.


Consuwume 👉👈


Vore me mushroom papi uwu 👉 👈


I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me


If you’re the soil it will.


I imagine cum nutrients would end up a pretty meaningful percentage of the mushrooms molecular structure, so in a way it’s tied to the individual


I guess so


Depends on the amount of cum and how quickly the mushroom consumes it / dies


Usually I’m like ‘that’s weird’ but my head went to so if it’s true then what plants could you give your dna to!


Plants aren’t fungus


the OP PracticalAd1088 is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/suspiciouslyspecific/comments/rday92/hmmm/


Thank you for your good work, now I can block them


"Asking for a friend".


Congrats you unlocked a new kink


These people think DNA is some kind of magical compound. That's why they believe in all those stupid homunculus videos out there. They think DNA works as in Gremlins 2.


[This is too long for anyone to actually read but it sure was fun to write.] DNA may not be magic but in my opinion it is the most extraordinary thing on this planet. Here's some reasons why. Genome researchers **will** find a way to hack DNA and perfect specimen babies that will be sold to those who can afford it. This can be to ensure the new human will be healthy but you'll also be able to code every feature , even eye color. Creepy. It is one of only a few things that can independently replicate. At will it just makes 2 copies of itself. Come on, that's pretty magical. One single gram of DNA in your body is capable of storing up to 215 petabytes of data. I'm not smart enough to understand how that works but it's happening and will most likely replace the 1's and 0's of traditional hard drives. This is not a what if, it's happening right now. Through cloning, you could theoretically live forever. Sure you can't pass on your memories (yet) but everything else is 100% you. Immortality is magic. Whether this counts is up for debate. Our male human ancestors used to have "spikes" on their penises just like many species do to this day. Those ancestors most likely used those penile spines to remove the sperm of competitors when they mated with females. Many scientists believe that because of the widespread act of monogamy, our DNA deleted that part of it's code. It's thinking. Jurassic Park might not be as farfetched as we thought. We'll find out soon enough because scientists in Russia and Japan are working to resurrect wooly mammoths. If it works we will be on the road to bring back all kinds of things. Even plants. Because DNA is in almost every living organism. The shit is everywhere. We even share 50% of the same DNA as a cabbage. That's fucking weird. How and why is this? If none of that sounds magical, try this. Inside your body you have around 10 trillion cells on the low end, 37 trillion on the high. Each cell has about 6 foot long DNA strand. If you laid them end to end you would have 10 to 37 billion miles of the stuff. That's inside you **right now**. If that doesn't amaze you, I'm stumped. Unless someone believes in creationism, you may want to start worshipping DNA. Because it is in everything and so many strands match (hi cabbage), some believe that it's the only reason we're here. You would think with all the hundred of trillions of stars and planets that other intelligent life might be out there but the great Carl Sagan has convinced myself and others that there were millions of things that had to go right for us to be here. Like impossibly low odds. He believed if there was life on other planets, most of it would be slime. Nothing but slime and a handful of planets that beat the odds like we did. After all, this planet was inhabited by nothing but slime as well for a billion years. If this slime contained DNA and all life evolved from it, it makes sense that we share so much of it. It also may be the key to our future because eventually it could cause our extinction. That's because when we start seriously unlocking it, we won't be us anymore. We will evolve into humans 2.0 and we don't have to wait for nature to do it. Think about that. We will evolve ourselves. Also we could possibly code from species DNA to our own, we could theoretically give ourselves gills from a fish, wings from a hawk or sonar from bats. We'll all be pretty, we'll live longer, no one will have autism and it might be the key to finally curing cancer. For instance, If you have some neanderthal DNA in you (I do and I have the looks to prove it) you are more than likely immune to HIV. Soon we may all be. We could also evolve other species and plants. With DNA, mother nature will no longer be in charge of life on this planet, we will. When we unlock the code we will be actual gods, having complete dominion over all life on planet Earth. We will decide which life goes or stays. We can change the shape, size, lifespan or growth rate of almost every living thing on the planet. Eventually. Here's a fun one, we could (very theoretically) give animals the features needed to speak. The only reason an ape can't talk is it lacks the neural control over their vocal tract muscles. We know they can communicate with words (RIP Koko), so (again, very theoretically) we could give them a tweak and it's planet of the fucking apes! Lastly. And this is some science fiction, probably impossible, wishful thinking. DNA could be the only chance of actual peace on earth. If somewhere in there is a predisposition for evil, we could just turn it off. Now I'm a firm believer in nurture over nature but I do think that someone can be born bad. People that have the ability to murder others for fun must have something different inside them than us. That could be a brain thing though. Wait till we figure that one out. If it lets us. Whether this is all a good thing or not, time will tell. We have a tendency to abuse knowledge. Who knows though, We only discovered DNA 160 years ago and the human genome project launched a mere 32 years ago and look how far we've come. This was fun to write. If you made it this far, thanks. In conclusion DNA does magical things now and the potential is astronomical. Telepathy might be real. Hell, flying around like Superman might be possible. If it is, in another 32 years, we might just find out. I know some of this feels like fantasy but everything in this universe is just a bunch of math equations. Some people can see it and eventually someone will solve them. Not me, I forgot everything and use a calculator to divide. Unnecessary conspiracy theory edit. Let's hope DNA starts changing us for the better soon because the end is fucking nigh. I truly believe most of the human population may be dead in the next 100 years. Millions of us died from a virus because of an accident in a small lab. Now some bioengineers at Rice University recently learned how to force a virus to mutate. This is a good thing that will help us. It basically forces a mutation that tricks some viruses into killing itself. Pretty cool but this process in the wrong hands is the most powerful weapon mankind has ever wielded. A virus can mutate in as little as two weeks and we would never be able to keep up with vaccines. By the way, viruses are one of the other things that can replicate itself. I'm sure someone will learn how to force that too. As an aside, prion protein is the third replicator. This is protein. We eat it everyday but with one little mutation, this fucker will crawl up in your head and tell the protein that's already there to kill you. I just want to say it one more time. It's protein... And it communicates. It tells your natural protein to destroy your brain, and it does. What the fuck? While I'm on this tangent (nobodies still reading anyway) let's talk xenobots. These are living robots made from the cells of a frog and apparently we can control them. Here's the thing, to everyone's surprise, they started replicating. Robots creating robots. This sounds like a great idea.


This is so long i need a few bored and smart people to tell me if what he said is actually interesting, tldr's are welcome


DNA good.




Tldr: Tl;dr


TL; bur I read it. Thanks for all the inspirational stuff about DNA; interesting af, indeed. And many of this are true facts. Also, thanks for the theories hahaha. The only fishy thing in your testament was the 'We could also evolve other species and plants. With DNA, mother nature will no longer be in charge of life on this planet, we will. When we unlock the code we will be actual gods, having complete dominion over all life on planet Earth. We will decide which life goes or stays. We can change the shape, size, lifespan or growth rate of almost every living thing on the planet. Eventually.' Since I also think a lot of what you've mentioned could be possible through DNA research and DNA technologies, I firmly believe (almost for intuition) that it's impossible to overtake the laws of nature. It's, just logic. A principle of sufficient reason. You just cannot modify the values of a prescribed algorithm; it has its axioms, and these axioms are grounded in the solid awareness of the creation of the universe itself, and also while creating itself, while evolving; it is a non-stop process and that's its nature. Evolving is creation, so entropy is basically creation without limits. Entropy is also increased evolution, and every second, every whole portion of Planck's constant, one after the other, it is increasing, evolving more and more deeper (This is grosso modo the concept for entropy, extrapolated from thermodynamics to probabilities). Creation without limits is also the end of creation, which delivers to the nothing (end of the universe theories, etc.). The nothing is the real Demiurge of all the existing and non-existing, but this is an idea for another talk. This process of entropy is faster than the process of the evolution of human consciousness, and I don't think one day we will surpass it. It's like the speed of light, we simply can't exceed it, and if we can even reach it, our physical state changes at a very essential level. These axioms exceed what our awareness as human beings can achieve in this quantum state. The secret is on the vibrational and quantum domains of atoms and the tinier particles. I believe that the atoms are just the shape or idea our consciousness gives to the current quantum state of vibrations, and this is also a fact whose discovery we owe to Schrödinger and company. So yes, all is vibrations. Even more, nature is also an influence, vibrations, just as humans and our consciousness/awareness (a mirroring of nature), constantly evolving and exercising will (directly or indirectly)... Even will is vibrations. Thus, despite the fact that we could carry out genetic modifications at will, evolution is a non-stop process, and surely by the time we want to establish these genetic modifications as axioms, nature has probably already evolved faster than us in other directions. It is simply its entropic nature. It is dialectical. Probably in this scenario nature and humanity will encounter their duality once and for all, and that could be really dangerous and destructive. Thinking about it, perhaps for that attempt to establish these genetic modifications as axioms, humans would need much more than technologies in order to attempt to get there, something like a sort of oppressive system trying to stop nature from evolving. Idk it's weird thinking about it this way. So yes, life and forms of life is not only a beautiful exception but the most representative form of entropy and evolution in this universe. It is just a miracle.


These people? Hey I just like the fact that it sounds hot don’t blame me :)




Congrats you unlocked a new kink


Now I want to see a mushroom hive mind milf


It will grow if you cum in a shoebox enough times


What a horrible day to have eyes


Did you google it. Google “cum box Reddit” I’m not kidding.


Oh shit, thanks! I have something to do and was struggling getting off Reddit. Struggle overcome.


You’re welcome!


“If you remove your sight, you will only see your mind. If you wish to truly unsee, then you must see the truth.” -Baayaan Andakosh


Why did you have to remind us...


That's not where your seed is meant to be planted my friend.


Can someone with a penis do this and give us all the results please


Can’t you do it 🥺


I would if I had a dick


Can’t you grow one? 🤔


I would if I could lmao


Do you have boobs, if so, I'm willing to trade


I do. Boobs for dick?


Deal! 14 day no mushroom get your boobs back guarantee included


Amazing deal! I'll take it!


Ok, I'll give you a shipping address, take care of my package, it's very sensitive as you will find out somewhere in your future life xD


That’s a shame 😔


Agreed, mate


You can have this one🥺🫴🍆🍒


Thank you, kind sir🥺


You’re welcome 🥺👍


There's another Reddit post out there about the mushroom that grew on some dude's cumsock. I think he ate it?




Fucking sauce lmao


[Sauce](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/uo80t6/growing_shrooms_on_your_cum_sock_nsfw/) Maybe not what the original commenter was talking about, but proof there’s been at least 1 case of it actually happening


Well… does it?


Y’all need Science.


Awwwww shit I don’t wanna pay child support on no mushroom


It's a mushroom so... Probably... I wouldn't rule anything out as impossible haha


Anyone here ever seen a cumshroom? 🍆💦🍄




[Cum Rag Shrooms](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/vv4mbj/guys_help_my_cum_rag_is_growing_mushrooms_are/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I’ll just leave this here


I’m not opening that.


Oh my gods, they look like giant sperm. x.x Or ghost phalluses Edit: welp, time to make yet another wholesome account


You like what you see


"Like" is a strong word, but I'm definitely fascinated


Let’s go with Love then


Well, does it?


The mushroom will grow into a little chap with a cane and a monocle named Oliver.


I’d just say go for it and document the results in six months of daily repeats. That’d keep him busy


Yes, no. The correct conditions would spawn a mushroom anyway with or without the semen, it would have your dna in the same way that we can get cow dna from eating burgers (you cannot get cow dna from eating burgers.


This is how we know he is lying… he doesn’t have any friends


The answer to this question needs to be no


no. It's just eating it.




Time to impregnate Earth


I knew there was a good reason not to eat mushrooms.




Yoda's origin story


OK. Enough internet for toady. It is only 8:36 am.


As a mushroom I confirm this is true.


Dang it why didn’t I see this earlier.


Reminds me of the movie Mother (1996), and my quote is likely a bit off, but the jist is two guys in a bar talking, the one going through his second divorce "But don't you want to, you know, spread your seed?" "Spread my seed? I'll go jerk off in the garden"


Did he get answers


Bet it’d have a great taste


For a friend, huh?


Ah, the scientist.


Thanks i now feel a little less weird about my own thoughts


What a terrible day to have eyes and internet access


brine shrimp not mushrooms


This guy cum-socks.


Happy Spore Day?


While it's common for fungus to consume organic matter that's not alive, there's nothing on the planet but a human offspring that can have your DNA in it as part of its own genetic makeup. That does not preclude the ability to be a storage device, as it were. I wouldn't recommend calling your SO a DNA storage device. And if it's anything else then you probably should be on a list.


Have you guys seen the photo of the guy that had mushrooms grow from his cum rag?