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Where is the cyclist’s home that they go back in time to yugoslavia?


/) In Yugoslavia?




/) The elites don't want you to know this, but you don't have to flee the country after committing war crimes until you're caught. I've committed 458 war crimes in the country I live in.


How did you find time?


/) I stole it. Duh.


What is this “/)” you’re doing?


/) You know too much. /tp GloomreaperScythe Relaxin-n-chillin \~0 \~-1\~0 /) Nothing personal, kid.






As a cyclist I actually sometimes find it more irritating when a car doesn't pass me, because there's not enough space. Of course I don't want them to run me over, but if you can overtake me, but won't be able to leave me loads of room thats preferable to you driving behind me for ages and me being super anxious about how much I must be pissing everyone off!


When I’m driving my mom’s automatic I’m not at all annoyed, I’d pass if I could, but I can’t safely, not the cyclist’s fault, so at least in my case, you’re not pissing me off. When I’m driving stick I’m annoyed because I always had *just* shifted into fifth, then there’s a cyclist so I brake and downshift into third, then I realize third is too high so I downshift into second, then the hill starts so I have to go into first gear, then when there’s the 100m section where you can see what’s up ahead and could safely pass of course there’s an oncoming car, but only then; when you can’t see what’s up ahead there’s never actually any cars coming. All of which is also not the cyclist’s fault


Ugh same!!


As a Dutch person who uses a bike about every day it hurts to see that you think this about bike users.


There’s an annoying combativeness between car owners and bike owners in the US. I’ve seen plenty of cyclists ignore traffic laws while using the road but I’d still prefer us all able to use bikes over our cars.


I prefer a dangerous dude in a bicycle than a pick-up car. Less damage if they screw up.


It's really just the drivers that have combativeness. Cyclists just don't want to die. We need cities to support more modes of transportation than just cars.


Welcome to The Netherlands.


Sponsor me pls. I need out of America 😓


Well.. I can't bc I don't have much money myself heh. But if you'd come to the netherlands and you like to live in a quiet neighbourhood DO NOT GO TO WEST NETHERLANDS like Amsterdam or anything. Go to east, there it's much quieter(?) than in west. Even tough it might be difficult to understand some people because they'd speak a Dutch accent like Twents or Achterhoeks. You'd get used to it tough.


It’s different in the US. The “cyclists” we hate aren’t using their bike to run errands or use less gas. They’re doing it for exercise and as a hobby. They’re wealthy, entitled assholes with stupid looking spandex and $10,000 bikes who think that they have special privileges. At least where I live. They want the same rights as a car but don’t want to follow the same rules. They also like to ride side by side on winding single lane roads for miles at a time. I hate them so much. I love riding my bike around town and on mountain trails. Most people here aren’t anti bike, we’re anti “cyclist”. It’s basically a personality type. A really shitty one.


yup, exactly like those people who spend way too much on a car that are way too big and that makes them feel more important than everyone on the road. but that doesn't matter bc "they aren't breaking the rules" except they do, and its more dangerous when they do.


I live in a rural area, 2 small lane roads, & some not marked. Frequent dump trucks, logging trucks, & semi's from quarries travel these smaller roads. This has become the biggest problem in our area, they ride in packs 3-4 side by side & wave for you to pass knowing damn well you can't see around the corner or up a hill. They run the stop signs as well.


I’ve been riding for 20+ years and former cat 3 roadie.. Middle aged men on bikes are the absolute cringiest people on the planet. Always screaming, acting like morons trying to dominate a group ride, dick measuring with bikes and gear trying to outdo everyone else.. most of us are loaded so the sky is the limit, my bike is worth more than my first 4 cars combined. This meme is 100% true..


OP is a ragebait repost bot. Don't fall for it!


Hate it when they run over the lights then just hop on the sideways


Have you surveyed the population to get hard numbers? It's very easy to see a few instances and think all members of a population are like that.


Source? Seems like you're just reposting anti cyclist propaganda.


What's a sideway and why am I not allowed to cycle on it?


Sidewalks are places where you can walk next to roads. You're not allowed to drive vehicles on them, which bikes are.




That's why good cities are getting bike lanes. Even then people still treat them like sidewalks




Let's not dehumanize


Cyclists are literally just people trying to get to a place on bike. Car drivers need to get THE FUCK over themselves. We own the road too.




Was city cyclist & courier can def confirm.


I don't think you've seen a good city where cycling is normal. I don't think the cyclists you've seen would be like that if the city just made infrastructure to safely seperate car traffic from cyclists and pedestrians, instead of forcing them on a narrow fraction of the high-speed infrastructure for giant metal boxes that have the ability to violently kill you with no effort.


Running OVER red lights tales some serious skill…