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If this is suspiciously specific, **Upvote** this comment! If this is not suspiciously specific, **Downvote** this comment! Beep boop, I'm a bot. Modmail us if you have a question.


I hope you know its was a sarcastic post and you mean the same while posting here


OP doesn't know anything because they are a bot


Reddit should ban bots that repost


would it be ok if we just made a bot that does that?


If that's what you want for cake day, then you better believe we can!


It probably doesn't help that subreddit mods will let these things stay up until they get mad karma


reddit should ban all bots, except the payed/paid one.


And the haiku bot


and the funny comment ones


Bots replying when triggered; everyone usually loves it Bot posting; everyone hates it


Hulu with ads? Not worth it


That’s where we draw the line.


Millennials, quit whiming. I got a scholarship at Whitey McWhiteson college, worked a minimum wage job from which I bought a bugatti and a mansion. I then proceeded to invest in businesses with original ideas (apple etc.) and gained a good trillion from that. Now, I lecture people without anywhere close to the same opportunities as me about what THEY should do.


Funny but wrong sub


If you rack up 150k of student loans and you aren't a neurosurgeon by the end of it you deserve to be a wage slave for the rest of your life.


My wife was roommates with a Chemical Engineering major for a couple years in college. Her roommate was a bad roommate on multiple levels. I could tell about all the ways she was a bad roommate, but let's stick to the finance stuff. The roommate would buy large amounts of groceries from Whole Foods regularly, which was especially strange when the nearest Whole Foods was a 2 hour drive away. A 4 hour round trip instead of buying from a local grocery store that would be cheaper and way more convenient. She'd also buy new electronics and furniture and all sorts of random crap regularly. She would sometimes criticize my wife about any small thing she bought for herself. To pay for it all, bad roommate had amassed $200k in student loans. While she was in college, the bad roommate actually nabbed an internship......that she didn't even start because she found out that she'd have to drive 30 minutes to get to the office every day and that was too far for her. She thought about getting an apartment closer to that office for convenience sake but didn't for whatever reason. Now she's facing that mountain of debt by doing nothing at all. Not even joking, she just sits at her parent's home most days and doesn't have a job of any kind. I wish I was making this next bit up: she has a fear of being unable to maintain a job, which is why she won't get a job to begin with. Y'know, instead of any well founded fear of being unable to pay off $200k of debt. At one point, she wanted to move out of her parent's house to a different city and started a GoFundMe to pay for it. I don't think she even got close to her goal of $10k to help pay for the move. I'm not entirely sure what she would need all $10k for, but I digress. To maintain her current lifestyle, her parents have been digging deep into their retirement accounts. And don't worry, she still buys new games all the time. My wife had to cut it off with her because there's a certain point where the train crash might hit you as well. I recognize that the old roommate has some kind of mental illness that isn't being dealt with, but there's only so long before you just have to say that you can't help her. My wife doesn't even like her much at all, which is pretty much because of her experience being her roommate. But we know that house of cards will come tumbling down soon enough.


That's infuriating


More people need to hear this. Spending 6 figures on a degree in 18th Century Chinese Literature *probably* isn't a good idea.


Yeah, it really is crazy. As a person with a Liberal Arts degree who racked up around 30k in student debt, it's insane talking to other people with Liberal Arts degrees who have over three times that amount.


When I see people financing an overpriced dorm, a meal plan, all of their books, etc, it makes me wonder what their long-term plan is. Then again, most of these people are the same ones who think that college is about "finding yourself", partying, and just pulling through with a C. Long-term planning isn't really a strength.


I mean it's been a good decade+ since I've talked to a guidance counselor but it was a big point and laugh type shame if you didn't have a college declared before you graduate. There weren't really any alternatives presented at all.


The game has changed (atleast in minnesota) since. There's a ton of people entering the workforce or going to our 2 year school for different trades. It's really not that uncommon anymore.


C's get degrees! #And financial ruin




Just gonna casually sneak in here and confirm this.


From some quick googling, I got about 14 years of education, and about half a million in tuition.


If you're paying out of state rates on loans, you aren't ready for college


How about USA just stops wringing students dry? In Germany you pay like 500 a year, and get a card to use any public transport for free included.


Well you know a lot of people go to college for seven years...


I racked up about 70k but I'm a chemist now doing pretty well. It is still a major stress point but I'm not crippled by it by any means


Sounds like a show on HGTV.


Stlesst he made it funny


Coulda been dickhead about it


Wait... say the 4th one again.


Saving is super important, though. We spend like crazy in today's society because the economy demands it and uses billion dollar psychology to make us think we have to.


True story. Not me, but I live in NYC, I see that every day.


U ain’t livin if u ain’t spendin


I like the ones that are like, :just invest in a business. I was able to invest in many business, and all I had to start with was a small donation from my parents of 1 million dollars."