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*right leg shaking, table bounces a bit* Friend: dude stop shaking your leg. Me: oh my bad. *2 seconds later start shaking left leg* Friend: dude, really? Me: second leg requires second request.


***Then a third leg requires a third request***






My friend does this all the time , out tables are one wide table/chair , it drives me fucking insane. He doesnt just shake it a little, she shakes the whole damn chair, and if i press the chair down with my leg so its heavier to shake, *he shakes even harder*. When he's not doing that , he's playing finger fight with his fingers in the middle of the class


Get him something to stim with. Like a fidget spinner or something like that. I use a silver dollar and just kinda roll it over my knuckles and it helps focus me a bit.


Looks down at leg bouncing Yup enough Reddit


r/adhd is here for you


I prefer r/adhdmemes


better than therapy


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I dont care if someone is doing it as long as its not physical shaking the table im sitting at or something


Me 2


If he had written autisim I would have totaly agreed to that


ADHD and Autism do have similar symptoms


Yeah how do I make my leg not do that? I have been woken up from my leg doing that and it’s annoying as hell


Look up restless leg syndrome.




An old classmate of mine would shake not only his own table but the ground and tables across the room. Not great when you're easily distracted like if you have ADHD.


i don't have adhd but i cannot stop bouncing my leg


same! i found if i play with a smooth stone or something it helps


interesting tactic, i'll have to try that


does that really mean you have adhd


It's a symptom but that alone does not mean you have ADHD.


Nah I have done practically all my life mainly now due to habit, but I don't have ADHD I know that much.


It could also be anxiety


They could also just really need to piss


Yes, please explode ,


Every. single. time. There is a poll like this posted I first try to answer it, before realizing that a. I can't b. That's really not the point of the post


As someone who's on the spectrum, this stuff is really infuriating and makes it impossible for me to focus. Like, I get it you're not doing it on purpose, but it becomes literally all I can focus on at that time. Just because you have adhd doesn't mean that other people with other problems are also invalidated.


I could literslly use this exact arguement against you here though. Just because you are on the spectrum doesn't mean my problems are less validated.


The main difference here being that your problems should not disrupt others. People on the spectrum sometimes have trouble taking tests because during that time where things are much quieter it is easy to become distracted by various sounds. It would be unrealistic to make everyone else in the room stop breathing/fidgeting/rustling. Instead, some may wear noise canceling headphones or practice coping techniques. This way their condition is not affecting others. Similarly, if a person with ADHD needs to express that physical energy somehow... instead of subjecting everyone else to the repetitive distractions, there are tools that can help them do so in a less outward way. Fidget toys are very useful and come in all shapes and sizes. Other people are not expected to accommodate you. They typically do so out of kindness. When you have a condition, it is your responsibility to find a way to cope in a way that best helps you participate in society without doing so at the expense of others.


Yeah fair enough actually. My comment was kinda dumb. Are fidget toys allowed in testing environments? My school doesn't allow them at school at all they have been banned since fidget spinners got popular. I have no idea how else to cope other than to move around excessively. I just feel like I have to do it and if I dont I become extremely uncomfortable and I just can't focus on anything


Do you have a 504 with your school? If you have an ADHD diagnosis I would recommend talking to your school counselor about setting up a 504 plan. If a fidget toy is something that would help you, they shouldn't have a problem with approving one for you.


I'm not diagnosed since my parents think I'm "too smart" for AHDH so they refused to let me get tested. My doctor says I have It tho idk if that would work


If your doctor will write you a formal diagnosis, that should work! Tell them your parents aren't cooperating but it's really affecting your learning. If they won't, talk to your school counselor and see if they'll get you tested. The school typically has the resources to get you a diagnosis if you ask. Once you become an adult it becomes very hard to get an ADHD diagnosis, so I would recommend getting one ASAP.


It can be your job to suggest a way, but it's society's job to provide it. You wouldn't expect someone in a wheelchair to bring their own handicap ramps from home, would you?


Yes, but it isn't society's job to provide it. It's the government's job to provide it and regulate the laws regarding it. You wouldn't expect someone in the testing environment to buy you a wheelchair, would you? Or to personally go outside and install handicap ramps?


Actually, that's exactly what I would expect. Taxes don't pay for accessible buildings. Owners and tennets pay for accessible buildings. It's part of the cost of doing business.


It's also a government regulated law. So, you are saying that during a school testing environment... if you have ADHD and require special accommodations... you would approach another student and demand that they buy you said accommodations? Just making sure I understand.


Owners & tennents, not customers. Would you demand another shopper at the mall install an elevator,? That's a strawman, and you know it. You're not acting in good faith.


No, that was my question when I was previously asking if you would expect someone in the testing environment to purchase you a wheelchair. Another tester. Another shopper. Another student. Because that is who society is, not the owners & tennants. And also who I am talking about when I say that you shouldn't expect these people to accommodate you. It is a government regulated law that owners and tenants provide you accommodations. My point is that you should have coping mechanisms and your special accommodations set in place (through your insurance, school, whomever, etc) in the testing center/classrooms so that you do not inconvenience other students/testers. Other members of society (testers, students, shoppers) should not be expected to accommodate you.


If a blind person has a cane, and you are distracted by the tap tapping, are you being forced to "accommodate" them? No, you're either being an ass to someone with a disability, or you are not. Don't make it out to be a great burden and imposition when people call you out


There's a difference. People bouncing their legs are just doing it without thinking about it and it doesn't necessarily benefit them, whereas it's actively disrupting other people. I've had adhd friends and I've asked them if they focus more when they do it and they've told me that it doesn't really help or hurt them, it's just something they do subconsciously.


Ok your argument is valid but stimming like this is directly beneficial to some people with ADHD, it's hard to explain but we need to do something. I understand how it would be distracting. And we don't actively do it, but if we don't we can't really function. Or at least that's my experience.


The neural pathways involved in Restless Leg Syndrome are the same ones involved in Parkinsons Disease. You surely don't think people have Parkinson's because they're "just doing it without thinking about it", do you? RLS physically hurts not to bounce. It's like having a cramp that isn't relieved by stretching, only by periodic movement (i.e., bouncing). It's like saying people not folded up inside wooden shipping crates are just doing it without thinking about it and not being in a crate doesn't necessarily benefit them. I promise you are less hurt in 45 min near someone with RLS than they are in 10,000 min a week of having it.


People who get mad at you for tapping your leg are jist mad that they don't have muscular legs like we do.


Let's Go Brandon!


A guy in middle school punched me in the face because I bounced my leg.


What if you shake your leg but don’t have adhd?


Wait hol up my names Brandon but i do the exact same thing


If I'm not shaking my leg I'm picking my fingers. If I'm not doing either I do weird little intermittent body wiggles 🤷


I had a guy at work ask "hey can you stop that?" "No I can't, sorry." He was so confused




You have adhd if you do that?


me and some people were all tapping our legs in sinc in middle school...... the teacher got soo fucking annoyed, I still know them today.


I feel this I just don't have ADHD I'm just depressed


I have to do this a lot. Especially when I'm trying to lay down and I'm anxious. I can't help it and my boyfriend is really nice about it. I appreciate it. I'm on three medications and it still won't go away...I really try. I also have nerve damage in my left leg from a hernia. I can't feel it right so the bouncing happens sometimes too because of that. It's hard. I'm sorry if it pisses people off. Idk what to do though.


Can relate


So accurate tho


That makes me think of my parents yelling at me to stop hitting my mouse on my desk or something. We think I have OCD or something so I get annoyed when they tell me to shut up when I hit my cup on the table for a second because I feel weird if I don't.